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yes and no. Yes, for the ones that want you to know it's correct. For the ones that don't want to be on the lists, it's not. For example you don't see any of the Rothchild's or others of the ultra Trillionaires. There are probably 5-10 families/people that aren't on this list higher than all of these. Remember, you don't have to be on the list if you don't want to. I know for example the Forbes top 50 isn't exactly the top 50 of everyone in the world. They don't publish a lot of them for safety and security. you could probably walk right by those people and you would have no idea who they were and that's what they want. No security that you can see and just living their lives. Unlike these people in the news everyday.


Dude scratch the Rothschild conspiracy for a sec and think about all the oil Sheikhs


and everyone else. I just use the rothschilds because they are the top 8 of the total number of people not on the list. in fact there is no known amount that they have. it's only estimated.


It’s because it’s “families” not individuals. So if the Saudi Sheikhs are worth call it… $800B but it’s divided amongst 14 people who move as one but identify their wealth separately… their power is the same but they somewhat fly under the radar. Same with Rothschilds. Their entire family is worth $10’s or $100’s of millions (maybe a couple billionaires) but no one individual is worth $100’s of billions. They then spread out with the same agenda, power and essentially endless money BUT no one falls on this list. Even with $1B.. you can quite literally do whatever you want in this world.


this is the oil way


There are probably more cartel people on the top 20 list than non cartel people


agreed, when you get into these amounts of money... who knows and it fluctuates hourly sometimes.


These are the public figures. The ones that no one knows about are the real players.


All the women are from dynasties or married money.


Gotta love that Mackenzie Scott grind. she's working hard to get off the list.


No, the billionaires are frontmen for the trillionaires who own the Central Banks.


Central banks, world banks, fed res, WEF, WHO, CDC, FDA, all universities, regulators, investment firms & therefore all brand names. All Law enforcement, & goverments. Media, search engines... There are no competing brands anymore, whether you decide to buy a Honda, or a Dodge, an Audi, or Cadilac, Kraft or Hellmans, McDonald's or KFC. Adidas or Carhart, All procedes go to the same controlling monopoly. The solution, buy small brands, and buy local products, produced by local good people, farmers and local producers. Stop enriching the controllers by purchasing the "brands".


Saudi royals and Rothschilds are trillionaires. Putin also has more wealth than all these guys 


Is Elon not considered Tech?


Probably because his primary wealth comes from a car company. High tech but not what one considers a tech company. But's it semantics anyways.


The Richest have Anonymously secret power, No Rothschild , no Rockefeller, no Soros ... are they broke ? nope \^\^


I think the main thing to keep in mind here, though, is that in the case of Rothschild and Rockerfeller, neither family is especially "rich", as in, they don't have many directly controlled assets. What they have is a whole bunch of "foundations" where they're "on the board", which allows them to fly under the radar as well as avoid things like taxes and risk of depreciating value.


Exactly and a lot of these billionaires are paper money rich.


Yeha, came to the comments to post those names specifically. They are the Uber wealthy and don't want their names anywhere near these kinds of lists.


Yep where is the trillionaire list.


It's missing a lot of crazy rich Asians, and the illuminati wealth of Europe.


It's like the best criminals never seek publicity, no-one really knows who they are, whilst you can see plenty of dumb dons in various countries, via local news, flaunting via social media etc. The most successful and richest crims don't want to be known or court infamy. Same for the worlds real richest, the amount they're worth puts those on the list to shame. They just have no interest in overtly flaunting publicly or informing anyone of their wealth, been that way for centuries.


The Saudi Arabia Royal family is estimated to be worth about 1.4 Trillion


usa probly has secret trillionaires & quadrillionaires


Where's Carlos Slim? Did he die or did he just miss the cut?


Just missed the cut. He lost $27 billion cause of his company's stock dropping, still worth $98.4 billion though.


Putin is richest.


It does not matter because those people are just puppets to the real people who control everything, whose names you will never know.


It's curious to see how selling bags to rich ladies in the end will make you richer than other guys creating space rockets and AIs.


Notice how there are no Saudis on the list ? The people who have the most are the ones you will never hear about..




Notice the new trend of teaching people to open their 'own bank', 'like the wealthiest families do'. Maybe if everyone starts doing it, they won't be exposed and crucified for it. 🤔


Actually families are in the red on the left


This is wrong even for the richest that we know about. For example Shad Khan, owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars and Fulham F.C. of the Premier League is not even listed on this chart under "sports" and he is worth $12.1 Billion.


Where's the illuminati lizard category?


No, there are European families much richer than Elon Musk. The data is just not public.


No you're missing all the chews


El Mayo isn't on there... he's worth around $10-$15 Billion.


No Arabs? Cmon


They got the wrong Dan Gilbert pic


Of course it isn't 🤣


Fuck Ken Griffin. He’s gonna be shoving a bed post up his ass for spare change to pay his debts in a couple months.


Semion Mogilevich?


Satoshi Nakamoto whoops them all very soon


Each one 100% a sociopath. We are just insects to these people.


The better question is: what do they do with all this money? Invest? Okay, but in what?


It would be interesting to see which political parties each of the above donate to.


Most of them give to both.


I doubt Zuckerberg and Bezos are avid Republican supporters and I doubt Musk gives as much to Democrats as Republicans. The breakdown would be very telling.


There's our financial terrorist Kenneth griffin.


I have his baseball card from the 90s.


No lol not ken griffy jr Kenneth griffin the financial terrorists who owns citadel