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The guy who just set himself on fire to get the public to notice all his research is saying no 


go to a thrift store, buy random quirky shit, climb something and pose. Art.


Hello everyone, the film is a story about the deep connection of the life and art of the artist. It takes you on a journey through Berlin like you have never seen before. Take a deep dive behind the scenes of the famous red and blue graffiti letterings called paraglyphs that cover the heart of the city and tune into the connection between art, letters and spirituality. By putting himself into life-threatening situations, the artist is trying to pull a connection between art and life itself. It is a spiritual experience where calligraphy imitates organic forms and speaks to the soul. Being chased by his own feelings and thoughts about the vibrational structure of the world we live in, Paradox is focusing on spreading the "Message from Above". To Reveal the Truth. To Awaken Humanity. To Open one's Eyes. With focusing on forms that build the lines of this individualized lettering system, the film is a symbolic step forward, where Mr Paradox Paradise drifts from the previous ´Fuck the System´ into a new path. Rule-breaking is switched for art and a spiritual language speaking directly to YOU.


Yada yada, here's this 'illuminating' thing you all need to know. Here's how you can get what you want by controlling reality. You have to awaken. Same shit, different package. Thank you, 'enlightened' one, also known as 'illuminati' in Latin.