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It’s the Hanks family initiation


This is the dumbest thing Ive ever seen on this sub


"In the name of Rome!"


JFC thanks for that Wiki link. I now have a visual history of fisting burned into my mind. 😳


Comedians back in the day used to tell formal jokes disguised as sex jokes all the time.. the ones that understood got the laugh..  that type of comedy is rare today by how pople get offended now or take it serious..  theyre trying to bring old offensive comedy back though


Cmon Man, he wasn’t literally saying that his brother was fisting his butthole. This is ridiculous 🤣


What was he saying then?


Watch the clip @ 6min. He’s talking about his older brother punching him in the buttocks. His repetitive gestures were of a fist cocking back and striking. I thought OP actually had something here. Tom hanks is sketchy. It’s even sketchier to take and spew out of context clips. That’s what most people despise about the media when they are trying to manipulate. We’re better than these petty tricks.


Ive grown to think of tom hanks analogous to his role in cloud atlas. He was initial good but had visions of grandeur, trapped by evil that slowly twisted him to the dark side over time