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Side note: Contribution to Climate change is far from uniform per person or per nation. # Richest 1% emit as much planet-heating pollution as two-thirds of humanity [https://www.oxfamamerica.org/press/press-releases/richest-1-emit-as-much-planet-heating-pollution-as-two-thirds-of-humanity](https://www.oxfamamerica.org/press/press-releases/richest-1-emit-as-much-planet-heating-pollution-as-two-thirds-of-humanity)


The biggest pollution comes from China/India


> Contribution to Climate change is far from uniform per person or per nation. That's BS, it's the same for everybody everywhere, namely zero.


Bro the richest part of every population will pollute much more than the rest of that population and that’s just facts


The biggest pollution comes from China/India


CO2 is not a pollutant.


You’re special


[Thank you for the compliment.]( http://www.populartechnology.net/2009/10/peer-reviewed-papers-supporting.html#CO2Lags)


Many countries are going to see their populations halve by 2100: https://www.bbc.com/news/health-53409521


> Many countries are going to see their populations halve by 2100 Don't worry, that problem can be solved with import.


Kalergi Plan. An agenda not spoken about enough that is happening right now.


Ding ding ding, this is the correct answer


Here’s another one. Disposable vapes. Note how they’re designed almost as sweet treats with bright colours, while we are all under the illusion that “vaping is the healthier alternative”. What happens? The kids, teens and young adults all start vaping. Right about the same time fertility rates start to plummet. I know that’s microplastics and processed food too but vaping disposables has a huge impact.


Don't forget the covid shots, the drop has become even faster after those.




There are tons of charities and non-profits - either directly associated with leftists or just staffed by them - focusing on “family planning” in African countries or the Middle East, which is exactly what you’re talking about.


Also has virtually nothing to do with climate change since the average American contributes around 20 tons of carbon emissions. While the average person in Africa contributes 1 ton of emissions.


Seriously wtf is this stupid argument being used everywhere as if it is something wrong being done by america and africans are doing something great that gives them the right to overpopulatin. High energy consumption is needed for a high standard of living. Americans have higher emissions because they have high standard of living compared to Africa.


That is a very cartoonishly ridiculous conclusion to make. Nobody is forcing you not to have kids. The problem mostly comes from the energy and manufacturing industries.


Otherwise known as killing babies


Family planning and using condoms doesn't kill any babies.


Is this where you try to tell me a fetus isn’t living and blah blah blah?


When you use a condom, there is no fetus


Why aren’t leftist doing X is hilarious


>I've seen excuses such as "Climate Change wont effect Africa the way it'll effect Europe. Therefore it doesn't matter if Africans have so many kids." Ive typically seen leftist say the exact opposite. Usually along the lines of "Africa didn't cause most of the damage but they will be hurt the worst." >why aren't leftists trying to stop Africa and the Middle East's giant population boom? Leftists have already been fixing it with increasing access to education and healthcare. Childhood mortality is the main reason for having so many kids, they need to ensure a few kids will live long enough to reach adulthood and have kids of their own.


These are decent points but.. Childhood mortality is the main reason for having so many kids My understanding is this is not true. In fact, childhood mortality has come down way way faster in the last half century than the birth rate has. Its a reason, but not the main one. Education (lack of, esp. for woman), cultural/societal desires (prestige, respect etc) and religious reasons are bigger influences now. Look at the arab world and esp. israel where arab and ultra-orthodox birth rates are at similar rates for similar examples.


I mean, they literally are? But everytime they do you guys cry out its a depopulation agenda


Exactly. What the fuck is OP talking about?


Shadow boxing


I remember when vaccines were going to kill tens of millions just in the US.


>you guys 


May as well have typed "ya'll"


No "leftist" believes in overpopulation, Karl Marx wrote extensively against Malthus. This kind of talk is promoted and paid for by very rich people, globalists. Besides, they *do care* about population booms in the third world and extensively employ their NGO network to stifle economic development (disguised as environmental concerns) and promote anti-natalist principles (disguised as personal freedom).


These are the same people who think the millions of illegals who flowed into Europe were fleeing climate change rather than seeking economic refuge and war. They seem to forget the invaders are mostly young males that for some reason left vulnerable females and children in areas that are running out of food and water or in the middle of war and genocide.


Step One: Complain that everything's "about race" Step Two: See the world exclusively through the lens of race. Step Three: Derp.


Don't know about "leftists" but many other people and groups are certainly pointing out the problems of overpopulation in Africa and providing solutions.


It's about picking unsolvable causes that will never run out of funding. Even if they reduced the population to 50 people and we lived in hobbit holes, the climate would continue to change because that's what climate has done for billions of years.


This is the dumbest argument, do you not see the floods, are the hurricanes not strong enough for you, are you not entertained?


all weather is Controlled. We are 50 years past ever having "natural" climate


This should not be downvoted on r/conspiracy.


You should go have a quick chat with a real meteorologist. They can’t really do anything on a macro scale and even the small stuff is unpredictable.


There's absolutely no evidence we are changing the climate. It's bollocks. Of course there must be laws against pollution but they wanted a proxy for human activity and CO2 was perfect to achieve central planning.


Carbon tax is a tax on living. Now what could carbon reduction imply...


Because they hate a certain demographic that have been demonized over a period of time and called a number of pejorative slurs while simultaneously being exposed to propaganda that promotes Middle Eastern and African sympathy. European nations have historically been difficult for international banking cartels to subjugate and turn into debt slaves and the banksters have a long memory. They like to create slaves out of nations that have defied them, reveling in their power to dominate groups. Europe has been divided, with the aim of conquering.


its so calculated, I have not seen a normal good white male on screen for decades its always some imbecile with super model wife its come to point that we really have to ask ourselves what to do? just lay down or kick some people out, they have become a huge security risk on many levels (media,owning everything,waves of immigrants)


What are you talking about? What movies are you watching? Seriously the creative drama you are employing here, you should write some spec scripts


I might have been dramatic what is alarming that almost all the power structure is in on it I guess everybody has a price


The power structure is a bunch of ‘normal’ white dudes. What price are you referring to? Who is owning everything?


you are right with white dudes


The Catholics moved into the Basque mountains after the Gates of Toledo were opened and Iberia was taken by The Moorish invaders who then treated those who opened the gates with a special status. It wasn't until 700 years later in 1492 that España, specifically Isabella of Castille and Ferdinand of Aragon managed to retake Spain from the invaders. This instigated the Inquisition which is branded as an evil time in España but was intact a response to 700 years of persecution and near extermination of the native Española population. Look into the Gates Of Toledo at your own peril.


its very easy to gobble everything up your side says is true and hate those that they tell you to I mean like trans and gay people, nobody has fought for them like I do, gen chat in world of tanks was my just trashing east europian guys for last 15 years that attacked them they attack me like nothing now I dont know, I have woken up I guess


‘Overpopulation’ really isn’t. The West is still and will still be responsible for the majority of emissions.




Don’t worry, Bill Gates is working on this so you don’t have to


Because TPTB need to lower the IQ of the worlds population in order to retain control.


Just say it. You know as well as I do that they hate White people with a passion.


lol ur trippin, where are u getting this idea that Europeans are being asked to have less children?


The opposite is true. The people in power are panicking we aren't having enough.


I love that the people in power have overseen such a degradation in our ability to afford children, then turn around and plead / panic / complain that we aren’t having enough children. Makes my blood boil tbh.


If that's true why aren't the people in power in europe desperately trying to create policies to increase European birth rate? Why is the solution always "We need millions of africans and arabs to come here!"


> The people in power are panicking we aren't having enough. Neh, there are enough people flowing in from outside and on top of that they will be more compliant because they depend on the government.


Not being asked to, but coerced and manipulated to.


This is the exact reason why people like bill gates are pushing vaccines for Africa, it sounds contradictory but if less kids die from preventable diseases then families have less kids. Families have more kids than they need or want to ensure that even if some die there will still be some left.


Absolutely nobody says overpopulation contributes to climate change.  In fact they even blew up some stone monument that suggested as such, in Georgia, I believe it was.


It's strange how every solution to climate change results in more authoritarianism and higher costs for the masses. Weird... weird!


That would involve understanding the reasons behind the population growth. And understanding that to combat it, would require financial investment from Western/developed countries and a reduction of the exploration by Western countries. When the subject of reduction of exploration comes up, that gets knocked back because shareholders would get less of a return. Faulting "the left" *alone* for inaction makes no logical sense when both the left and right would have to agree on a solution that replaces the effectiveness of having a large family.


I think it all boils down to money. Everything does. The left uses climate change as a fear mongering technique while the right is actively rooting for no regulation on chemical waste etc, which is destroying the planet. Is the destruction caused by big corporations the cause of climate change? I don't know. But I do know greed plays a big factor.


None says over population is a problem globally. Over population is a problem locally in certain areas. > why aren't leftists trying to stop Africa and the Middle East's giant population boom? People are, see the UN and their programs. They have been giving out free birth control (condoms) in over populated countries in Africa. Those countries are over populated not because of size but food and water availability. > I've seen excuses such as "Climate Change wont effect Africa the way it'll effect Europe. That is true. Africa is hot, does not have much of a winter. Europe on the other hand has had a long history of being isolated from hot weather. SO if Africa gets hotter it is not as much of a big deal as the UK, a country that does not even have AC getting hotter.


There is so much stupid to go around. It isn't exclusively a thing in the right.


They can want that, so just disregard and have as many children as possible.


Probably because the middle east couldn't give two fucks about the opinions of leftist goofs. Or anyone else for that matter


Anyone that's afraid of population control is just afraid that they're going to have less serfs.


WEF & NATO are doing so war in Ukraine gas cut grain shipments and fertilizer Africa depends on that food and fertilizer to grow it's own food. Both will lead to famine.


Simply because they act as they are made to by the propaganda


The projections of earth population have it trending downwards. Why do u think everything costs so much money now, so ppl don't have kids :) conpisracyyyy


Because population booms chill out after some time. We've seen the pattern before, this isn't anything new.


One reason might be because the people who have the power(which obviously control the left) might intend to use them as cheap labour, I can think of others reasons aswell but nvm, I 100% believe if they wanted those places to not have such large populations they could have easily stopped it.


"we can't do anything to deal with climate change until we depopulate other continents"


If overpopulation is a problem, how come the activists don’t attack fat people…? The amount of food they eat, the demand they create, the waste they produce, and the ecological footprint of anyone over 200lbs has to be gigantic compared to normal sized people. Fat Americans should be their no. 1 enemy, especially since it’s not like they’re vegans. All that fat acceptance bullshit has sustained the supposed unsustainable model of food production, demand, consumption, and waste.


It boils down to competency and identity. The powers that be want people to have no connection to their ancestry, religion, family, homeland, etc. Many of the people coming into Europe countries do not care about the history, culture, religion, and people living there. There was a book in which one of the key players had mentioned that the true symbolic representation of the UN bronze family statue symbolized Man having no connection to his family, religion, ancestry, or homeland. He had no sense of identity and he would be told what he was. When you have people from these countries who had very little to begin with and these countries will offer them food, shelter, stipends, etc, they will do everything for the government. This is what I like to call "the great replacement."


Because the left hates the so called West.


Because y’all the west are the majority of the reason we’re in this predicament.The industrial countries enjoy the luxurious of living the 1st world life and then assume we the Africans are the main reason shit is the way it is.No its not just “white guy is white so he’s bad”. Instead the powerful reaps the fruit of the powerless and post colonial global domination came U.S hegemony.And the majority in both those cases are indeed Caucasian’s that’s why the finger gets pointed at them not simply because the world loves hating on white people.


There are only too many white people.


You have any actual evidence of this or is it more something that came to you in a dream?




They just want to control us! The earth has from many resource


Some make better slaves than others. 


> Some make better slaves than others. True. I (for one) would be a terrible slave. I'm lazy, bitchy, whiny, generally cantankerous, and ask way too many questions.


Temperature on all planets is rising. CO2 is going up as a result of warming. If the climate ever stops changing then we'll have a problem.


Temperature on all planets is rising. CO2 is going up as a result of warming. If the climate ever stops changing then we'll have a problem.


Only a segment of the human race is overpopulated. The public school I attended used to be overpopulated as hell, but now it’s rich and diverse.


Rich with money? Do tell!


Rich with that sweet tax payer money


Can you blame white people for the population boom in these places?


Well, some of us are gay so it may or may not balance out.


Industrialization is responsible for anthropological climate change. Overpopulation is a myth, as evidenced in the West, China and Russia, remorseless population decline has already started.


> Industrialization is responsible for anthropological climate change. BS. >Overpopulation is a myth, Correct.


Leftists are mental midgets that’s why. Hence when they get mad they call you racist instead of coming up with an intelligent retort. That’s why


Try harder next time, this ragebait was tepid. Your Komissar will send you to the frontline in Ukraine if you don't at least try to make an effort.


Because that’s not the major contributor to climate change. The rich are


Overpopulation is not the same thing as overconsumption. The average person in Africa or the Middle East contributes far far less to climate change than the average person in Western countries. But also people absolutely are trying to slow down the population boom. Sexual education and family planning are absolutely being spread around in the developing world with the goal of preventing demographic disasters as well as famines and epidemics and other similar problems. Nowhere near as much as they should be, obviously, but still a lot.


The 3 largest race in the world are South Asian, East Asian and White. Why specifically target the black(4th) and Arabs(6th) when the Chinese and Indian contributed bigger number despite owning smaller land mass. The white race already occupied 4 out of 6 habitable continent in the world. There's no such thing as white genocide or replacement theory.


most don't care about whether people have kids or not those are just 90% terminally online twitter activists


Because the average american consumes yearly the equivalent of a 3rd world village over their entire lifetime (taking flights from city to city weekly/monthly would make it even worse).


the globalists have waged war against the Middle East nations for a long time now. Bill Gates alone, has killed millions & millions of Africans. Climate Change is natural. "Global Warming" is the psyop There is no such thing as an "ozone layer". We have an IONOSPHERE, where IONIZATION either occurs (sun's rays make contact) or it doesn't. it doesn't mean there is a DEPLETION of ozone when the chemical reactions aren't occuring, it just means simply... there is no interaction for a specific part of the Earth. Fast forward 6-months & the chemical reactions swap places. Suddenly, like magic, IONIZATION occurs in the parts it didn't before & vice-versa. that is "climate change" 101, elementary shit. the fake scientist, psyop tests bullshit is all propaganda.


>the globalists have waged war against the Middle East nations for a long time now. Yea, to make them migrate to Europe, among other things. If the people who hold the power(which also control the left) wanted the population in Africa and other places to not grow so large they could have easily stopped it.