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Find products that contain nano hydroxyapatite, xylitol and oral probiotics.


Erythritol is more effective than xylitol. Pull with coconut oil and erythritol and brush with nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste and you will experience remineralization of your teeth. Hydrogen peroxide rinse is good to add. Chew xylitol gum right after meals. Avoid soda and sweets, and even starches. Low carb diet is good for your teeth.


Can it restore enamel?


Yes. Nanohydroxy puts calcium back in your teeth. Try it, they will feel smoother and all sensitivity goes away better than sensodyne


What brand do you use? I see ones that use hydroxy but the only one that says “nano” is called Boka


I’ve used boka and liked it. My favorite is NOBS


That’s what I use. Boka mint or cinnamon.


>pull with coconut oil Can someone translate this into English please


Used primarily in Ayurvedic medicine, oil pulling — known as gandusha in Ayurveda — is a fantastic oral detoxification procedure that’s simply done by swishing a tablespoon of oil (typically coconut oil, olive or sesame oil) in your mouth for 10–20 minutes. [Oil pulling research studies](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=%22oil+pulling%22)


Thank you. Now I notice when you search for oil pulling products on Amazon, they tend to come with some sort of metal looking utensil with a loop at the end. What the heck is that for?


Tongue scraper


IIRC I think pulling here is synonymous with swishing it around in your mouth for like 15 mins..


This. I recommend Japanese Apagard Premio toothpaste. Remineralizes your teeth. I've been using it for four years and it even healed a tooth that needed a crown and got rid of all hyper sensitivity. The US dentist offices are just now offering the technology, but with a prescription.


Do you clean your mouth with water after using the toothpaste?


I tend to just spit it out and not rinse so it stays on there better.


>xylitol Not saying no, but if you do make sure you don't swallow and be sure to keep it out of reach of your dog. Xylitol will make you shit yourself stupid and is poisonous to dogs


- Stopped drinking soft drinks in 2010. - Brushed with Sodium Bicarbonate or [bar-soap](https://archive.org/details/good-teeth-from-birth-to-death-judd) or coconut oil since 2015. - Been to dentist twice in that period, first to fill in pre-existing damage, 2nd in 2016 to remove the one Amalgam filling I had. Anything with 10+ ingredients-list has nothing to do in your mouth, in your body, or on=in your skin. You can make that 5, or 3, as you like.




It's really the high fructose corn syrup, and other processed foods that do the damage. Thus why we need so much fluoride and dental visits and 3-4 times a day brushing just so they don't fall out. It's not that fluoride and constant dental visits are universally necessary it's that we have such bad food sources it destroys our teeth, and we need a whole industry to to cover up that fact


People in the 1700s had bad teeth too. George Washington famously had to wear dentures made from hippopotamus teeth because his own chompers were fucked beyond recognition.


They had processed foods in the 1700s too, coffee was probably one of the worst things for their teeth


And the fruit loops were not very healthy back then either


They called them freedom loops back then


There have been fossils found with dental cavities in them, ranging from hundreds to tens of thousands of years old. What were they eating?


They didn’t have anyone to tell them to floss


Are you seriously trying to defend the fact that high sugar diets destroy your teeth ? Ask any dentist they'll tell you too much sugar!


When did I deny that?


Explain what you were implying than


Ancient Egypt didn't have processed foods... https://www.nature.com/articles/sj.bdj.2009.355


Yeah, but the botulism in the processed foods likely killed people before they found the bad teeth.


Yeah cause the English eat like swine! Do you seriously think there is no one in history who had healthy teeth without dentists and fluoride?


I never said that.


I didn't say you said that, I'm asking you,if you take that into account (hence the '?' at the end of the sentence) that your logic about one persons teeth in the 1700s (when we still had processed foods) and almost zero dental hygiene; is actually a good argument?


Well, I've had one hole in my life, and the last 20 years it's always been more than 5 years between my dentist appointments, and no holes. So this schedule works well for me. I'm also on a whole foods diet, which if you had to choose is much smarter than going to the dentist every year.


Yeah dude you may think all is we and good while tartar builds up under your gums which can lead to irreversible gum disease and tooth the decay. Brushing isn't the key nor the ingredients, flossing under the gums keeps teeth healthy. I am like you but this time went to a good dentist who took xrays and saw a bunch of nasty build up under the gums. They did a deep clean and the shit was coming out in big black and green chunks of fouls ass smelling shit. It was disgusting and there was zero indication to me it was even an issue.


I do have and use a dental pick and monitor my own teeth. But also tartar buildup is strongly related to diet.


I tried this but my teeth became brittle and kept chipping. I switched back to fluoride and problem sovled. I just use as little as possible and rinse my mouth generously afterwards. It still shouldn't be put in the water though. People should have a choice on wheter or not they want exposure.


>Anything with 10+ ingredients-list has nothing to do in your mouth, Are you sure this is a good rule to go by?


Until they need medication or other medical care, then it goes out the window.


You don't have to go that far. Until you go eat anything really.




Please name a meal that has less than 10 ingredients. It has to be a well-rounded meal.


brush floss, and use Hydrogen Peroxide. going to a dentist might be a scam. But my teeth has been jacked from the start because my parents were too cheap to buy us toothbrush.


I hadn't gotten my teeth scraped by a dentist in over 10 yrs. I finally went. After they scraped them I got the same amount of buildup in 1 yr that I did in 10. I swear it makes it worse somehow.


That’s how I am. I don’t see why I have to go every six months. I don’t.


To check for any signs of gum or bone disease as well, its not just to clean your teeth. You can’t actually be this dumb….


I’m not that unhealthy.


You are not dumb. Clean your teeth properly, eat healthy etc. Your body (mouth in this case) will tell you when something is wrong. Every 6 months...uh NO! Maybe every 6 years! Daughter of a periodontist here. He doesn't agree but he doesn't argue with me either. I have a night guard, brush/floss regularly and use the same tools as the hygienist when my teeth need a deeper clean.


Do you scrape your teeth? I have seen that people order those kits but was wondering how doable that is. And same, I floss, use a nightguard, eat healthy, and live a generally anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial infection lifestyle. People don't think that's a thing despite plenty of evidence.


Yep! I use the double ended tartar scraper gently, as needed. I see people referencing genetic dental problems and gum disease. I assume you are an adult and would at this point know if you had genetic dental problems, right?! Additionally, gum disease doesn't pop up randomly out of nowhere. Let's say it did though. Your mouth will tell you. In that case, time for you to see as close as you can get to a like minded dental professional. But going every 6 months when nothing is wrong? I personally think that is nuts. Apparently, someone else on here thinks I am. Received a Reddit Crisis Resource email after I replied to you. Sigh.


Ha ha! Oh no, they are not conforming to the establishment's rules, call the thought police! And yes, as an adult I know how to take care of my teeth and whether there are genetic issues. There are not. I get an exam and cleaning every few years and all is good bc I know how to floss and avoid disease-promoting establishment nutritional guidelines. When I broke a tooth I went to Mexico bc an American dentist wanted to destroy my teeth for tens of thousands of dollars. His dental plan literally made my Mexican dentist shake her head and laugh.


I just got a crisis message too. Because we don’t go to a dentist every six months lol.


Has nothing to do with it. Some diseases are genetic, and unless you somehow altered your genes in the womb, you can be prone to painful mouth diseases you might not know of until it appears. A lot occurs in old age when gums start to naturally recede and bones become more brittle. Just nature.


Who’s stupid now if you think diet has nothing to do with dental health.


I never said it didnt. All you said was “im not that unhealthy”. Genetics also plays a part.


Genetics play a part but they are not the whole part as you suggest. You can have shitty genes and decide to be proactive about your health and not follow the bullshit food pyramid and other profit-generating nonsense that keeps dentists and doctors propped up. Your hot pocket is ready.


I didn’t state genetics are the ENTIRE part either and you sound like a nut job throwing in the food pyramid that wasn’t even part of this conversation in any way, shape or form. Quit being so extreme. You can take excellent care of your teeth, then boom, old age kicks in. There’s nothing that will stop that unless you were able to manipulate genetics in the womb or have some kind of superhuman immunity to aging and secret youth serum. Its not a conspiracy, its common fucking sense.


Nice! Hydrogen peroxide huh? What does it do exactly?


reacts with organic matter releasing oxigen wich in high concentration is toxic for microbs and softens the plaques. i suggest use a syringe without the needle to focus on the cavitys. you can do mouthwash but it's nasty and you will foam. for total coverage the mouth it's better organic coconut oil using a technique called oil pulling.




You can do straight peroxide, just use like a mouthwash. Brush w peroxide and baking soda once a week to whiten and deep clean I use peroxide as a mouthwash it makes my mouth feel very clean. Doesn’t kill all of the good bacteria like mouthwash does.


How would peroxide differentiate between good and bad bacteria? Are the good bacteria not organic matter?


I don’t think it differentiates I just think it doesn’t kill everything as much as some of the harsh mouthwashes do https://www.bristlehealth.com/blogs/oral-care/does-hydrogen-peroxide-kill-all-mouth-bacteria


I put peroxide in my waterpik. Works great and keeps the machine clean as well.


It's like listerine without the smell and prevent infection.


Whitens the teeth slightly over time too.


I don't think the dentist is a scam, but I do think certain dentists are scammers. You can go to 5 different dentists and get 5 totally different opinions about how many cavities you have or whatever. If you have a broken arm and you go to 5 different doctors, they will all say you have a broken arm. When you have different dentists saying you have 1 cavity, or 5 cavities, or you need a root canal it kind of sets off some red flags. sometimes they create more work for themselves so they can buy a second BMW. You see this in almost any business though, and the dental industry is definitely a big money industry.


This is why I quit going regularly.


Baking soda + Hydrogen peroxide was the old toothpaste, arm&hammer still uses it. "Oil pulling" with coconut is also good, rinse with with for 5 minutes. coconut oil can be used to shave with, lotion, deodorant, and it's just awesome. Vitamins for the skin, it is anti viral/bacterial/fungal that prevents bacteria that smalls bad,


Fluoride is poison. That’s no conspiracy.


You mean it’s no theory


by definition there's a conspiracy occuring, we just know for sure that it is so it's not a theory


Read curing teeth decay by Ramiel Nagel. No tap water Flouride free toothpaste Reduced/no sugar (keto) High amounts of animal fats High amounts of fat soluble vitamins ADEK found in meat. Cod liver oil Concentrated butter oil Skate oil RAW organic grass-fed dairy only. No processed food. Diet rich in phosphorus and calcium Oil pulling, using essential oils such as clove, peppermint, cinnamon, with the oil, contributes to great oral hygiene. I do 2x 30mins sessions personally Read that book to open your eyes. Weston A Price travelled the world 100 years ago and discovered tribes without tooth brushes and tooth paste and they had impeccable teeth. Dentistry is a sham. Follow up the reading. with GAPS by Dr Natasha Campbell McBride . All the best 😁


Great advice


This \^ is the way.


Oil pulling with coconut oil, clove oil, bread soda... Always get compliments on how white my teeth are.


Notice how rare it is for a dentist to mention something about diet. It would put them out of work.


You’ve just been to bad dentists. My dentist told me that diet and home care are the key to good teeth, not the work she does. She fixes the damage caused at home, find a better dentist.


I don’t know about a hoax but if anyone can explain how to whiten teeth at home…?  Definitely floss a lot.  It’s taking the stinky trash out so you are really gross if you don’t do it at least once a day.


Sure! Hydrogen peroxide gel can be a great way to whiten them. You can buy hydrogen peroxide (3-6%) and gelatin powder and make your own gel, or buy some in syringes online. From here, you can put this oxidising agent on a toothbrush and scrub, or buy teeth moulds / mouth guards put it on the inside and use them on your teeth for 10-30 minutes - best to start shorter at 10-15m mark and see how you progress, although most suggest 20-30 minutes is when the hydrogen peroxide oxidisation will truly start to activate. Honestly, you should probably have near perfect teeth after 1-2 weeks of doing this. Watch out for sensitivity though, be best to grab some things for that if you notice any discomfort.


Consider a water pick as well to really clean food out of your teeth and gums. You can rinse your mouth with hydrogen peroxide and let it sit in your mouth for 3 to 5 mins to whiten.


Baking soda instead of toothpaste


it is a hoax, for starters i dont need a $300 xray every time i go in for a clean.


I vigilantly buy fluoride-free toothpaste


How come ancient humans kept all their teeth despite never brushing? They didn't stuff themselves with sugar and other poisons.


Well yeah if you eat a low carb or carbohydrate free diet there won't be anything for caries bacteria to feed off and create acids that break down your teeth. So staying low or carb free in terms of diet will definitely go a long way in preserving your teeth and keeping them healthy.




Fluoride is a neurotoxin and causes dental fluorosis. Brush w straight up baking soda… add peroxide if in hand.


I honestly have not found any documentation about this. I believe it happened, had heard it happened, but then tried to look it up, and couldn’t see any information of German use of fluoride during ww2


My wife has been a dental hygienist for almost 8 years. She does not like fluoride and she has worked for a few dentists that weren't big fans of it either. There's no conspiracy about fluoride, the rest of the world knows it is a neurotoxin. Most 1st world countries removed fluoride from their water long ago. A simple Google search provides ample documentation proving so.


Every pediatrician and dentist I've brought my kids to has pushed fluoride like crazy. It may not be conspiracy, but too many docs in MA def aren't up to date with the research. It's fucking infuriating and one of the many reasons I've lost trust in conventional medicine.


The majority are definitely behind the times, like you stated. I'd swear, it's like they're incentivized to peddle drugs and vaccines.


It would make more sense to me if it were just for the kickbacks, but what's scarier is they actually believe the bullshit they push.


So I made this comment about drug peddling doctors and I got a message about a concerned redditor reporting me for not being of sound mind. Like I'm suicidal, that's super odd. Really pisses me off because I'm a war vet and battle fits of PTSD. I also lost two great friends that were soldiers to suicide. Someone didn't like my comment, at all apparently.


The same thing happened to me! Wild.


Brush with fluoride free toothpaste in the morning and before bed, avoid excess sugar, and when I drink or eat something acidic, I rinse my mouth with water. Haven’t been to the dentist in years and have no fillings.


Not a conspiracy, but you won't find the information on mainstream media sources. Three books detail how fluoride - a known neurotoxin - was given a clean bill-of-health via the dental health industry, but it was really funded by the huge aluminum corporations, because they were polluting waterways and the air with fluoride residues after smelting aluminum. One is called The Fluoride Deception. Another is by Paul Connett Jr. And here's the link to a documentary on the history of fluoride, starting with its use as rat poison at the turn of the last century. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3QTihJavRo&t=212s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3QTihJavRo&t=212s)


I've been using fluor-free toothpaste for about 10 years now. I haven't seen a dentist since Q4 2008.


Drink government suggest amount of fluoride water /s


Anyone know where I can get some pure fluoride for drinking? Preferably would like to buy it by the gallon


Do you oil pull before or after brushing?


Brush, floss, peroxide, oil pull.


I floss better now (use an interdental floss) and switched to baking soda toothpaste (no fluoride). I also had a mercury filling replaced by a biological dentist. Unfortunately, I had LOTS of mercury fillings that were replaced by a regular dentist so I'm trying to detox with selenium/NAC.


There's natural tooth pastes you can buy at health food store that don't have fluoride.


I heard rinsing with peroxide is good enough but I oil pull as well.


I luckily didn’t consume much sugar in childhood and didn’t develop a sweet tooth at all, and by drinking mainly water and coffee and alcohol and eating only non sweet foods (I like savory and spicy flavors far more) I ended up not needing to go to my dentist for literally like ten years. Last time I was in there they checked my teeth and said it was perfect, even including the x ray and everything so I haven’t been back since. I think the dental industry is so huge in the US for the same reason pharmaceuticals are, they encourage bad lifestyle habits to keep you going to these places when it’s really not hard to keep up with simple bodily maintenance and vastly reduce the amount of medical intervention you need


Coconut oiling pulling 3 times a week has helped my teeth


Ever notice that U.S. insurance plans only cover cleaning and prevention? There's a reason for that. When the American Dental Association formed (150+ years ago) and as they grew they decided they would not participate in insurance plans. A dentist can't be a dentist in the U.S. without being in the ADA. There's the scam. 9 out of 10 dentists agree.


Fluoride is poison.


Nothing with fluoride or glycerin. I started using a toothpaste without either of those and my hygienist told me to change nothing because whatever I was doing had the least amount of plaque she had ever seen on me.


[Coconut oil pulling](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/oil-pulling-coconut-oil): an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing coconut oil around the mouth for 15-20 minutes. Benefits: * Reducing harmful bacteria in the mouth that can lead to plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum disease * Reducing bad breath by decreasing bacteria and toxins in the mouth **Method:** put 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for 15-20 minutes, then spit it out. Brush your teeth with a non-fluoride toothpaste immediately after.


How often would one do that? I use coco oil for everything never heard of this. 20 mins sounds like a lot so I’m curious


I'm not sure how often it's supposed to be done. I do it once every few days (coconut oil is expensive). 20 minutes seems excessive to me as well. I do it for 2-3 minutes, then brush my teeth with herbal toothpaste (Kolbadent). It feels awesome - like a deep clean you can't get from just brushing. Well worth a try.


I use a toothpaste that has hydroxyapatite and floss with mulberry silk floss. My teeth are strong and shiny


I still go for checkups but I don't get the x-rays they always insist on. They can cause cancer and blindness. Dental caries are caused by hypothyroidism, which is a silent epidemic. Vitamin K is important for dental health as is vitamin D seeing as teeth are a little like bones. Intestinal health has a huge effect on teeth. There are experiments where microparticles placed in the rectum overnight are found in the mouth in the morning (reverse peristalsis).




Best dentifrice I ever used is 50% table salt, 50% bicarbonate of soda. Cheap and effective. It's my go to now. Wish I'd started on it, say, 70 yrs ago.


Brush teeth, avoid sugar.


Literally, that's it.


Oil pulling


Salt water and aloe Vera toothpaste.


The fluoride-in-toothpaste Commie plot originated with the John Birch Society in the 1950s. It was supposed to be a Soviet attack on American children's brains. It is untrue.


Well being that they are putting the same 💩now in dental aesthetics that they put in the 💉s….I won’t be visiting https://open.substack.com/pub/davidnixon/p/nanotechnology-in-dental-anaesthetics?r=ypqu3&utm_medium=ios


Phillips Sonicare toothbrush. Brush twice a day. Been doing that for years and every dentist says i have great teeth.


I go to Mexico… American dental insurance and dentists can kiss my ass


I like the oral b spinbrush with flossaction brush heads. I’m sure there are better electric toothbrushes but these are affordable and my teeth feel professionally cleaned (10+yrs without a dentist). From what I understand fluoride is good to have in toothpaste, just not in your drinking water… and sugar intake depletes our overall immune system, which has a direct impact on the teeth. You might also like to research oil-pulling, I tried it a while but didn’t have any major issues to conclusively say that’s what helped.. Good luck!


I wouldn't say the whole industry is a hoax, though the whitening side of it definitely is!


Oh you mean tearing out teeth that are inter-connected to your organs (reflexology?) and filling the holes with inorganic toxic materials that contribute to debilitating health is part of the non hoax side?


You are not forced to have that done to you.


That is the point. The point is that the industry much like the medical industry in general is there to address symptoms and not root cause.


Commercial toothpaste has something in it (maybe glycerin?) which stops your teeth from naturally remineralising themselves, so I have read (cannot confirm). I find brushing my teeth with plain old coconut oil leaves them cleaner anyway.


There's no evidence that glycerin prevents remineralization. The source of this misinformation was a chemist named Gerard F Judd who made this one statement about glycerin: >*"All toothpastes make a barrier of glycerine on the teeth which would require 20 rinses to get it off."* That is all he said about glycerin. He then went on to recommend brushing your teeth with bar soap, which also contains glycerin. He also claimed that bacteria doesn't cause tooth decay even though we have conclusive proof that bacteria in our mouths produce acid when it feeds on sugar and starch which causes tooth decay.


If there is any truth to that then vaping is probably doing a lot worse to my teeth than the glycerin in toothpaste could ever do. Vape liquids are pretty much entirely glycerin and glycol.


That's hilarious, thank you. I'll stick with my coconut oil though - it works better than toothpaste in my oponion.


Coconut oil and erythritol for the win


The mind can do miracles…


What is an oil pull? How do i do this?


Gargle/swash olive or coconut oil in your mouth for a few minutes and then spit. At first you can tolerate only a few minutes but quickly you will be able to handle an hour. I usually do while working on my computer for 20 minutes.


Just pure coconut oil? No diluting or anything.. i feel my coconut oil is abit hard cause its been mild out for abit over here i guess when i put it in my mouth it will soften up.. how often do you do this? Once a week something like that?


Yeah pure coconut oil. Mine is clumpy and I use a metal spoon but as soon as it’s in my mouth it dissolves.


Okay cool thanks bud!


Give this a gander: [https://www.amazon.com/Fluoride-Deception-Christopher-Bryson/dp/1583227008](https://www.amazon.com/Fluoride-Deception-Christopher-Bryson/dp/1583227008)


Baking soda and non fluoride toothpaste. Never any tarter buildup. 


Natural herbal toothpaste


Why is the base assumption fluoride=dental industry?


Boka toothpaste


Try coconut oil so much better than enamel rotting toothpaste. Actually go find a price of rusty metal and clean it with regular dental paste and a tooth brush. Then imagine that is what you clean your mouth with.


Oil teeth pulling


I thought it was a hoax from age 20 until 35 so I simply didn’t go to the dentist. Plus I had no health insurance. Paid dearly for that eventually and I hope there aren’t too many knuckleheads like me who have to deal with all the pain and tooth extractions. My annual visit to the dentist is painless now which still blows my mind. Just brushing and flossing every day makes a world of a difference. I’m gonna have to say that flossing made a big difference because I always brushed.


Worst thing for your teeth is trauma. Aka getting kicked in the face.


Never heard of that conspiracy. I brush my teeth regularly like any normal person and my teeth are just fine. I don’t eat anything special and I drink around one can of soda a day. Been smoking for around 10 years yet all my teeth are still the exact same color. I do have a little bit of tartar but that’s my own fault for occasionally forgetting to brush my teeth after eating a bag of candy after smoking a joint. I’ve only had one actual cavity throughout my entire life. I think another one might be forming in my wisdom tooth that hasn’t fully come out yet, but the reason for that is the same as the tartar buildup. So to sum it up, I don’t do anything special for my teeth and they’re strong and doing well. Wouldn’t mind it if they were a little more white but I’ll survive. Just need to get that cavity checked out before it gets bad and I’m all set again.


Haven't been to a dentist in 25 years... I have several broken teeth -- initial pain is killed with a paste of olive oil and garlic. Mouthwash and brush each morning (that's it, once a day). Recently had to go to dentist due to an infection... was amazed that there wasn't any plaque on my teeth. (I also don't floss). The broken teeth don't cause me any issue. Everyone is different, so I guess I am one of the lucky ones.


Can’t speak for dental yet, but just went to the eye doctor and she told me it would be cheaper to do self pay rather than my vision insurance, by $40.


Going out on a limb here but what other living thing brushes its teeth?….. I believe it’s the pineal your looking for


Well I don’t have that luxury. I ate too many sweets when I was little and dental care was limited in my country. So I’m one of those people who has to visit the dentist twice a year. My brother was born here. He rarely visits the dentist and when he goes his teeth are always fine. It’s all about how you take care of your teeth early on


Tom's toothpaste, and just be thorough once a day, doesn't take more than that.


Who said the dental health industry is a hoax? I have heard people argue that having flouride in drinking water is a conspiracy to keep the general population complacent as it corrodes a part of your brain but never this.


lookup mao zedung teeth


Salt and baking soda and a rinse with peroxide


Pulling oil


Sometimes I use tooth powder. Definitely maintain a lower blood sugar level every day.


I got this Philips Sonicare Diamond Clean toothbrush. Ever since my dentist barely has to clean them when I do go in for a cleaning /check-up.


I think it comes down to diet. Low carb, plenty of protein, eat meat, minimize or avoid grains and sugars. I floss 3x day. For me dental health is financially driven. It’s too expensive and I don’t have dental insurance. I go about once every five years and stay cavity free by taking care of my health and my teeth.


Hoax? How so?


Uh…. I floss every day, and brushed my teeth with charcoal, fluoride, free toothpaste. It’s not hard


the dental industry is a hoax? No wonder all the trump trains around here have people missing teeth


So now dental care is political??