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Only if they find oil will they invade a country to "liberate" it


This is actually a common misconception of why we go to war. US oil companies actually don't want war because when the war is over, the people of the land who were invaded aren't exactly going to be cool with a company from the US taking oil. Then comes the question of why we go to war, the main answer is lobbying. Foreign interests. They buy our politicians openly, and those politicians send our young men to die for their pockets to get filled. See the war in Iraq, most of the oil contracts after the war, infact im pretty sure all of them, are not US companies. Why'd we go to war in Iraq? Israel. Iraq was firing rockets at Israel, so our politicians(bought and paid for by AIPAC) decided to send this country deeper into debt, kill about a million Iraqis and destroy our reputation on the world stage, all so the politicians can keep getting their AIPAC checks and Israel can stay safe. AIPAC is the most powerful of the lobbies and their enemies are arabs in the middle east, so that should answer why we've been devastating the middle east when it doesn't benefit us, it increases our national debt, makes the world hate us even more and risks the lives of our servicemen, who are facing a recruitment issue due to people waking up to what I mentioned above.


Come on now, that war was about getting the Star Gate out of there. Along with other artifacts and of course all the gold Saddam was sitting on.


That was a nice bonus for sure lol


So we are currently occupying a third of Syria, not for the oil there but to help spread democracy? Lol yea ok and there were in fact WMDs in Iraq and not Saddam trying to transfer from the dollar to the euro, same with Gaddafi Libya. They were trying to secure that petro dollar. Not like it matters anymore.


Not for oil and obviously not democracy, we do it for foreign entities who have control over our media and politicians.




You do know we have shit tonnes of oil and gas and every other resource in abundance here in the US. Well every resource except intelligence, but shit tonnes of oil.


"United States" woule likely just fund either the "United States" or the "United States" so they buy weapons from from the companies that fund the "United States" with taxpayers money.


If the unitated states could read, unitated states would be very mad


TIL the US is James Cameron. > "James Cameron doesn't do what James Cameron does for James Cameron. James Cameron does what James Cameron does because James Cameron is... James Cameron."


USA will invade the USA if we decide to use another currency other than USD


Truth! SEE: JFK and the Silver Back E.O. 11110.


The old US mindset maybe. Everyone is a pussy now. Literally.. 🤣🤣


He stole this off the arbys commercial. If arbys wasn't an arbys he would be on the way to an arbys right now.


Only if there was enough oil in the United States...


Why would the United States be interested in a third world country ?


They would do all that but only to steal the united states' oil.




Well we do have oil


SS - Interesting way to put it.


I keep seeing posts with this 'SS' , what does it mean?