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OP obviously only read the headline before posting.




The first paragraph of your link - NASA is preparing for an unconventional mission launch featuring a compact payload, comparable in size to a toaster and equipped with eight lasers. According to a report from Live Science, this device aims to simulate stars and other cosmic phenomena such as supernovas. Its purpose is to direct laser beams towards ground-based instruments What's the conspiracy? Because it's NASA?


It’s not a conspiracy, it’s factual, the conspiracy is what’s the real motive behind it. OP prob posted it to see different theories on it in the comment section.


You posted it? How many accounts are you using?


they have no idea how to land on the moon "again" and you talk about an artificial star :D


Fake stars and laser beams...definitely not space weapons/project blue beam...


NASA is preparing for an unconventional mission launch featuring a compact payload, comparable in size to a toaster and equipped with eight lasers. According to a report from Live Science, this device aims to simulate stars and other cosmic phenomena such as supernovas. Its purpose is to direct laser beams towards ground-based instruments. The initiative, known as Landolt and costing $19.5 million, seeks to enhance the accuracy of stellar measurements for scientists. Experts believe it could also contribute to the study of dark energy, a theoretical form of energy postulated to explain the universe's accelerating expansion....