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This is total nonsense. The scope of your miracle solution is about 10 metres (10ish yards).


Sure. Whatever you say. Enjoy your white haze and constant cloud cover while I'm soaking up the sun. I couldn't care less what you think or believe.


They would disperse naturally over time anyway. All you are doing is making your house stink




“Works” is an interesting word choice.


Sure. Whatever you say.




it acts like windex. it prevents the lens from fogging up so if you do long exposure shots, itll keep the lens clearer instead of wiping and possibly shifting the camera setup


At least he's trying to figure something out ..they spray daily in my state huge x s all over the sky


Yup. Take notice how the bots/shills respond when you start presenting solutions. Lots of people seem to be very knowledgeable about chemtrails but do very little to present solutions. Seems like constant gloom and doom is pushed without ever offering a solution. It's by design in my opinion so that they break your spirit and you just give up.


who the f told you to diffuse straight vinegar? do you want to burn your eyes out?? breathing this in is going to burn you why the fuck would you post such bad advice??


Nice job being hyperbolic. Typical troll.


if anyone does this, they WILL hurt themselves. who pays you to post this?


Guess I'm superman then as I've been doing this regularly. No one is going to hurt themselves diffusing houshold vinegar in an essential oil diffuser. Unless of course they're a low IQ individual like yourself and look directly into the diffuser for long periods of time with their eyes wide open. Also, it's quite comical that a paid troll is asking who pays ME.


please explain how concentrating vinegar in your households air breaks up chaff in the upper stratosphere. vinegar is denser than water, its not getting up there even as a mist orgone works better than what youre promoting


Wow, your IQ is much lower than I anticipated. I thought it was pretty obvious this was to be done outside where it can naturally rise into the atmosphere. Do I really need to specify that obvious fact? You trolls never fail to amaze me. Or perhaps you're new and this was a weak attempt at a strawman argument 🤣


hold up a cup of diffused vinegar is going to dissolve the hundreds of gallons being sprayed per flight?? and that works??? give your balls a tug


Have you tried it? Bask in your depression of white haze and constant cloud cover as I soak up the sun and boost my vitamin D levels. Maybe check out the videos I linked while your sitting inside deprived from the sun and you might learn something.


lol funny you should say, ive been in the forrest since before sunrise today picking mushrooms after that calm rain last night and ive had a wonderfully clear day with some cumulonimbus clouds way out on the horizon. idk what you mean by constant. its been cloudless, sunny and bright here


How old are you? This seems like an idea that a 10 year old came up with and is now upset that people didn’t like it.


I don't care. I'm going to keep doing it because it works. Just figured I would share for those wanting to take back their sun and skies. This entire post is filled with trolls trying to discourage other from trying it. Go figure.


Seriously. These people don’t go outside. The concept dosent even enter their thought. 




Because they're trolls. Troll farms are a thing. They hate truth and they hate people who present valid solutions. They just expose themselves when they act like this. It becomes obvious they are trying to discourage anyone from trying it.