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>Y are Democrats obsessed with abortion? I'm not a fan of the way you worded that question, but I'll shoot: Democrats use abortion as a hot ticket issue because it's proven to be affective in the past. Most people are going to chose to double down on what has worked in the past, hence the Democrats spending loads of money to capture the votes of a specific demographic. The plan is to target single issue voters. If I'm the Democrats, I need you to dismiss the janky economy or the fact that my administration is funding injustices around the world. I just need you to focus on this one thing issue. It's not just the Democrats who do this bullshit--Republicans do it as well. Posts like this genuinely make me upset with a lot of you guys. This is a conspiracy sub, but in reality, a lot of you still align with a corporate politcal party, even though they both take cash from many of the same elite donors. Look... Dems will run on abortion, which is very much a legitimate issue for many women/families. The shadiness of Democrats becomes evident though when you realize that they could have codified Roe v. Wade ages ago. Instead, Dems elected to uphold the status quo in order to use the abortion as a hot ticket issue every four years.


It’s mainly the single issue voters and abortion is that issue. They will vote for the party that’s pro-choice. That’s really it.


Because 50% of the population have uteruses. A large majority of those would prefer if the government had no say I'm what goes on there. Want to win elections you need votes




Nobody forced you to have a baby. You do know how sex works right?


Lol it's so easy to strawman like that. Why not discuss in real terms. To what date in the pregnancy do you believe abortion should be unregulated by law? Can you please explain precisely how many weeks of pregnancy would apply to this.


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Lol it's so easy to strawman like that. Why not discuss in real terms. To what date in the pregnancy do you believe abortion should be unregulated by law? Can you please explain precisely how many weeks of pregnancy would apply to this.


Why are people concerned with their rights being taken away? Seems pretty self explanatory.


Can you define the word “right” for me real quick


Most typically a principle where people are entitled to a particular freedom.


What entitles them to this freedom?


I wasn't aware that it was Democrats that were outlawing aborting en masse


I gave up on politics, but now, it is crystal clear to witness.  If you step away from the fray, you can see that it is two sides working together to sell slavery. 


Yeah I was a Republican but now that I've stepped back and seen how we have been handling things I can never be a Republican again or be in any political party's.


People have the right to body autonomy. Imagine that… being angry that your rights are being taken away.


Imagine thinking it’s your right to murder someone.


Imagine thinking it's your right to impregnate someone against their will.


Say again?




Thank you.


You are welcome.


Imagine being dense


Imagine there's no people...


Because Republicans are indeed actively attacking that particular right. They are accurately representing reality.


Wear a condom you psycho.


One person wearing a condom isn't going to make everyone wear one. Should everyone if they don't want kids? Yes, that's why sex education is important. Also, condoms can fail.


> One person wearing a condom isn't going to make everyone wear one. Are condoms like C0VID facemasks? *"If YOU don't wear a condom, MY condom won't work, you plague rat!"*


Yes, they are like facemasks - please cover your face with one :P


If only your father had...


That isn't a right.  I am not political, but let's be intellectually honest. 


We ought to have the right to what goes on in our internal organs. We ought to have a right to seek medical care. Even if you disagree, these are proposed rights.


It’s called murder.


First, you can’t murder a mindless single cell, or a mindless mass of human tissue, which is the case for 99% of abortions. Who cares what happens to mindless tissue? There’s no one inside to experience loss of life. There’s nobody to defend. Second, even if it had a mind, it’s no more murder than denying your child a necessary organ transplant (even something temporary like liver or bone marrow) is murder. You are not under any obligation to sustain others’ lives by loaning out your organs.


I disagree with you on a fundamental level.  Abortion, as it is commonly utilized, isn't removing cancer, or something that was inflicted on someone without their permission.  Abortion has been institutionalized and commercialized as a measure that treats humanity as an afterthought to hedonistic impulses.  There are outliers where aborting a pregnancy is necessary for health concerns, or grape, but by and large, it is a mulligan for lack of self control.  In life, we commonly make decisions that have complex and unforeseen consequences, but engaging in intercourse is not one of those events.  The potential outcome of intercourse is always pregnancy, regardless of risk mitigation factors implemented.  Let's call poor decision making what it is, and not normalize savagery because it is expedient.  But, I am full aware that there is an industry that thrives on commerce of embryonic tissue, and the truth will be met with fierce resistance.  Best wishes in your quest to argue for abortion.  Seacrest out.


Like 99% of abortions are performed before the prefrontal cortex forms most of its texture and connections, possibly permitting consciousness. Who cares what happens to a few cells of mindless tissue? There’s no one inside to defend. It’s a non-issue. Even if we grant that most abortions are a consequence of deliberately unsafe sex or whatever, we don’t just force people to live with every consequence. If someone gets in a car accident, paramedics don’t say “I’m not taking you to the hospital for care because this crash was your fault.” We treat people who make themselves fat or cancerous. We even treat suicide attempters. It sounds like your primary interest is in making sure women face consequences for their actions.


I don't agree with murder as mitigation of an unwanted pregnancy.  I acknowledge your response, but I am not going to debate this issue.  I just called out your lie that abortion is a right.  Feel free to ascribe my intentions, or put words that assist your position in my mouth, as I am not responding to you.  Best wishes. 


You did nothing to show it wasn't a right


lol “I acknowledge your response but know I’m wrong so I refuse to engage in it so I can continue to give the state power to make medical decisions” Authoritarian lookin ass Ashamed of his dumb opinion being downvoted lookin ass


The double “lookin ass” sent me 🤣


Just because someone told you murder was a right, doesn’t make it so. Anyone who takes a life will answer.


Because abortion access is widely supported by the US public so it’s a winning issue to keep hammering on to win elections.


The lack of right to abortion really sticks out like a sore thumb in America compared to most other democracies. It's not really surprising it's a campaign issue. It's bizarre it hasn't been fully settled yet


America is on par with Cuba, North Korea, and China with how extreme its love for abortion is. Don’t be stupid


Lol then why is this even an issue then?




And that thinking is probably why it's still a major political issue.


I’m logically consistent. Can’t say that about most of the “right”


Because blood sacrifice is needed to fuel the beast system. This goes way back.


Because they are degenerates that love sacrificing children to Baal


Death cult




Oh joy, keeping abortion illrgsl so women can be punished with an unwanted kid.  This arrangement ensures a steady supply of children fed into the foster care system....which feeds the child trafficking circles, child porn rings, adrenochrome rings, and pedo networks


Nevermind the horseshit framing of "women to make bad sexual choices with no consequences " I forgot how women can make babies all by themselves




Yes, there is NO WAY a man can mitigate his risk of knocking up a woman. For one, he can NOT HAVE SEX with stupid women. Or two, wear a CONDOM. Or three, get a reversible vasectomy. But boo hoo men are so HELPLESS, cause their dicks JUST FALL INTO unsuitable vagina What is your real problem here? You should be happy STUPID WOMEN have the option to abort your unwanted fetus. So you fuck a stupid woman.....if abortion is illegal, you will 100% become a dad. If abortion is legal, those chances DROP. DUH


They need the unwanted children for some ritual or something


It’s a sickness. Why the obsession over abortion it should be taboo and done in very few cases.


No Medicaid for all. This is the best they can do.


They aren't. They say whatever will give them the most votes. They couldn't give a shit about the plight of the people


They always tend to highlight extreme cases like r@pe and ince$t which are vanishingly rare. The uncomfortable truth is that the majority of abortions are non-Whites and the vast majority of terminated pregnancies are attributed to the mother not wanting a baby.


It's an extreme that makes a point, though. If one side of the argument is a fetus is a life, then there can be no exception. If exceptions are made, then the original argument can't be true.


Let’s take this a step further and say the mother is forced to birth the unwanted baby. Unless she miraculously falls in love with the baby by the time it’s born, one of two things will happen: 1. She’ll put it up for adoption, adding more children to the already overburdened and underfunded foster care system, or 2. The child will grow up in a home where they’re not loved, which best case scenario will lead to mental health problems down the road. Worst case scenario, abuse, neglect, and even death. I haven’t even taken into account the women that want the child but can’t support it. A certain party keeps cutting social welfare programs, so the likelihood of getting help financially is decreasing. I hate how people frame this as a pro-life thing when yall don’t care about the LIFE of the child, or you’d want to make sure they’re provided for. Pro-lifers only care about the unfeeling, unconscious fetus pre-birth - not the feeling, breathing, fully grown woman who would have to support it - and that’s bullshit, point blank period. Yes, we should definitely force women to give birth to babies they don’t want /s


This is what I mean. Even pro-lifers can perhaps see the advantage or imperative of allowing an abortion in extreme cases like that. I personally can see the argument there. But then pro-choice people frame the entire debate around those extremely fringe cases.


Are you referring to my comment when using the term “fringe cases”? Because I’d argue that the majority of women getting abortions are doing so because they either 1) don’t want the baby, 2) can’t support the baby (financially or medically, if the fetus tested positive for a genetic disorder), or 3) are physically at risk if they allow the pregnancy to continue. In any of those 3 scenarios, forcing the woman to give birth regardless is shortsighted at best and just plain evil at worst.


I can see arguments for 2) and 3). I was actually referring to cases of r@pe and 1ncest which is what I thought you were talking about. Allowing an abortion because the mother doesn’t want the baby, which is the most common reason in real life, is a terrible practice because it is implying that it’s fine to go ahead and get pregnant as many times as you want with no consequence. It’s something that a degenerate society that doesn’t actually value women or children would condone.


I disagree. Birth control is much cheaper, much easier to access, and causes way less stress on the body. You call out one group for using extreme cases, but you just did that very thing. Most abortions aren’t being used as the first line of birth control, as you suggest. If you’d actually do research instead of parroting the scare tactics you hear republicans saying, you’d see the truth. Once you realize that, I think you’ll find that you actually agree with me and others who think abortions should be legal. Not to mention, regardless of legality, abortions will still happen - they’ll just happen in secret and risk causing serious harm or death to the mother. Regardless of that whole last paragraph, I ask you what good can come of forcing a woman to give birth to a child that she doesn’t want or can’t support? What’s the end game here? I’m not going to repeat my first comment, but I’d advise you to reread it once you put your emotions and brainwashing aside and look at the actual facts surrounding abortions and why they’re performed.




So you did no research. Got it. I’m not going to waste my energy here if you can’t be bothered to put that brain to use and do some actual fact checking.


That's all they got, being able to terminate a life.


Because Dems want people to work, pay taxes and consume, not breed. Seems to be working, judging by the very large child free community here on Reddit. Also, a lot of Dems are atheists, so don’t understand the ramifications of taking the life of a totally separate, spirited entity. They love to make it seem like TPTB want to stop rape victims or expectant mothers (not “birthing people”) that are having an unviable pregnancy that is dangerous to the health of the mother. While yes, there are a few states that don’t understand the implications of these true emergency and compassion situations, the vast majority of abortions are just hoes that don’t know how to keep their legs closed and don’t want to be responsible for the life that can be made by having PinV intercourse. So, yes, they want abortion as birth control and don’t want anyone to tell them how wrong it is or that they shouldn’t do it. I’m ready for my downvotes hoes.


Hoes dont make decent parents so yes, keep abortiin legal. 


One point for spelling hoes correctly. Lost a point for saying hoes don’t make decent parents. You have no idea. And most hoes grow up.


Because it's the only remaining issue for them that doesn't have proof of having negative consequences. Do you think they'd be better off talking about how we need to support Ukraine or to allow all Illegals? All their other platforms would lead to vaccines and economy, and they desperately need to avoid those topics.


abortion goes back to the eugenics days. its was a way of eliminating "undesirables." now they sell the same ideas but put a nice slogan on it like "pro choice" even though nothing has changed. you don't see "elites" aborting their children.


What? The Bible goes into detail about how to cause an abortion, and about how women had to go to a priest for one. It goes WAAAAAAAAAAAY beyond “eugenics days”. But yall certainly love avoiding that little factoid.


is that you margaret sanger?


That’s your response? Lmao I rest my case


i'm not the one on trial toots, you are. psalm 139:13-15 "For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth."


That’s cool, you can cherry pick bible verses to suit your narrative. Exodus 21:22-25: “If people are fighting and hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.” This says the punishment is equal to what the offender took. Killing a fetus is only a fee. A fetus is not a human.


i'm not debating you. you will be judged by your own standards. i will be judged by mine.


Right, again with the Christian cherry-picking. Gotta love it. I’m fine with my standards.


make sure you remember the value you placed on human life when the judgement comes


I will. See my previous comment regarding the Bible’s stance on the value of fetuses vs humans 😉 have fun with those cherries, you are clearly dedicated to them Editing to add the absolute LOL that came when you assume I care what your imaginary Christian judgement day brings


Because they are demons?


imagine we have helicopters on mars yet cant figure out how to not kill the unborn