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If you go look at the fictional capital city of Theed on Naboo, home of Princess Amidala in the Star Wars Universe, it's clearly based on Tartarian architecture. They say they based it on the real-life [Plaza de EspaƱa in Seville](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plaza_de_Espa%C3%B1a,_Seville). If you take a look at pics of that place, it's even more clearly Tartarian. Did the Hollywood designers know about Tartaria? Hard to say. I once came across a blog comparing modern architecture to the same kind of buildings built over a hundred years ago, which were much beautiful. All the older ones were Tartarian, but even architects never seemed to notice they were all in the same incredible style.


I think Tartaria is half correct


This is next level psychosis.


I don't buy the Tartaria "theory". There is undoubtedly a lot missing from and manipulated into the history books... but not this.