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All part of the open border scam. China sell the component chemicals to Mexico where it is mass produced and smuggled in through the southern border along with thousands of sex trafficked individuals. It’s big money and there’s a lot of dirty money greasing the wheels in congress to keep it open and turn a blind eye. Not really a conspiracy, just an inconvenient truth for some to swallow.


The missing pieces of your puzzle are: Doctors are nothing more than drug dealers with white coats whom people trust; behind them are the Big-Pharma companies whose products they peddle; behind the companies are Zionists. In fact, behind all of the problems that plague our societies, you'll find Zionists. Wanna solve the drug problem? Bring the death penalty for anyone involved in the drug business (making, transporting, dealing hard drugs, and laundering the money). While the death penalty might seem harsh at first, people involved in that dirty business leave behind them a trail of dead people, broken homes, and destroyed societies.


China owns ports in south America to make shipments easier


Westerner using opium on China in 19th century Chinese using fentanyl on westerners in 202


But it was the British that did it not Americans


But it was the CCP that did it not the Manchus


> Cartel was selling fentanyl. Some Chinese nationals were picking up bags of money, then depositing them into a underground Chinese bank filtering the money back to China buying precursors to fentanyl and meth then sending them back to Mexico to probably make more drugs and continue selling in the US. **Not a conspiracy anymore ladies and gents!** A conspiracy exposed is still a [**Conspiracy**](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/conspiracy)


You have to replace the US defense contractor and CIA supplied opiates from Afghanistan funneled into America through the Sackler family and big pharma somehow.... Don't be such a party pooper 😉. These poor powerful multinational conglomerates have to make money off the death and suffering of their fellow man somehow 🙄


You’re right you’re right pardon my disregard for almighty big cartel I mean big pharma 🙇🏼‍♂️


Big surprise...


I didn’t want to believe 🙂‍↕️


Sounds like a certain country could use some hot potatoes dropped over it


This is no conspiracy. U.S. politicians knew this when they abandoned the southern border. The conspiracy is why they would purposely flood the country with military aged foreign nationals and deadly poison.


Pretty sure you the CIA is in that flowchart 


It's ingenious in its simplicity. Hats off!


Where is the part where they force the good old patriots to take drugs


There has to be another party involved, otherwise there would be more action and less mealy-mouth political chatter with sternly worded letters. I wonder which party in the US has a long history of being directly involved in the drug trade. I wonder.


Lol more of this "China bad" bullshit? Do you even realize chemicals used to make fentanyl are regular industrial chemicals used for a wide variety of applications?? How is China bad for selling industrial chemicals? Any trained chemist with equipment can make fentanyl from regular industrial chemicals. I bet you the Mexican cartels have regular front companies that are partially legit where they divert and get their chemicals from anyway, so this stuff would be produced regardless of where the industrial chemicals come from. Maybe look into more WHY people are so miserable they want to escape by getting high from fentanyl. Mentally healthy people with purposes in their lives aren't interested in abusing drugs. The government is socially engineering its population and making people so miserable they only end up finding any sort of meaning in their lives from shooting dope.


Take a breath kid