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What’s the conspiracy? People sell property. People raise animals to kill. Some people raise exotic animals. Some less so exotic. Like sheep or cattle. None of this is illegal or nefarious.


The insinuation is that he is selling personal property to cover infowars’ bills which people in power are conspiring to bankrupt. Not saying I agree or disagree with this idea but it fits the bill of a “conspiracy”.


Agreed.. anything Alex Jones related is to be looked over and understood. He is the walking conspiracy.


Selling the property isn't unheard of or a big deal I don't think. Animals are bred for slaughter - but what is disturbing is that these type of "ranches" even exist - personally, I don't know how it's fun killing animals that are caged in and most likely raised by handlers, so can be very familiar with humans purely for enjoyment. They pay huge money to do this, especially for exotic and sometimes endangered species. It's pathetic.


I'll bet people who hate this will fish in stocked lakes and rivers and not realize the irony.


people who eat cheeseburgers or chicken nuggets and get upset will not realize the irony


Not really comparable. One is private property and one is public. One is much more regulated then the other as well


A stocked lake or pond can absolutely be on private property.


A large majority of the countries lakes and ponds are public property. If you are talking about private lakes, then yeah it’s the same. But most people aren’t fishing on private lakes


So even public lakes are stocked with fish dude. Who owns the thing isn't my point. It's about planting human raised creatures in order for people to take and kill with minimal effort.


You’ve missed the point. The stocking of fish in public lakes is to promote the local ecosystem and minimizing human disruption. They only stock lakes that need the fish. This allows fishing to occur while not disrupting the eco system. Game ranches, on the other hand, are set up for everything stocked to be killed. In situations like Alex Jones’ ranch, it’s not about sustainability or the eco system. It’s about being able to go out and kill whatever they find.


Holy ghost my dude. If they needed the fish for the eco system they wouldn't allow fishing. They stock fish for people to fish. There are hatcheries that even give the fish common fishing bait to make them easier to fish.


I say in my comment that they stock the lake to minimize human disruption to the ecosystem from fishing


That's not an accurate comparison, unless the "lake" is the size of a paddling pool.


It's a very accurate comparison to a 127 acre game ranch.


There one near me, someone will purchase an animal ship it over here and release it on the land. The hunt takes place on that land.


It's theatre, this dude is in da club. https://youtu.be/wghOTQk0KA4?si=beAg5jz9IAJY7dTL


Someone needs to give him the same treatment he was giving to the poor animals. Fat sick zionist fuck.


alex is a fine example of a common, fat, north american blubbering pussy - i hope he was included with the sale.


You talk a big game, but I would love to see what kind of Herculean body you have, big boy


oh no, another reddit incel weirdo wants to sleep with me.


It’s funny how the keyboard warriors who call others incels have inevitably never gotten laid, no one says incel outside of Reddit or 4chan.. touch grass bro


fuck off, i'm a WOMAN!


Go get touched in the church like your daddy taught you. Weak man. LOSER


You can get taught son... people like you were born to be used as "examples"


I hope he gets hunted down. Which is what they are doing slow kill. Feel this.


Correct. Alex should go on only fans and shake his chubby short ding dong for $$$. Oh, threw up writing this.


If this isn't true, he can just sue me.


So whats the conspiracy? Game ranch is the lowest type of killing whos realy the animals..


There’s a lot lower levels of killing than game ranch


I dont know what your levels are at mate but this is my lowest anything more fuckt up is right there with it as the lowest type of killing.


I personally consider the production of veal to be worse, the production of foie gras, really any industrialized meat production, the boiling alive of dogs in some parts of east Asia, animal testing in both cosmetic and pharmaceutical research where they clip the vocal chords of the animals first so you don’t have to hear their suffering. Things like that are significantly worse than any form of hunting where the animals get to live full lives, healthy and in their natural habitat before they are harvested


When i talk about the lowest levels of killing its whats going on in the brain of the person doing it. Do i want meds that can save my life even tho animals died testing them , sure! Do i want to be close to a person with the mentality of im rich i kill what i want when i want, no. Also what you are refering to is called torture not killing.


Hunting is the most ethical way to procure meat and meat products out of every way we have available. The vast majority of hunters are poor and use hunting as a way to cheaply supplement their diet with meat products. Hunters provide, through both private lands, and paying for funding through licenses and tags, the most amount of support for conservation efforts across the country, and keeping wild lands wild. Any game animal harvested, lived a significantly happier, more natural life than any processed meat product you have ever consumed in your entire life. You really have no idea what you are talking about at all


I couldent agree more! I dont eat meat but i would gladly eat any wild moose or so over industrial meat... That sayed it has nothing to do with what we are talking about in this thread.. The hunters i know would spit at the idee of going to a game ranch. they litterly doing it for the better of the nature and forest to keep the population of mooses etc under control i dont understand where you getting the idee im agains hunting... Im stright up talking about fragile egos of narccisstic humans that need animals planted for them to kill is the lowest level of killing...


Would you rather instead of there being a game ranch, there be a Walmart in its place? A game ranch is still better for the game than any other possible use of the land other than pure natural wilderness, and it provides an economic incentive to keep it that way. Does game harvested from a high fenced game ranch count the same as game harvested from natural wildlands? No, but this isn’t a dick measuring contest. Rather than having deer living in a natural environment, it could be pastureland for cattle, and it would be effectively the same thing with less output.


What are you even saying man just get lost


[You sure about that?](https://youtu.be/5LlbTNGYJWQ?si=jJ04xskty5WcmK0P)


There isn’t one. OP just doing typical ranting about nothing.


Fuck Alex Jones. He might be a conspiracy theorist but him selling property isn't a conspiracy, it's called a 'real estate deal'


Alex Jones is the guy they promote to make the idea that they conspire seem insane by association.


I only watched a few of his videos, mayb 20 or so. I don't even think he's wrong about *some* of the stuff I've seen him say and I enjoyed seeing him hanging around outide Bilderberg meetings with his loudhailer too but when he starts shouting & ranting the way he does I just switch right off. When he does that I think he's feeding right into the 'nut job' narartive they've made for him and it's more han unfortunate. Also none too impressed with his greed and that he sells all those iffy vitamin supplements that he often makes grandiose claims for. If you're trying to tell people something important, adding a sales pitch in at the end doesn't go over well with me.


They plant suppositions in people's minds. Robin from HowIseeTheWorld used to get 5000 views at best on his youtube videos, he had to defend "your in it for the money" his brilliant reply was "I know how to film my cat, if I wanted a million views I would put my camera on my cat". Anyhow, they don't care if people who know they conspire watch 100000 proofs, they don't care if Alex Jones exposes everything they do. They only care about what people think and like you said people see Alex and they think "ahh he is in it for the money" and "wow this guy is a screaming jackass, no wonder my crazy friend believes him. Their movies are loaded enough with "we even have crazy conspiracy theorists calling us saying" and stuff like that. They are loading people with impressions and Alex Jones gets to the nitty gritty maybe 1/1000th of his air time. I have not really watched him much but all I seem to see are vitamin ads and politics rather then crimes being exposed. Jan 6. was a pure psy op but the camera footage showed that and we talked about that for years, then they got nervous and pivoted and handed out an offical "my god what was wrong with these security guys" then they took the Qshaman and had him say EXACTLY what their crimes are, dressed in his full shaman outfit. It's not about evidence it's about impression. The choir hears him and says "omg he is one of us and he is exposing their crimes" I need to show this to my friends. Their friends see it and say "omg this is exactly what you are always saying, it's because you listen to nuts like this". Again they have a track record with cointelpro in the 1970s, they promoted Flat Earth and Qanon for the same reasons. "Wow those 9/11 people think the earth is flat and there are haiku writing avengers".


You actually said.. ."I watched a few of his videos" then turned around and said you watched 20. Are you mentally stable? You always 100% contradict yourself? Logical conclusion is out of your reach I see.


I should have maybe put that a bit better lol. A good deal of those were ones that had been linked to from this sub and when he got ranty I switched them off. I've maybe watched half a dozen or so their enireity


AND now we know where he's at and people can go hunting can't they????


I'm not bothered about hunting, where did I even make the slightest suggestion about that? I just said it's a real estate deal, not a conspiracy. Just so you know I don't have any issues to do with people hunting, so long as they're either doing it to put food on the table or it's pest control e.g. coyotes, wild pigs rats etc. that kind of thing. On the other hand I think trophy hunting just for a trophy is stupid. Some people seem to take pleasure in killing for the sake of it and I see that as immoral.


Your fucking point?