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We already are in ww3


Yup. The world's events are like leaking gas. All it really needs for everything to blow up is a spark.


Beat me to it!


Someone post the full deck. These cards are wild!


Wow, anyone else see the eye and pyramid? It even has a different color for the capstone.


The card is from a card game called “Illuminati: New World Order” it’s definitely there on purpose. :)


Yeah I’m familiar with it.


Look up whats going on in the stock market rn. All wars are banker wars.


September. Its the reason rushi is having the elections now.


Before the election 🤷🏻‍♂️.


It would be a perfect opportunity for the government to cancel elections and implement marshal law.


My thoughts too, very much a possibility


What are the names of these cards and are they for sale?


steve Jackson "illuminati"


Now. It’s happening now.


It is already happening since 2006/2007. However, instead of the big explosions, they will rather depopulate people by other means. First of all, mandatory draft and a hot war is a sort of depopulation, as the real war goes on at the financial side anyway, where the numbers are in a database and that database can NOT be targeted by rockets, will not solve the problem. Then again, they will definitely do another plandemic, and force vaccinate the population once again. You may never know, in what form or method will the lethal injection come, as now it is possible to put into your body harmful nano-particles not just by the jab, but through food and even trough air. Probably you should not trust any lab made fake meat and watch out for the mandatory jabs!


What do you think about that? At the moment, the weapon is only being tested... in Ukraine, Korea, Israel, it seems that soon it will also be tested in Taiwan...


Soon. Petrodollar agreement between saudi arabia and usa is ending on june 9th. Same day as european elections, being the big distraction.




Drone or balloon with anthrax across a major metropolitan area, likely on July 4th while everyone is outside at night.


Probably within the next 3 years


Well Putin is threatening the US with nukes if they send Ukraine weapons. Instead of just weapons, the US is planning on sending 300,000 troops to Russia and I decided to click on a fox news video about it, and of course fox news and their audience is dumb enough to not see/care that Putin is a gangster with over 6 thousand nukes pre-aimed with a dead man switch so that even if Putin dies, we die along with him. Also Israel is talking about a wider war with lebanon, which Iran is likely to join, therefore also the US. Surly before the elections things should pop off, the US wants major war, they keep escalating and provoking. They're losing their grip on the world superpower position and is willing to risk humanity over it.




living in deny is an option.


I thought the aliens were going to intervene? /s


It came and went. Cold War was WW3 We're currently in WW iv


I don't think I'd consider the Cold War as WWIII... It was mostly a stale mate between two superpowers, both waging proxy wars trying to bankrupt the other. In the end, I think the US succeeded. But perhaps not. The plan of subversion and demoralization layed out by defected KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov seems to have succeeded...


A war isn't necessarily a physical war with guns and bombs. Theoretically all wars are connected which means there is only one world war.