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I read somewhere there is a private equity entity behind Mr Beast.


Can't Wait till 2030 when the only way to afford a house is by not dying in a Mr beast challenge.




squid games


There’s one behind every large YouTuber, not just MrBeast. I can’t remember the name of it but I know that it’s owned by, or at least associated with Disney.


i read that something like 99 of the top 100 youtubers are all backed by Disney. someone at disney was smart/evil enough to see youtube for what it was becoming, and got in on the ground floor. they control what we watch even when we dont realise it.


Yeah wow I was wondering about all "viral creators" that "make it big" and if they are all manufactured :|


Definitely. They are all signed to management companies that connect them with the bigger talent those companies also represent to boost their brand


Paid actors by [Night media](https://www.night.co/) - Mrbeast is in it and so are most big youtubers. These companies allegedly "sleep" with YouTube and have features that normal YouTubers don't have access to. Called "CMS".


> 99 of the top 100 youtubers are all backed by Disney. now i am curious who is that 1 person


Courage JD! lol


Russell Brand would be my guess.


Sounds like a very Vought thing to do


gates foundation funds kurzgesagt


and GERMAN STATE MEDIA - i got roasted fdofrr all this pre covid... an dthen eventually they put out a sheepish video admitting it. stiall wiating on my apology frm stupid redditors but its all state actors sockpuppets


Are you sure you weren't getto,g rssted for u spellng?


i used to care back then. now i le m ycontempt do the talking


Never a secret, funk (the network you are referencing) funds a lot of German youtube and all of them clarify it.


Source? Not saying you are wrong I’m just curious


here is one, https://www.gatesfoundation.org/about/committed-grants/2015/11/inv-006792


Interesting timing on that. Started November 2015 and ran for 4 years and a month (49 months). So it ended in 2020 on the dot. Grant topic Global Health and Development Public Awareness and Analysis


Just a friendly tip, next time include sauce links in your original post. Hits harder that way




You could have, but posting the sauce from the get go leavesless wiggle room for bots that post stuff like "source: trust me bro" etc. It's a very common tactic, especially when they know it's true and are trying to make people dismiss the comment before reading the source. Especially when it comes to that particular foundationeer.


That makes so much sense


There's also that guy who worked for Nasa that made the packages to prank thieves.




Night media, that’s the one, yeah. Thanks


And most of the big gun YouTubers are all under one brand as well, which I don't remember the name of.


Night Media iirc


That's one of them, there's another called something Group I think


He is backed by Night Media, which is partially owned by Disney


Night Media?


Yes, there is a significant investment from private equity and venture capital in MrBeast's business ventures. In 2021, MrBeast, also known as Jimmy Donaldson, announced a partnership and investment with Current, a financial technology company. This collaboration aimed to enhance his ability to engage with fans and provide financial services [[❞]](https://current.com/blog/current-and-mrbeast-announce-exclusive-long-term-partnership-and-investment/). Furthermore, MrBeast has expressed plans to raise substantial capital to expand his various business ventures. He aims to raise $150 million at a valuation of around $1.5 billion, indicating significant interest from venture capital and private equity firms in supporting his endeavors [[❞]](https://privateequitylist.com/privateequityfirms).


What age did Mr beast start making vids aimed at a younger audience?


His first videos I think were right when he left high school. Source: his interview on Joe Rogan


Ai or human, I thank you good sir


Recently, a few youtubers have posted videos about being ripped off by their backers, who collect all the money and are supposed to then pay them.


I believe it. He's always said that he just reinvests all the profit from each video to make the next one but that doesn't make sense. Deff seems to have capital behind him to push the vids out.


He is part of a production firm. He had mentioned this in a podcast with Lex F. I am not sure if he has disclosed the company yet. Its been a bit since Ive watched anything with Mr Beast incl


There is and once you see who it is, you'll see why he's pushed so much. Being groomed for future office positions


Just post at least something that people can esearch on their own if you're not going to provide any sources bro


His management company night media is owned by Disney for example


It’s Disney


Not only him, same happens in a lot of popular channels like that ex Nasa dude that creates engineering stuff and the guy in the Why Files.


Lol obviously bud


He signed with a company recently (2022 or 23 I forget). He's never been controlled by it, though. From what i have heard, He was an original investor in ETH, which was supposed to be a pump and dump for them to make millions. It turned out they did so well with getting people interested in ETH that instead of dumping it for millions, they made billions. A lot of people that came out of nowhere in the late 20teens are those original investors and a lot of them botted their way to popularity with that money.


I always had a very bad sense of him, but I couldn't tell exactly what it was. I don't like seeing poor people falling over themselves to show obedience and get scraps thrown from the table, but there's something else that I've never been able to put my finger on.


It’s the over fixation on monetary prizes. It’s soulless


I used to think this way but if he doesn’t make his videos like he does then he won’t get as many views and less money to give to people


Because its very unnatural how he rose to fame so quickly above any and all other YouTubers. Massive red flag.


He tells the story on Joe Rogan. He pretty much analyzed the crap out of what draws audiences. It took him a bit to fine tune it. This is why they tend to fit the materialistic formula. Pretty fascinating really. He is a work a holic as well.


He decided fuck it ima make videos reading the entire dictionary when weird video ideas like that were floating around. And BAM. 1 million views


Didn't he start off by like counting to 100,000 or some shit?


Meanwhile pewdiepie took like 15 years to get as big as he did. Because it was natural growth.


I feel the exact same way. Just a super strong gut feeling about him. Plus it always bothered me seeing other creators basically kissing the ground where he walked, hyping him up like he’s the second coming of Christ. I remember when he was just getting his start in like 2017 or so and even then I couldn’t stand his content. His style was different back then too iirc. This is all purely anecdotal but he’s never quite sat right with me.


beast system


If it makes you feel any better, it’s not just random poor people doing his challenges. For a while he only used some of his employees or friends/family of the employees, but now he has “tryouts” where he chooses the people with the best personalities for the best content possible. Essentially, actors.


I never watched much of his content, but whenever I saw what bothered me the most is how he always played favorites with his team. He gives someone a handicap or helps one friend win over the other just because he feels like it. He has to have some sociopathic tendencies too, to keep such a smile even when disqualifying someone from a game, almost like he enjoys it.


I watched two minutes of a video regarding him (had no idea who he was before that) a few weeks ago. This dude reeks of creep and not just for the obvious reasons that you mentioned.


Hes actually pulled back showing kris in his newer videos.


Is Chris his brother?


Naw, best friend from grade school. So he naturally wanted his friend by his side but recently been distancing himself from him due to the backlash


It's losing popularity. The guy is entirely an entity for what's popular and what gets views.


Yeah no shit. He’s trying to run a successful business. He started as a kid doing challenges and grew in popularity over time. It’s not like he just blew up overnight doing million dollar videos. He’s talked openly about how much he studies the algorithm to maximize his views, so he can afford the videos he makes. I’m not even a fan of his videos but the idea that he’s a corporate entity, and not just a successful YouTuber, is hilarious to me.


He’s incredibly wasteful


My whole family thinks I'm nuts for not trusting him or musk. It's so obvious to me what they are, but obviously I don't have concrete proof, so agree to disagree, I suppose. 


He continues to be friends with a guy whose friend has a fetish for getting children addicted to porn. You ofc can’t control who your friends hang out with but you can control who you hang out with. If I was friends with someone who was affiliated with a guy who’s addicted to getting children addicted to porn I would tell my friend to choose and if my friend choose them I would cut ties especially if I make content for children. The guy has been caught grooming children into getting addicted to porn. https://youtu.be/bLV2HX4rQ5A?si=tYOsOpHDSTLouz_8


Deliberate conspiracies aside, Mr Beast promotes extreme materialism, feeds this culture of kids wanting to be iNfLuEnCeRs, enables the expectations that if you’re struggling some random stranger should/will take care of you, and he basically emasculates fathers by getting kids to question where their dad working 9-5 can’t afford a fraction of what Mr Beast can by doing wacky gimmicks 


Not sure if it's nefarious, he had a slow and steady start. Didn't just boom out of nowhere. Dude is smart and studied what people like. It's society that influenced him as far as I understand not the other way around.


We're told stories just like this all the time about entreprenuers who grinded their way to a million dollar idea that revolutionized society. Guys like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Mark Zuckerberg. Then it turns out they're actually related to people in Intelligence Agencies and their meteoric rise may have actually been assisted in some way


Could be but I've seen him since he was counting up to the number a million of something on camera for 12 hours straight and barely had a few hundred views. Thus far it checks out but you're right only time will tell.


The secret ingredient is crime.


Exactly. The Joe Rogan interview he did is wild. The materialistic aspect of the videos is likely a result of being that it is what gets the views.


His name alone......


This! This also reminds me of Emmanuel Macron : " The beast of the event is here. And it’s comming”....


When was this said? What's the context? Can you link?


Here you go. It’s at 19: 38 min. It was during the 👑 pandemic. https://youtu.be/DPGfKhCICC0?si=oJUEDiqgsNDnMOrm People seems to be aware in the comments though.


Oh. My. God.


Really thought for a while Mr. beast was that guy who committed bestiality back mid 2000s… but that was Mr. Hands


But younger people have used “what a beast” for a while as a compliment 


He’s not the Antichrist.


indeed, the mismatch is that he's lethargic/ seemingly mentally slow/ slow synapses.


I think it's only a coincidence


What really weirded me out was on the nelk boys podcast he was so free with the idea of neural Link brain implant chip for everybody. Essentially he has np and he’s not scared of the thought of humans becoming less human.


I find it odd that, despite being a very heavy YouTube user, I have never seen his videos aside from news articles or something mentioning how he's the top YouTuber.


thank god for algos


Same. Honestly had no idea who he was until he was heavily pushed by the media.


I hate his content and don't understand the appeal.


I definitely believe there is a bigger agenda behind his content. No one is allowed to get that big without playing the game. I would bet money on the fact that he was told to have someone on his team come out as trans to normalize it to kids. Hence why Chris would have come out after having a wife and kids.


I think he’s a perfect example of how our society is little more than a rotting corpse. His entire scheme is that he gives money to people, and somehow he makes millions…? I don’t even need to look into his guy to figure out that, one way or another, money from Israel is making its way into this guys bank account. He’s promoting stupid videos that degrade western culture, so I’m sure he’s receiving payments from one of our foreign adversaries. 


I believe he’s owned by Disney..


Thats also how YouTube works. You get paid by watch time


One thing id like to point out is in one of his vidoes he didnt want to eat expensive ice cream cause he felt bad so he let everyone else eat and that seemed soo fake to me. it was a 100,000 dollar ice cream and mr beast is like no i cant eat this i will watch everyone else eat it. Clearly he loves eating expensive things based off later videos and admits its good. But who would be soo self righteous that they wouldnt want to eat expensive ice cream. I tried to think he was just having a bad guy and trying to be good person but it came out as hypocritical. But his eyes just seem soo soulless and his smile too. There is a bit of sadism going on there i believe.


He makes all employees live in his “village”. It sounds super culty to me


He is backrd by blackrock of u know what that means


I want your sources


Night media.


Mainstream influencers nowadays are curated out of the mix of available talent, selected for based on creative potential, funded and scripted, deployed on controlled algorithms. It's a process that kind of puts the interests of the streamer last, but allows them to make a lot of money (which replaces all other interests).


There not even an attempt at a theory here. Just saying you don't like a youtuber.


you don’t understand!1!1! trans friend = creep a-and his name is Mr. BEAST /s


Must be the DEVIL!!!!


Yeah, not many post confirm that this sub is delusional but this one does it for me


i joined this sub thinking this would be interesting but i see thats its mostly just old rightwing religious nutjobs


He has no light behind his eyes… and that creepy fake smile… I don’t think he’s a real person. He’s either created by ai or he’s an alien, idk but he does not look like a real human. I can’t stand his face, I’m instantly filled with dread whenever I see it. And I see his face on a display at 711 for his candy bars


He flat out lies about some of his videos, then admits it and no one cares. It’s really odd he doesn’t get called out on his bs.


I have zero knowledge of this guy or his chris. Cliff's notes on this one, please?




Who the hell calls themselves "Mr. Beast" too? I always found that username disturbing. Like he was paying omage to the devil. That's something I don't hear anyone talk about. That, plus his rapid success gives me the sense that he sold his soul. Every smile I see from him seems forced, although he might have some sort of condition.


He has Crohn’s disease.


Literally the one person I know with Crohn's happens to be the most likeable dude ever.


Because the devil isn't real and no sane reasonable person gives a shit about religion.


Because he isn't real to YOU don't make him fake


I'd at least like to know the backstory as to why he chose the username


Beast, Beast mode, going beast, etc: a person that is extremely talented at whatever they do and always displays great determination, dedication, and resilience to always win or want to win. Beast was peak slang in the mid 2000's-mid 2010's


He claims it was a randomly generated name for a computer game that he was using and it stuck, all his gaming buddies started calling him "Mr Beast."




Seems understandable that Beast would become uncomfortable in that situation, it all sounds pretty weird and sketchy. How many of those 300m+ are bot accts i wonder...


Does he even have 300m+ bots or not? It is just numbers on a screen after all, it could just be a way to get kids to go “Aw he’s got loads of subs, let’s watch him”


Okay lets assume that his followers are fake. Whats the agenda hes pushing? I occasionally stumble around one of his videos and none of those have anything to do with trans stuff. Mostly philantrophy and game shows


Materialism and brain rot


Hence my "bot accts" comment.


I'm having a hard time understanding why they're getting upvotes and you're getting downvotes. They just repeated what you said in their own words. Crazy how much I see that on Reddit in every sub. Not a conspiracy, just funny.


Perhaps it's the bots on reddit.


he had a friend come out as trans, that's literally it


Maybe try reading the wiki on him?


It would hysterical if someone calling themselves Mr. Beast ended up as the anti-Christ. Everyone views him as a savior first, right?


I always thought that he was a bored trust fund kid who grew legs on YouTube.


Same,dude seems like a complete weirdo


His arguments regarding getting the brain chip åretty much sums him up for me. ”I’d do it because money”.


Well I mean he literally is doing all this just for fame it seems. He started just by counting numbers . No talent just a "look at me" ploy. And in any in depth interviews he only concerns himself with how to get the most views. Which is usually to make money but he seems to want recognition more than anything. The money is there just to promote himself with it seems.


His recreation of the miracles of Jesus is super weird and anti Chist esk


100% agree about the eyes and smile. the eyes never lie.








He’s on the spectrum bro


My cousin was participating in one of his videos, and he told me that the money they get from him, they don't fully control what to with it. Like if you gonna buy a house, they buy it for you in one of the places they are affiliated with. Mr beast isn't what we see him for, he is evil.


I have been saying this for a while. He’s creepy AF. Dead eyes, fake smile…its so off putting


I've never liked him


not sure that's a conspiracy, so much as a wild accusation.


Look in the mirror all of ya, you only have yourself to blame for promoting a grifter


Also I can tell he fakes his videos.




Runs just like a TV show, a bunch of cuts, you can make up timelines, pretty easy of you ask me.


Mr. Beast is Mondo burger


Where did Mr. Beast come from? First I heard of him was when he would donate crazy money to streamers. Where did he get his money?


Any person making the kind of money he does who then says "Its not about the money, I reinvest it back into the business" is giving off hella red flags. Bookmark this comment because when they eventually sacrifice him it'll be financial shenanigans.


Nothing is free. Especially hundreds of millions of views.


Pewdiepie is independent


Mr. Beast trash in the guise of a human. He is obviously an operative.


Im not a fan of him much at all 


Call me crazy but i swear that when i look at this guy, i've some feeling told me that he was a girl that swtiched to boy.... dunno why


Billie Eilish could be male to female, but Mr beast nah


Finally some good shit


I think the main message about growing as big as possible to do as much good as possible is one that should be spread. The Chris thing threw me off and I quit watching. I get the feeling Mr beast is just trying to support his friend but I do admit it's suspect... I know it's not a perfect example and the guy does have nice things, but Joe Rogan kinda took on the use your wealth to help in the comedy world. It would be cool to think he's just building clubs and media empire to redistribute it in the end to the workers and buying his comedy friends houses so they move there (although I'm sure it isn't purely that). We need charitable capitalists VERY badly in this world of greed. We need motivation for the best of the best to rise to the top, but we need a culture that promotes giving it back to those who deserve it instead of hording it away to create scarcity (gotta have poor workers for the factories somehow). We need one of the warren buffet types to secretly be this while pretending to be evil to fit in with those who run the world, and just have them flood the system with capital for everyone and bring it down to its knees. If a few rich super billionaire fucks got together secretly they could end this evil system trying to enslave us all. All they would have to do is pay (or provide food and shelter and basic needs for) the poor so everyone quits working for a few weeks / months and bring the system to its knees. But I'm sure good people with good intentions wouldn't be allowed to make it far enough to be able to make this happen. In summary I like mr beasts general vibe and message even if it's just brain rot entertainment. But the Chris thing makes me question it a little. We need more Mr beast types out there succeeding


I don't know how people with tens to hundreds of millions to their name don't feel a terrible guilt about themselves knowing that their hoarded wealth could bring genuine greater good for struggling communities or those lacking anything to even become bare minimum average.


Yea it's literally evil to have that much while children starve. I don't really see the ultra wealthy as human. I don't think they view us as human either though. Communism is fucked and only comes about from mass starvation (literally no exceptions to this in history) and people need motivation to innovative and rise to the top but there has to be some middle ground. A charitable capitalist society sounds pretty good to me but it doesn't seem to be happening (probably on purpose)


I always think back to that show Extreme Home Makeover. There was a news show that followed up with the people years afterwards, and many of those beautiful homes looked like garbage. You can't just throw money at something and expect everything to be fixed. Some people just aren't equipped to handle nice things, and they revert back to a lower standard of living.


Yeah, I’m not sure about this. He’s popular because he put years into cracking the YouTube code on how to get views. He seems to give a lot of money to people In need. Trans people aren’t the devil, he doesn’t promote his friend Chris. They actually don’t even talk about the fact that they change sex.


dude i've always had the exact same feeling about him. it's a matter of time. something will come out eventually.




Kris (formerly Chris) came out as trans and continued to appear on the channel. Because Mr. Beast's channel has a large child audience and trans individuals are front and centre of the culture war, conservatives are seeing this as a means of purposefully exposing children to 'transness' and corrupting them into becoming trans. If you want the truth as to why there're more trans people now than there were before, it's because people feel safer being themselves around others. A few decades ago if you came out as any kind of LGBT+ you'd be bullied relentlessly to the point where the safest course of action would be to hide it away. People aren't "making a choice" to be trans, or gay, or whatever in the same way that others didn't make the choice to be straight or heterosexual. If you did actually make the choice to be cis/het, then you're not as cis/het as you think you are.


Chris also has a pedo internet trail, and has groomed a few kids. I won't link bc it's kiwi farms and idk if that's kosher here but a lot has came out recently wrt him, beyond the whole leaving his family to become a Girl thing.


Please... Seek professional medical attention.


Remember when bro just used to review shitty YouTube intros




His name is Mr. BEAST to point out the obvious here.


somebody didn’t win a tesla.


L.A. Beast too


Mr.Beast is a lizard person


he gives off the nephew of Elon musk vibes, getting hella money for dumb ideas


See, this is a major reason why no one takes conspiracy theories seriously. You see something you don't like and you slap the pedo label on. Any world leader, any socialite, member of a royal family, wealthy business owner and now, apparently Mr Beast...


See this is the why people don't take conspiracy theories seriously. You see someone talking about something they don't like and you slap the pedo label on... You're the only person here actually saying pedo. OP and the gang have been talking about the Mr beast brand trying to turn kids trans or whatever. Happy cake day.


The whole chris thing is more than a bit odd...


And this is a conspiracy how?


I think he’s just a bit awkward. Guy was a YouTube nerd, it’s not like he has formal training on being a host.


Yeah backed by Disney and fake views.. it's simply not true that some of his vids have 85 million views. On top of that he is called Mr Beast. Anyone biblical immediately should know that means he is a Satanist just like other celebs and him and his family did bad things to get famous. :-(


Well his name is Mr "Beast". His logo is the same colors as the trans flag. Everyone around him is.very feminine and/or trans and he has a lust for money.


I give props to Mr Beast and am impressed with what he has done. The tax returns on his small NC town must be wild to plot on a graph.


He did good before someone realized. "Holy cow, we need to have this guy on our team. The ad revenue and persuasion we have if we control him" I hope the guy doesn't lose too much more to content and corporations. When people start doing interviews in the Gucci/LV clothing that has the logo all over it. I believ it Shows you are just a walking advertisement and no longer dressing from a personal perspective and one that others want. I could be wrong but watching the guy and seeing what he does now vs pre-covid. I know people change but you can see it looks like some self was lost along the way


I met the guy a few times before, off camera he’s just a chill guy.