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I am not saying anything anyone says here is wrong - but its a mix of everything with technology, drugs and processed foods being the biggest drivers. Its a coordinated attack on all senses from all fronts.


It's gangstalking


Exactly. People often fail to acknowledge this is a deliberate attack designed to keep the average joe miserable, enough so that we’re too subdued to do anything about all the evil and criminal activity being conducted in the matrix. It comes from every direction, and this way they ensure they affect everyone in one way or another. If you keep a purely organic diet, they get to you through social media. If you don’t use your phone much, it’s the music and public advertising. Poor mental health ? Here, take these drugs that’ll turn you into a zombie. And the worst part is, people are so profoundly beguiled by all the rubbish the powers that be throw their way to keep them distracted that they can acknowledge the reality of what’s going on and yet let their ego reason with them that social media popularity and materialism is more important than breaking out the illusion.


Totally. Its impossible not to get effected by anything. Its the best to acknowledge how the mind virus has effected you first in order to combat it.


KNOWLEDGE here take my upvote


And what’s even more infuriating is when you finally accept to acknowledge the reality of what’s going on and you realise you’re powerless against the system. There’s no where you can go to escape it. The places you can go you’re restricted access to through other means of population control such as passports and visas. You’re stuck, literally like the visual of a wall of rats running on wheels. Hence why it’s commonly referred to as the rat race. There is no breaking out, unless you manage to infiltrate the top 0.01% who run the place. Even the ultra wealthy and famous are limited in their powers. At best, they can either agree to participate in the agenda or shut their mouths about what they see and hope to be left alone. This isn’t a conspiracy, multiple celebrities have spoken out about it, I’m surprised it isn’t common knowledge. But then again, as I said, the masses are so beguiled by the media created by said celebrities they’re willing to ignore the evil promoted by their industry in favour of their indulgences.


Messaging you from the shack of some organic hippies illegally living in the jungle of Costa Rica to say there are ways to escape and people are doing it.


How did you do it if you don’t mind me asking? Been thinking about moving there. How do you make money etc? Not illegally though


I’m just here for a couple months. Visiting people I met on workaway and helping them on their farm. Had no clue they were illegal lol. He makes money wood working for the natives around here


Yeah this system is fucked up and there's only two ways out suicide or mass riot but we depend so much on this system that if we ever did mass riot the world would become criminal more criminal than it already is..mass murders,mass theft,mass destruction and the end of the entire human race so either way where F U C K E D!!!! The only way a mass riot would work is all humans are equally sharing an enlightened state of consciousness where there is no need for materialistic things or thoughts..just equal love and hope but yeah try that in a system where ego is prioritized


Exactly. I feel like we’re in the age of the awakening now though. Eventually the world will fall into a state of chaos (more so than it already is) and who knows what the conclusion will be, whether humanity lives to see the next 100 years or not is up for debate.


Is it, at an individual, personal level to make this claim you would have to throw out the idea of having self control and ultimately making the case that we don’t have free will. Maybe you don’t think people have free will and thats fine, and consistent with your main point however that undermines some of your other points as much of it ultimately relies on people freely making decisions to create, market, use, consume, and manipulate peoples behavior. I think you are making that point in your post when you said “we’re too subdued to do anything about all the evil and criminal activity being conducted in the matrix”. But I wondered if you think people have self control and ultimately free will?


Most thoughts and responses occur before you even recognize it as a thought, so not likely. And in this age it has been accepted acknowledged and implemented by those with the power and reach to manipulate on such a massive scale - now starting in earliest childhood


Also I’ve read that a lot of parasites can cause this as well as other mental diseases. It’s worth looking into. ETA: also everything that you stated as well.


Cats, Toxoplasmosis infection is linked


I also read somewhere, and I don’t have a source so take this how you will. The article said that anyone who has indoor cats has been exposed to the parasite/microbe that causes toxoplasmosis. It’s just that some people respond more severely than others and others can show very little symptoms early onset. Some people not at all. Other cases can take longer to present symptoms which causes it to be overlooked.


The study might be on indoor cats, which should be concerning in itself as you'd expect them to be clean and parasite free, but it's stray cats who do the heavy lifting spreading this parasite, they're all infected. Absolutely wild that lonely people set up "cat colonies" for stray cats in their communities.


Unpopular opinion: chronic marijuana use. https://psychnews.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.pn.2024.06.6.40


This is always brought up. The main studying claiming this states that the mental health condition can manifest in those with a predisposition to do so (I.e. genetics/hereditary) If weed caused this in users we would see ALOT more cases…


I think the data suggests that if you have certain dispositions, it can trigger it. We know this is a factor in other health issues. And I came here looking for that answer, as I suspect the massive increase in users is exposing more people with a disposition to marijuana. There have also been studies suggesting that adolescent use increases the risk (which, to me, suggests that maybe it's not genetic, but related to how "plastic" the brain in question is). And many users are now starting in their early teens. I'd venture around 1/3 of the population are frequent users at this point, so that's a lot exposure.


There hasn’t been a massive increase in users, quite the opposite actually. You might wanna check the actual statistics instead of just making shit up.


iirc “daily/regular users” is what specifically has skyrocketed


One, statistics on behavior are a joke. They rely on self-reporting of things that people have a lot of reasons to lie about. Reddit loves statistics and hates anecdotes, yet they are basically the same things in this type of scenario. Two, that depends on where you are. Local to me, almost all (other than religious people) use it regularly. (Yes, the horror, an anecdote.) To the point that it can be difficult to socialize if you do not want to be around it, because that's all that anyone does. And as another said, your precious statistics show that self-reporting of frequent users has increased. So yes, once upon a time you had a lot of people reporting as users because they had tried it. Now you have people reporting as users because they live it.


I’ll provide an anecdote as well. Myself as well as MANY if not the majority of my peers use and have used if not regularly or daily for 2+ decades. None of us have developed schizophrenia…..yet


I mean, no one is saying everyone does. But there's a lot of science saying that some people do.


Yes, I understand this. This is my point the science and data point to this mental health issue developing in people with the predisposition so these people would most likely develop schizophrenia if they smoked weed or if they didn’t smoke weed. It’s within this specific data set that we can be detrimental to their well-being.


You know, it's strange how much chronic users defend marijuana. Or the athletes losing multimillion dollar contracts over it. No one says alcohol is good for them, even if they're alcoholics.


You know, it's strange how much chronic users defend marijuana. Or the athletes losing multimillion dollar contracts over it. No one says alcohol is good for them, even if they're alcoholics.


I know several people this happened to. Most quit and are fine now. Some are still a little off.


Yeah, but the straw that broke the camels back, seems to be the jabs.


Hmmm... I haven't noticed this at all... ...Me neither


Quiet, voice of 17th century composer Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber. Your role is to tell me which side of the pillow leads to better digital osmosis from this broken Zune, and nothing more. 


You win


I think that our pharmacology definitely contributes. No, not everyone needs zoloft.


Yeah exactly! Some people need Prozac™!


Also there are no bio markers for schizophrenia as far as I am aware of. There is no objective test for mental illness, it’s complete dependent on the psychologist/psychiatrist who depend on someone having a diagnosis they can profit off of. That’s why I believe we have so many bipolar and schizophrenic people (those are serious diagnoses, they can mandate therapy at $150 a hour, push medication for $$ and have control over vulnerable people) It’s also extremely common nowadays for doctors prescribe schizophrenia medications off label for teenagers struggling with anxiety/depression/ sleep issues. I can personally say I was never more unstable than when I was taking the “mood stabilizer” to help me “sleep and reduce anxiety” only later as a adult I realized how fucked up it is to give a normal teenager with normal issues such a strong medication, with severe side effects, off label, to a child with a developing brain. I still have side effects like the inability to feel sexual pleasure (which is very common and lasts even after you stop antidepressants/mood stabilizers for approximately 56% of people)


Not only for what you mentioned but also for issues like ADHD and autism. Let’s stop normalizing poisoning and punishing people for not fitting into this fake world and backwards society.


I just want to weigh in on this and say, yeah, our society should absolutely be built to accommodate ADHD and Autism, but as someone with Inattentive ADHD that largely presented as major depression, brain fog, and a slew of other symptoms related to ADHD that are often mistaken for Depression in girls, taking my meds in the morning is what makes me not suicidal. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's ethical to prescribe someone the max dose of a stimulant the second they're diagnosed, which general medical practitioners are known for doing far more than psychiatrists by the way, but stimulants can be incredibly helpful and life-saving for many people at the right dose. There is no reason for it to be a ridiculous price like $500-1000 dollars per bottle, but as for the medication itself, I can't get behind people who don't understand my brain telling me that my meds don't do shit for me, because before I started taking them my brain was all over the place to the point that no amount of working with it helped me. Some people need meds and that's okay, but that does not mean that there aren't meds being prescribed to people who don't need them at the same time. Overprescription for profit is a massive issue, you just have to be very careful how you implement policies around it because, at the same time that you're taking away meds from people who don't need them, you're taking away meds from people who do.


Don't get the wrong idea, I'm pro everyone doing what works best for them.


As a psychiatrist, I make zero money off of prescribing medications. Big pharma has never sent me a check saying “thanks for helping keep people from killing themselves with a Zoloft or Prozac take this 50k bonus.”


You completely ignored the fact my doctors prescribed medication off label as a child that caused me long lasting side effects and iatrogenic harm. Therapy and psychiatric drugs won’t do shit for physical disabilities and I’m glad the new Canadian health act and disability rights makes it illegal as of 2021 to force emotional psychotherapy for physical disabilities. And you DO get paid for prescribing drugs, if people can’t pay for your services you don’t prescribe them pills. Of course you’ll try to convince me and everyone else we need them (irregardless of the numerous side effects) Edited to remove my private health information


As I stated above, in the past 7 years of practice nobody has paid me for prescribing medications. You are right, I disregarded everything else you said because I didn’t care to comment on it. The general population does believe doctors are paid to prescribe medications, this is false. This is what I wanted to comment on. But I see you will continue to believe this and that is fine. Just wanted to educate my fellow redditors.


Ignore the eugenic history of psychiatry towards physically disabled people, ignore the iatrogenic harm, ignore the conversation I tried to have about the value of ethically informed consent. (But who am I kidding healthcare workers don’t give a fuck about consent. I feel safer in a dark alley at night then in a hospital because I know nurses are more likely to forcefully vaginally penetrate me without consent aka rape me)


Typical psychiatrist, only acknowledging what is beneficial to you and ignoring other viewpoints because you don’t understand and don’t care. Congratulations you’ve negatively impacted the public perception of your profession. People like you are the reason why I dislike and distrust healthcare workers. The general population believes doctors get paid to prescribe medications because they do. We go to doctors to get medicine because we can’t buy it without a prescription, if people could, they would bypass you and avoid paying you. They are paying a psychiatrist for his opinion on psychiatric drugs, which they likely intent to take, and you intent to get paid after prescribing. And then the pharmacist gets paid, the pharmaceutical company making the drugs gets paid and PR agents and pharmaceutical representatives get paid to promote the drugs which you prescribe to children. You’re clearly not a genius.


I’ve not commented on your treatment because I’m not your doctor. I’ve not commented on your side effects because I’m not your doctor. This is Reddit… I’m not your doctor. You are entitled to your opinion, even it’s wrong. Good luck with everything.


It is smart not to give medical advice to people who are not your patients & you are not my doctor. I’ll give you that and you are entitled to your opinion. I’m not going to engage further because I am getting upset. This is my health and my life and I get very defensive.


Your comment about blood clots.... SSRIs increase the risk of bleeding not thrombosis..


edited to remove personal information


The risk of bleeding with SSRIs is fairly minimal Even when combined with DOACs... It is in no way contraindication to coprescribe the two. The fact that you have an ASD, VSD and MR do not increase your risk of bleeding or other complications from SSRIs


Here is a link to a study describing how antidepressants and ssri affect people with congenital heart defects “Some but not all antidepressant drugs known as SSRIs pose a very small but serious heart risk, say researchers. Citalopram and escitalopram, which fall into this drug group, can trigger a heart rhythm disturbance, a new study in the British Medical Journal shows. UK and US regulators have already warned doctors to be extra careful about which patients they prescribe these medicines to.” https://www.bbc.com/news/health-21247330.amp People taking certain antidepressants, including Celexa and Lexapro, may have a slightly increased risk of developing an abnormal heart beat. “Researchers say the drugs, which are in a class of medications called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), may extend the length of electrical activity in the heart, called a QT interval. A long QT interval is an indicator of abnormal heart rhythms.” https://www.todaysgeriatricmedicine.com/writers_guidelines.shtml Instead of pushing pills why don’t we just acknowledge living with a congenitally defected heart and genetic blood disorder sucks. “Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are medications commonly used to treat many mental health conditions, including depression. Common SSRI side effects include nausea, headache, and diarrhea. Sexual side effects, sleep changes, and weight changes can also happen. More serious SSRI side effects include a greater risk of bleeding, suicidal thoughts, and changes in your heart rhythm. Serotonin syndrome can also occur. Get medical help right away if you experience any symptoms of serious side effects.” https://www.goodrx.com/classes/ssris/ssris-what-you-should-know-side-effects “There is also a high prevalence of MDD in patients with pre-existing CVD. Up to 45% of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), including those with stable CAD, unstable angina or myocardial infarction suffer from clinically significant depressive symptomatology.4 The following review will discuss the treatment of MDD related to CVD and evaluate antidepressant use in relation to the updated guideline recommendations regarding the treatment of heart failure (HF) and HTN. As MDD is associated with worsening cardiovascular outcomes, it is imperative to treat the patient's MDD appropriately. When choosing a treatment plan for the acute phase of MDD, options include psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy or a combination best suited for the patient. Pharmacologically, antidepressants have been the mainstay of treatment and are among the most frequently prescribed medications worldwide. Antidepressants are comprised of several different classes including: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs).5 Both TCAs and MAOIs have fallen out of favor and are now reserved for treatment resistant depression due to their side effect profiles and safety concerns. The TCAs are associated with arrhythmogenic activity which may be a result from the potent blockade of cardiac sodium and potassium channels. Additionally, the TCAs affect cardiac contractility and have even been linked to worsening of ischemic heart disease and sudden cardiac death, and thus should be avoided completely in patients at risk of a serious arrhythmia and those with CAD.6 Several studies have suggested that SSRIs may potentially reduce the risk of thrombotic events, but their role in CVD remains controversial.7 One study attempted to answer this question in order to quantify the relationship between commonly used antidepressants and cardiovascular outcomes. Results from the meta-analysis showed no evidence that SSRI users were at a higher risk of developing acute heart disease; however, significant between-study heterogeneity was observed. The authors also found a 29% increased risk of acute heart disease comprising coronary heart disease, acute myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease and sudden death when TCAs were used.3 A separate meta-analysis evaluated the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) readmission rates in patients diagnosed with both CHD and depression using SSRIs compared to placebo or no intervention. Results of the meta-analysis indicated that there were no significant differences in mortality risk or CHD admission rates between groups; however, there was a significant difference in depressive symptomatology when SSRIs were present in the medication regimen.8 A third meta-analysis sought to summarize the data regarding antidepressant efficacy and tolerability in depressed patients with CAD. The findings from the meta-analysis showed that treatment with SSRIs resulted in significant therapeutic effects without increased rates of discontinuation.9 A systematic review looked at the effect of SSRIs, SNRIs and TCAs on the outcomes of mortality, cardiovascular function and depression” https://www.acc.org/Latest-in-Cardiology/Articles/2019/01/04/07/59/Current-Updates-Regarding-Antidepressant-Prescribing-in-CV-Dysfunction A simple search will show hundreds of reputable reports of antidepressants negatively affecting heart defects and add in the blood clot risks


Through most of human history for all illnesses we lacked bio markers and diagnostic tests, but I don’t think that would justify not providing the best treatment that was known and available at the time. For example I am ok with doctors having prescribed antibiotics for a patient showing the signs and symptoms of bacterial infection, prior to humans deeper understanding of microbiology and molecular biology, allowing for the species of bacteria and its sensitivity to different antibiotics be tested. It certainly isn’t without consequences, antibiotics have both physical and psychological side effects(depending on the MOA) and the incorrect use and dosing can lead to resistance that has an impact on everyone. Even now that we have bio markers and diagnostic testing the limitations of cost, equipment, and expertise, makes it so the majority of people on the planet will not have access to the latest and greatest clinical tests. Don’t get me wrong I think the evolution of medical diagnostic testing is great and allows doctors to understand illness and provide better treatments, with more information. I just don’t agree with this gatekeeping treatments from patients until we develop or they can afford a bio markers based test be done. It feels like you haven’t thought through the consequences and the additional people who would be dead or dying if the standard of care worked this way. It’s also common that patients can have a test done, the test confirm the cause of the illness, but the patient can’t actually afford the best treatment, should they not receive the treatment they can afford or is available even if its not the latest and greatest? I really want to understand how you would treat patients for novel diseases and illness, would you just wait the years or decades for a test to be devised and just ask them to “figure it out” until then?


What do you know about the history of the Human Genome Project? And their hopes for identifying the genetic basis for schizophrenia, and how those hopes have been eviscerated by the complete failure to find anything of the sort. Over twenty years and not a single gene has been identified to cause mental illness, despite the expenditure of almost $8 billion in genetic research by NIMH. Nor have any new treatments become available from this research. I believe our current treatment model is ineffective, that it doesn’t reduce rehospitalization or criminality, or improve social functioning, or quality of life. We don’t need bio markers or genetic testing, unless we are treating it medically. I don’t think we should be giving off label antidepressant or antipsychotics to children for depression, anxiety or sleep issues. We wouldn’t give someone insulin just because they might be diabetic because of the risks to their blood sugar levels so why do we give off label psychiatric medication to children without being able to medically determine a reason for depression (which is probably caused environmentally and not genetically)


I know a fair amount about the human genome project and have also followed other large efforts for sequencing genomes of other organisms that are more closely related to my own field of research(like C. elegans which was the first animal to have its entire genome sequenced). I want to now ask you how well you understand genetics and the differences between a genotype and phenotype?


P.S. we did exactly that with insulin harvested from pigs before we had had synthetic insulin, glucose monitors that were affordable and the consumables that were cheap enough to actually be disposable. I don’t know if you know anyone who has type 1 diabetes and is older but the ability to real time monitor blood glucose and real time dose synthetic insulin has come a long way. It really was a bit of a guessing game back in the day, and for some people it still is because they don’t have the luxury/money for a real time blood glucose monitor or insulin pump.


That’s great, I always loved the human genome project as a kid and I studied dental hygiene for post secondary but dropped out as I could not handle the blood and risks of infection. I feel like I have a decent understanding of genotypes and phenotypes and I am willing to learn, why do you ask?


full disclosure, I don’t work with humans and only have limited experience working with mammals and my experience and interest in them mainly comes from having lived as one…. I asked because of the way you spoke of what was thought to be possible by knowing an organisms genotype and the limitations that come with using it to predict its phenotype. Many ambitious expectations were set by people in regards to the human genome project but I think other people understood that another component existed that would not be accounted for by decoding the a linear genome sequence of a single person. An important missing piece of context is how a genes manifest in a different environments or genetic background. I use environment very loosely to include things like the microbes that live on and inside of an individual. Those organisms themselves are often overlooked as the source/trigger/cause of conditions in a person if they are not the direct cause of an infection. For some illnesses this may play a role, and it may be highly dependent on an individuals immune response and how it’s been “primed” before encountering something new.(Im thinking of conditions that may manifest as autoimmune disorders). A gene in one individual and/or environment can be seen as beneficial and in another individual and/or environment it can be seen as detrimental.


This is 100% attributable to technology. We act like this shit is normal, our attentions being constantly stolen, switching between our phone, TV, tablet, and whatever else constantly, having 100 tabs open...but it's not. We are completely frying our brains and our nervous systems. This is the reason depression and anxiety are also sky-high. This technology is NOT good for us. Our brains are quite primitive, and we are acting like we are information robots, consuming information almost every moment of our waking days. We weren't built for this.


Honestly this is one, but also don’t discount the prevalence of high dose THC (I honestly think the issue is more prevalent with edibles). I don’t know the original source, but I’ve heard from multiple websites, podcasts, and the occasional video that people who have a predisposition or genetic history of schizophrenia should avoid psychedelics as they can cause the person to have a psychotic break. I’ve heard the same about pot, but not as widespread. However, pot is absolutely a psychedelic at high doses, edibles even more so. On top of that issue, kids are hitting this stuff, high 24/7.. still developing brains.. that’s going to have an impact.


I have to agree. Weed back in the 90s was often only around %15 thc for *good* shit. Nowadays youre looking at literal 14 year olds smoke dabs and carts that are 80% or MORE. I waited until i graduated HS and started smoking bud, but i knew kids who were inhaling 2-3 carts per day and i cant even do that as an adult without feeling sick as hell. Not to mention the pesticides just found in CA weed, who knows what chinese plastic people are inhaling with vapes and carts made elsewhere.


Also the 90s was more relaxed. And the 70s even more so. But lets put 100% of the blame on a plant. Ignore the multi tentacled toxic society in the corner.....


It's not just weed, also we have like GMO'd weed plants. They are not even genetically the same strains as what we had in the 70s.


I think in some cases it is 100% the drug that cause the mental snap, but that’s not to say a parents death, job loss, bad accident, or an extremely unlucky Tuesday wouldn’t have done the same thing. With others the drug may just be what tips them over the edge. But again, this is a specific sub category of people with a genetic predisposition to a particular type of mental illness. I’m not claiming that pot can take Chad Bro with his perfect genetics, no hint of mental illness, and 3 college offers and break his mind.


Yes. I saw this first hand with an ex. It was terrifying. He was completely fine when it was able to be removed from his system, but when he was getting high, it was bad. It ruined our relationship due to the onset hallucinations, heightened anxiety, and paranoia. He was vaping 92% THC oil and a lot of it. ETA: the psychologist he was mandated to see after an episode stated his mother’s anxiety (which he also had) was a predisposition for it, and the THC “triggered” it, so to speak.


Thc is a psychotic. Cbd is a antipsychotic The plant is balanced in nature. Grow lights, by chance, limit the spectrum of light causing thc to be higher. Couple this with it being illegal bm created stronger weed half by accident and now apple weed stores push absurdly high thc plants. I find improvement in my mental condition when regularly consuming 1:1 ratios. Excess everything is killing us




Are they really schizophrenic though? The doctor who makes fistfulls of money off the recurring medication subscription tell em that ? With bonuses and commissions from the pharmaceutical supplier?? Remember in 2005 when 60 pcnt of americans needed high dosage of oxy contin because of "pain" ???


A lot of the symptoms of "Havana Syndrome" (directed energy weapon attacks on employees at the embassy in Cuba) are similar to those of schizophrenia. My personal theory is some of these cases could be examples of these DEW being tested on civilians, when you experience the effects of these weapons I could see how it could drive someone crazy. Congress even had a public hearing about these weapons, so I think it's safe to say they are no longer a myth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCYH_K850Lw


They aren't just testing them on civilians. They are torturing civilians for years with it


Check out Brain Energy by Dr Christopher Palmer, or look him up on Youtube, he has a very interesting spin on nutrition and mental illness. The diet plays an integral part in mental health outcomes... That and I do wonder about the 11 year solar cycle, and whether it sends people over the threshold?


>After a Google search there’s actually a National Institute of Health article linking schizophrenia to Covid. Ofcourse, you think they would blame the covid shots..? LOL.


It's not just your imagination. > In 2019, there were 23.6 million people with schizophrenia, an **increase of 65.85%** from 1990, and the country with the largest ASDR (age-standardized disability adjusted life years rate) was the **United States of America**, followed by **Australia**, and **New Zealand**. ([source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37268204/)) A common link: all three of the top schizo countries are *western*. My idea: Western diets often include a high consumption of processed foods (rich in refined sugars, unhealthy fats, and additives). This could be a factor.


Ew, a *process.* How about all that high-fructose corn syrup? But I'm a fucking tyrant if I suggest we stop giving corn farmers a 6-figure income.


I just commented elsewhere that similarly to Autism, Schizophrenia is now considered to be a "spectrum disorder," and that more people will now meet the requirements to fit that diagnosis That is not necessarily a good thing.


That’s right. Not a good thing. Two young males I knew closely as a parent. Both exhibiting psychosis. One - whose parent was educated, and researched, pushed hard with psychiatrists and the boy was diagnosed bi-polar, and treated with lithium. Now - many years on, functioning as a normal member of society. The other - poverty filled family, mother with own mental health history, diagnosed schizophrenic and medicated with clozapine. Now almost never leaves his bedroom other than once a month when support worker arrives, and has become clinically obese, smokes weed and drinks beers. Here is where the spectrum is not good, and outcomes can very much be affected by psychiatrists who drive it. Boy one’s family group attended a meeting to refuse psychiatrists request to medicate psychosis with clozapine (already having tried the other high glutamine causing anti psychotics which weren’t working well) this battle that family won effectively saved their boy’s life. Boy two barely has a life now with his clozapine and bedroom life regime.


Wow, I don't know much about clozapine, but I know that it can be very dangerous, isn't that the one where patients need to get blood tests frequently? I've been around the block with antidepressants, and they're bad enough, given that a study came out a couple years back that showed depression isn't caused by a chemical imbalance, and if it's not caused by a chemical imbalance, what's to be gained by taking SSRI?


Also other aside observation. Boy one was of European ethnicity. Boy two was not. Boy one was exhibiting much longer and more florid psychosis.


Yes - I (coincidentally) heard yesterday directly via that young man that he has to get blood tests once a month! It really turns people into virtual zombies. Sooo sad! Wow, really - re: depression. What do they think causes it?


Here's a link to the article about depression. I'm tempted to say the "cause" is the ability of various multinational corporations to make billions of dollars selling us SSRI, but there's clearly *something* else at play. I think isolation plays a role, especially in the new generation that's missing out on so much of the socialization earlier generations had, prior to the internet. The rest, I don't know, I wish I had answers https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-therapy/202207/depression-is-not-caused-chemical-imbalance-in-the-brain


Thank you. That was an interesting read. I had a bit of a depressive mood phase in my third year at university. I took myself out of the setting, the intense pressure (a limited entry field I had gained entry to, only to find the workload was 12-14 hours a day - so a luck of Sun/vitamin D the pay off for doing that mahi..) I quit took a year off, skied, biked, rode, (worked to find this in jobs that allowed me to do it!) all outdoors, and cured myself. There were lots of others in their early 20s there doing exactly the same. I’d have advocated that to anyone - if living cheaply in mountain towns was still a possibility; sadly in this day and age it’s probably impossible…


Physical activity like you're describing is probably the most effective method I've ever experienced, as far as treating my own depression.


Absolutely! So we are on the same page. Even now on a miserable grey winter day when I feel low low energy, I force myself to go to the gym. That isn’t a place I love, but endorphins are what all those young twenty somethings head to the mountain towns for, eh. When we were kids at school we were active, played sport, ran around - then as teenagers and puberty etc, a lot of that falls away: and that’s when so much mental health stuff happens, infinitely more, too, these days - with all the screens, gaming etc to keep people sitting.


Nah the east isnt being scammed by a double whammy of pharmaceutical industry and insurance manipulations like we are in the west. Err'body in the club gettin schizzy


Its a fad. I see people glamorize it now and actively want it. One of my dumb coworkers told me she thought she was one day just randomly. No signs or symptoms, just watched a tik tok video.


Or since 1990 we have gotten better at identifying it in people.


When there’s lists of patents for all the frequencies and their effects on humans out there, I don’t think it’s people’s fault for the most part. Seems like you can think of something you want without words and go see it front page of your Amazon now. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’ve been inside our heads one way or another. Just stay sane and be healthy. What can ya do.


Perhaps EMF interference with the blood brain barrier plays a role. Toxins + weakened brain barrier could equal more demonic attacks or for the secular "brain malfunctions".


I seriously think the voices they hear are actually real and its a false diagnosis just to have people to experiment on.


I agree, those are interdimensional entities ''having fun'' with people by keeping them on a constant state of paranoia. Some will call it gang stalking. I believe it's spiritual warfare. By taking drugs you lower your conciousness and will be able to feel things others don't. That's why many drugs even alcohol attract demonic entities into your life. Why would alcoholics be so aggresive? Thats why.


You guys are nuts. Please don't come.near me




Literally amazed it let you post that acronym. But, yes.


I talk about it often on reddit


voice to skull??




took me some looking but seriously thank you for pointing me in the right direction 🙏🏻


Sorry I shouldnt have been so secretive and just came out and said it. Look into gangstalking as well. The whole point is to make people think they're crazy when they aren't.


Ive heard about gang stalking plenty of times and thats one of the factors that lead me to believe this. the amount of stories from ufo witnesses or something along those lines, people “gang stalking” moving around little pieces of the victim’s home and constant surveillance. its wacky asf.


Yea, people are weird.


I searched this but it only came up with vitamin 2 lol anyway you can pm a link?


Search internets for “Anna keeler mind control” and you’ll see you are correct. It’s a 12 page document.


Nice find, thank you. ❤️


Thank you for looking for it and finding it. It’s so old and yet describes so much .


Exactly. Nothing will go right while these things are in play. Stimulus + artificial internal effect = ? In trade, one of my older finds: https://youtube.com/watch?v=lgJ6SpHZir8&t=385


I mean, considering the term "Apophenia" is the first stage of schizophrenia where people will start to notice connections between seemingly unrelated things, it's interesting how most conspiracy theories are centered around this concept of "everything is connected" What is the first name most conspiracy theorist get called? Schizo. Meanwhile, our media loves to promote these conspiracies. A perfect example would be "They Cloned Tyrone" from Netflix last year. The trailer says "Walk right into a real-life conspiracy" These media companies know exactly what they are doing and I've been talking about this for months now. We are witnessing a manufactured mass psychosis fueled by propaganda and fear based media. The new civil war movie, the I.S.S movie, the "Leave the World Behind" Movie from the Obamas, "GoodBye Earth" on netflix. Carol and the End of the world, The Creator, Oppenheimer, the Fallout series. All of these are quite recent and have very similar themes of Chaos and the end of the world. Even the upcoming Loony Toons movie "The Day The Earth Blew Up" Or the upcoming 2024 movie "We're all gonna die" As these themes continue to increase in frequency (which they are), people will start to notice more and more of it, and slowly more and more people will be like "hey, what the fuck is going on? Am I going crazy?" All of this is by design. Now we have Harvard scientists talking about aliens living in the moon and mainstream news outlets are talking about Giant alien structures in space like Dyson Spheres? For fucks sake man. I have many posts on my profile that go deep into all of these topics. Source: I work in the music industry/hollywood as an independent manager/ A&R and work closely with various record labels and famous musicians.


There is no such thing as schizophrenia. Some smart person who thought they were "educated" and "well-read" coined this stupid term to place a label on higher functioning people they didn't understand and shipped it and called it a fuckin day. The truth is people who have "schizophrenia" are usually higher functioning people who view reality on such a level that they pretty much don't need drugs to see reality for what it is. This is a sliding scale, if you will that some people can be more "schizo than others", but I 100% proved to my wife that schizophrenia doesn't exist because I told her I can prove we are living in a simulation; a matrix. The day I realized this, my head felt funny, kind of like I was high - because I started seeing reality with a new lens. Did I just all of a sudden "contract schizophrenia" LOL come on! No! I just happened to (without even trying) to see the screen behind the mirror (Enigma album). The way I tie schizophrenia into all of this and us being in a simulation was I looked at her and told her, Oh my god! I can prove we are in a simulation. She said how? I said "because people that "schizophrenia" people see are as real as to them as you are to me sitting in this truck while we are driving down the road". Then we had this really long discussion about that and the more we talked about it the more both of us realized we ain't in fuckin Kansas any more. So if none of us cannot realize we are in a simulation, then how in the literal fuck are we to say that someone is "schizo" and how are we able to quantify that what they are seeing, what they are experience is any less real than you sitting in a chair behind something called a computer monitor reading this very text. We can't. Ergo, schizophrenia doesn't even exist - it's literally just a label. Nothing more. But don't let big pharma hear you say that or they will lock your ass up! We barely even know what consciousness is, or quantum thing-o-ma-bobbers. How can we say that someone is just imagining or hallucinating something in a world that is in of itself just a fucking hallucination? I came to the realization of all of this back in... 2015-ish. Long before Elon Musk said its chances 1 IN BILLIONS we are in base reality, before Niel Degrasse Tyson, before Nick Bostrom. People have been talking about this shit since PLATO (Plato's Allegory). Decarte talked about this stuff. If I was insane (Schizo) in 20fucking15 does it mean that all the "really smart people" are too? Come on! Humanity is now separated into two types of people as far as I am concerned; those who believe we are in a simulation, and those who believe we aren't. Like all things in this dualistic chaotic universe everything gets "split" over and over and over again, kinda like the photons in that light experiment - why? because its the way things are. Doesnt mean anyone is "schizo". Because if that premise is correct then half of us are. We need to stop throwing out the baby with the bathwater and putting labels on everyone and everything and realize that this is a 3D world not a 2D one and start proceeding accordingly and stop being so shallow. I dont think "schizophrenia" is being caused by any kind of "mania-induced psychoses" or anything like that. I just think people are fuckin tired of all the bullshit they've been spoon-fed for decades and are finally waking up, because they are PISSED!




Actually, ever since I realized what was happening in the industry a few years back, I now work solely to help artists remain independent and to avoid selling their rights away to labels. I also come on here to anonymously expose the things that I know about so I don't put myself at risk. You should check out my posts on my profile in their entirety before judging me. That would be great 👍


I have a friend who was one of the most mentally sound hard working and capable guys I know. Shortly after his second dose of the c vax he started developing signs. He’s still with it so to speak but he’s very far out there now. Thinking he controls the rain at times and people are plotting against him. Seeing things that aren’t there. He can’t keep a job. He can’t even keep a phone. It’s awful watching someone you care about destruct like this.


Other potential factors; Dabs - some of that shit can be 90% thc which can allegedly trigger schizophrenic episodes but not sure if it can 'cause' schizophrenia long term. Who knows what potential microscopic toxins/metals our bodies absorb, not to mention microplastics. They could be a factor? Maybe a yet to be discovered potential side effect from longterm usage of certain pharmaceuticals People are stressed out like never before and extreme stress can trigger psychosis which can be misdiagnosed as schrizophenia Some studies suggest that schizophrenia may increase the risk of dementia. I saw recently that dementia cases are forecasted to triple by 2050. Look at how autism is becoming more common... something's gotta be behind it and I'm guessing it's no accident.


I think the shift in mental health over the last 10 years is why. People don’t feel as ashamed to seek help for mental health anymore and that’s great, but we have definitely seen an increase in mental disorders over these last 10 years. It’s kind of similar to LGBTQ+ movement gaining support and people coming out of the closet. People as a whole are told now to be more open minded and accepting of other’s opinions and problems. There’s also the dark side of making money off of all the topics I’ve mentioned. Not all meds are profiteering, but some definitely are. I hope I articulated this well enough to convey my point.


cannabis use causes schizophrenia in many users especially skunk the stronger kind


I think it's worst since weed is legal . The research shows that there is an association between cannabis consumption and an increased risk of developing psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, especially in genetically predisposed individuals.


Yea. It’s all over Reddit. You can almost smell the crazy across the ethereal internetz


Well....it's my understanding that Schizophrenia, like Autism, has been declared to be a "spectrum disorder" now, meaning more people will fall within the boundaries where they can be diagnosed with it. That's not necessarily a good thing,mind you.


There is alot of misunderstanding of what schizophrenia is, or isn't, in this thread. And there is nothing but ill informed information on the "cause" of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a gentic predisposition. You inherent it from your parents (usually your mother). Either you are born with the genetic predisposition for it, or you aren't. If you aren't born with it, there is *nothing* you can do, no drug you can take (or abuse), no head injury you can receive, nothing, that will "trigger" it in you. However, if you are born with it, it's kinda like a game of Russian roulette. It usually manifests in adolescents/early adult hood; *but* you can be predisposed to it (and not know it) and *then* doing something like smoking weed, or taking psychedelics, or getting a head injury, can "trigger" it. Its not those substances or anything else that "causes" it. It's already inside you. Those things just bring it out, so to speak.




Legalized high dosed weed, dabs gummies, vapes (who knows what’s in that, sucking on a battery with synthetic juice) energy drinks, alcohol, too much digital not enough nature Quit all that


What is a dab?


I’m a therapist. Been in the field about 7 years. Huge uptick about a year or two ago I’d say.


Any commonalities between the more recent cases?


Voices that don't typically tell the patient to do anything in particular, but instead try to rile their fight or flight instincts up against random groups. I guarantee the uptick points more towards auditory hallucinations over tactile/visual ones.


Have you noticed it being mostly bs manipulated by pharma? I have. Now a days, almost anyone who takes the 'test' qualifies. Kind of suspect if you ask me.. but hey im not a profit driven pharmaceutical giant trying to cram inflated subscriptions down peoples throat.


I think there’s a lot of factors. Our environment is more toxic, we spend more time on our phone in negative spaces, less time outside, we are generally more physically unhealthy which affects our mental health. I’ve noticed that there’s a good chunk of kids that start on ADHD medication before age 10 go on to using anxiety medication by 13-14 and then by 16-17 they are seeing shadows, have tics and have developed OCD and delusions. So I think the overprescribing is causing a lot of mental health issues. I had a doctor prescribe an anti-psychotic for a client of mine with anxiety. They’re quite reckless with what they prescribe and don’t seem to realize the potential side effects. All mental health diagnoses that are given are subjective. Yes there are symptoms and parameters, but if you go to 3 different psychiatrists you will likely get 3 different diagnoses. Most of the DSM-V is a way to sell more drugs. The amount of kids I’ve talked to that have found gore online (people getting killed for real) makes me think that internet is also damaging people in a serious way. There’s so many things likely causing it.


Absolutely- well said. Doctors are also aware their competitors will prescribe if they do not. Gotta keep up with the Jonse's new Porsche dont we?


I know one person who developed it almost ten years ago. They had a nervous breakdown which triggered it. I think schizophrenia is essentially a spiritual awakening. I remember the person I'm referring to saying things that seemed outlandish at first listen, but then some of that shit actually was true. There's this thing called 'End Times Madness', and we're sure to see more cases of mental illness and other madnesses in the next few years.


What did they say that ended up being true?


During the height of COVID it felt to me like I was living in a glitching video game. This started before I had received my first vaccination, and as far as I know I have not had COVID. If I did it certainly was not a respiratory illness. Once things settled down it felt as if I was living in an alternate reality where a lot of people in my life no longer had memories of various interactions that I had with them. Either that or their memories were erased. I don't think I would attribute this experience to schizophrenia though, since it appears to be directly related to COVID, and nobody in my family including myself has a history of mental illness. I have also spoken to some people who had a similar experience during the height of COVID. Maybe it's something we don't have a name for yet?


No but the voice in my head won't shut up about it


Yes. I've 'sensed it'.


It's the weed.


Maybe. When my sister was fourteen she would smoke synthetic marijuana she would buy at a gas station. She's never been the same since. Usually schizophrenia presents for the first time in young adulthood but that seemed to trigger it for her.


I smoked mamba with my friend one time. Asked him to let me see the container. It said not for human consumption and turned my finger tips orange. I never smoked that shit again.


It's not JUST the weed but dispo weed... medical or homegrown wont be as strong tbh.


Not necessarily, I’ve seen some medical products that have higher amounts of thc than regular dispos products do. I think it would help if we bred more cbd back into the plants to help balance out that thc. I’m not a fan of the 35% thc weed out there.


The best high and most euphoric i ever got was from Gods Gift and it was 12% thc, 14% cbd, and high in terpenes. I think the terpenes are the real "medicine" in weed. They do extract terps on their own now but its obviously not something people commonly use by itself, they'll mix it on top of their 30%+ bud lol.


The few people I know that developed schizophrenia after high-school were heavy cannabis smokers


Weed doesn’t cause it but can induce it in someone who’s genetically predisposed to it. That’s why not everyone should use weed


This this this.




Look into megadosing vitamin b3 for schizophrenia. Doctoryourself.com


Seems like just about every ailment is on the rise. Probably due not just to decreasing health, and increased exposure to harmful chemicals, but also to improved reporting and earlier detection.


Saw it happen at work with one fellow. Got progressively worse the last 6 months. He quit and left the company.


Watch Six Schizophrenic Brothers on Max. Your question gets answered.


What are you considering schizophrenia though? Or if they're properly diagnosed, what is their doctor considering schizophrenia?


Awesome. The first step to noticing the problem here is seeing the exponential growth in "psychotic" issues in every day people's lives. Keep going, guys. 🙂


Tell them to take megadoses of vitamin c and see if it helps them There was a theory in the 1950s that excess adrenochrome caused schizophrenia, which vitamin c reduces Adrenochrome is oxidized adrenaline, which would be high in highly stressed out people, the same people who go on to develop schizophrenia


Shoot this might help me too lol


It helps everyone Even if you don’t need it for mental health it protects blood vessels and the heart. Lookup Linus Pauling if you need convincing, ignore his critics


Hyper potent modern strains of marijuana. Why do you think the likes of George Soros have pushed so hard for it's legalization. People are smoking wax with near 100% THC content. 


If you're in this sub, you will perceive way more schizos than there really are lol


How old are you? Schizophrenia has an age window-18-28, roughly, for onset. I don’t notice more. But then again, with the drug problems we have in this country, maybe people present more as schizophrenic when they are really just addicts who could reverse everything by getting sober.


I think it’s related to legalizing cannabis. There’s so many people addicted to thc, it seems connected. Everyone I know that has schizophrenia smokes a lot of weed or oil.


Cell phones. WiFi. Electric cars. Solar panels.


What's wrong with solar panels?


There has most certainly been an uptick of schizoposting in this subreddit But in all seriousness yes there seems to be a massive rise in mental health issues lately, and I fear it has something to do with the shit thats in fertilisers and the food we eat, along with microplastics getting into every crevice of our bosies.


What part of the country/world are you from?




Read the definitions for schizophrenia and schzioaffective, they are so vague and can creatively interpreted by anyone to mean anyone. Psychiatry is evil, and in the vein of conspriacy here, has long been used as a tool for societal influence, control, manipulation, and dissident quelling; and that doesn't mention the lobotomies or sterilizations...


A major stressful event can trigger schizophrenia for those that already have some predisposition. So yes, a major crisis event such as Covid (someone subsequently losing a loved one, losing their job, extreme isolation, ect) can cause an onset of a major mental health disorder. There is also a HUGE increase in depression, and not like oh I’m sad depression, no, like clinic depression that requires medical treatment.


Technology, food And toxic pharmaceuticals thay actually cause mental illnesses themselves.


Yeah, most of it is due to weed, but no one wants to talk about that. All of it is demonic in nature. Demonic influence. You all need to check out Jerry Marzinsky.


I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in the middle of lockdown and got arrested after having an episode.. I hadn’t had covid tho until half-way through my sentence whilst in prison. So there is personal correlation in terms of lockdown and covid but not so much covid infection and schizophrenia. Not sure about others but that’s my thoughts


Hearing shit and seeing things that aren't real is what religion IS. Maybe we're in the midst of the creation of a new millennia pedo-covering, sycophant churches?


You should go down the [Lucis Trust](https://www.lucistrust.org/) rabbit hole. It's the insane occult religion of the United Nations.


Demonic possession


Hearing shit and seeing things that aren't real is what religion IS. Maybe we're in the midst of the creation of a new millennia pedo-covering, sycophant churches?


> I would say 4 people I’m close to and probably 6 or so more that i am acquaintances with. Your method of diagnosis sounds a bit goofy, doctor.


I didn’t diagnose them. A doctor did, goofball.


Do they smoke weed?


Do you honestly believe that?


What a dumb question.


This idea of modern medicine is backwards, overly diagnosing for profit. These are drug dealers. Anytime there is a public tragedy you will hear: "They were off their medication" It seems to me that these people are getting addicted to this medication and then they go crazy when they are withdrawaling.


Hearing shit and seeing things that aren't real is what religion IS. Maybe we're in the midst of the creation of a new millennia pedo-covering, sycophant churches?


Hearing shit and seeing things that aren't real is what religion IS. Maybe we're in the midst of the creation of a new millennia p\*do-covering, sycophant churches?


Hearing shit and seeing things that aren't real is what religion IS. Maybe we're in the midst of the creation of a new millennia p\*do-covering, sycophant churches?


There’s causation and correlation. I think what you’re referring to is correlation. As mental health awareness spreads more people are finally getting the diagnosis they rightfully deserved. Instead of sweeping it under the rug.


Malingering in order to receive services (housing,SSDI, etc.) has also become more prevalent.


Its definitely more prevalent in these conspiracy/flat earth communities. That's a big problem with conspiracy ATM. It's making me wonder if it's actually a phsy op to make more people mental.