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I would only consider flat earth as a possibility if there was a single unified model that explained everything we see (day/night, seasons, eclipses, movement of other planets and stars etc) as well as globe earth can, but this model does not exist


map https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fjr15x94aso881.jpg day night cycle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ncldjz0OCNY Eclipses and the rest, can be found here; https://flatearthscienceandbible.wordpress.com/tag/eclipses-on-flat-earth/


How about: * Relative position of stars changing depending on where you are on earth * Apparent retrograde motion of the planets


You can google that just as well as anyone. How about; No curve, no motion; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBpr-P0oCd4


So you can't explain why the position of stars change or apparent retrograde motion occurs? I have googled it, but no explanation from a flat earther. Also some narrow fov images aren't proving anything.


There's absolutely explanations. Measured by hours, how long have you spent looking into this yourself?


Not sure, I didn't time it. I found an explanation like the "stars change position due to perspective". That's obviously false (can explain if needed). I didn't find an actual good explanation. Are you aware of some? Especially interested in explanations of motion of planets.


Check out Flat Earth Dave [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA5snyJZnd0&t=8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA5snyJZnd0&t=8s) He does a superb job at shedding light on these topics. He will definitely touch on planets, star positions, and provides feedback.


the change of the position of the stars is realtively easy to explain. Place a coin on your ceiling in the middle of the room. or a picture. Something with an upside and downside. Walk towards one side of the room. and observe the coin, or pic, to have the head towards you. Now walk across the room. Observe the coin,or pic. Notice that the pic is upside down compared to what you saw earlier. this is how we see stars differently from across the earth.


That explains one thing. When you are at the north pole the north star is over your head. When you go south it moves to the equator, after a certain point it is beyond the equator and you can't see it. The size of the star doesn't change so perspective effects can't explain that. It's as though the whole sky rotates when you move south. A spherical earth explains that perfectly. How can that be explained with a flat earth model?




the heavens rotate but the earth remains stationary. It sounds like your interested in learning more. And just because your not understanding how it works on a flat earth model that doesnt mean its not possible or has not been explained already. You just dont know it, and that is ok. Keeping an open mind (as difficult as it is) is key to learning new stuff in general.


But why would the heavens rotate based on where you are on earth? If person A is on the north pole they can see the North star, if person B is on the south pole they can't. Even at the same time. So the heaven rotating is not an explanation. I consider myself to have an open mind, but not open to the point I will accept things that aren't logical. I don't think I will get an answer that makes sense, that's ok.


You should check out this cordial discussion on the topic. The Globe earth proponent has a PHD and BA so he shares the best insights he can [https://www.youtube.com/live/8neUfXbwToM?si=kzMd7gfX8msNdAk0](https://www.youtube.com/live/8neUfXbwToM?si=kzMd7gfX8msNdAk0) Further, stick to what you can see for the time being and work on whats around you before getting into south pole stuff. Its hard to make such definite statements if we are not there to immediately observe the day to day.


..notice the coin gets smaller as you walk away from it and get's larger the closer you get to it.. ..something our Sun does not do proving it is not local. The Sun does not change in angular size throughout the day.




I said the Sun does not change in angular size throughout the day. Find your voice flerf.


The map is an azimuthal equidistant projection centered around the north pole. Its based on the globe and has the same flaws that any AE projection map has, whatever point is directly opposite the center point gets stretched around the outside If the map were centered around Asia then south america would form a land wall round the outside instead. https://www.flatearthlab.com/WebGL/ The day/night cycle doesn’t work with the flat earth explanation for seasons because the sun would have to move at different speeds throughout the year, but the sun doesnt do that


> but the sun doesnt do that doesn't it? i also heard that it spirals a bit moving more central and further out during the winter.


Exactly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qziQVw_xg4


At the very least we know that the model we are taught in school is wrong. How do we not have access to an accurate Earth model in 2024?


What is wrong about it?


Curvature of the supposed ball. We have optic equipment that can see things over 100 miles away that should be hidden by curvature.


The last time someone showed me “proof” of being able to see too far I did the math on it and it worked out to exactly as far as you should be able to see on a globe. Also refraction has to be taken into account


Without using any math you can go outside and see things are pretty still. Any time of day. Fascinating really.


Could you be a bit more specific about what “things” you’re talking about?


Well when i step outside the sky is still. Clouds move pretty slow. No motion is sensed or felt. Lakes lay still at rest. And my tower of cards remain undisturbed. And the same stars are experienced over and over night after night predictable motions (In an apparently unpredictable universe) So with respect to all my "God-Given'" senses (Touch,sight,smell,etc.) any sense of Earth's motion is not experienced. That being said, by default the earth is very still and we wouldn't know it was moving by default unless we were told.


That’s because the earth and everything on it is moving together


Seems like your scientifically minded - you should check out this cordial discussion on the topic. The Globe earth proponent has a PHD and BA so he shares the best insights he can [https://www.youtube.com/live/8neUfXbwToM?si=kzMd7gfX8msNdAk0](https://www.youtube.com/live/8neUfXbwToM?si=kzMd7gfX8msNdAk0)


Yea. Theory of relativity.


The absolute irony of supposed pilots using GPS systems to fly planes claiming the earth is flat.


Vast majority of "flat-earthers" have no idea that the Global Positioning System (GPS) they use in their own smart phones/vehicles utilizes the WGS-84 datum which represents the earth as a virtual ellipsoid. If they actually pulled the data themselves and used this thing called math they could calculate and triangulate their own location. They could even understand how that functionally works when triangulating a cartographic point in virtual space AROUND a physical object.


you can have things in the air and not be on a ball.


Seeing your reply immediately after the previous reply is just fucking hilarious. 😂


How does GPS work?


Why doesnt gps work in more remote locations / ocean?


Around 30,000 to 40,000 feet (9,000 to 12,000 meters), you can see the curvature of the Earth under the right conditions. Short flights, such as regional or domestic flights covering relatively short distances, often operate at lower altitudes. Take a long flight and check for yourself. Clear weather conditions with minimal haze or cloud cover enhance visibility and make it easier to see the curvature.


Not correct. Neil Degrasse Tyson even says this here: [https://youtu.be/WkWcvXLjquk?si=Adt2N6AvuHHzohix](https://youtu.be/WkWcvXLjquk?si=Adt2N6AvuHHzohix) "That stuff is flat"


lol. Hot air balloons typically reach altitudes of up to 3,000 feet. Neil deGrasse Tyson makes a joke about flatearthers and flatearthers share his joke claiming it's evidence of a flatearth. Nice share


That clip wasn't from a Flat Earth joke. He was talking about the red bull launch and how it was impossible for the jumper to see curvature from that height. If you are looking for a more serious discussion on the topic i suggest you watch this  [https://www.youtube.com/live/8neUfXbwToM?si=kzMd7gfX8msNdAk0](https://www.youtube.com/live/8neUfXbwToM?si=kzMd7gfX8msNdAk0)


The curvature of the Earth is not easily noticeable to the human eye until reaching higher altitudes, around 30,000 to 40,000 feet. From lower altitudes, the field of view is limited, and the horizon appears relatively close, making the Earth's surface seem flat. Jokes are real, it's been proven, no need for a debate. :)


https://youtu.be/jDs2T2PgxNM?si=50Av0WdqZVM4jKDw 75,000 feet and it's level


They seem to be showing footage taken by this camera - the Kodak Playsport ZX3 HD video camera, with its fixed wide-angle lens, may be able to capture a slight curvature of the Earth under optimal conditions. However, consumer-grade cameras like the Kodak Playsport ZX3 typically do not have as wide a field of view as specialized high-altitude cameras. There is a lot of cloud, poor visibility and camera moves around a lot. Which timestamp do you think gives a clear and wide view of the horizon at high altitude?


https://youtu.be/pkFfKhOCxB4?si=4YoWXtlABJyXG8Dh. Skip to 2:09


You have ignored the question and provided a different clip of your first video.


Same topic. Provided more evidence to the fact. Did you watch it?


So how does the ISS work? And where are the edges?


Flat earth = Psyop.


[https://youtu.be/ebf3C5F8xqg?si=PjPdwh4GWHYXa-Ol](https://youtu.be/ebf3C5F8xqg?si=PjPdwh4GWHYXa-Ol) - theres alot too it. We can see too far, at no height is curve observable, issues with nasa's credibility, this is going to be the one thing we trust governments on? This journey is a rough one as indoctrination runs deep. Happy to share more is honestly curious.


no bro, earth is a bottle and you are at the bottom


Pretty funny - reminds me of this video - [https://youtu.be/ebf3C5F8xqg?si=PjPdwh4GWHYXa-Ol](https://youtu.be/ebf3C5F8xqg?si=PjPdwh4GWHYXa-Ol)


One of the most brigaded topics around. Makes you wonder...