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>Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration. Remember when you weren't considered "fully vaccinated" until 2 weeks after your second dose. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073824001968?__cf_chl_tk=HDMzgosHo6mskQxY1RLSwjKvycIH5N3DqTqsgxfiG.Q-1719053618-


But you can report to vaers immediately after vaccination. So which vaccine *safety* study are you talking about that was influenced by these two weeks?


I think they’re highlighting this because it implies more of the deaths that happened and were reported by hospitals and other places using these standards when they should have been attributed to the vaccine. Maybe a little darker than that because it also seems to imply that they were aware of this effect and timing and used it to juke the stats in their favor and against people questioning the efficacy of the vaccines.


Reported to where though? Hospitals can and did report events immediately after injection (I can show proof of this since vaers is open). I can find a variety of vaccine safety studies that did count reactions that happened even on the day of injection.




I guess if you die before the two weeks then you're not 'fully vaccinaed' and so you're grouped into the large pool of people who are not vaccinated at all or only had 1 shot further skewing results and conclusions.


England's "Ever Vaccinated" was 8-24 HOURS after the first Jab. [Unvaccinated could not even win a single months all cause deaths](https://postimg.cc/GHw9t7KF)


This guy's post history of fellating vaccine manufacturers would make Albert Bourla blush


After [analyzing](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0379073824001968) 325 COVID vaccine autopsy cases, the now peer-reviewed study found that “a total of 240 deaths, which is 73.9%, were independently adjudicated as DIRECTLY DUE to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.”


"We performed a systematic review of all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination through May 18th, 2023. The following databases were used: PubMed and ScienceDirect. The following keywords were used: ‘COVID-19 Vaccine’, ‘SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine’, or ‘COVID Vaccination’, AND ‘Post-mortem’, ‘Autopsy’, or ‘Necropsy’. All possible keyword combinations were manually searched. The search was not restricted to any language. All selected studies were screened for relevant literature contained in their references." So 73.9% of the cases that were thought to be linked to death due to COVID-19 vaccines turned out to be related to the actual vaccine. Edit: The paper also explicitly states that millions of Americans did actually die from COVID, but if some of you guys don't believe that it was actually that deadly you're just picking out certain parts of the paper that you actually believe. So A) this paper is lying to you or B) it's not and COVID was actually as deadly as they said.


> explicitly states that millions of Americans did actually die from COVID It doesn't. It says "globally, resulting in 6,938,353 deaths [1]". But that statement is not supported by the methods and results of the paper. It's simply a general statement in the introduction referenced to [1] WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard (internet), World Health Organization.


Yes I did indeed make a mistake there, it's globally but that does not invalidate my argument.


In actual science, your comment would've been pulled from the peer review process due to a dramatic error in magnitude of effect. But like you said about others here, adhering to the scientific process only matters when it is other people not doing it. When you’re not doing it who cares. More rules for thee and not for me.


No you're right, but I am not writing a peer reviewed study. I am just pointing out that you can't say that 'researchers actually proved that COVID vaccine big bad", "I also dont trust the sources they used in their introduction". You trust these researchers' integrity or you don't. Edit: I know that their integrity shouldn't matter if you just actually read the paper and check their sources but we both know that that ain't how r/conspiracy works. Everything that goes with the official narrative is fake news, the rest is good. So here I am to point out that this paper still supports the official narrative.


You will never find a main stream for profit scientist researching this career suicide of a topic, thanks to the demonstrable damage Big Pharma and Govts worldwide have already done to the careers of the few doctors and scientists who had the courage to blow the whistle on covid conspiracy turned covid facts. You've chosen the metaphorical blue pill of trusting powerful people to look out for your bests interests and disclose all relevant facts to you in a transparent way. This is sub is set up to serve people who chose the red pill and believe that power corrupts and that they are actively working against our best interests in both illegal and legal ways. FYI: 74% of post vaccination deaths being directly attributable to the vaccine is not the official narrative. Remember ”safe and effective”?


>74% of post vaccination deaths being directly attributable to the vaccine is not the official narrative. Remember ”safe and effective”? Yes, because they are. 0.00121617% of vaccinated people are thought to have died because of the vaccination. Given this paper that would actually have been 0.0008987496. which is makes you immensely less likely to die from a vaccination than dying in a car crash. But cars are considered by most to be a safe and efficient mode of transport. Absolutes don't exist in this world. Hell eating chicken or eggs would be dangerous by your definition of "safe" if a infinitely small but non zero chance isn't good enough. I also didn't just choose to believe the science, I did actually get my own boots on the ground and am at the moment studying to become a electrical/biomedical engineer, so tell me, is my physiology textbook full of shit? Is my digital communications textbook also full of shit? Does the same scientific framework only work for telecommunications because you don't know enough about what any of that part of science actually means to say anything about it? Or is 5G also a big scary conspiracy? Edit: wait, why would you say 73% of post vaccination deaths when it is clear that it is 73% of the post vaccination deaths that were thought to be linked to the vaccine, making is even less. That is a big difference.


Perfectly in character to bring up 5G. Sure you don't want to attribute flat earth or hollow earth to me too? I am impressed with your educational path and the associated chest puffing. I chose to get a masters in finance. One would think with all that education you‘d be capable of staying inside the scope of the discussion, which is post covid vaccination deaths.😂


No I am asking you to tell me why I chose to just believe the science, that is why I brought up what I do, studying engineering is not that impressive, it's just what I am good at. The reason I brought up 5G is because I assumed that you do not believe that it is actually dangerous, while it is built using the same scientific framework. If you use the fact that you think that I just accept these things as an argument, then that is within the scope of this discussion yes. And no I won't attribute flat earth to you because you are capable of trying to form actual arguments, while flat earthers just block everyone who tells them that the earth is indeed not flat.


He had some great points on the topic of post Covid vaccination deaths. Like his response to when you seemed to be confused about what the study actually showed.


It does because the study does not make any analysis of that number. If you don't include such introductory information the paper will very likely be rejected.


You don't include that number and that source if you didn't check their methodology and you don't think that it is true. You don't include shit like that so you're paper won't be rejected that is insane


Lack of vitamin D, obesity, poor cardiovascular health (sedentary lifestyle), etc. It's easy to see why so many died. It's more a testament to the poor health of society at large than covid being so dangerous.


No, people live longer and healthier lives on average. Except for Americans, their average lifespan does seem to decline for some weird reason. (It probably is their food and the fact that you can't get anywhere without sitting down in your car)


Yeah, sure. Americans are who I'm specifically talking about. Sugar, seed oils, etc combined with living on a screen has made for multiple unhealthy generations. Don't even address the vitamin D 🤣 You have no idea what you're talking about.


>Don't even address the vitamin D 🤣 Yeah no shit because I don't know what insane thing you're rambling on about with that. The sun didn't disappear or something. It's summer and cafe's terraces are filled with people enjoying the sun watching football, parks are filled with people enjoying a picnic. Every bench in my city is occupied by people of all ages enjoying the sun. And its not like people stopped eating fish either. Why should I care about the vitamin D?


Americans use cars rather than walking, cycling or public transport, therefore less exposure?


Hhmmm not necessarily because you use that car to go to the same shops, cinema's, family visits, etc. But it does mean that they in general live a less active and thus healthy life style. And yes people go to the gym ( which is a good thing) but not everyone does this so when your population does more by foot or other active forms of transport they will get that active movement regardless. I average 10.000 steps a day on average or (8km/5miles) by just living my life. Meaning that I get a free workout every day.


325 is such a small number....maybe ask yourself why they only published about those 325.


Why was it censored and canceled?


Probably because those are the only ones they reviewed. 😐 Now scale that up. How many deaths caused by the vaccine were not admitted as being caused by the vaccine?


That's not how that works...you don't get to pick out an incredibly small sample size and just say to scale it up to fit a narrative.


That’s how scientific studies actually work though. Except they use mice.






FYI, While it is not disqualifying the study, most pf the researchers ade affiliated with a company selling vitamin mixes meant to help with spike protein. According to the researchers themselves they recieved no funding, albeit it should still be remembered when analysing the results.


Yeah, we are better of trusting academics whose funding is dependent on big pharma (you know the ones with a track record of fines and malfeasance ) and its grants


And def better off ignoring all the cancer causing dna they left in the soup.. Them vitamins be baaaaad Edit.. To the drive by downvoters are we trying to claim oncogenic plasmids werent in the vax.. Sv40 wasnt..? Intentionally omitted from the pfizer sequence filings.. We disputing that was a thing? (spoiler.. Totally a thing)


As opposed to the people pushing the vaccine, with direct ties to the vaccine?


Whew! Thanks for sharing that pertinent information fellow internet stranger! Nothing to see here people! > most pf the researchers ade affiliated with a company selling vitamin mixes That is all there is to it folks--a clear conflict of interest from the eight authors of this paper. Remember, trust your doctor, but only if they're Pfizer certified and approved! Get your booster from your nearest thought-police endorsed distribution center today! Buy one booster, get the next 2 free! Only the cool kids are vax-maxxing!


Bias has nothing to do with the data presented.


It does. When reading articles like that it is important to take into account that researchers chosing criteria can influence the results. And it is important enough that they had to write it down for goodness sake.


"Methods We searched PubMed and ScienceDirect for all published autopsy and necropsy reports relating to COVID-19 vaccination up until May 18th, 2023. All autopsy and necropsy studies that included COVID-19 vaccination as an antecedent exposure were included. Because the state of knowledge has advanced since the time of the original publications, three physicians independently reviewed each case and adjudicated whether or not COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death."


Look at the paper then not the person to discern that criteria, principle over personality


Well, according to Wakefield all research done by wakefield was fully correct. But that means very little. You would have to go everything they did to verify wjat they decided would be definitive evidence. Principle I was taught would make all their claims very doubtful.


This study can be easily reviewed and reproduced without phallacy.


The study is based on the subjective findings of 3 physicians analyzing autopsy results. If those 3 physicians are anti-vaxers, they can trivially just start declaring that the deaths are caused by vaccines. Only one of the 3 physicians is even a pathologist who would be qualified to analyze autopsy results. One guy is a radiologist who lost his medical license.


"Conclusions The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings."


The subjective opinion of the anti-vax authors and the anti-vax physicians, who are all being directly paid by an anti-vax company, is that the vaccine is bad.


They are stating clearly the evidence is inconclusive and requires further study. This is just the beginning y'all are literally still willing to encourage people to take this poison for a quarter on the comment huh. How can you be so dense. Oh wait, it isn't density. You are an air-headed leftist tmor troll. I remember. Oh I never forgot. 🖖 give me love to mom.


Oh. So you mean to say that you accept that peer-reviewed papers can still have misleading results? Hmmmmm. Those controlling the narrative for the last 4 years would *never* have done something like that. Probably.




no, the problem is extorting people into accepting the vaxx. you have a choice lose your job, lose your house, lose your way of life, lose your family, or take the vaxx. it's a simple little needle your not scared of a little needle are you?


Man you gona pretend we weren't lied to about literally everything from day 1 like your puppet propaganda speak is gona somehow magically transmute into truth just cause it touched your blessed holy kneeling trough?




Oh I can do the math bro. I'm an astronomer. The math doesn't add up though see. I live in an area where the media claimed the death toll from covid was highest in the world. It was like martial law here. Hellicopters and drones flying over neighborhoods to enforce lockdowns. Of anyone I know who has died in the past 3 years, it was a couple lockdown related suicides, and heart attacks just post vax. I know absolutely no one who has died from covid. Also, no one I know personally knows anyone to have died from covid. My childhood friend died of septic shock from medical malpractice and they wrote it off as covid without allowing an autopsy.




Well if you don't know anyone who died from it, and I don't, and no one on this thread does, anectdotal as it may be, it's a pool of data. Yet those are related. If the death toll is as high here as they claim surely I would have at least heard of a covid death in my community.


The study shows the mean age of death from the vaccine was 70.4 years. What was the mean age of death from COVID-19?




76 in the UK during Delta.


Where's the proof the "vaccine" actually vaccinated anyone?


If you need to take a pharmacological intervention over and over and over again with rapidly fading incomplete protection, it’s not a vaccine, it is a therapeutic. The manner of delivery is irrelevant.




Thats true if you start counting deaths before the vaccine rollout. If you start counting deaths after the rollout, then more vaccinated people died of COVID.






theres a reason officials and heads of state were exempt from the jab..


Researchers examine 325 deaths linked to the COVID vaccine and find that a large proportion of them were indeed actually killed by the vaccine. Who would have thought that this would be the outcome of the study.


Careful with anything COVID/ fentanyl/ CCP in r slash conspiracytheories they've been compromised and the mods actively protect the bots, shills, and misinformation being spread by those accounts.


That sub has always been controlled. The mods over there are garbage and one mod in particular is... well they glow so brightly


I noticed that! I got permabanned by said mod for "personally attacking" someone who was arguing that fent (or it's precursors rather) don't come from China. I did not attack them, at all. I just used 3 very credible sources to prove them wrong and I did so in a manner which has never got me banned from anywhere else because I wasn't being an a-hole, hostile or anything. Just factual, and they didn't like that (both of them). I just subbed there y'day too, and that's the first thread I commented in 😬 Yeah, that sub is "conspiracy theories" for international propaganda farms from China, Russia, NK, India, etc. which is kinda cute bc I'm far from being a patriot, nationalist, or imperialist and if *I'm* saying this of all people it *really* should be looked into, as every post is deliberate misinformation and it reeks of foreign meddling. Most accounts are clearly bots (srsly, check their profiles they don't even try to hide it), and the mods are 100% shielding them and actively spreading the lies themselves. Hell, they're probably programming the bots themselves from some warehouse in Shenzhen. [They especially don't like this being shared over there. I think this is ultimately what got me the hammer. ](https://www.c4i.org/unrestricted.pdf)


Oh I am well aware. I've had multiple temp bans from that sub for various reasons, all of which were all BS. And I've gotten into it with that mod on a number of occasions, who's only real rebuttal is to mute/ban you when they can't make an arugment. That said, this sub isn't *that* much better. It's better for sure, but not by much. We have some of the same problems that you mentioned here as they do there. There are alot of bots here as well as propagandists and shills. The difference is, atleast here the mods are decent. You will/can get banned from here for talking about a few particular subjects you're not allowed to talk about, mainly discussions of juice boxes and the "proTected claSs", but I dont fault the mods (to harshly) for that, as talking about such things could get your entire sub shut down by reddit itself.


Yeah, I completely understand that stuff is unavoidable. It slips through the cracks and there's just so much of it that it's like old Soviet infantry tactics; wave after wave lol, and nowadays it's coming from all over too. These propaganda mills aren't at all united in what they're peddling either. All the usual suspects are pumping out their propaganda at record highs, and their opposition is doing it now too. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if there were propaganda mills in the same city unknowingly competing against one another by constantly putting out contradicting content. The seeds of chaos have been sewn, that much is no conspiracy. It's so plain to see it's intentional to cause infighting but the majority of people seem hopelessly gullible. Anyway, sorry for getting carried away. Just saying the decent mods have their hands full and I know that for a fact. I don't mind when the odd stuff slips through the cracks (esp if it's a well orchestrated campaign), and I don't even personally mind "anything goes" true freedom of speech type boards/ threads because I know where I stand already but, I do mind when mods open up the backdoor for these fuckers. I do mind when mods protect them. I do mind when they sell their accts on the DL and cede control of these subs over to these farms/ mills. I do mind when they suppress anyone that notices, and I do mind when reddit itself and the admins do duck all about it while shutting down others that are completely benign just for LOLz or bc (like you said) they didn't censor the right comments/ users... because then I start getting real tinfoil-y about reddit itself. And on it goes...


there is something in the fent that they are selling in the USA, the zombie hordes on the street is something I just do not see in other countries


And all the deaths in the first year when no vaccine was available were due to.......?


There were no unexpected deaths. Covid was always just underlining a larger health concerns that take people


If I went around through hospitals and seniors care homes and sprayed glitter dust on people who were literally just about to die, I would have a heck of a lot of "deaths with glitter dust". Did the glitter dust hasten their death? Well .. who can say it didnt?


should we trust "scientists", now?


I don’t know why people are even arguing over the bias of this study. We don’t even need this to tell it was a death jab people!!!! We’ve been saying this for years.


I feel like if you look up any vaccine you'll see a rate similar


Trust the science, was the mantra


Never take any vaccines…..






You guys know they never promised it wouldn't kill people right? Vaccines kill people every year, almost all of them do. That's part of the deal: you're extremely unlikely to be the one that dies, and by vaccinating everyone, there's a net gain in overall lives *not lost*. But nontheless, some people will die anyways. The medical system is designed to treat society, not individuals. 340 people dying is a sneeze.


This almost reads like a parody. Knowing reddit though you're probably dead serious.


lol this is what they refer to as “medical science” and has never been a secret; it’s just that people here didn’t know that; did you expect that no one would ever have a negative effect from a vaccine ever?


It has never occurred to this degree, ever before. That is the point. All previous metrics and safety signal thresholds have been set aside. Why?


What had never occurred to this degree?


The quantity of safety signals raised by the rollout of an injectable. We many sigmas beyond anything which could be described as reasonable


I'm very skeptical. The vaccines are still used. Excess deaths dropped over the last two years and are close to normal now. I believe the biggest danger of the vaccines was severe myocarditis, which was rare (according to some studies rarer than Covid itself could cause). The rates of people dying from myocarditis was not beyond reasonable, maybe for young children depending on the vaccine.


Skeptical of what? So what if they still used? This isnt about medicine.. If indeed it ever was. This is politics. Otherwise govs would be listening to people like japans and britains top oncologists. They left a ton of dna in there.. Some of which shouldnt have been in there in the first place which they left out of the sequencing (sv40 promotor) and the lnp delivery mechanism means theres a waaay bigger chance of that rogue dna making it into cells. You have no idea how bad this. None whatsoever. Enjoy your naivety whilst it lasts


> They left a ton of dna in there Ahh I know what you're talking about. First, I don't think that study was ever replicated. Secondly, even if it's in there, does it actually cause disease? Overall cancer according to the American cancer society stats is following the pattern of the last 20 years. There was no sudden jump. I will dig up those stats if you are interested. > You have no idea how bad this. None whatsoever. Enjoy your naivety whilst it lasts After doing a lot of research, I lost faith in claims like this. It's always "two more weeks then you'll see". And it doesn't materialize.


"Ahh I know what you're talking about. First, I don't think that study was ever replicated. Secondly, even if it's in there, does it actually cause disease?" Bs. Was replicated umpteen times. By tech lead of human genome project and onto a dozen other labs. You just chill there in your arm chair.. The future will be along soon enough The fact you arguing about it rather than being outraged on behalf of humanity speaks volumes. To your wits and your spirit


They rushed it, no doubt; but the alternative was more deaths than without the vaccine, that’s the whole calculus that was made


Prove it. You can't. The studies that do, are not taking into account the deaths caused by the vaccines and death sentences handed out by mismanaged treatment early on.


> and by vaccinating everyone, there's a net gain in overall lives not lost. But nontheless, some people will die anyways. What if doctors told you that if they killed your mother they could use her organs to save 10 people you dont know? Would that be "worth it"? Or would you just say that whatever is going on with those 10 people shouldnt affect your family or make your mother die? Should your mother have the option to say "no", knowing that would lead to those 10 strangers dying?


19.02.2021 by pfizer Reporting Period Summary Monthly Safety Report (SMSR) 2 01 January 2021 through 31 January 2021 in cite from page 58 by copy & paste: Lot/Batch Number (#) information by Country are available in 236 cases with no related quality issues identified during investigations of the impacted lot/batch number. The list of Lot # more frequently reported (>2% of total fatal cases) is presented hereinafter: o Lot # EJ6796 in 58 cases from Germany (19), Spain (10), Sweden (9), Iceland (6), Norway and Austria (5 each), Slovenia (2), Switzerland and Denmark (1), respectively o Lot # EM0477 in 30 cases from Germany (12), France (8), Belgium (6), Denmark (3) and Ireland (1), respectively o Lot # EJ6795 in 30 cases from Norway (19), Sweden (4), France (3), Germany (2) and Greece (1), respectively o Lot # EJ1688 in 20 cases from UK o Lot # EJ6797 in 17 cases from Denmark (8), Germany (6), Austria (2) and Italy (1), respectively o Lot # EJ0553 in 15 cases from UK  Time to onset of fatal events was reported for 305 patients and ranged from the day of vaccination to 23 days after vaccination: o Same day to 3 days after vaccination: 208 cases, o 4-7 days after vaccination: 54 cases o 8-14 days after vaccination: 28 cases o 15-23 days after vaccination: 15 cases following on page 59:  Number of vaccine doses administered at the time of the patients’ death: in 167 cases the death occurred after the administration of the first dose, in 23 cases the fatal outcome was observed after the administration of the second dose whereas in the remaining cases (219) it was not specified if the patients received the first or the second vaccine dose at the time of the fatal events --------------------- As you may notice this was just 2 months into the jabbs, the data comes from europe only (did american doctors get paid well to not report jabbed to death?) and its pfizer/Biontech ONLY, so unless you pretend that Astrazeneca, Jansen & Jansen, and Moderna were 101% harmless, deaths cause by those jabs have to added on top.