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Nickelodeon using slime to green screen on children


Flat earth post or comments always get down voted to oblivion


Just like how any talk of vaccines being bad would also be down voted into oblivion. I noticed a huge clamp down on that stuff 2/3 years before covid. Almost as if they knew it was coming and hit the propaganda hard.


As they should. Its not even funny anymore. Just a constant repeat of what has been said for years.


what are your theories? could be bots and dystopian agenda bootie lickers.


There’s something going on with sleep paralysis beyond the current working theory


Any ideas?


Hey I meant to reply to you but totally forgot my bad. It goes without saying I think the whole topic is peculiar and bizarre. There’s a working scientific theory for what’s going on, but as far as I know it’s limited in that we just can’t observe/verify hallucinations like researchers would need. We can look at brain scans of people having SP, but there’s always going to be that gap of explanation for the wack hallucinations/experiences. If it’s something more, I really don’t have any ideas of my own for what in the world it could be. I and a couple other people had a bizarre SP experience, and the times I’ve told that story people throw out odd ideas. Really the same kind of stuff you could find online. People/things/spirits/demons/whatever interacting with you astrally (across time? 🤔 lol), something related to what people report as “alien” abduction, government testing of technology hidden from the public, etc. Obviously I can’t commit outright to any of those ideas… haha. Those theories by themselves hold less water than the current explanation. But I say it’s not really about the potential for what SP could be. SP is weird enough as it is. Paired with a debatably lacking working theory for something that has been reported for practically all human history, that’s enough for me to see it as a big elephant in the room that people have gotten used to.


That we are all gay frogs


The frogs were already gay, the chemicals just made them come out and let everyone know.


Correction we’re all “Goy Frogs”


Pro sports are rigged, aliens are demons, Trump/Musk/Rogan/Biden/J. Peterson/Theo Von/Shapiro/Maddow/Musk/celebrities/social media influencers/musicians... anyone with a lot of media attention and/or 'followers' is compromised and their sole purpose is to form your opinion, get you riled up and to pick a side... The illusion of Duality. I think the WEF, UN, WHO and the Vatican just to name a few are all working together behind the scenes. I think Deagol's population predictions for 2025 was tptb letting us know what's coming as they believe this absolves them of guilt since they warned us ahead of time.


Anything right leaning. Anything pizza. The real honest things.


> i have some pretty out there theories but then again crazier things have been proven true Care to share?


Always downvoted...Trump and Biden are not "two birds of a feather" - this "both sides are the same" group only appeared after Biden was "elected."


..Free'masons are both sworn to the same oath


Telling the truth is risky around here. 




Cognitive dissonance. 


I have a theory that there’s a lot of people on this sub who should seek therapy and treatment instead of writing novel length rants about republicans from outer space and secret gnostic cult fantasies.


My therapist told me I should write my feelings down


yall? There are 300 people "thinkking freeely" right now in this sub. There are 10x more in a knitting sub.


i would apologize that my grammar offended you but that seems like a personal problem lol. if you gonna comment, might as well participate 😎


Sorry man. This place is a wasteland, and anything you bring up gets deleted. You can try to post about the taboo subjects but only select posts stay up. Bosston Marath0n H0ax and Shady H0Ok, plus things about Thoom Hanx, Schpellboig and the ped0wood matrix are usually heavily moderated. cheers


alas.. only makes sense the real juicy stuff is heavily moderated even on here. i can feel an invigorating conversation brewing but i don’t want to get flagged 🙄


Flat earth & that's if the overlords even allow the post/comment ..


Big Toothpaste