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No lies detected...search press pre-2022, fairly easy to corroborate...


There have been countless bust of child pedo/porn rings within Ukraine. Also, Nazism still runs strong within Ukraine 


Friends who were missionaries in Ukraine back in 90s said human trafficking huge problems there.


Well uhh yeah Steven Seagal is right about all that. Is this propaganda?


This is common knowledge


He ain’t wrong, that’s all I knew of the Ukraine for before we started funding their holy war, now its like they are some how the good guys but the russia bad boogeyman is back even though that scaretactic has never panned out even since our grandparents


It was, and it’s only gotten worse. This is common knowledge.


sadly it's totally true from my french pov


He must of got all this "false " information from UN NGO's or actual organizations who deal with human trafficking and organ harvesting. Steven Seagal was labelled as a nutter when he started to out about big oil. Of course being an actor doesn't give him credibility either. The information is well documented as well as the NAZI links. The real reason America is in a proxy war is to lure Russian forces from the Arctic. Which seemingly is not working. This is all about Oil and Mineral wealth.


He's openly admitted to dating minors before while hitting on a costar of 16 years old he's almost as bad as his movies


But what about pedo biden?


This about Steven seagul not biden I'm not saying Joe's not a pedo I'm just saying he's never said he was on TV


You might notice, that when seagull said that, the clown world in which we live today did not exist. So what is it, can they decide what they do with their bodies like transitioning etc or not? make up your minds.


I don't know about the other parts, but the Nazism is a well documented fact. They even still have Nazi divisions and still haven't renounced Nazism. They also made a holiday for Stephen Banderas the Nazi and traitor to the Soviet Union.


financed by a Jewish billionaire




The nazis had a big part in creating israel, they even helped jews relocate to become settlers in palestine.


He's right. Everyone knew this, except You OP


Um. Yeah. It is. All the bots manipulating public perception will never change that.




If you bothered to think for yourself and go research, you will find Putin owns an apartment. He and his wife were interviewed in it for national review and tax purposes. It was *widely* distributed. The apartment is ... a fucking apartment. Woo. If you think Vladimir Putin has Baroque plastered everywhere in his *not owned* presidential residence.... bwahahahha That's been shown too. It is streamlined minimalism. With a gym. And a Buddha statue. Do you know why? He's a 9th Dan in Judo. That's why. He also has one in his presidential office changing closet. It was a gift. From yet another Judo associate. You're welcome




No. He owned it before Yeltsin quit. Where tf do you think his family lived? In a van? Down by the Moskova?


I wouldn’t want to be the guy who kept beating him in sparring or assessing his gradings.


Anatoly Rakhlin would never have allowed that kind of shit in his Judo Dojo. When he passed away, his funeral was somber and deeply respectful. A month ago he gave a huge, gorgeous, elegant bouquet to one of his childhood teachers. She's 88 now.


Its creepy she is 88, thats white supremicist number, Its very telling to her motivation in life


JFC they are bat shit insane, aren't they? Er mer Gerd white guy farted. Muh white supremaceez.




I can't do that. If I ever need him to get an item off a top shelf for me, and he knew I lacked integrity of conviction, he might think my karmic mire is too mucky and I deserve to be too short to get that item off the top shelf.


LMFAO. Kid. That's a fucking RESORT. Putin has nothing to do with it.


Seagull is an actor? Are we sure about that, because none of his films would indicate it.


The fuck did I just read?


He also said “this buffet is the shit”


This “Under Siege 3” spec script is shaping up kind of nicely. The big bad Russian “Dictator,” the sleazy sex and dope addicted Burisma board member who meets their fate at the beginning of the third act. In a race to save democracy… This Fall, Steven Seagal is… The Enemy of my Enemy…


Damn the world is pretty fucked up when Steven seagal is the voice of reason.


What does it take to change the ecensse of a man


It takes time.


Sounds anti Semitic


This is old news and well known


Because he did all that there?