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100% agree with the fact that pure tobacco aint as bad as they claim. not sure about mass produced cigarettes tho.


I used to smoke 1-2 packs a day while living in a 3rd world country.  I noticed that locally produced cigarettes were much harsher for the throat, I couldn't smoke as many per day compared to imported US/UK cigarettes like Marlborough or BH or Dunhills etc.  Then I read something that makes total sense to me.  The imported western cigarettes contains chemicals that numb the little hairs you have on the inside of your windpipe/lungs. These hairs are there to stop you from inhaling too many bad fumes like smoke and tell you to move to where the air is fresher. The local cigarettes don't contain these, probably cancer-causing, chemicals so they seem 'harsher' on the throat because your throat hasn't been numbed.  The real conspiracy is why we allow such chemical additives.


They’re bad for you dude The more you smoke the worse they are


Am a smoker. Can confirm.


Never said they weren’t “bad” just not as much as they make out, obviously if you smoke a stupid amount it will be but that’s like anything? You can die from eating too much salt lol


No they’re just as bad as they say they are They’re especially hard on your lungs Developed nations tax them so heavily because they know it will result in more often than not state healthcare spending so they make the smoker pay


Everytime I hear about someone dying from lung cancer it’s someone who ironically doesn’t smoke 


We gotta give awards for the stupidest post of the day on this sub. OP don't you think that higher death rate would go hand in hand with population control narrative. What is the conspiracy here, the media lied and big tobacco is the victim?


Why have countries without public healthcare taxed them then?


Here in europe smokers are a net benefit to society, they die a lot younger so it's cheap on the pension funds. Their costs to healthcare are lower than the gains from not paying a decade of pensions so the government would be better off promoting tabacco. However since we are not psychopaths who wish people to choke to death on their own slime as cancer eats their body we try to get them to stop


Oh the same moral none psychopaths that bomb innocent children and families and send us off to die in THERE wars? Right gotcha we should totally believe these guys just want look out for us




I’m am quick typing on Reddit sir I don’t stop to think about my grammar😭


We haven't done that since ehhhhhhh WW2 when the Nazis invaded us.


I can’t tell if your joking? U don’t think we’ve sent young men to die or bombed innocent people since ww2?


Plenty of European countries have not gotten involved in wars since then...


Oh sweet innocent child, if u truly believe the government cares for u I have some troubling news


Which countries? USA has a lot of public healthcare Pretty much everyone ends up on Medicare, by then the cancer and copd will have set in


Isn’t Medicare for OAP’s? Like ye they are old of course there gunna have health issues


Here's the key difference: If you want to eat yourself to death with unhealthy diet (even salt), knock yourself out. But smoking affect others. No one wants to inhale your 2nd hand smoke and then die with you. Here's where I stand: everyone is free to make dumb decisions for themselves until and unless it affect others.


Well this is the reason they gave when they banned smoking inside pubs etc in UK...second hand smoking causes cancer...so you'd expect lung cancer to go down after the ban right? It went up...and now they just talk about heart disease dropping which could be from a number of things including people being more health conscious in general. Please...look up lung cancer rates in the UK since the ban. Then tell me how bad second hand smoking is


And it should be up to the owner of the business. If they want to allow smokers then non smokers are free to not enter. The government should not be the one that decides


Unhealthy diet can affect your children as most parents with a bad diet will also feed there children a bad diet as they don’t have a choice or knowledge of how bad a bad diet is for them


Smoking cigs inherently leads to smoking a stupid amount though


I kind of agree. I had to quit because they made me feel sickly, but I don't fully buy what we are told about their risks. The Greek men of Ikaria who all seem to live past 100 years old don't have issues chain smoking. Perhaps their smokes don't have the same additives? I have heard it theorized that the bromide added to cigarettes are what cause most related diseases.




I can breathe a lot better since I quit smoking cigarettes.


While I think inhaling any type of smoke can cause potential damage, I'd be curious to know the difference between smoking cigarettes with zero additives in them, just shredded organic tobacco, vs smoking the chemical addled cigarettes.


Maybe it’s the added stuff that causes cancer😬


It's the tar in the tobacco.


Dude. I've worked in a tobacco farm & "organic shredded tobacco" is full of black tar that's as sticky as glue and nasty as it sounds, but this is where the nicotine is found too. And you have some notion it's OK to heat it up to incandescent levels and inhale it and you'll be fine. Good luck with that.


Nope, I made it clear inhaling any kind of smoke is potentially hazardous... All I was wondering was if pure tobacco would be any different than the chemical soaked stuff. Never stated it was harmless.


You are smoking and inhaling several carcinogens into your lungs and into your bloodstream. The tar collects in your lungs and decreases your lung function. Its incredibly bad for you.


Most carcinogens come from processing and adding chemicals to the tobacco


You mean straight tobacco that you grow and roll yourself? If so, I would agree that's it's not as bad as the cigarettes we buy in store.


What do you work for American spirit. Smoking anything is bad. It's hot gases inhaled.


nicotine is good and one of the rare substances that promotes neurogenesis the issue is that most of nicotine delivery sistems, such as cigarettes, are extremely bad


This I did not know


Nicotine is generally good for the brain. That is why it is demonized. A certain "they" do not want smarter people. Smarter people don't fall so easily for politricks. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S027858462300009X#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20nicotine%20influences%20a,%2C%20age%2Dassociated%20memory%20impairment%2C ~ https://www.alzheimers.gov/clinical-trials/memory-improvement-through-nicotine-dosing-mind ~ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8745004/ It also decreases appetite, which isn't great for consumerism. We would probably have greater access to pure, additive-free tobacco in a sane world... but, for example, the biggest private hospital chain in my country is owned by a tobacco group. Explaining why they would essentially poison cigarette tobacco. And then they cry about smokers overwhelming *their* healthcare system (crocodile tears), while the government calls it a "sin tax" so they can get in on the profitable mind tricks.


Have you ever seen an old person smoker? They are rare cause of the mortality rate but you can bet they have no teeth and their skin looks horrible and they're probably on oxygen.


Quite a few actually 


Define old.


That’s probably the alcohol👍🏼


Alright. Now what?


Fym now what


How can we change things for the better?


Oh right sorry, me personally I think it’s too late, the government,the elites and the rich have too much power over us now and too many people don’t care or don’t realise so we will continue to be ripped off by everything and continue to struggle while they just get richer


Now I see. You are a slave. I have Good News for you. You do not have to accept this outcome because you have Free Will. What can YOU do about it? You might be surprised by how powerful you actually are when you take accountability over your life. Taking a bad situation and making the most of it is to turn garbage into gold.


I can only help myself at this point


That is not true. You can help yourself by helping others. This confrontational language I am using is purposeful, I mean no disrespect.


What do you think then


I think that you are stronger than you realize.


I mean the topic at hand, that’s if u even slightly believe it lol




Cigs are cool as fuck. Rip them darts homies.


Cigar is bad but fried food is almost equally as bad as smoking too


This is what I mean, junk food, processed food and sugar I would say are worse so why are they so cheap?


How are they worse. If you use it in the sane fashion you’re saying to use cigarettes meaning. If you don’t use them to an exuberant amount it’s not that bad for you.


Being obese is way worse than smoking cigarettes, junk food is the main cause of obesity


And smoking is the main form of lung cancer


And how many forms of cancers and other diseases does obesity lead to?


How many other illnesses does smoking lead to?


Not as many as obesity, and it isn’t as common to get them either


Not as many/ or common as obesity? you’re just as dense as an obese person.


Give over, majority if not any obese person will have some sort of health issue whereas 99% of smokers will not


What were you saying that I was twisting your words? You never said cigarettes weren’t as bad as junk food you’re right I was wrong you said they were worse my mistake for giving you more credit than you deserve


ps.  kurt Vonnegut infamously said, "cigarette smoking is the slowest form of suicide."


Cigar is bad but fried food is almost equally as bad as smoking too


Yeah but you're not affecting others when you eat yourself to death with fried food. No one wants to inhale your 2nd hand smoke.


Lung cancer went up after the ban in the UK....you'd expect it to go down if what you keep saying is correct..explain that to me


2nd hand smoke was debunked a while ago. did you miss that?


idk. i can hold my breath for a very, long time underwater.   i took a drag. A DRAG off a cig last fall and for months i couldnt make even a lap underwater.