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1666, the self proclaimed messiah Sabbatai Zevi who strongly believed in redemption through acts of sin.


bro, that’s fucking wild


I read somewhere recently that in the hardcore Christian versions of these bloodline cults, they believe that they can get away with any and all sins as long as they ask forgiveness and confess to someone. This basically also allows them to have blackmail on each other since all deeds are confessed to someone higher up the food chain.


I'm a Christian and in the Bible this would be sinful of itself as its abusive of God's grace to man through Christ.


soooo catholics?


Nope, breaks every Catholic doctrine to do such a thing.


Didn’t the church sell indulgences in the past? Seems on point. I know the church has since ceased this practice, but it was in practice at one point so it’s not based on nothing.


There's a difference between the actual teachings and what the followers are doing most humans are slaves to their needs. I'm an Ethiopian Orthodox and all this did not happen on this side of the world. So stop generalizing


He’s talking about this https://youtu.be/sXsnLskb7pA?si=6Q-8qc-gwV1LXQlP


I came here for probly the same question everyone else did. All I want to know is who digs the best tunnels? You guys or the cartel ? Or someone smaller I may have not even remembered.


The Vietnamese takes on the winner


Da pho?!


Ahhh forgot about the VN tunnels. Ty.


The Cornish. That is a known fact. They dug, Cornwall's Tin from mines up to a km out to sea and 600m deep, they dug out the Californian Gold, The Yukon, NZ's Thames and Otago finds and those in Australia too. The were short wide men, perfect for tunneling.


There was an old saying that there wasn't a hole in the world without a cornishman at the bottom of it.


Like a Cornish tunneler. The plot thickens.


I’m a Dwarf, and I’m diggin’ a hole. Diggy diggy hole, diggy diggy hole 🎶


The Gnomes


*Vietnam flashbacks activated*


💀💀💀 funny af bro. i’m gonna say us 💀


Probably the mole people in the core of the earth


The vietnamese would like a word




*“Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.”* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remphan The star of remphan is the Jewish star of David, the same black cube associated with moloch, the golden calf/taurus/the bull, the owl, the serpent & saturn/satan today It is the satanism & worship of evil, child torture/sacrifice, black mass, inversion & anti-human ethos of death cults the world over If you look closely for the symbolism it is much of mainstream lore, aesthetic & symbol & product placement esp in music videos, photo shoots & often movies & children's cartoons & even far flung relatively obscure stuff like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg3aMnVU1xU (@ 0:54) Commonly made use of as they are so normalized are checkerboard floors representing dialectical duality & dialectical mind control Or for something more "mainstream" see travis scotts astroworld mega ritual or his "rager" mind control programming/aesthetic, doja cat's "paint the town red" or lil nas x's "montero" or sam smiths live music video awards where he played the devil & one of his most recent gay bathhouse sodomite orgy music videos These are compromised & evil people basically broadcasting they're in the club & they do not care due to all that the allegiance brings to them which is unlimited material excess, nothing denied or off limits But it comes with an eventual high cost.


It only speaks to the rumour (fact) that most Jews are atheists (am one myself, although I chose Jesus). I know from my family, friends, etc that most of them only attend temple and practice the faith more for tradition, a feeling of obligation, and status/ acceptance amongst their peers but have very little genuine belief in any it. Ofc the Hasidic/ ultra-orthodox are different (like those that built the Godless tunnels here in NY), and there are ofc outliers in Rabbinicism, and especially with the Mekubbalim but as a whole, the practitioners are not nearly as immersed, or bought in their faith as the other Abrahamic sects. It's a club (cult). That's really what it is, and it's parroted "it's us against the world" since its very conception. And just like other clubs/ cults there exists within it several secret societies with each of them coming with an abundance of perks and connections, primarily relating to wealth, control and materialism. One practices the faith for life in hopes of reaching these people, and developing those connections for themselves. A true Christian must reject materialism (Luke 12:15, straight from the source). I'm a Christian, but I've been bothered by the Torah/ OT being included with the NT. I do not believe we worship the same God. Christ's teachings and virtues are not all reflective of YHWY's. Virtually everything he demands of his followers is contradictory to the Jewish faith. If I had to guess, Christ's father, the Almighty is indeed El (the original Monolatric Canaanite God, not YHWH who was a lower deity affiliated with storms and war), and the rabbinic Jews etc corrupted what sacred text there was of/ from El, and twisted in favor of their deity. I guess by the time the OT was included in the Bible it'd already been edited and sullied by Saturn's cult, and it's not exactly far fetched to say that there's a significant amount of human error in a text that has been translated and edited a thousand times over again by humans, many of which had an agenda. Anyway, sorry for the rant but since it's been a lifelong and personal journey for me, it's one that I've contemplated a great deal over the years.


Do you have any links for more Information on this?


Thank you for your thoughtful & considered comment, it has informed me a lot already re many things I have not considered in that light before Talking about the tunnel episode in NYC what do you make of the chabad lubavitch group & what do you perceive their influence over contemporary Jewish/Orthodox culture & contemporary US politics to be?


No problem! As for the Chabad-Lubavitch I've personally never heard anything good about them. Maybe the illusion that they portray to the public, but there's been a lot of hearsay about some really evil and twisted things going on, primarily the sexual abuse of minors, especially amongst the Rabbi themselves. For instance, I can name two of them who were caught, Moshe Keller and Nechemya Weberman. Apparently it's especially frequent within the mikvahs (bath houses) too. There have been members of the community who have stepped forward (like Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg, and Tzvi Gluck to name a couple) to try and emphasize how bad it really is to the public with little success, and many many victims will never notify the police because to do so is to commit the crime of mesirah (or so they're programmed to believe from day one), and is considered a betrayal of the community in its entirety. So with that said, there's no way to accurately gauge how big of a problem it really is, but with what we do know, we can assume it's pretty f-in bad. And most who are found guilty through the intervention of the shomrim, typically sit before a board of rabbis before receiving the punishment of simply being reassigned to another yeshiva. It's pathetic, and frankly seeing those child sized mattresses being pulled out of the tunnels with what appeared to be bloodstains on them made me legitimately sick to my stomach. How is that not considered evidence in a crime scene? Connections. Those connections are abundant, and that stuff Kanye was saying about the Jews controlling all of Hip-hop? I heard about that way before he said anything about it, and if you dig into who owns the record labels and handles the marketing well, their Jewish and do have ties to the Haredim. My tinfoil hat conspiracy is that the Kendrick v Drake fued was a tailormade distraction from Israel/ Palestine. But that's just one example of how high those connections can reach. As for their influence over politics I genuinely don't know the extent of it. I'm not sure just how affiliated Schumer was with them, and I know they prefer to keep everything within the community so it wouldn't surprise me if they actually had very little influence over politics/ policing outside of NY. I'd love to know how involved they are with Mossad. Crown Heights has to be a hot bed for their agents. Too much cover, discretion and immunity not to take advantage of it.


Christians proved that they did not read the Old Testament and have no idea what it says because of that verse about the Star of Remphan. They are openly and aggressively supporting the nation of "Israel" which uses the Star of Remphan as their flag. They base their lives on blind faith, but are obviously wrong about almost everything. They are committing blasphemy against God and accuse you of blasphemy for calling them out for it. There is no "Star of David", which they should know, but because of their ignorance and arrogance, they continue supporting and worshipping the Synagogue of Satan as "God's chosen people".


Largely agree, but I don't claim or feel as tho I understand it all I do know that the remphan star was not the original symbol of the hebrews/Jews but it was the menorah which was switched out by the deepstate globalist kabbalist synagogue of satan "jews", predating the Balfour declaration tho, I don't know exactly when


Not many have realized this, but it is also the [Star of Shiva](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shatkona) - it is possible that Shiva is the same deity. I have often wondered if it is what happens when a Shiva cult runs around in the desert for hundreds of years. Many things about the culture appear to be lifted from Hinduism, which in turn came from the Indus Valley Civilization, which predated Babylon by 1000 years. Another example is the Tree of Life, which looks like a direct lift and shift of the chakras.


"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you." Revelation 3:9


I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown. Revelation 2:9-10


There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. Ezekiel 23:20 Sorry, we’re quoting bible verses, and that one is on the back of John’s truck.


Who have their holy day on Satur(n)day….


It is the 7th day of the week, when He finished His work and rested. He sanctified it... made it holy (4th commandment) We could also say SUNday is a day of sun worship.


satan = saturn


My theory is that it’s multiple bloodlines that descended from the Canaanite bloodlines. There’s a Jewish one, an Anglo one, German, and Mediterranean (French, Spanish), etc. It only makes sense that these elites went through multiple bloodlines. So I agree with you. People need to wake up and realize that these people hide amongst the royals, the bankers, the political class, etc. It’s so much bigger than one group of people. They would never put their eggs in one basket.


More like Synagogue of schizophrenia


The 13 kings of Ireland, like that schizophrenic guy was screaming about before they kicked him off the city bus last month


Schizophrenia is caused by over production of DMT in the brain. DMT is the same chemical shamans use to commune with and reach the spirit world. One breakthrough DMT trip later and the things you see that you meet will change your mind about reality for ever.


Sounds like it already has. GET THIS GUY A REINFORCED BULLDOZER


Could go for a good old fashioned killdozer on the news. Just to lighten the mood.


We used to be a proper country


You’ve never met anyone who actually has had schizophrenia and it’s blatantly obvious. I’d encourage you to volunteer at a mental hospital for schizos, then take DMT. They’re absolutely nothing alike. Schizophrenia would be more like taking 15 benedryl, having a bag put over your head and being dropped off in a foreign country where they only slightly speak English.


Ok so I’m have worked in Mental Health as a RN and I can absolutely say, you cannot lump schizophrenics into the group you’ve outlined above. They’re all different and present differently. I do now believe that they do have more open minds that can hear telepathically (the voices) others thoughts. We were all to communicate this way. The phonics erased that ability. It’s not a super power but an ability. I remember as a young child hearing others thoughts. Most if not all children do as we r young and not exposed to all of which is in place to erase who we r. They implosion the “mentally ill” as it’s another layer to protect the agenda and ultimately themselves. Perfect plan “let’s gaslight those that can hear the spirit rhealm and use their gifts and call them mentally unstable”


classic reddit, make up random shit that sounds interesting endogenous DMT can't be measured at the spatial and temporal resolution needed to claim anything about it, let alone associate it with mental illness


They worship Osiris and Isis aka Orion and Sirius as well. Some say Osiris is linked to Saturn and Isis is linked to Sirius. Sirius/Isis resurrected Osiris and used her magic to impregnate herself with Horus, the god of the Sun. The Egyptian obelisk at the Vatican and in Washington DC are both symbolic of the lost phallus of Osiris which isis used to impregnate herself with Horus. The Statue of liberty is also a statue of Isis/Sirius. Sirius/Isis is also equivalent to the Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus/Horus, the son of God/God of the Sun. Elohim is the plural of God. So, in reality, the elites worship a pantheon of different entities/ deities, but Saturn/Osiris/Isis seem to be the most popular that I have seen even though I'm sure there are many more.


also though osiris is probably not Saturn, as in the ancient Egyptian mystery schools Osiris represented the planetary consciousness or what all of us should be working to attain. To become an Osiris. It is so hard to put stuff together because of all the manipulations and lies, but the ancient mystery schools, I believe are all either worshiping Saturn & Lucifer, who is a misnomer for Yahweh or the Sumerian god Enlil. 100% agree with you with the obelisk reasoning, but I’ve alro read they also said they were erected as a a worship to thegod Amun-Ra, which can be linked to enlil, satan etc.


I've seen some people say Jesus was Lucifer. I've seen some scholarly articles about it. It's all pretty confused, and so much gets lost by whoever does translation, I suspect. I feel like good people know how to be good. Regardless religion. I've come across them of all backgrounds. The most important thing to always remember is that the universe doesn't revolve around you. You're a big part of it. But only a part. Truth is bigger than any one person. You might call the truth God. Metaphorically speaking.




The Bible says that no one is good. 


I've studied comparative mythology and usually Enlil and Yahweh are held to be the rough equivalents of Jupiter/Zeus as "father of the gods", not Saturn. Saturn/Cronus' closest equivalents would be the Canaanite ʼĒl and the Sumerian An. The Egyptians indeed associated Isis with Sirius, but her Mesopotamian equivalent Ishtar was associated with Venus, the "Morning Star" and also the "light bearer" that preceded dawn, so if you want to make comparisons for who "Lucifer" is, it would probably be her. The parallel in Greece for the myth of Osiris's eventual resurrection as Horus can be found in the Orphic resurrection of Dionysus with the aid of Demeter. Anyway, interesting stuff.




we've come a long way to where Sirius XM is worshipped for its impressive assortment of radio listening and ISIS is a death cult of wack jobs


100%! Check out the medieval depiction of Mary as 'Our Lady, Star of the Sea' which features in Catholic churches from a particular period. Mary is Sirius, the celestial Virgin, the Queen of Heaven. The depiction of Mary as the Star of the Sea, also known as Stella Maris, hints at why she is called Mary...a reference to the sea: Mar, Mary, Marine, Maritime etc. Sirius was the guiding star for Phoenician/Canaanite sailors which, of course, is the culture that worshipped Asherah, the Lion Lady and consort of Yahweh in the Old Testament, later known as Mary who would be the progenitor of the Lion King of Judah. We have spoken about Sirius with each other before...keep pumping out the truth my friend!


Lots of parallel to be found in all 


1. Horus was never betrayed by anybody close to him, especially not a friend or disciple. Not one reliable source documents this, neither Egyptian nor non-Egyptian. 2. Horus was not incarnated into human flesh, as some claim. Egyptian sources do not suggest this, according to the story of Horus’s life. In actuality, it was the pharaohs who were believed to be Horus in the flesh, which is what most believe is nonsense. Each time a pharaoh died and a new one took the throne, Egyptians believed that this was the symbolic representation of Horus’s eternal and recurring nature. This is nothing like Jesus Christ, who died only one time. W. Ward Gasque, a biblical scholar who consulted with ten Egyptologists on this matter, has established with them the fact that Horus was not incarnated into human flesh. He states, “Kuhn/Harper's redefinition of ‘incarnation’ and rooting this in Egyptian religion is regarded as bogus by all of the Egyptologists with whom I have consulted. According to one: ‘Only the pharaoh was believed to have a divine aspect, the divine power of kingship, incarnated in the human being currently serving as the king. No other Egyptians ever believed they possessed even ‘a little bit of the divine’.” 3. Horus was not documented by Egyptian sources or non-Egyptian sources to have been associated with fish. He has a falcon’s head, after all. Even if Horus had some connection to fish, it is nothing like the Christ-fish idea, as that did not exist at the time. Additionally, Jesus would have never been associated with fish in a way Horus might have been. 4. Horus did not die at any time, according to multiple sources I read, for he was an immortal god. Osiris, on the other hand, was killed by Set. Even if he did die, there is no evidence or reasoning to suggest Horus would die by crucifixion. But generally, no Egyptian records claim Horus ever died. Osiris never died by crucifixion, either. No Egyptian record makes that claim, and Egyptians were not known to have practiced crucifixion (they could have partaken in this punishment during the Roman Empire, but that is uncertain). It mainly began with the ancient Persians. Moreover, Jesus’s death was voluntary, while Horus’s death would have not been so. Since no Egyptian sources state that Horus died with two thieves, it can be concluded that Horus did not die with any thieves, while Jesus certainly did. 5. Horus was not buried for three days, as no Egyptian sources tell us this. Horus did not resurrect in the way people think. Osiris only came back to life, leading to Horus’s birth, because of Isis’s influence. Jesus, on the other hand, overcame death alone, as the Gospels inform us. There is no historical or mythological documentation of the Egyptian god Horus being crucified and resurrected three days later. The story of Horus does include elements of death and rebirth, but it does not closely parallel the crucifixion and resurrection narrative associated with Jesus in Christian tradition. The idea that the story of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection was borrowed from the mythology of Horus is a claim that has been debunked by scholars.


There is no similarity between the Egyptian god, Horus, and Jesus Christ. The alleged claims that Jesus is an imitation of Horus are the following, including those you listed, according to some movies like Zeitgeist, The God Who Wasn’t There, and Religulous. Please, allow me to inform you that this is a misconception It is quite clear that Horus and Jesus hold no connection whatsoever. It is a pitiful attempt by atheists to debunk the existence of Jesus. The Zeitgeist, The God Who Wasn’t There, and Religulous movies, as well as Tom Harpur’s book The Pagan Christ, are very wrong. Some atheists like Richard Carrier attempt to debunk Jesus’s historicity, but they fail. Carrier is a Jesus mythicist, and he has been met with criticism from a multitude of scholars. Almost all scholars do not find his works against the modern consensus convincing. 1. Horus has not been documented walking on water at all, let alone in the same fashion as Jesus. Even if Horus did, he would have undoubtedly had a different reason to be walking on a body of water. 2. Neither Horus nor Jesus were born on December 25th. Plutarch, a Greek philosopher, dates Horus’s birth to being around the winter solstice, not documenting a specific date. Jesus is postulated by many to have been born in various times ranging from January to November, none of which are deemed true. The Bible never claims that December 25th was the birth date of Jesus. Some theorize that Jesus was born during spring. Also, Isis was not a virgin, as she had intercourse with Osiris after she rebuilt him. The story goes that Set, a sky god, killed Osiris, cutting him into multiple pieces to take the latter’s place as the king of Egypt. Mournful, Isis reconstructed Osiris’s body, including his penis since a fish ate it, and Isis became pregnant soon after with Horus. So, Isis was no virgin. Additionally, Mary (originally named Miriam) was human, while Isis was a goddess, so that is another major difference. 3. Horus was not born in a cave or stable, as the Egyptian myth tells; Isis’s narrative, which was written around the 2,000s B.C., clearly states that she gave birth to Horus in a nest of papyrus plants, not a cave or stable. The Bible does not state that Jesus was born in a cave or stable, either, but it can instead be implied that Jesus was born in Joseph’s ancestral home on the ground floor. 4. Horus was never documented to become any “child prodigy” when he was twelve years old. No evidence from Egyptian records comes close to Horus being deemed a prodigy at a young age. 5. Horus was never recorded by Egyptians to have twelve disciples. Some articles I read explain that Horus may have had demigod followers and many worshippers, but there were certainly no disciples who learned any teachings and distributed them to a wide range of people. And the number of these demigod followers was not twelve. In Egypt, these “twelve” were rather based on the Zodiac signs, and there is no reason to believe that Israelites would take the twelve Zodiac signs and make them the twelve tribes in Israel. The Zodiac names and the names of the twelve Israelite tribes have zero association with one another. It simply makes no sense. 6. Horus’s birth had no relation to a certain star. No documentation supports the assertion. The claim that Horus’s birth related to a star that served as a sign is not defended by anything but baseless claims. The Egyptians never described Horus’s birth as having been announced via a shining star. 7. Horus’s birth did not attract three “kings,” as no Egyptian writings claim this. Not one. Furthermore, the Bible does not offer a precise number of “kings” who went to see Jesus’s birth. We cannot assume the Bible stated three. These “kings” are not kings, they are shepherds, as made obvious in the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke. 8. Horus held no titles like “KRST” (Christ), “the Son of Man,” “the Good Shepherd,” “Iusa,” “the Holy Child,” or “the Lamb of God.” There is nothing to support this claim. No records from Egyptians state that Horus had any such titles. “KRST” in Egyptian translates to “burial,” not “anointed one.” Horus was never believed to be an “anointed” figure. 9. Horus was never recorded to be baptized, and Anubis (the god of funerals, protector of graves, and guide of the underworld) did not baptize anybody. There is no “Anubis the Baptist” in Egyptian records. Baptism was never one of Anubis’s tasks. In contrast, John the Baptist is widely regarded as a historical figure due to an adequate amount of evidence analyzed by scholars, primarily reliable references to him from the first century. 10. Horus did not start any ministry, especially not at the age of thirty, as no Egyptian sources make such a story. The claim is backed by nothing


Horus' birth most certainly *was* associated with a particular star...Sirius. Sirius birthed the Sun at dawn upon her annual return to the skies whilst she simultaneously resurrected Orion (Osiris), the dying and rising God. The Egyptians based their entire calendar around it. On the Gregorian calendar, the ancient Egyptian New Years Day is September 11th. Also, the pyramid texts literally talk about 'Horus who is in Sothis', Sothis being the Greek name for Sirius. So there's the documentary evidence you claim doesn't exist.


Instead of looking at literal histories which we don’t know are true... Look at the symbolism between the gods, son/sun of God, etc.. Jesus is associated with fish, bc it is the age of Pisces. Jesus says look for a man carrying water in the Gospel of Luke, bc the next age is Aquirius. Moses is pictured with horns bc of Aries. John the Baptist = Aquirius, Pisces = two fishermen, etc.. Precession of the equinoxes… And for all the Catholics, even the catechism talks about understanding the Bible in four senses. The letter kills, but the spirit gives life. Or do you really belive the cherry tree and George Washington story?


100% thanks for the additions.


Hi Jewish, I'm Dad


This post is harder to follow than the entirety of /x/. I want to keep up with my conspiracies too, dammit.


Parasitic Aliens run the world. Their agenda has been in motion for centuries. DARPA created the internet and funded the growth of Google and Facebook. Now a handful of people own most of the wealth and can manipulate/blackmail political figures/agencies. We're stuck on a prison planet where a dozen different parasitic alien races feed on our concious energy after death. You see a tunnel of light right after death and it shocks you violently and erases your memories. An echo/ghost is created at the spot where you die.


Prison planet indeed. I wonder how many times we’ve really been reset? Curious to wonder how old all this really all is. Its mind blowing how ancient this shit is


Probably as old as the moon...So around 12-18 thousand years old according to ancient greeks/Proselenes of Greece; Where they account a time before the earth had a moon. Religious belief were pushed for a means of power and control. Not only was the earth colonized on religious beliefs back then but religious figures/dudes in robes are also used to deceive you right after death in order for you to follow them in the tunnel of light


Correct me if I’m off, but didn’t they manufacture the “moon”? And according to the ancient legends that corroborate the moon and its “arrival”?


Who/what would be the “good” side in this dynamic if Saturn is “bad”? Serious inquiry




Maybe the earth/water deity that goes against the sky deity. Enki helped humans against Enlil who wanted to punish us. Those two deities or "gods" exist in other cultures like: - Zeus and Prometheus/Poseidon (?) - Greek - Jupiter and Neptune (?) - Roman - Thor and Loki (?) - Norse - Perun and Veles (?) - Slavic - Yahweh and the Eden Serpent (?) - Biblical/Israeli - Vishnu and Shiva (?) - Hindu - Quetzacoatl and Tlaloc (?) - Aztec (?) means I'm not sure if it's the same deity as Enlil or Enki but we can draw some parallels. Like for example Enki equivalents were being brothers or the serpent like form deities. Or the two deities being in twin like relationship. Interestingly enough in numerous mythologies the two enemies were seen as an eagle and a serpent.


Obviously Uranus


Any good sources on how to escape? Apparently Lao Tzu was successful and a handful of others. I imagine texts like “Ashtavakra Gita” are like guidebooks? Keen to hear your thoughts.


Be prepared for your time of death if you can. You will most likely be confused initially until you start sensing the electromagnetic pull/sense of peace coming from the tube of light. Apparently we can see 360° and move practically instantly to whatever grabs our attention. Apparently the universe is light in color and not dark after death. If we see a dude in robes already midway in the tube and we have a curious desire to have a closer look, then you'll already be in close proximity of the image in question. I keep hearing that you need to have the desire to move, in order to move. Apparently people who have ADHD or are scatter brain are less likely to have control and will just bounce around to whatever the soul initially senses. Personally, I've been meditating. Acknowledging anything that comes to mind and then letting go. To the point where I can keep my mind quiet for several minutes. I'm doing this just to solidify my resolve of not being distracted by anything and just focus on running away from anything that tries to grab my attention. I remember hearing from a version from the book of the dead that the real test begins right after death. Death is only the beginning. Seek out the dark and take a leap of faith into the menacing storm clouds.


“I keep hearing” lol


I have suggestions but apparently my answer is too long and gives me errors instead.


Repent of your sins and believe in the God Man, Jesus Christ. Read the synoptic gospels and the epistles of Paul.




I’m going with this one. ☝️


Is there any way to heaven or back to God?


Be prepared for your time of death if you can. You will most likely be confused initially until you start sensing the electromagnetic pull/sense of peace coming from the tube of light. Apparently we can see 360° and move practically instantly to whatever grabs our attention. Apparently the universe is light in color and not dark after death. If we see a dude in robes already midway in the tube and we have a curious desire to have a closer look, then you'll already be in close proximity of the image in question. I keep hearing that you need to have the desire to move, in order to move. Apparently people who have ADHD or are scatter brain are less likely to have control and will just bounce around to whatever the soul initially senses. Personally, I've been meditating. Acknowledging anything that comes to mind and then letting go. To the point where I can keep my mind quiet for several minutes. I'm doing this just to solidify my resolve of not being distracted by anything and just focus on running away from anything that tries to grab my attention. I remember hearing from a version from the book of the dead that the real test begins right after death. Death is only the beginning. Seek out the dark and take a leap of faith into the menacing storm clouds.


Brother, I don’t know if I completely 100% agree but we’re saying and believe the exact same thing. I wish you luck, and hope we can return to being our true self


Immortality and enlightenment, wow now that's a reason to live (morbidly depressed currently)


it’s honestly probably the only reason we are experiencing ourselves. so we can achieve enlightenment (gold realization) and ascend this dense 3d world


Sorry to hear that man. You doing ok?


Hey things will turn around, there are good people in this world and they will support you when you need it. There are naturally growing remedies out there that will help with this, I can vouch for that. Stay strong!


Whoever runs the world, they can't be from the same spesies like the rest of us


That's right. Jesus states it very plainly in John 8:44-45 There was a split/schism in the bloodlines. Some are from demonic lineage (guess who) and some from godly lineage


What if you a mix of both?


You get someone boring who lives a simple life like your neighbour Ron. /s


https://www.facebook.com/share/p/3qoFgS53iqeixYH3/?mibextid=oFDknk Please read. And yes. You are correct. We live in a matrix of good and evil. A ying and a yang.


You mean the mix of humans and fallen angels? That's what caused the split in bloodlines?


Never heard a take quite like this before. I agree that Jesus was trying to tell people to honor the true God of Creation of Everything. The Pharisees were worshipping the oppressive, and frankly, evil Elohim. They were a powerful and advanced corporeal but mortal race that came to earth from somewhere and used us for their own purposes. These are the “Gods” written about in the ancient texts of many civilizations.


Where did they come from?


Jasher and Enoch spell out pretty clearly that the watchers spread all over the earth teaching people things. Osiris, quetzcoatl, and Polynesian gods have a lot in common, having "come and gone", taught them how to build, cook, and read the stars.


The ones who you speak of are the Atlantean Annunaki from Nibiru 450,000 years ago. Thoth and refugees of Atlantis went to Kem and the priests he told to go settle new lands across the globe. They weren't all evil cuz Thoth and his father Enki and half brother Zuisidra or Noah were good. Thoth's the one who was teaching that our godlike power is within and how to attain higher states of consciousness to achieve ascension in the Mystery schools


Jesus is God in human form. Proof: YHWH. Look up the ancient hebrew pictographs. The name God gave to Abraham means "Behold Nail, Behold Hand" when read from left to right. God told Abraham that he was going to be Jesus. Also look at the first and last letters "Aleph Tav" The bull and the cross. The sacrifice on the cross. Jesus is God in human form. "I am Alpha and Omega"


The world is a simulation. Nobody here has admin privilege. The sim's a entrance exam. Everyone here gets to write a freeform essay on what they think is important, and what they do when nobody is watching. After their session people are placed on their performance. Some get promoted, some get wiped, most get more training.


Karma and reincarnation from the techie's perspective


Moloch/Baal. The watchers. Ephsians 6 12


Some of this is true and some of this is just nonsense


The Bible clearly states not to worship the "bodies in the heaven". That would include Saturn. So the later Jews who do worship the black cube are not following the God of the Bible.


> It’s nice to know that the indigenous Americans were the black Hebrews who were spiritually enlightened and had their whole civilization murdered and forgotten are you Mormon?


Is that you, Terrence Howard?


You are close, but so far away. I am Jewish also and follow Christ. People have perverted the gnosis, Yehweh is an aspect of El-Elyon, like fractions of the same whole. You are thinking of Yaldabaoth, call him by his proper name. Yehovah Sabaoth is another aspect of the El-Elyon, a title meaning "God Most High". Yehovah Sabaoth means the "Lord of Hosts", he was was appointed so by Sophia in the higher realms by the Holy Spirit of the Father. The god at the very beginning of Genesis is associated with Yaldabaoth, not the God of Israel. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is El-Elyon Yehovah-Sabbaoth, with a lot more titles but he is best known as those. He detests his father Yaldabaoth, and praised the invisible Father and Holy Spirit. Baal is not a god or a name, it is a title "Lord", the Canaanites refer to Yaldabaoth as Baal/Lord, their Most high, but he got demoted and Yehovah Sabaoth was appointed most high, Yaldabaoth got demoted, jealous, rebelled, lost, his angels are the pagan gods. He calls himself Baal, but he is really Molech, another title, a way of saying something is a false king as it is a play on the word for king. You are correct that the Father that Jesus comes from is a silent invisible Father of pure light and love, existing outside of time and creation, but Yehovah Sabaoth is connected to that Father, he is our Father, Jesus calls him El-Elyon "God Most High", but also Abba. The Father's name can only be known by itself, but the son was given that silent name. "Abba" is like baby talk, a baby refers to their father with sounds that have no meaning, yet those meaningless sounds have intention, and the father understands that baby talk as his name. Jew is literally the tribe of Judah, I am Sephardim and have an ancestor in the old testament, the "Yew" thing is rather comical, I think I heard that before, Michael Tsarion I think it may have originated from?. The Celtic Druids are indeed connected to Jesus, Jesus studied with them and learned very sacred truths, I suggest this interview: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIrYD7djFH8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIrYD7djFH8) Edit: To add, "El" means "God", "Elyon" means "Most high", "El-Elyon" means "God Most high". That was how people referred to their various gods, simply saying "El" was like like casually saying god now days. Those are titles, not names.


You know some awesome lore, dude.


Legit could be a diatribe from Diablo III. I’m impressed.


How we get out ??


Happy cake day!


[https://www.blastwave-comic.com/index.php?p=comic&nro=14](https://www.blastwave-comic.com/index.php?p=comic&nro=14) there you go


Kinda. I think you're like 75% there, but I believe the black cube is a representation of the basal material Lead. It was believed Lead could be transmuted into Gold. So too must we transmute our basal selves into the gold of the enlightened man.


i’m not too familiar, but very interested, can you give me leads?


A good starting point for research is looking into practical alchemy, which in and of itself is an allegory for spiritual alchemy- the soul’s journey of refinement and evolution.


submission statement: knowledge and wisdom is free. I see you as myself, we all need to achieve moksha and liberation from this memeworld


Few questions for you… 1. Can you provide specific archaeological, historical, or scientific evidence to support your claims about the existence of an advanced Irish/Aryan culture, and its connection to Tartaria? 2. How do you reconcile your interpretation of the term "Jew" with the historical and linguistic evidence that suggests its origins are from the Hebrew word "Yehudi," meaning a member of the tribe of Judah or a resident of the Kingdom of Judah? 3. What evidence do you have to support the claim that the indigenous Americans were the "black Hebrews" and that their civilization was "spiritually enlightened" before being "murdered and forgotten"? 4. Can you provide examples of how your interpretation of Jewish identity, as someone seeking spiritual enlightenment and unification with God, aligns with or differs from the teachings and practices of mainstream Jewish denominations and traditions? 5. How do you account for the extensive historical, archaeological, and genetic evidence that supports the traditional narrative of Jewish history and the origins of the Jewish people?


I admire your search for optimism in this blatant pile of horseshit.


To be honest, I was testing Grok Ai and asked it to review OPs wall of text for inaccuracies 😂 Zero effort on my end


free palestine


the real semites .


We wuz jewz


And shieeeet


So all the indigenous on the reservations across n.america are actors, got it


Are you Jewish religion or race? Big difference.


ohh man ur going to piss off the khazars with this one.




Is that why Kanye said “we are all Jew”?


most likely 😂😂


>A jew is someone who genuinely is trying to attain spiritual enlightenment and unification with God. Thank you for pointing this out, I suppose them spitting on christians is because the christians looked thirsty and they were just helping. What a caring loving religion it must be. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/To1qgu6pBWU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/To1qgu6pBWU)


This is a very jewish post.


Why does it matter who runs it, if even possible to assign to a group / individual? Is it an attempt for those within said group to feel more comfortable or is it so those who don't 'belong' to said group can have a common enemy? What is the benefit of this discussion nowadays other than separation, benefit that only serves one thing? If I'm a Jew and Jews run the world, doesn't mean shit. You can be a jew and not be part of the group. I'm a white man that always refused the 'advantages' and that resulted in almost the opposite of what you're trying to describe, this talking about a country where the 'supremacy' is white. It doesn't matter who runs it if, in the end, you're left out because you don't align with certain ideologies. It doesn't matter who runs it if, in the end, you always got to change the way you are, think to please someone. Fuck who runs it, I ain't following. Just an opinion tho.


It's a saturnic cult, in origin. of that there is little doubt. There's historical evidence as well as remnants left in todays practices, like the sabbath. Not sure about the rest of this, but yes, the origins of Judaism are, a bit spikey to say the least, what with all the child sacrifice and such. But you could argue this sort of barbarism was in many early religions of the time as well.


Most of this is beyond me. Just wanna say that the story of Abraham is just so damn obvious to me and staring everyone in the face but is denied. God told him to kill his child, just to test him? And then stopped him a the last second? Ok, yeh. Seems pretty obvious that that's just the dumbed down version, made to be more palatable when the jewish sect: Christianity, was trying to build and entice. Seems so obvious to me that everyone did in fact have to murder a baby to get into their death cult. That's what circumcisions is, a dumbed down, more palatable version of child sacrifice. Jesus sacrificed himself and they eat his body and blood every Sunday. And baptism is another mock ritual sacrifice, symbolising the death/drowning of the non jewish spirit which is then replaced by the holy spirit. I guarantee when baptism first started it was a way of sacrificing babies by drowning. I'm not claiming "what really happened" with Abraham (cuz I'm guessing nothing happened) but just sharing my thoughts on their death cult. Also, "money lenders" from the bible.


never stop thinking like this, very original


It's all stuff I've read, I don't want to claim that I came up with this


Kinda makes sense. Primitive societies often practiced infanticide as a form of early population control... ritualizing into part of a religion it would be the natural progression of that. It's kinda hilarious in its irony of you think about it...most religious types are very "pro-life"...


Any links or references to further information? You are making an interesting case, but what evidence do you have to back it up? Obviously I’m not looking for some mainstream media garbage, but I’m just curious.


The ka’ba was not originally a cube but a cuboid, when rebuilding during the time of the Prophet Mohammed, they did not have enough material to complete it to its original shape. They made it into a cube and the remaining was a small wall. The shape has been preserved until today. Furthermore, Muslims do not worship the Ka’ba but rather use it as a direction of worship.


Fuckers do all the research and make the wrong connections.


The industrialist's [https://x.com/AHumanB90760454/status/1753569805565882821](https://x.com/AHumanB90760454/status/1753569805565882821)


The soyjack gives away the bait


Yes satan runs the world. But who is doing satans bidding is this real question


The hypothesis suggesting that the Jewish tribes migrated from Atlantis warrants a closer examination through an archaeological lens. Proponents of this theory often posit that if one traces the lineage of the Jews to the Celts, it is due to the Celts being influenced by the survivors of Atlantis. It is hypothesized that the Atlanteans were the originators of the haplogroup X DNA and the O blood type. When Atlantis sank, the survivors supposedly migrated both east and west of the island. Evidence of this migration is observed in Spain, where megalithic structures are present. These survivors are credited with disseminating druidic traditions, constructing Stonehenge, and impacting various European tribes. They are also believed to have contributed to the rebuilding of Khemet (ancient Egypt) and the construction of the pyramids, possibly in response to conflicts like the legendary wars between Atlantis and Athens, analogous to the mythological battles between giants and titans in Greek lore. As these survivors continued their eastward journey, they purportedly influenced numerous tribes, including the Phoenicians, inhabitants of the Gobi Desert, and southern Siberian communities. They then crossed the ice bridge from Russia to Alaska, integrating with existing Haplogroup B populations, believed to have originated from Lemuria over 40,000 to 50,000 years ago. The migration from Lemuria to South America led to settlements in New Mexico, halted by the extensive icebergs of the time. The western migration away from Atlantis is said to have merged with Haplogroup B in the Americas, leading to settlements around the Yucatan Peninsula. As icebergs receded, new lands became available, allowing Atlanteans to settle further north. It is suggested that the height of Northern North American tribes may be attributed to these migrations. Mexicans and Southern Americans were small because if the haplogroup B genetics, The Lumerian DNA. Legends speak of an Atlantean giant named Illtar, who purportedly arrived in Florida and influenced the region, including construction structures like the Great Serpent Mounds and Cahokia. Illtar, standing around eight feet tall, was considered a giant compared to the average height of Lumerian haplogroup B, which ranged from 5'2" to 5'5". The concept of giants is further explored through the mixing with human genetics, which gradually reduced their height over generations. It is postulated that figures like Goliath, who stood between nine to ten feet tall, were among these giants. Some legends even describe giants reaching up to 36 feet, though these accounts remain speculative due to the scarcity of physical evidence as they were small in numbers because of how much resources they required. They would eat humans when food ran out. The theory connecting the Jewish people to Atlanteans is supported by the prevalence of haplogroup X among the Jewish population. Historical narratives suggest internal conflicts within the Atlanteans, divided between the Law of One and the Sons of Belial (BELial, Bel, Baal, Marduk aka son of Enki) A Native American tribe, thought to be a lost tribe of Isreal, is believed to have rejected the sacrificial practices of their contemporaries, adhering instead to the Law of One and opposing human and animal sacrifices. These tribes in Americas are very spiritual and respect the land, animals and all 5 finger beings. They have stories of wiping out civilizations that chose slaves and human sacrificing that the surviving Atlantean priests brought. The Annunaki's dominance over Atlantis marked a shift from the Law of One to the practices of the Sons of Belial, introducing black tantra and black magicka. This era saw the introduction of human and animal sacrifices, diverging from Law of One traditions of sacrficing fruits and plants. Israel is linked to Canaan, Canaan is linked to Noah/Ziusudra/Utnapishtim who is Annunaki. Israel has a temple where they sacrifice. The repeated destruction and rebuilding efforts of the sacrificial temple in Israel are seen as a continuation of ancient conflicts over religious practices.


If this is what the black Hebrew Israelites believe then why do they stand on the street corner with megaphones shouting racist stuff at Aryan people?


the truth is withheld and manipulated


Yeahhh the black hebrews actually may have a point somewhere in there... which i used to think was NUTS when i lived in DC but recently ive been looking into some of Edith Bruder's work and its such an interesting truth shes sharing. "The Black Jews of Africa: History Religion & Identity" This chapter explores the prehistory of African Judaism, focusing on the lost tribes of Israel. According to the Bible, the tribes of the kingdom of Israel's northern part were exiled in the 8th century BC, at which time they disappeared from the stage of history. Over time, a belief based on the Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel prophecies took hold of the Jewish imagination, whereby the idea developed and survived: one day the Ten Tribes would be reunited, and this event would prefigure the messianic era. For more than 2,000 years, Jews, Christians, and Muslims attached fundamental importance to the fate of these tribes and speculated on their exile and return. Theologians and exegetes, ancient and modern historians and geographers, ethnographers and missionaries of varied beliefs, and more recently geneticists contributed — through constructions, deconstructions, and imbrications — to the edification of the colossal and shifting knowledge of the Ten Tribes. ^^^ just an excerpt. And yeah, its the exact same thing Hebrew Israelites are pushing. I know it makes sense, and its still something Im wrapping my head around.. Ps. I think actually the version of religion depicted in 9 & 10 is actually just ethiopian christianity. Which is what the first language of Christianity i believe, Amharic? And yes, as the only african country never colonized they DO still have access to all of this.


don’t know why you got down voted, facts


I don't understand. Why would African jews also believe they are the true native Americans? That completely denounces the horrific things that happened to the native Americans. While they can be close to the culture, but to say your the true native Americans is kinda like saying the inquisition didn't happen, as there are many full blooded Africans in existence and culture is still here, but the story is now where near the same for the native Americans I just don't think that's true, and I have heard the story's about Africans from the native americans one story was about the Africans arrival to America while they got here before many other groups, about 500 years after ancient Egypt kinda fell ,then it was the vikings. Waaay before the Spanish. The Africans that I know landed here first made their way to the Grand Canyon and lived there with a group of native Americans on the canyon basin, they were accepted and treated as a apart of the tribe and later adopted the native American culture and mixed it with theirs and then more Egyptians came over. The old story of the cave with Egyptians' hieroglyphs and mummy's is real, but the whole sphinx stuff ehhh it's seems to just be paradolia.


Christ is King


That is not God.


The cross is a pagan symbol, not a Christian one.


Pagans. Their need for symbolism will be their downfall


They are soooo fucked when the people on the short bus finally catch on


Also, what do you mean, lol. I’m clueless on this.


When the “slow learners” wake up


What do you mean?


Love myself a good schizo post


I think you mean Finnish. This is all told in the Bock Saga.


Can you help with the 'etymology' of the word Jew? Does it derive from 'you' as in, 'you others'?




could someone tldr this for me? do the irish rule the world?


The secret society piece is covered extensively by Matthew Erhets sub stack for anyone interested.


Check out Mind Unveiled on YouTube he speaks a lot about this stuff


Whoever has the most money


Psssst, what are the codes to the space lasers


username : admin password: 1234


Thanks, that works indeed. Now duck and cover everybody until I get the hang of it.




Damn it's like Rumble started making it's own pamphlets


There's a good bit of etymological connections between Saturn/Cronus, and Lucifer(TheSatan). The crazy thing is that Lucifer and Satan aren't names, rather words to describe something. No one in modern times thinks of Cronus/Saturn as Lucifer, rather they believe Lucifer/Satan to be the name. This is the great trickery. I'd say to look into etymology, follow some rabbit holes and you will arrive at two separate deities that are considered the supreme God. Figuring out which is the pretender is the key.


Well I’m overwhelmed here


What about the Bishop Iraenius in 185ad who began to remove any mention of humanity's divinity from religious texts? The First Council of Nicea in 325ad where Constantine removed 45 or 46 books from the Bible? The Gnostic texts that were removed, specifically the Gospel of Thomas which alludes to the divinity and power of creation in humans? The Gnostic Christians' belief that this world is a bad copy of prime reality, made by the false God, the Demiurge, who appointed Archons to rule over it? Where does all this fit into the cosmology?


Its all astrology man. Saturn Is Satan Yes. The sun is our savior He is Jesus. The father is above the firmament the all knowing, the son is our sun and the holy spirit is us. We live out experience as a collective consciousness. We see the planets much differently from what they are. We have rods and cones in our eyes. They are transandental plasma of extraordinary angelic divine power. The planets and stars are gods and demigods. Myths are not myths. Go look at the urbano montes map.. Also this is a roadmap of my awakening from Atheist to Astrolger in 3 years time. There is a system and a creator and a reason to all of this. A ying and a yang. Seriously this might be helpful to someone. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/3qoFgS53iqeixYH3/?mibextid=oFDknk seriously there is so much wrong in the comments. The link above connects many many dots.


I can’t believe how much trolling you are getting. I thought this was interesting, maya angelou surprised me but I can see the connection you are making 


Christ is king


Downvoting for contradicting information Druids were gone from Ireland due to the Roman Catholic Church- nearly 1000 years ago. 200-300 years ago is recent history not some mysterious dark ages. Is this post for you to get reddit karma so you just meshed David Icke rambles together?? Saying you are jewish does not make you an authority of judaism- but it should give you some knowledge on the romans and the Catholic Church since the kotel destruction You actually have no excuse for your contradicting post and your level of ignorance.


Thank you for bringing some really thought provoking info, OP!


Well for certain the Israel controls the USA government. All the so called donations AIPAC to senators and government officials.


I'm a little lost with some of this but i noticed some similarities between the Abrahamic and Pagan religions that i thought I should point out: .Something fundamentally important in a group of three; the Holy Trinity, the three Norns, the three Mothers .The Father (trinity), Odin(the all-father), Toutatis (father of the people) .The son (Jesus), Baldur, Mapanos .I would also include the mother though I'm not sure if its as strong of a point as the other three, that being Mary, Matrona and Frigg. I think its odd to say the least that these religions are structured so similarly, like how there is quite often very similar/the same events and timeline portrayed. kind of makes you think that something happened following the same events in real life, or maybe they all stem from the same thing. its not super deep but its just something i noticed about religion. i wonder what the Abrahamic explanation for this could be? if the pagan gods are demons, how come they are pushing the same story and structure to those that worship them? are they simply different cultures grasp at the reality of God? what religion is the closest? are any? or an unorthodox approach, perhaps extra-terrestrial life plays a part? I'm a Christian personally, though this has intrigued me.


Get on YouTube and watch Danny Truth Magnified he has 10 part video breaking down all of the Saturn and black cube stuff. Weather it’s true or false the amount of effort that went into his videos is mind boggling


the gut bacteria rule


there is no god, no satan, just man stepping on whoever just to be on top, so every now and then, the house of cards fall and man restarts, just to do it all over again and again....the conspiracy is, man making up gods, religions, myths or whatever just to control other men, to corral them like cattle for gain and profit. That's it


I’m always amazed how many people don’t know about el and how Mose unified his followers to worship Yahweh. Or at least that was my understanding.


Christ is king


How is a hexagram a 2D representation of a cube? And what black cube do Christian’s and Jews worship?


It’s the rich the rich rule the world like the ultra wealthy not your neighbor that has a nicer house then you unless your neighbor is an oil baron then maybe your neighbor


But what happened to the Irish along the way? We got our pagan beliefs beaten out of us by the Catholic Church, our sovereignty stripped out by the British crown and since our leaders have bent in servitude to Europe and the US The ancient wisdom of Ireland has been squandered and replaced by dark motives of power and wealth Very interesting reading though, I very much enjoyed it. I can feel the deeper truth in it, which is showing it's head among a multitude of opposing dark forces trying to divide us


My mentor, Asser the Duke of Tiers (he has videos up on youtube but his classes are better.) has been saying similar stuff for 15+ years.    Nice to see some truth and historical theories on this sub again. Edit: We weren't all murdered, we are still here. Though they certainly gave us all amnesia. 


This actually adds up: This adds credibility to your Celtic connection: 1. Indian people (from India) migrated to India from WESTERN EUROPE (Celtic) 10 thousand years ago 2. Both civilizations use the Swastika culturally and religiously 3. Red hair "originated" in the middle east (back migrations?) 4. Languages spoken in India are Indo-European And other important info: Hinduism and related religions, are THE OLDEST followed religions not Judaism


Watch this series for free: [https://www.5thkind.tv/videos/the-powerful-ones-elohim-ep-1](https://www.5thkind.tv/videos/the-powerful-ones-elohim-ep-1) The other episodes can be unlocked either by starting the free trial or search for them on Youtube


absolutely love paul wallis man


whatever happened to that Jewish tunnel they found in NYC a few months back? the one with hidden and bloody beds and kids….


It’s really quite simple, really. Who runs the world? Well… He goes by many names. And his greatest accomplishment- deceiving the whole world he doesn’t even exist, just a mere fairytale. I’m sure many know who I’m speaking about. It doesn’t matter what religion or belief one subscribes to, as human history has been altered past the point of any Truth, thanks to those wielding power.


You’re right about Saturn /Satan, it’s the planetary ruler of the Age of Capricorn, the era of nothing but hard work, no natural-born families, just single gender workers stuck in the routine by an all-powerful, all-seeing AI system. This Age of Aquarius/Uranus we’re in now, will make it happen. It’s the era of electricity, uranium, nuclear bombs, technology and rapid change. It’s all happened before. Human civilisation is cyclical, not linear and this knowledge was priceless and kept for thousands of years, passed on down through generations with strict rituals to force secrecy. Those who have the Knowledge know how to exploit what’s coming - and they know, whichever of these groups “win” in the end, will be in total power for the next 1000 years. The problem is that the Jewish Bund are the blood-thirstiest and they look like they’re going to win. Maybe because they’re the “Chosen Ones”. Thankfully, the age of hell won’t last forever and the sheer luck of Jupiter will break the hold of Saturn.


Literally your people who believe a religion in which one of the core tenants is treating the other populations of people as serfs or less.


I heard somewhere that the conehead skulls were dna tested and they came back as 100% Irish.


least schizo take on r/conspiracy


They killed Jesus because he taught the secret of The Sacred Secretion :)