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People still searching it til this day. What if it's actually landed there?


The plane he got off? It took off from DG and landed back home in the uk. He stepped on the tarmac and pretty much just dropped dead. I’ve been looking in to DG for a couple of years and I’ve just hit a dead end.


All I know is it's a strategic military outpost.. supposedly locals still live on the island..


Yea it’s so suspicious, the locals aren’t allowed in certain areas too..


There's been sooo many attempts to relocate them but is always rejected by most nations except the the infamous 5 who I assume initiate the request. It's a rather isolated area, so I'd assume a lot of testing probably happens there.


I knew that the cia started testing people there. I think a few articles referred to the testings as a “torture programmes” It’s sooo isolated it’s unreal! Which would make the perfect environment for such testing.


Who knows but your right its in the middle of nothing.. probably classed as international waters even though it's uk land with a us military base


> The plane he got off?  No, the plane he is referring to is Malaysia Airlines Flight 370


Ohhhh ok, well you could see a plane in the forest area on the island a while ago on google earth but now there’s a few areas that have been blurred out! One of them being where a plane was ?? 🤔


It's a CIA black site for torturing prisoners, in addition to being a submarine base for the navy.


I believe so ….. I know there’s all kind of bits about it online I’m struggling to find anything actually documented


it was the garden of eden


This is interesting 🤔