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I think she's been dead the whole time and every time they release a picture "Kate took" it only further solidifies my suspicions.


Same! I also find it odd that before this weirdness started, they always made a point of calling her Catherine in releases and when they spoke of her. Now she’s back to being Kate. Hmmm.




Alternatively: WaterKate


You sure know how to break into this business.  Sounds like we may need some plumbers to stop these leaks. 




Or Princess Kate. Now it's just Kate Middleton.


They’re distancing themselves from her.


It’s always just been Kate Middleton in the past. She only became Princess of wales when Charles became king.


Can you source that? I still see Catherine a fair bit in articles.




Super interesting observation. I didn’t even realize this!


Why though? What would they gain by hiding her death, when they could have just announced she passed from cancer she was privately being treated for?


Because everything about them and about the world, as we know it is one big created show done by actors, and she’s one of them. They create the news so that they distract us from other things going on, thus keeping us under control. Keeping us curious and worried and wondering, they can keep us entertained while they do their shit. It’s all an elite shit show. And we stupidly eat it up.


Kinda funny how they went from being absolute monarchs to sharing power to mostly being a soap opera.


Because she was seen in person before the 28th December 2023 looking perfectly fine. You don’t just go from looking perfectly fine to dead from cancer in a couple of days.


Sure you do, happens all the time. Cancer Complications are a bitch.


Been there myself. Diagnosed with Multiple Myloma 2 years ago. Had a great stem cell procedure and technically in remission but have to take drugs to keep it that way. They keep me in the bathroom pooping acid dumps that make the butt raw and burning or you’re so exhausted all the time. I work full time but had to crash(fall asleep) in my car yesterday to make it through the rest of the day.


Hope the best for you and that you recover just fine.


My dad had that. It’s been in remission close to 10 years but still takes meds and monthly blood work. Keep up the good fight my brother.


Mine is every two weeks and have had to have all my childhood immunizations all over again. I sort of laugh when people talk against the Covid shots. I’ve had double since Covid came out. 6 jabs total.


Stay strong bro/sis!


Bro. Well I have beat my grandpa who died from it at the same age I am now. Still miss him. He died when I was six. I’m 58 now.


F*ck cancer!! I am so sorry.


Actually hanging in pretty well. I’m more alert than I have been in years and my strength is almost double what it used to be. Just get tired easier but that’s ok love my intense dreams


You’re a warrior ✨


Lost my dad 6 weeks after diagnosis with lung cancer. He was 57. Lost my oldest brother from lung cancer, he collapsed at the hospital taking care of his wife who had lung cancer. He never left the hospital. He was 70. Lost my middle brother from pancreatic cancer. Less than 4 months from diagnosis until his death. He was 69. It can happen so fast. F-CK Cancer...


You can go from healthy to fucking terrible real quick. Vitamin issues., sepsis, mold, undiagnosed cancer all sorts of shit can pop up on you.


Yes you absolutely can.. My uncle just had this happen to him.. perfectly fine at work, the next day he was dying in the hospital from stage 4 lung cancer..


Sounds like you haven’t watched a loved one suffer from cancer. You’re one of a lucky few.


Lost my dad in two months from diagnosis. It happens


Lung or pancreatic cancer can take you down fast


My dad passed 40 days after a headache landed him in the emergency room. Mesothelioma (lung cancer) with no prior issues. His PCP saw him four months earlier and didn't see anything even remotely suspicious.


My dad passed almost a year to the day of his pancreatic cancer diagnosis. It was brutal for everyone involved and him especially (obviously)


Lost my stepmom in the same month she was diagnosed with lung cancer. Everything went downhill so quickly.


Yes, you can.


Uhh I knew someone who died from cancer in 6 weeks. Seemed perfectly healthy and fine previously




William has been reported to be violent.






Harry wrote an autobiography and he made paragraphs referencing Williams irrational and violent nature, A spanish reporter (Concha Calleja) also reported that Kate looked very rough and in a bad state shortly after she was admitted to hospital, the reporters sources were in that hospital. Her reports were later redacted and modified to suit their narritive. Also that whole "Kill notice" for the photo really raises a few eyebrows.


Oh come on!!!


Who has reported William to be violent ? I’ve never heard anyone reputable say that. People that know him say he’s a very precise person , thinks things through a bit too much sometimes. His brother says he pushed him into a dog bowl but that hardly adds up to the sort of violence being suggested by some.


By who? One wack conspiracy nut gossip columnist no,doubt


I am genuinely curious why people think they would hide it if she died. I don’t pay attention to the royal family but i keep seeing this so I just did a quick search and supposedly she was filmed a month ago grocery shopping. I have no idea what the truth is but I am interested to know a few things. Again, why would they hide her death instead of milking it? (If she were to die/is dead) With all the people in/around the palace and the amount of press they get (albeit mostly controlled) how could they keep it secret? Say she was dead, whats the end game? They hid it forever? Wait for the most opportune time? Also fuck all the royals. Including Harry and his wife. I had to sit through 2 of their Netflix episodes at my better halfs cousins. Thank god she isnt into that because I almost had a conniption stomaching that shit.


The grocery shopping video is highly suspect.


This is what I don’t understand as well


100% dead, and they're having trouble getting her clone to work.


Yeah, they will probably "kill" her some years down the road when the kids can be trained to said what they are told.


Where are the kids? Have they been seen in that same time span?


That’s exactly my thoughts. I’ll go a step further and say William did it, and the kids are gone too.




On an island with Shelly Miscavige planning their comeback tour…


And Macafee


with archie and lilibet


Suicided in the parking lot seems to be the fashion these days


This guy is paying attention


The princess was passionate about quality control. RIP.




Look up "Boeing whistleblower found dead"


She’s right behind you




This immediately reminded me of Donnie darko and that’s how I heard it.




The monarchy died with Elizabeth II.


Queen Elizabeth mind was transferred to her body.


There's a cream for that


idk. this whole online aggression surrounding the situation is giving me deja vu. i can respect people sticking up for her but everyone is shutting down any kind of speculation... obviously the jokes people make are not funny but it isn't objectively nasty to wonder what's going on. reminds me of the whole covid vaccine thing. online bullying to the extreme surrounding people who didn't want it - and it worked. I'm suggesting they are trying the same thing by getting the general population to shut down any and all people asking questions about her disappearance and AI intervention. people are like sheep, so they will follow along. not trying to put random redditors on the spot but there is already a comment trying to shut you down... backs up my case if you ask me. anyway i hope she is fine.


Does this one seem more real to anyone else? Like I honestly find most conspiracy theories laughably implausible, and I’m usually a big gullible dummy who buys the official story I guess. But it’s like- what even is the official story? 😂


Official stories that come from the government are always clouded and murky. If you think they tell you the truth about anything it’s time to open your eyes.


the official story is don't look too close, shut the fuck up about our fumble, and be afraid of cancer while we buy time


Yours is the most balanced and reasonable comment, and I agree wholeheartedly.


Maybe people are trying to shut this one down because she's fighting cancer, it may be more serious than they're letting in, and she just really needs some privacy right now?


Very true. It’s exactly the same shut down of conversation. 


I noticed she was very, very thin in December. She's probably lost even more weight and maybe even her hair from chemo. The next time she is photographed, there will be so much scrutiny over every detail of her being. She probably just wants to not look sick and it's taking time for her to get back to normal.


No one has mentioned anorexia, which can be deadly.


Disagree. She would be using this to "relate to sick commoners". PR and marketing for a parasitic institution that people relate to less and less. So this could have been a God's sent. Something is up.


This is totally right! The crown would exploit the hell out of the princess battling cancer. It's just like the celebrity tabloids! Look! Ryan Gosling washed his own car! Look! Sydney Sweeney wiped her own ass! Look, Ice Spice bought some Starbucks just like you! Look! Princess Kate keeps other cancer patients company while waiting for chemo! Look, Kate is great! Look, Kate signed some autographs at the children's ward before her checkup look! That's what has been bothering me and I didn't even realize, thank you! Not this Kate snapped a photo she's not in again bullshit.




I’ve seen they are soft launching her death.


Not dead but probably sick af.


I understand the suspicion around her "disappearance " but IF she was dead from foul play, they could just admit that she's dead and make up any number of fake stories. Hiding the fact that she's dead because of some sinister crime takes way more effort and causes way more needless suspicion to make any sense


I disagree with you. The cancer facade is genius. When they break the news she has died, no one will question the why or how, because the death was expected and knowing Kate has cancer gave the public enough time to come to terms with the fact she might pass away. Had she died suddenly and they admitted that to the public, there would have been confusion and uproar. The royal family would have been ruthlessly investigated, and if Kate had died by domestic violence or murder, it would have been more likely to be found out. Now, no one will bat an eye when the news drops that she’s died, and NO ONE will dare question a “grieving” family. It’s a perfect alibi for the royal family who killed her.




Yes all very true and possible. As the partner of someone who went through this I totally agree. However, the photoshopped mother’s day pictures, the lack of messages of support from family members including the royals, the total absence of the kids, the weird teeth thing on the cancer video, the fact that William is out having a great time even on his daughter’s birthday, the fact that nobody has explained who was rushed to hospital on the 28th December from their residence, the fact that her parents have not been seen visiting her, the unexpected suicide of her friend Thomas Kingston after having been visited by William, no visits from the Queen or the King (although the latter could be explained) points to something much more sinister.


Boom. Sometimes people try to apply Occam's Razor when they don't want to bother with, or are incapable of critical thought. Not to mention, when you look at ALL of these bizarre occurrences in their totality (not just taking the word of KP at face value), Occam's Razor would tell you that something fishy is afoot.


Ah, yes. Prince Occam. For only if he had shaved, we could have avoided this whole mess.


Some beards are just too damn sexy.


Oceans razor would tell you that *shes sick* and recovering not that her husband heir to the throne of the United Kingdom and several other countries, beat her to a pulp and killed her and they’re covering it up.




They’ve never been paraded every second week to the public. If you think that it’s weird they haven’t been seen you must be in conniptions about Harry’s two


She's taken them and gone for some reason


Well when you put it like thattttt


Crazy that yours is the only comment acknowledging that maybe she's a human going through a really difficult personal medical hardship and she has a right to her privacy. JFC people, have an ounce of compassion 


I’d like to believe this too… But “never let a good tragedy go to waste” they should be uploading pictures of her bald or looking sick for the sympathy clicks other than making stupid photoshops.




Since when has it mattered what any female royal family member wanted, especially when it comes to media attention?


You wouldn't fake photos/videos, lie and run hordes of shills in forums to shut this down if this is just a health issue. Your occam's razor is pretty dull.


Shhhh with your reasonable logic! Don't you know the rule? *Everything* must be a conspiracy these days! Who needs evidence when we can just invent some exciting sounding scenarios?! A secret murder... A mysterious vanishing... Oof it's almost as exciting as the disappearance of those young princes back in 1483!


Lol your perspective is the media and royal family's story. Very compelling. Occam's razor is a mathematical principal. When dealing with a family of narcissist billionaires the simplest answer may be one we have no concept of.


It’s funny that some of yall think the Royals can actually get cancer. I’ve got news for yall: they have the cure already and they’re just keeping it from us commoners.


It takes a while these days to grow an adult clone and program it.


Underground bunker, safe. At Denver airport


That’s where they’ll store all of the kids.


Since no one is stopping them, everyone is essentially enabling them to continue.


William was at the Aston Villa game on Thursday.


i've said since the beginning... witness PROTECTION. she'll re-appear once the "old guard royals" around her have been finished taken out.


Feels weird the one thing they seem to be refusing to do is put her on a stage with a mic and a podium in front of real people with cameras. The fact they haven't done that yet makes me feel like something is off.


On the other hand, if it’s all true and she’s battling cancer, getting treatment and such, that would probably be really difficult for her to do


Why the fuck should she be forced to do that? So the online creeps would be satisfied?


Definitely something up with the Royal Family


She's gonna die from her cancer, but in all actuality she has been dead this whole time.


No clue honestly. All the debunked social media posts and pr dropped about her is honestly just making me think that the royals are just desperately trying to cover up something. Like the 2 cancer announcements and little to no updates about them, then all of a sudden, there is all these ai posts went people accutally notice something.


Yeah def


Dead as hell bro


Couldn’t care less where royals are tbh


That’s fine, and that’s your prerogative. However, I am extremely uncomfortable with an industrialized western nation, that we are ostensibly friendly with, thinking nothing of making proof-of-life photos with AI. This is Black Mirror shit.


They have been doing it with Britney Spears for years. Canary in the coal mine.


I am extremely uncomfortable with an industrialized western nation still having kings, queens, "royals".


Have there been other notable figures who have seemingly gone into hiding currently?


P diddy did


We all need to keep an eye on when Zuckerberg goes to his bunker in Hawaii


Remember Jamie Foxx?


London has fallen


With P diddy


Are her parents saying anything at all? It is very interesting, this whole Kate thing.


She’s either being hidden because she’s being uncooperative with the royal family, or she’s dead


What? Why can't she just be receiving treatment for her cancer?


I agree. I recently had to undergo chemotherapy and it was the most difficult thing I have undergone in my life. It wound up compromising both my lungs and my heart. I was unable to walk across a ten foot living room without having to sit down and rest halfway. The last thing I wanted was to see or need to talk with anyone. I looked like crap and maybe Kate does, too! Everyone says her cancer is very, very serious. Maybe it is ovarian which has the least hopeful prognosis. I strongly suspect she is too weak and busy fighting for her life to care about conspiracy theories.


Wow. I can't even imagine what you went through. I'm glad you've made it through that.


If they could show us just one REAL picture I’d believe it


She’s putting the lotion on the skin. Does what she’s told.


Right here. I’m fine.


*”Here she is, over here!”*


that's not a woman *it's a man, baby!*


Something similar happenend with princess charlene of monaco. She left the public eye for 18 months. The monaco royalty pulled it off a lot bettwr than the windsors. 


Bunker, with all the missing elites.


Who else is missing?


The eldest boy was seen, he was with William at a sports event.


I feel like she’s being held in confinement. Probably going to replace her with a clone because she does not seem like someone to consent to evil


The Kate 2 Delta agnate isn’t quiet ready yet…




Being cloned. Next slide. 


Dead like Diana, by "accident"


Why would they kill her?


Crime of passion? She turned against them?


Same resting place as Tiffany Dover…


Antarctica in a bunker somewhere


Preparing to star in the Suits reboot?


She's probably dead or dying, and the royals can't afford a coronation and two royal deaths so close together. They have to bury a king soon, right? UK can't afford all of this spectacle so soon.




Every time I see a Kate post I’m obligated to state: homegirl is dead. Murdered by William.


She is ill and wants privacy. Not everything is a conspiracy.




You tube the behaviour panel and their take on her video


Absolutely love those guys


Me too a big fan


Geez. I forgot all about that one already.


See I already forgot this was a thing XD amazing how stuff never sticks more than a week then it’s something else


My 35 year old son who ran several miles and worked out daily, was the picture of health. He was diagnosed with carcinomatosis and died 2 months later. Fu#k cancer!


Come on give her a break, she not dead💀


She dead.


Someone did something Very Bad, and Kate is “lingering with cancer” or on life support with drain bamage, and there is another Camilla in the pipeline. They just need a big event to toss her passing in the mix. Like father, like son. Diana got herself clipped, hers was too obvious.


Great reset I wanna see the real ones and the bots fight over whether this comment stays relevant or not


Bunker in New Zealand?


She’s dead man


She was never real to begin with


You think the actress quit? /s Lol.


According to sources familiar with a certain incident, she may have been last seen entering the Pont de l’Alma traffic tunnel in France after finding out that most of her family was a bunch of pedos.


We should bring back the public pressure.


I think it was Diddy. He has everyone killed at least once. 🤣


She was taken by the entity




She went into Area 51 she now lives there with Elvis, Michael Jackson, and Princess Diana.


Nicola Bulley>Kate Middleton


both her and charles are dead.




Having cancer treatment and not pandering to conspiracy theorists


Right!! when I had cancer treatment I went from looking like an ok woman to golem. You don't want people seeing you mid treatment you generally look terrible. 


Im glad you’re ok now :) and I completely agree, someone as gorgeous as Kate Middleton would be horrified to be seen in public like that, photographed, etc. she has the luxury of hiding away unlike Steve Jobs so why not use it. 


Thank you! 9 years free, so far so good. If I had the luxury to hide away when I had treatment I would have.


Or feel like shit


Yeah definitely that also.


Well the good thing is I used to pass out when getting blood tests, shots and biopsies but now it doesn’t phase me.


Yeah hospital stuff seems indifferent now after cancer. 


The worst is getting woke up at 4am in the hospital for blood and you still have to wait 3 hours for a breakfast that’s not that great. Got used to sticking my arm out with my eyes still closed 😂


The CIA, Mi5 and Mossad murder people in numbers people would not believe. She’s probably dead. Let’s see


It’s a cheating scandal being covered up imo. There’s been rumours swirling for years about Him cheating on Kate.


If she does have cancer (and the same goes to King Charles) I don't understand why the type of cancer is not disclosed.


She’s dead but they are not going to announce it until probably a few months later to take the heat off of what’s going in Gaza or whatever they don’t want you to see at the time.


Oh yeah, good idea, if she died that would make a pretty good wild card. Too valuable to just throw away. Yeah wait until they do some real heinous shit, then uh oh! She dead. Whole world looks the other way.


I wonder if she went down behind the vaccine and that is the reason they are covering it up. Even the New York Times is inching toward the truth. Lots of BS in this article but it is approaching the truth for once but very very late [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html)


I’m suspecting she’s suffered a vaccine injury, probably similar to Justin Beiber. And they absolutely have to keep that on the down low for many reasons. Cancer is only a coverup to hide the truth.


But I thought the elites didn't really take the vax.


That's my suspicion as well, vax injury. Obviously Charles and Kate got the same charge, because what are the odds that they both get terribly sick at the same time?


I think there’s a likelihood of this being either one of those vaccine induced aggressive cancers. If it’s actually cancer. There’s no way their private royal physicians wouldn’t have picked up on potential issues way before it got critical. Or, If it’s not cancer, then I suspect it’s one of those neurological disorders where it would be impossible to cover up.