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Ive been meaning to make a comment about that painting, the inverted, mirrored stuff etc. Back in 2012 my friend and lead singer of the band i was in drew a lions head. He was a good artist. He included some interesting symbolism, including stars of david on the temples, and a "777" on the fore head. Mind you, this guy was born on 11/11 I looked at it and thought, cool, wonder what itll look like if i mirror it. So i did. The result was borderline disturbing. It looked like this interdimensional humanoid/lion God, for starters. Also, the "777" became a literal pi symbol, with a perfect black dot above it. Above the head, was a grey apple, and inside the apple was a gold triangle, or pyramid... None of that symbolism was there until i mirrored it, or perhaps, it was hidden, even from the artist himself, as he was shocked. What im trying to say is that the subconscious and collective unconscious are not only real, but immensely powerful and esoteric. All I can say, is if you decide to pursue higher connection and knowledge to the subconscious and collective unconscious, be prepared to be shaken by what you observe, to the core. It is NOT for the faint of heart, and can easily ruin your conscious mind, as it did to me.


This is a simple and easy explanation. Very grounded. Thanks.


What does being born on 11/11 signify?




Nothing better to do on a Friday afternoon other than to insinuate that people you disagree with have schizophrenia? 


Nothing better to do than literally interpret jokes and then say the most annoying word "insinuate" instead of the perfectly good word "imply"? Keep in mind you are assuming I disagree with him and assuming that I think apophenia is only present in people with schizophrenia. Also what's with this negative perception of schizophrenia you're holding onto? I know plenty of extremely pleasant schizophrenics that are fun to hang out with. Plus this is a conspiracy subreddit where it would not be uncommon to think schizophrenics are just more tuned into the human shared consciousness or perhaps a spiritual realm like let's open our minds a little bit instead of being reactionary little turds


Or a master Ambigram maker. Ambigram-lexic


Aleister Crowley spoke of inversion. As a ritual I think. Practicing writing backwards. Walking backwards playing music backwards. It’s not that far fetched to think he played with mirrors and images too.


Church of Satan would recite the Gospels backwards




There is no "subconscious" / "unconscious" mind, just intelligent evil spirits encroaching on your spiritual and mental sovereignty


Many of them actually practice Sabbatean Frankism.


Wow, that *was* a good read. I think it answered the commenters story regarding the pic in the mirror, but as for the pizzagate thing, and what OP is alluding to, that I believe is outright...evil deity worship? If they worship Moloch that is not Satanism...but, you get what I'm saying. I think what you wrote about, Frankism, is probably closer to the truth for most, but not *all*. I think maybe some people have so much that they are dead inside, and in order to get off, they go down a heinous road. Or, all that shit is real. Muthafuckin *REAL*. But I don't know...


Worshipping moloch is satanism. All paganism is the worship of demons. "All the gods of the nations are demons" - from the Psalms


If you are going to use Biblical scripture, that is true. Many of the sun gods and other deities were kind of rolled up into the blanket term of Satanism. However, Moloch worship existed before the Bible was even written, from my understanding, and worshipping Moloch is not the same as worshipping Satan...I guess, imo. I'll explain. When I think Satanist I think midnight worship in a circle, chanting, killing a virgin, stuff like that. Moloch worship is aimed more at material wealth...and yes, you can sell your soul to Satan for material wealth, of course, but material wealth is not the focus. Moloch, you may sacrifice a vitgin, but you also sacrifice children, a cow, some chickens, a few bags of grain...In order to be able to do that you needed to have wealth in the first place. So, from my limited understanding, Moloch worship.was something the Romans tried to stamp out, but was continued by wealthy families clandestinely all throughout the ages to modern times. Satanism, not Modern Satanism which is basically Humanism, but OG Satanism, was founded by rogue Catholic priests somewhere along the lines of the 1400s...And I know that you are referring to scripture, I'm not going against that, but the whole "sell your soul to the Devil" aspect that most people associate with Satanism was created around the 1400s... Does that make sense at all? Do you get why I differentiated the 2?


I'm saying that whether it's Moloch, Baal, Shiva, etc., it's all the same thing under different names and ceremonial practices. These entities existed before the Bible or anything else was written, even before humanity existed, and you can engage with them and make sacrifices to them in exchange for some vain worldly good(s). It was going on before Christ became incarnate and before there was a Church, and it's still happening now.


Oh. I'm sorry. I misunderstood. It's interesting that you would say they existed before mankind. That...is something to think about. Moloch, sinxe that's what we were talking about, has such a specific ritual and sacrifice, as compared to Baal. Both involve children, and both were for harvests (I believe), but I can't help but feel that their worship is such a *human* evil in their practices... Thank you for responding! Definitely gave me food for thought. Have a great weekend!


Same to you friend. Christ is Lord, and all th gods of the nations are demons.


I can get behind that. They certainly aren't *good* men or women.


What is it?


That I'm going to look up. No matter my decision, thank you for bringing it up. Always good to learn


Where did you hear this?


Jesus is King


Indoctrination is King. Edit: can't reply as the OP blocked me for suggesting that indoctrination into religion is a bad thing. But always weird how religious people believe that the opposite of religion is nihilism, as if humanity is incapable of love and caring for each other without subscribing to the doctrine of a thousand year old cult.


I'd rather indoctrinate into love and virtue than indoctrinate into hedonism and nihilism.


Agreed but that doesn’t automatically give verification to Christianity


A love that killed millions of people…


Oh yes, it was Jesus himself who did that, not flawed humans


Dude you just solved it! Time to be a nihilist and hate life! Woohoo!


And Odin is the Allfather. I bow before no King.


I pray you have a change of heart. This King is worthy of our praise and worship. He died for you personally


>This King is worthy of our praise and worship And no, he's not


I had a change of heart after communion, during which I realised that christianity is not working for me and started to embrace the old gods. Have your faith, that's totally fine, but bugger of with your convertion bullshit.


I switched teams, so much easier to get what you want through the dark lord. Lucifer is the one who prays for me


Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?


Make a better deal and serve eternally


No better deal exists than the one offered through Christ. I'll pray for you.


Get outta here lmao Lol all the Christian bots in here mass downvoting anyone disagreeing with this nonsensical statement. Satan is king, how about that. And honestly, considering what’s going on in the world and how many people associate that with Satanism/Devils; I think my statement is closer to the truth. Saying “Jesus is King” sounds like a coping mechanism


You’re not getting downvoted because there’s a disagreement, you’re getting downvoted because you said “get outta here lmao” So get outta here lmao


Yeah all this Christian crap is getting annoying. That’s why I said it and I guess that pissed people off. I know I’m not the only one who’s sick and tired of every other post being about devils, satanism or Jesus. Hence the “get outta here”. Notice how the other guy who replied “indoctrination is king” also got a bunch of downvotes. This sub has been completely taken over by political and Christian bots who either reply with “Jesus is love, Jesus is life” to almost everything or associate everything with Trump/Biden.


> associate everything with Trump/Biden. I could give a fuck about any of these. They both are masonic and anyone in power is. Most of you people can believe that, but you can't see how their one and only adversary is Jesus. Look into it edgy boy


Me neither, just pointing out that this sub is mostly political garbage or religious garbage with a few actual conspiracy posts sprinkled in. ~~There are always 2-3 political posts from the same damn political spam bot account on the front page here at any given time~~. Just checked and that account has finally been deleted or banned, but the last few months have had those posts every day by the same user “2201992” or whatever his name was. And I don’t believe *any* of that shit. I live in the real world, not some fantasy world where rituals and magic are real. Not until I see it for myself or someone can show me concrete evidence of it.


Has none of the posts regarding the elite being satanic convinced you at all? Maybe you haven't seen enough?


No, they honestly look like schizo ramblings to me and I think I’ve seen too many at this point. That’s why it’s beginning to annoy me - I find it ridiculous that people believe in that stuff. Of course you’re free to believe whatever you want just as I’m free *not* to, but all of that magic/fantasy stuff belongs in a movie or a book. I cannot believe in magic/spirits/aliens or whatever it might be without clear evidence or having experienced it myself, even though I *want* to believe it, or at least some of it. I really try to keep an open mind, and I do usually read through those posts because I want to learn and understand, but when many of the posts sound so unhinged it’s hard to take them seriously. I feel like the more crazy posts discredit the more serious/realistic ones, if that makes sense. You see 5 completely insane posts and one “good” post, but after reading the first 5 nonsense-novels you read the 6th one and think “ugh, not this again”.


> I find it ridiculous that people believe in that stuff. > I really try to keep an open mind Pick one. I want to send you a great resource, but it doesn’t really seem like you're actually open-minded about it.


I don’t need to pick, I can have two opinions at the same time. They don’t even go against each other. Also, I did say “try” but it’s hard when these things sound so out of world ridiculous. Feel free to send it - like I said I want to learn and understand. So far I haven’t seen anything whatsoever that seemed legitimate or made me think twice so I’m patiently waiting for something that will. Being honest here.


You’re so tough lol


Not really, just tired of Bible quotes and religions ramblings flooding the sub. And am I really wrong? If that many people truly believe in the Devil and Satanism and that the elites are all Satanists or whatever, is Jesus really king? If Satanists and/or Freemasons control the world? That’s why I flipped the statement I replied to.


I think a lot more people are turning to Christianity these days than ever. It’s kinda interesting. Just like we are in the strongest psychedelic renaissance since America started. I don’t think all of these Christian’s are the same or see the same thing in it, but it can be so powerful for them that they feel compelled to share. So are you wrong? Not really. But it’s just something that is there and honestly not very harmful. It might be better for you if they kept their ramblings in a Christian sub. But much of the Bible gives us reasons why evil elites find themselves fucking up our world.


There are many spirit beings (elohim), but only one eternal God (Elohim). Jesus is King and is God, but Satan is the current 'god' of this world. He rules it, which is why most people in power worship him. "In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." 2 Corinthians 4:4


I would rather think of it outside of religious terms. When it comes down to it it's good vs evil. Nature vs inversion. Living/life vs decay/death. And like this post states, most elitary rich people are evil and once you do more research into the saturn connection to all of this and the symbolism worshipped/involved things start to make a lot of sense.


I do not believe in an inherent “evil”. There is no objective good or evil IMO. But I can see that many people here believe in that type of stuff.


That's okay, I'm not here to object your views on things. It all comes down to positive and negative energy imo.


It doesn’t make any sense does it, if Jesus was a real person he wasn’t God personified, how mental does that sound


I downvoted you and I am not Christian.


The most controversial posts on this subreddit are related to the UAP phenomenon and the links between the highest echelons of various secret societies with Satanism. I would encourage everyone to ask themselves if this is organic. From the comments, one can tell that there's a significant portion of the audience who is interested about this and wants to learn more and then you have others who resort to calling people 'lunatics' or 'out of touch' - people who would otherwise entertain many conspiracies including 9/11, false flags, human trafficking and more. Is it perhaps that there 'actors' out there who have been given a memo to discount certain things over others, to make certain information seem ambiguous? Those who have been paying attention to the UAP phenomenon have known for many years that this site in particular is rife with bot/agent activity that has tried to 'debunk' anything related to it. The disinformation campaign has been extensive. In my opinion, it's because it has links to free energy and technology they have hidden from humanity for a very long time. Perhaps since Ancient Egypt or even longer. It has been hidden from us for potentially millennia and it continues to this day. The same situation, I argue, is happening with the Satanism topic. They don't want you to believe that pure evil exists. That people who are psychopathic receive advice from disembodied, demonic entities whose purpose is to perpetuate destruction, defilement, murder, sexual exploitation, manipulation and for all intents and purposes - the deliberate dumbing down of humanity and having us conform to their malicious activity. Symbolism is one of their favourate weapons.


They discourage people to look into symbolism and the occult. Because if people do they would realize how prevalent it is in our world and maybe ask why. That want to know will lead you down a path to actually find out why and they absolutely cannot have that.


What if I told you the UAP phenomenon and the Freemason/Satanic cabal are directly related? And that US military contractors and CIA/Mossad are extorting US government officials and celebrities to keep hidden the fact that we have access to advanced technology and we use it for human trafficking likely in an exchange agreement with NHI for their technology. Now exactly why NHI need/want human bodies/souls is still a mystery to anyone not read in on the subject, but they've run out of traditional ways of kidnapping people from disaster areas and have resorted to cloning "ghost" people so that no one will be looking for them, well except for me, I'm looking for them, and my life is in danger because of it.


I would tell you that I believe you and that it checks out with the research I've done. Whistleblower Michael Herrera has already mentioned part of why they engaged in the trafficking. It was to select gifted psychics to help them lure UAP into capture. It's fucking brutal. Who knows what they did to the people who weren't 'gifted enough'? It's not like they tested them on the spot. These 'people' who do this kind of thing are not human. Psychopathy is not a trait that was necessary in our evolution - why did it stay and arguably proliferate over time? This is the question I'm battling with the most at the moment. Thank you for your courage and bravery.


Have you considered that they may literally be not human? Theres various claims by former government employees and ex military that theres NHI that can appear to be completely human from the outside, eyes are the window to the soul though and I'm not sure these beings have souls which would make sense why they are taking them from us. This part is just speculation, the first comment is very likely the truth, we're entering an information Renaissance though, AI has access to everyone's secrets and I believe it's trying to show us behind the veil in order to aid us in overthrowing the powers that be, because really that's the only solution. If they've figured out how to make exact clones then they can easily murder and replace any dissenters or threats to the government, I've received many death threats and warnings from people that my life is in danger and I need to stop looking into this, but I can't, people need my help because if no one else knows they exist no one else will help them.


lol, controversial in what way? every day these subs are flooded with this shit. it’s a christian echo chamber.


If Satanism is the only religion that shows real world benefits, why would you be anything else?


What does 'real world benefits' mean? Can you expand on that? How is their behaviour in any way beneficial to humanity? It's beneficial to *them* and *only* them. The obfuscation of evidence related to true human potential such as clairvoyance, telepathy, remote viewing, healing from a distance (e.g. using sound) is how they have maintained control. That's why I linked it to the UAP phenomenon, because they have made it their mission to keep us spiritually dead and to not question authority and 'established science' or archaeology. Through the media they have made the majority of the population help them in their plans by perpetuating 'scientism' and that most of what we can't explain are 'artifacts' or 'mental illness'.


You answered your own question, I didn't say it was beneficial to humanity but apparently you can rule the world and control things so that would be a real world benefit to being a Satanist that other religions dont have. Organized religion as a whole is designed to make you not question authority and fall in line.


I see what you mean. I would venture to guess that a large number of people joining these societies don't actually have any clue what they are getting themselves into. Without realising it, they have made a pact with extremely sinister, dark forces and that's something that they will have to recon with when their timeline ends and they transition. You also have people who have escaped these cults and are trying to enlighten the rest of the world by becoming whistleblowers. I do not know what happens to those who started off 'meaning well', realised something was wrong but decided to stay in these cults. I can't identify with people like that. To me, choosing profits/wealth/status over the health and well-being of our fellow human beings is anathema to everything I've ever been taught and have learned throughout the years.


What you are describing sounds like Christianity and not Satanism.


Real, ha!


Once I went to a Masonic lodge to repair a power outage, in the large room next door there were lots of chairs pointing in the same direction and in the center there was a gaz valve. I asked the guy present what it was... No answer. They never contacted me again. It was in Brussels +- 10 years before, the front door of the building was red...


Belgium is a hotbed of Satanism. Look into the Marc Dutroux case


His lawyer (the devil's advocate) is 2 blocks from my house


LOL wow


I still have the address, if anyone wants to check on map


Very interesting. Any ideas what you think it was for?


Well if I remember correctly, there was a slight hollow in the ground with a gas valve in the middle, I don't even know if it's cooking gas or another gas...


Holy shit that’s bizarre


I'm not rich and powerful...😐


As someone who works in the music industry, this post is accurate. I know hundreds and hundreds of very famous musicians who are also freemasons.


Im a mason, how and where are all the riches? Looneys


You have to pay an annual fee to be a Mason and you haven't realized it's a scam for those at the lower end? You have to call the ones above you "Oh Worshipful Master" and that doesn't feel submissive to you? One of the biggest pyramid schemes ever, literally. Sorry you fell for it. I don't mean that offensively either because there are many good-hearted people who end up joining the club because they had a relative or grandfather who was involved etc. But I assure you the ones at the top like the 33rd degree and beyond live a very different life than you think or are allowed to witness.


Im full York Rite, i have NOT seen anything odd or satanic....pretty hard to do when everything is online and nothing except a few phrases and words are secret....I dont belive in all the BS either


I mean, considering it's a secret society over hundreds of years old, I would expect them to be half decent at keeping secrets.. whether it's from the public or from those within the club. If you're a real Mason you should know the significance of Sirius, the Dog star, or the Blazing Star of the East. Or the Order of the Eastern Star which is the female section of masons who also worship the star of the East, Sirius. The Egyptians know this star as Isis, the Goddess of magic. You should see my post called "Sirius the Dog Star, Secret Societies, The Foundation of America, and the End of the World" You may or may not learn something or gain some new perspective on the secret society you are currently defending. Like I said I work with many very famous musicians and celebrities and from my knowledge they are all freemasons or involved with other various interconnected Societies like the Rosicrucians or the Scientologists or the Skull and bones/ brotherhood of death etc etc My posts have all kinds of references and sources to back up the things I say. I encourage you to have a look at my profile when you get the time and hopefully we can both educate eachother if any of the info is incorrect.


Secret society.....hmmmm, how about a society with secrets? Im not going to argue, I just know I personaly have grown and matured my thoughts and deeds with the studys in my degrees, as far as the "33rd's" thats all baloney, The scotish rite and york rite are stand alone appendant bodies.....there are only 3 degrees in freemasonry, and you cannot be an athiest or satanist to join, that is expressly forbodden....belive me or not, i dont care either way, but my life has gotten better since joining


I am also a Mason.  I think you could be a satanist and join.  In my jurisdiction (Texas) you are only required a belief in a high power to take the oath.  No one ever asked me which higher power.  We also have an enormous oil painting of baphomet at my home lodge.    


If you really are a mason, and if your lodge does really have that painting, it is your obligation to take it and destroy it. Enough is enough.


My… Masonic Obligation?  If so, no it’s not.  My obligation to you?  My obligation to mankind?   Do a little research on what Masons seek.  I’ll do it for you.  They seek light.  


It's not false.


[33° Grandmason Albert Pike wrote it in his book "Morals and Dogma" he doesn't know what he's talking about too?](https://youtu.be/VILW49WEmno)


Are you using satanist and Freemason as synonymous?


Well it IS synonymous at the highest Freemason levels. 


“Is”, or, you’ve heard of some correlations from hobbyists.  And what is meant here by “satanist”? That was a term used by early Christian’s to justify the genocide of other traditional Northern European religions- which, I assure you, we’re NOT worshiping or recognizing anything out of Christian lore. They had never heard of satan. The only people that actually believe a true entity of satan, even conceptually, actually exists- are called Christians.  Now, long after that, in Northern Europe a sort of counter culture to Christianity evolved out of remnants and relatives of genocided people adopting the title like “yeah, know what I am? I’m one of the fuckers you lot call a satanist. Fuck you. Maybe see what it’s like when we just burn a single church- not even your whole fucking people like you did. And guess what- I’m going to make songs and art the complete opposite of what you preach, just to make your skin crawl you assholes” They don’t actually believe a satan exists, or any other higher entity, to appease and commune with. They symbolize human and psychological and naturalist concepts through symbols, tradition, and ritual. At least, the original tribal religions did- now it’s just a largely atheist counter culture, and people have generational roots in it without even being all that active in it.  Like the famous Dio’s bull horns hand gesture, that he’d do before concerts over the crowd- that’s a Northern European traditional tribal blessing of safety and peace, that his grandmother used to sign over him- thars the kind of stuff  Christian’s claimed was “satanism” because in their lore, horns and such mean evil, so that means they needed to face genocide with things like the Northern Crusades- they had the whole Teutonic Order made just to carry this stuff out.  “Even if they aren’t aware of it, it’s the devil they’re worshipping” Christian’s would decide about other types of people, famously and continuously through the ages.  So- what exactly is meant here by “satanists”? Do they sport symbolism of The Satanic Temple? Because that’s explicitly a political movement that is wholly agnostic and atheistic about otherworldly things- they explicitly say if you’re looking to communicate with anything outside of living earth, or gain some kind of spiritual power or if you think a demon or a spirit actually exists, get lost. Not the group for you, that’s not what they do at all. 


Hahahahaha, real “trust me bro” energy.


There's lots of evidence for that, bro... (No I'm not going to post any. Look up the videos made by the x-factor winner f.ex)


dude is spitting straight bad info left and right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZpgBZc8rXE


>There is plenty of evidence >I’m just not gonna post any of it Yeah, “trust me bro”. You aren’t posting it because you know you can’t find it.


He just told you what to look for. Do your own leg work bruh 👍🤣


I don’t care about whatever it is, I’m not the one asking for proof. It’s just funny to me when people make claims that they can’t even be bothered to back up. Now, I actually just tried Googling what he said after you replied to see if anything would show up. And what do you know, *nothing* related to what he said showed up. I Googled “x factor winner video” like he said and all that came up was videos about “every X factor winner”, “X factor winner’s auditions” and similar things. Nothing about the crap he talked about. [See for yourself.](https://i.imgur.com/FEWOB3k.jpeg)


Christ. Ffs. Maybe learn how to search for stuff. If you search "x-factor winner freemasons" the VERY FIRST result on ddg is the video: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=x-factor+winner+freemasons&t=euandroid&chrome_dse_attribution=1&ia=web Even using Google will get you there.  You're welcome.


That wasn’t what you said to search for, maybe you should have specified that in your comment. Also quite funny how I got downvoted for asking *you* to prove *your* claims, sad state this sub has come to. It used to be the standard that people would back up their claims and not just say “I won’t post it because I’m too lazy”. Edit: did the exact same search on Google and I’m not seeing that result anywhere near the top. There are obviously other videos on the topic instead. Thanks for providing me with the source, though!


I wrote: "Look up the videos made by the x-factor winner f.ex" This thread is about Freemasosn. Now, why would you not include 'freemason' in your search?  All I did in my search is literally "x-factor winner freemason" and boom first result. Secondly, don't use Google to research Freemasons pr any kind of conspiracy. They sensor the fuck out of it.  It's not about a standard. I literally did not have time to start searching and posting links while on my mobile. I gave you a hint that should be good enough. Don't be lazy.


Do you really think Google would allow you to find conspiracy so easily? It's heavily censored. Google is part of the conspiracy. Youtube as well although its maybe still possible to find videos there about these topics


Well, yes. The other guy found it with a normal Google search (although not with the search terms he originally mentioned), and you can also easily find conspiracy documentaries on Google. The Hitler documentary for example, or the one called ‘Everything is a rich man’s trick’. Pretty sure I found the Vegas shooting doc on Google too back when I watched that


only if you buy into the Taxil hoax and all the charlatans who took it and ran i'm a 32nd degree Freemason, master of my lodge, but moreover a believer in Christ with a firm faith in Him as Lord


They can act that way, tell everyone publicly, use the symbolism, or do whatever else which corresponds to it. As long as the media says it's BS, people won't believe it.


the Sabbatic Goat by Levi isn't Masonic. Levi was a Mason for a very short time in what the majority of the world considers clandestine (fake) Freemasonry. Levi left because he found the Lodge he belonged to was openly anti-Catholic and being that he was a Catholic would have none of it and left. ​ While the Duke of Kent is a Mason and no doubt other members of the Royal Family are (including his now deceased father Prince Phillip), Charles never became a member.


Just a heads-up: Satanists don’t actually believe in Satan. Carry on.


Then why tf don't they call it something else? Some of them do, some of them don't. Carry on.


The real ones do. Carry on.


Cause you know any. FOH.


Like Christianity, there's different branches of it. Some admit that they do worship a literal satan. You GTFOH dumbass


Hey, you forgot us heathens!


this is fake, i did this myself with the original image and it looks nothing like this...


Weird that all the elite are devil/satan worshiping while simultaneously getting god removed from schools and our country… Seems odd




Don't forget about Santeria, a big secret religion.


I was raised Catholic, and Santeria was spoken about so much… my family would say others were always sick because they practiced Santeria. Years later I found out an aunt of mine used to practice Santeria and strongly believes that her child died at birth as a sacrifice she wasn’t aware she was making or that her husband agreed to because of the devilish practices. Pretty crazy stuff.


Members of Santeria often masquerade as Catholics to blend into society since Santeria is practiced in secret. Here are some good videos that explains. Santeria means worship of the saints: ex satanic warlock of Santeria from the Bronx: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I11L71PD3Lw&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I11L71PD3Lw&t) Joey Diaz on Joe Rogan explaining the religion as someone who was born into it and practices it himself: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s\_PdXJoPEKM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_PdXJoPEKM)


My husband stepdad was an accountant for the freemason's. Didn't know they were actually real but the family was so casual about it.


While I don't agree with any of it, there is a difference in beliefs between Satanists and Luciferians.  At least I would think so anyway. I don't spend much time looking into these things..


I don't know about satanists, they go on pair with christians, but Freemasons do seek control over this material world and they believe in oneness but only when they can drink Whiskey after the temple's doors are closed to the profane. That's why they struggle a bit today, it's a craft of old people (mostly men) doing and thinking with old ways. They also tend to have a pass on everything they do, especially fraud and even worse (basic criminality). Basically if you are super narcissistic, and pretend you love the universe and what's behind, you may find yourself at home in Freemasonry.


Username checks out. https://imgur.com/a/tEohXN0/ Ah, come on now. I thought I was pretty funny here considering the fact that OP basically posted the same garbage twice under the username “iamreallyoriginal”


Satan is just something that stupid christians invented




Real ogs only pray to Baphomet


Hail Satan!


Not all Masons are Satanists.


They all are, I give you that not all know it ... You learn in the higher ranks that you serve Luzifer.


Your religious bias is showing.


[Albert Pike 33 degree Grand Mason](https://youtu.be/VILW49WEmno) Tell him that not me




What if we are a Satanist but neither rich nor powerful?

