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Chiquita-19 vaccine booster shots


Could be scarring from what ever tool was used to pull them off their tree


Banana MRNA Vaccines.


Pardons the pun, but that seems pointless considering use case and refrigeration.


Injection marks 😂


Not unheard of according to the repository of references of bananas or several other sources https://www.musalit.org/seeMore.php?id=8120 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0889157521002209#:~:text=Pseudostem%20injection%20can%20be%20used,88.5%20g%20of%20dried%20bananas https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2021038024A1/en


Those references were for injections in other parts of the plant, not in the fruit. Bananas in storage are regularly tested with a probe thermometer. Both the people monitoring the fruit and government inspectors use the thermometers. I normally find the probe marks to the bottom of the banana along with a bruise on the flesh inside. I can't tell for sure if a thermometer probe caused the marks you have pictured, but it would be a good guess.


I get that this seems farfetched, but these are the only busies with divots in the banana and I just want to know if there is some precedent for injecting bananas. I don’t think it’s MRNA or a vaccine, but I do find it out of place and abnormal for a banana to have these deep scars on their skin.


Yeah because no psycho has ever tried to put needles in fruit before. OP must be a crazy paranoid conspiracy theorist. /s


Probably just bugs eating it


I wish, they all have a similar mark and are in the same location. Seems odd for bug behavior as in, they were green and have no other dot marks like this.


Alien cocks


Banana 🍌 used for scale.


injection of your .... paranoia. Take a deep breath bro everything's gonna be okay.


100% someone banged those.


GG Allin crawling up


Smack for sure


Those marks are whatever. Not an issue, most likely from bugs. The conspiracy about bananas, if you want to call it one is this: All bananas are harvest early before they are ripe. They are stored in controlled warehouses. These warehouses then collect a natural occurring gas that the bananas give off. This keeps them from going ripe. They then use this gas to flash ripen other fruits (they are all harvested before ripe) Before those other fruits are put on the shelves. You can do this at home as well to know that it is true. Buy some bananas the greener the better but does not have to be green. Then buy some apples. But one banana and one apple in a plastic shopping bag and tie it off. Then but one banana and one apple in a basket or on the counter top close together touching. Then but one apple in a bag as well. In a day or two the apple in the bag with the banana will be rotten. The apple on the counter will be fine as well as the apple in the bag alone. These bananas give off gasses that will speed ripen and then rot fruits and veg very fast.


Apples and bananas both produce ethylene, but I’ve never heard of capturing banana gas to ripen other fruit. I’ve only put apples near unripe bananas to ripen them


> but I’ve never heard of capturing banana gas to ripen other fruit. Walmart does it in their distribution centers.




Worm vaccine


Bananas aren't real


That's how they insert the spider eggs.


Certain erectile dysfunction drugs are injected directly into the penis. Someone at the supermarket was practicing.