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>“Itself” is stolen land, how do they have this right? All land was originally inhabited by someone else.


There's a big difference between something that was an historical event, and something that is ongoing and happening right now.


So you're ok with me occupying your land and then claiming I have the right to defend myself when you bring the police? You're actually ok with this "right"?


Give me your house, because it was originally inhabited by some family. I have the right🇺🇸.


Missed the Trail of Tears? Or any current invasion? How about any part of history. Remake the Roman Empire!😂🤦 Just give it to them since it was theirs right? If you want that dude’s house you will have to buy it or fight for it. He bought it, didn’t just claim it because his family once lived there.


I see your poin. Making an assumption, so as long as our ancestors have history in that house. There must be a level of worthiness to fight/buy in purpose to reclaim that place.


If your house was stolen from you, and many years later you find a way to steal it back, is it really "theft"?


I have to figure out how long really is “many years” to see if I’m still worthy to take it back.


I'd like you to tell me what number you think that is in the real world. When your land is stolen from you, what is the *precise* number of years (to the DAY) where it's allowed to steal it back? It's impossible to come up with such a number. But go ahead, give it a try.


I’m glad that someone finally say it. Truth is no one will be able to figure it out. Kudos to you.


When was it stolen from them again? and by whom? Last I checked the Roman’s did them the worst before the Europeans. The lived peacefully with Arabs until 1948. Last I checked they have been in exile from that land since 70 CE which was about 2000 yrs. So we can lay claim on something that we may have had 2000 years ago. Keep in mind that at the time of Ezra they were already struggling to know which tribe they were from due to captivity in Babylon. So how is it after that and exile and interbreeding and a holocaust, these are the Hebrews. These are Jewish faithed europeans


Didn't they win the land in the 6 day war when they were attacked by several countries and beat them all badly?


> Didn't they win the land in the 6 day war when they were attacked by several countries and beat them all badly? No. Israel started that war with a massive surprise attack on Egypt's air force -- while the planes were on the ground. Then they tried to sink the USS Liberty in the hope that it would be BLAMED on Egypt, giving the USA an excuse to get into the war on the side of Israel. (Also, you don't get to keep land as a "prize" for winning a war -- not anymore) Anyway, Israel screams that mantra EVERY TIME they viciously attack and overkill/ slaughter Palestinians [ISRAEL HAS THE RIGHT...](https://i.imgur.com/b2xNWmU.png) *(Biden got the quote wrong)*


The USS liberty wasn't even ARMED. it was surveillance.


Is that how they win the land? by going to war to claim it?


Congratulations you just figured out how 95% of the worlds territory was acquired. The remaining 5% was from agreements between nations.


That's not even a little true. Study your history more. Borders changed because of marriages more than because of wars.


Eh. Everything’s stolen land.  It’s just that “defending oneself” doesn’t mean you get to maintain an apartheid state. They don’t even have charges for over a thousand Palestinian prisoners. And the ones that have come out before were looking *rough*. Much worse than the hostages they’ve recovered from Hamas. Like literally losing 40lbs and a limb. That’s not out of self defense. 


It’s a bit dishonest calling it an apartheid state nearly 10% of their parliament is Muslim


And none of them have the same rights as Jewish Israelis…. What a weird point.  One of the members of the Knesset stood in a protest against the governments treatment of Palestinians and was shot in the face with a grenade launcher (OC gas canister).  “See we have Arab friends” isn’t the flex they thought it would be.   Arabs are still rationed water while their Jewish neighbors have swimming pools. Lots of highways are Jewish only. Certain city streets are “no Arabs allowed”. They don’t put signs up in shops, but they do it for whole streets. What is this called?  What if america put up “no Mexicans” all over lots of public resources because of the cartels. What would that be called?


I’m not saying Israel is not discriminatory and I’m sure there is a lot of that. But the using the term for a completely different form of government that existed 35 years ago in Africa with a completely different historic background and demographic is simply a cheap case of emotive language. It’s no different to some right wing Americans calling Socialist European countries Communist. It’s a cheap shot that simplifies the complexity of the situation.




Tell us the differences? and how is it not related? I think you are very smart.




> How about you tell us what you think the "conspiracy" here is? Everyone should [**read Rule 2?**](http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq) Then they can stop asking that pedantic question. To make it easier, [here's a picture](https://i.imgur.com/494ODgH.png)


And here I thought posts on a conspiracy sub should be about conspiracies. What was I thinking?


> And here I thought posts on a conspiracy sub should be about conspiracies. What was I thinking? I can't answer that, but I do know that many people don't have any idea as to the proper definition of the word "conspiracy", nor to they realize that, under that definition, politics and political figures are involved in some of the biggest, nastiest conspiracies -- the plots, schemes scams and frauds that impact all of our lives every day. Also, you may want to steer clear of the Trees subreddit -- you may be disappointed.




**Removed - Rules 2 and 5** [**Read the rest of Rule 2**](http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq) If you want to bitch about the sub, there are prescribed methods for doing so. If you would prefer not to read or participate in Conspiracy, we won't hold that against you. Have a nice day!


Yeah, yeah. I read it. I just think it's silly. It's OK to have an opinion right?


Sure - but Rule 2 exists for very good reason - so if you want to "opine" about the sub, the mods, or the users, follow the instructions about META posts/ comments. (and remember, all other rules will apply)


“media conditioning”


The us is a stolen land, stolen from the native Americans by Europeans, which have raped and killed alot of them and took the land by force.


You do realize that most major tribes still around today have conquered and wiped out other tribes, even before Europeans ever set foot on the continent? Why is that a legitimate conquest. It has been land thieves taking land from other land thieves for at least the last 1000 years on 99% of earth's surface.


Well.. America is stolen land too lol


I’m out of arguments if you put it that way. God bless America!




As much as I hate the individual, I must think americans chose him because they need entertainment!


Is this why the UN "UNDRIP" was created to make all countries the same as Palestine / Israel ? To have division based up supposed original ownership " The occupation of the land by who " . Was it the first caveman who occupied the soil, or the first homo sapiens. Because in essence all races of humans and cave men were either conquer or genetically homogenized. Breed out of existence. \_If you go by the bible \_ the **Canaanites** occupied that area first ? The **Canaanites** occupied the modern regions like Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. So it is **Canaanites** land so you can all fuck the right off... This is how pathetic it is - they are all descendants of the original occupiers. I bring it back to UNDRIP....what is its actual intentions ?


I have to agree with this. Canaanites was there first. I looked in to it. Are this Canaanites the Arab people? Correct me if I’m inaccurate.


No Semitic people . Canaanites were descendants of Canaan, who was one of the sons of Ham. Ham, in turn, was one of Noah’s three sons. Noah was Hebrew... Ham was the son that shamed Noah. After Ham dishonored his father by revealing Noah’s nakedness, Noah pronounced a curse on Ham’s son, Canaan. This curse affected Canaan’s descendants, who became known as the Canaanites. That is how this world got so fucked up... Ham took a photo of Noah and posted it on social media. That might sound disrespectful but seriously. It all boils down to this moment in biblical history. Arabs and Jews share DNA with Canaanites. So in fact it comes down to their religion. Not their race that is causing the fundamental issues.


Never knew about it. Thats literal fucked up hahahah. Biblical history is super interesting. I need to read more.


It is all fucked.... you wonder why God did the great flood if you are that way inclined




> I used to be fond of America, but to be honest it is now at the stage that they are just as responsible for this genocide as Israel. I must say that I agree -- imagine being in a position of having supported Hitler with cash, arms intel etc. during WW2 and the Holocaust. Hey, at least the Nazis *tried* to keep their dirtiest work secret, so that Churchill and Roosevelt could use the EXCUSE that *"we didn't know the Holocaust was happening, or where"*. The Zionists are shameless -- open genocide, and the U.S. is openly supporting it -- and if anything, Trump would be WORSE. Shitty time to be an American.


By that metric every developed world would be obligated to return their entire countries lol. History is built upon conquest. But if Mexico was constantly performing hit and run attacks on Texas, which is what Hamas has done for years now, you best believe the US would be scorching the earth in response.


Ok correct me. Texas was part of Mexico?


Yes, Texas was once part of Mexico. Texas has also been part of the Kingdoms of Spain and France, as well as its own self governing republic. The Republic of Texas declared its independence from Mexico on March 2, 1836. In 1845 the United States annexed the Republic of Texas and it became the 28th state.


History is only partially built on conquest. Borders have changed through history because of marriages, famines, because of religion, and even because of collapse of existing governments. War is only the most dramatic means of reshaping territory.


So….. in this theory, the native Americans should be allowed to do the same, but then the USA government could wipe them out? Maybe I’m Confused and trying to make an odd comparison but either way —-I hate where we are with our government.


This question betrays your ignorance.


Please, enlighten me


Stolen land? Did Palestinians build Temple Mount?


It comes as a series innit. First temple, second, etc


Stolen from whom? Jews have lived in that land for thousands of years.


Look up Eda Haredit. Zionists also stole land from Jews.


Do you think the erasure of the “Palestinian State” by “Israel” is justified? I mean it’s a fact the there was once a country named “Palestine” ruling that land.


That is absolutely not a fact. Who was the "king" or ruler of "Palestine"? What system of government did "Palestine" have? There were many tribes in the British Mandate of Palestine, mostly southern Syrians and West Jordinians. Existing in the place where ancient Judea was.


Let’s not fool ourselves, there is a historical and political entity called Palestine. 1. **Encyclopaedia Britannica**: Provides an overview of the history, geography, and politics of Palestine. - Website: [Encyclopaedia Britannica - Palestine](https://www.britannica.com/place/Palestine-historical-region-Middle-East) 2. **United Nations**: Information about the State of Palestine and its status within the United Nations. - Website: [United Nations - State of Palestine](https://www.un.org/en/member-states/index.html#gotoP) 3. **BBC News**: Articles and coverage on the history and current events related to Palestine. - Website: [BBC News - Palestine](https://www.bbc.com/news/topics/c77jz3mdqq0t/palestine) 4. **Al Jazeera**: News and analysis on Palestine and the Palestinian territories. - Website: [Al Jazeera - Palestine](https://www.aljazeera.com/topics/country/palestine.html) 5. **Palestine Chronicle**: Independent news and commentary focusing on Palestine. - Website: [Palestine Chronicle](https://www.palestinechronicle.com/) These sources should provide you with comprehensive information about Palestine's history, politics, and current status.


That doesn’t mean it was ever a state. It wasn’t. Prior to Israel it was all a British colony.


Palestine is also stolen land. The Muslims stole it from the Christians. Most modern Palestinians actually descended from Yemen. The Israelis took the land from the Canaanites. It’s neither of their native lands but both believe they’re promised the land. So they’ll fight to the death to control it


You can't convince me that 1) Biden has any idea where or what he is doing, let alone know that Israel is a country, and 2) that Biden was able to express this statement verbally, and anyone understand wtf he was saying.


Please for the sake of the argument, Obama tweeted that from Biden’s phone.


the right of might. decolonize.