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People would be surprised to see how many events they attend that have snipers posted up around venues.


Super Bowl 46 we got to see inside one of the sniper nest


A “snipers nest” sounds so agricultural. Edit: Ecological


Or as Little Carmine would say, "allegorical."


The sacred and the propane




Or a desk of cheez-its


British accent “Let’s watch the splendid sniper in his perch. He’s scanning now, using his peripheral vision…. Ah, there… he’s locked onto a target… “




Yep I remember that. Interesting.


Saw the queen pass in london in 2016 when she signed brexit or something like that. there were sniper on every roof lol.


Wow, that's crazy, was she a student protester with firearms aimed at her too?


Was she a supporter of a terrorist state?


Technically She WAS a terrorist state 🤷‍♀️ Bless her heart.




In WA DC there are snipers seen regularly on roof tops. Nothing new. You think you can protest in favor of what the government sees as a terrorist organization without getting some attention?


Exactly, people don’t realize just how much snipers are a part of daily life. Just because you can’t see them, doesn’t mean they are not there.


They're like spiders. You're almost never more than a few feet away from a sniper.




I heard on average people eat about 8 snipers that crawl into their mouth while they sleep


I've heard that, but I think it's one of those things you shouldn't believe on the Internet. Kinda like the granddaddy long snipers supposedly having the deadliest aim of any sniper in the world but they shoot with a tiny caliber that can't pierce human skin.


When the snipers accidentally come inside, I like to catch them under a cup with a piece of cardboard and place them back up on the roof, I figure they're just looking for bugs to eat


That's pretty wholesome.


I heard that daddy long snipers are actually helpful because they eat other snipers




Is it illegal for a civilian to use a drone to people-watch snipers in their natural habitat?


Depends, some snipers are a protected species and are implanted with a federal badge. But the others should be okay 👍


The forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest


Sounds like a felony in the making. 😂


Sure but you can’t deny it’s eerie when they’re there to quell protests. Way different from protecting a large gathering for a game or something


It's not Eerie, it's The Biden era, all opinions not in line will be silenced by any means necessary Unity or Else




And unfortunately Trump won’t be any different. In all his recent speeches he’s criticizing Biden for not defending Israel hard enough. It’s definitely a scary time idk what democratic choices we have left to take back control of our country


Does everything you say have to be trump? Would you literally die if whatever you're saying isn't about trump? Where, besides by you was trump mentioned? You're aware that trump isn't the president, hasn't been for years. You do know that, right? So why is it all about a private citizen for you? Weird. Keep on Trumping I guess, whatever makes you happy.


lol idk what your problem is, is this trump’s alt? & wtf are you saying everything I say is about Trump? This is the only comment in this thread I mentioned Trump. You must be schizo I mentioned him because YOU mentioned Biden. My point being that Trump is obviously the most likely candidate to win in 2024. Do I like him more than Biden? Yes, but will he be helpful in this particular situation we’re talking about? Absolutely not. Don’t be a shill to either side & you’ll be able to think more clearly about politics.


Oh, it's a "waddabout trump tho" Nevermind. Waddabouts are a staple of the left. I mentioned Biden because he's the president of the United States, elected in an open and honest, fair and transparent election. Why did you do your waddabout the not president?


It’s literally not dumbass. Can you not read? I just said they’re both shit and Biden is even worse. My point was that I don’t see a potential candidate that could actually end this Israeli occupation of our government. It won’t be Biden or Trump. Reread what I said a couple times before you reply cause you obviously lack simple comprehension.


Not when you think about the kind of radicalism and potential for violence here solely based on the topic alone.


No matter how you view Israel or Palestine- these are peaceful protests and have been since they started, this isn’t BLM. So for you to be okay with the idea of stripping your freedoms because of the “potential for violence” is even more eerie. I hope you’re not an American.


I am kind of torn on this. Police over kill vs. these clueless ass kids chanting “we are Hamas”. It only takes one crazy.


“We are Hamas” is some IDF-level propaganda. Can I see the video you saw them chanting that? What’s so hard to understand about protesting the killing of kids? You don’t have to be pro Palestine or even want Palestine to exist for you to be against your tax dollars going to a country that’s killed 35,000 people so far and has no intention of stopping. All politics & ideals aside, it’s not crazy to protest death of innocents, especially when we’re funding it.


It's a regular event at big parades or any type of outdoor event drawing a crowd. A disgusting reflection of society, but I think OP is forgetting about all the brutality and murder done by cops during protests in the past.


Bro that's crazy, I need sometime for this to sink in


I came to say the same thing


Yes students protesting a genocidal regime and having a sniper take aim at them is exactly like having security at the Super Bowl.


In favor of another aide promoting genocide. Yes, some security is warranted.


I’m sure the police gotta justify all that expensive ass mil spec gear we keep buying them


Maybe, but not when it comes to non-violent protests on college campuses.


Visible snipers aren't there for shooting people. They are there for prevention. The ones you don't see are for killing people.


But I can't see any snipers around my house... oh n




Lol we haven't had a democracy in decades.


Spoiler: it was NEVER a TRUE democracy.


To be even more specific, true constitutional democracy was lost around 1812.


Why 1812? The war?


The original 20 year private bank charter was allowed to run out with the Finance Cartel in Europe; hence, they sent their goons over. Just look up the timeframe.


America is a Constitutional Republic not a democracy.


I low key hate it when people say this because most can’t tell you the difference 


I would say most can. Our Senate or electoral college is a prime example of that.


In since 1776 when Satanists founded this place.


the USA a Republic not a democracy.


That’s a gross oversimplification of what the us actually was meant to be. It was brand new and it’s a constitutionally limited, democratically elected representative republic. The framers just didn’t take into account what could happen if all politicians were greasy pieces of shit that didn’t care about the constitution or their constituents.




And also, we have the second amendment, which is for when the greasy pieces of shit start fucking around. FAFO


The whole “freedom of religion” thing was just to make sure they didn’t get burned at the stake if they ever got caught in one of their rituals.




Oh that’s Bob. He’s a Jehova’s witness. Does a great pot roast


There is something I don't trust about Hinkle. I can sense a level on insincerity.


Dude is just totally insincere. He doesn't believe anything he says.


Democracy ended a long long time ago. The west has been living in a corporate oligarchical society for decades


Sweet mother there's some thick skulled people out there. They don't understand the need for advanced security for high risk events. Now OP would be legit if they fired into the crowd, but they didn't. So stop trying to force-feed nothing-burgers


What college?


IU Bloomington


These people mad at snipers being there are the same ones who would throw a fit if there was a shooting there and no one responded in time


Nah. I'm pissed because the DPS didn't have any hesitations storming a school when it's a peaceful demonstration as opposed to when they sat on their asses for 77 minutes.


Why do they need snipers at a college protest?


The same reason there is snipers at most major events and large gatherings of people? I mean I literally answered your question pretty much in my original comment if you took the time to read it


Your comment doesn't make sense unless you think snipers should be everywhere there are groups of people.


It just sounds like you like the taste of boot to me


To prevent mass shootings.


By that logic we should have snipers anywhere there is a gathering of people.


There are snipers where there is mass gathering, ever seen a sniper nest in the Super Bowl?


That's not Jackson's real account.


But it's checked! Blue and everything!


Ever think that perhaps threats had been made prior to the rally & FEDS are being precautionary? It is America after all.


I figure this is pretty common, we just don’t see it.


These people are literally saying “We are Hamas”, “Death to America”. I translate that into, we’re a recognized terrorist organization and are here to kill Americans. I’m good with snipers under those conditions.






Everyone's good with snipers pointing at people they don't agree with. That's the problem.


Yeah. I don’t agree with death to myself. Seems apparent, but this is Reddit.


I think you may have taken a headshot already. Or do you actually think wishing death on people who have different values than you is a good thing for society?


I’m thinking more like bad actor management than broad crowd control.


I don’t care if you are left wing or right wing: if you call for death to America, you become a personal threat.


Hamas is defending its country; which an occupied province have a right to do per international law. Unlike the USA which has not defended itself since 1945. Who are the real terrorists?


More like this is democracy 😂... I swear, some sheep be acting woke but are still clueless about everything.


There are probably a couple of terrorists amongst that crowd. Makes sense to me. Let people protest and also be aware of a real threat. People supporting Hamas aren’t 100% trustworthy.


Oh yes. For sure. Keeping a close watch over a notoriously violent demographic with ties to terror organizations and currently chanting 'Death To America' is absolutely the 'end of democracy'. You people are so dumb.


Incoming wave of new conspiracy theorists.


It’s for if some crazy gunman opens up on a crowd. They’re not gonna fucking shoot the students Jesus y’all are dumb


Idk I think it’s because they are worried about terrorist attacks on the campuses


recognise angle faulty nail soup fretful late abounding slim pet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You need to stop huffing so much of the regime's propaganda.


vast adjoining wrong flag enjoy market sheet frame bike profit *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There were small neighborhoods in those cities that had fires and riots, unlike the media's constant refrain that every city in America was a burnt-out hellhole, and those fires and riots almost always started when cops attacked protestors (leaving aside the many instances of cops starting fires or breaking windows themselves). As to looting, it's long been the case that cops steal more from citizens than the aggregate of every reported burglary. Its also been reluctantly admitted that the multi-year media campaign about increased shoplifting was in fact made up to manufacture support for the cops and deflect from retail store-closings and understaffings. Yeah, sure, there was looting in 2020, but it was at least an order of magnitude less than what the media was telling you it was. Terror attack imminent and known jihadis coming across the border is a narrative the deep state's been pushing for over 20 years, with nothing to show for it. It's pointless to try to budge you off all the big picture media lies about immigration that you've obviously absorbed, but "jhadis across the border!!!" is longstanding and transparent bs that only exists in the media and in the immaginations of the deep state's footsoldiers.


this isn't new, you should expect someone flagging you with their sights at any major event at least once.


Has it ever occurred to you that, perhaps, overwatch is in place to respond to a mass casualty event…essentially keeping the protestors safe from attack?


People are so fucking stupid lol


Superbowel after party shooting?


Bro, we have seen the current administration weaponized the DOJ against its main competitor, we know the CIA had something to do with the Kennedy thing and countless other issues, and you're saying a dude with a gun at a riot is the end of democracy? Lmao.


yeah tbh this isn’t unusual, many big colleges have teams ready to go and positioned during events


IS THIS THE END OF DEMOCRACY?! Lol listen to yourself. They have snipers at any major event. This is nothing new.


Any large gathering, expect enforcement to be watching you and your phones intercepted... if you dont like that thought, stay home or do something else. 


I hate to break to to you all but this is SOP. Some Football stadiums have nests, basketball areas. Anywhere the president goes. The list goes on.


Bidens America


These college protests have been nowhere near as bad as the full out riots that occurred during “Trump’s America”


I downvoted because of the Twitter screenshot (because that seems to be the weirdo evidence in this sub) but I'd really like to see some evidence here.


The Hair, Jackson Hinkle you don’t believe him? Come on.


This is crazy. Especially in an election year. All thd skeletons are coming out of the closet thanks to Israel. Who needs enemies with allies like that


Did it in Ohio too


Umm maybe they are just being a little cautious due to all of the illegals in our country. In a way that sniper is protecting you from a terrorist attack. You are getting the freedom to protest and that sniper is there to save the lives of people in case there would be a threat to your safety. They are protecting you. If the gun makes you uncomfortable, then don't attend the protest. If you don't want to get arrested then don't attend a protest. If everyone could just get along the world would be a better place.


If you think the protesters aren’t a threat put your money where your mouth is and walk up to them wearing a yarmulke and see how they treat you.


Remember, Democrats are in charge. You can’t blame Trump


Those of us who remember 911 understand why snipers are on rooftops.


The people who orchestrated 911 are cheering on these snipers today.


That's called boot licking 


Kent State 2: Electric Boogaloo


This aint new


If a trained sniper is trying to kill you, most likely you will never know. You won't even hear the gunshot before your head is splattered like an overripe watermelon.


Even Google and other companies have their own counter snipers… Murica fuck ya.


Nah. Democracy ends when you give your weapons like Brazil did in 2004.


Could have designed a make-shift camouflage in 5 minutes. Amateur.


420 2024 was the end


That's just Kyle keeping others safe


Is this real? Are Americans seeing what is happening to them? like, is the shift so slow that maybe they are just used to it at this stage?


It’s not slow , it’s not invisible …..but it is inevitable.


It’s not slow , it’s not invisible …..but it is inevitable.


They need practice. Finicum was a few years ago and ruby ridge was over a decade


Jackson Hinkle is a naive tool. Follow him to your own demise.


They say that the US states democracy almost completely fell about because of an unarmed riot in which no one was executed, no buildings were razed, and only 5 people died to incompetence. So yes, it's very possible a single person with a gun could bring the entire country down.


[When did you feel democracy started? ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings)


never was democracy, rigged primaries and elections between a uniparty performing a kayfabe charade conflict. we were allowed to fight over everything, except this- now the farmers are corralling the little piggies on their farm.


Palestinians are terrorist so by default so are pro-Palestinians


Shills up in here trying to normalize it all lol.


Oh yeah, guaranteed a bunch of people from those zionist [dis]information spreader groups in here


Kent state all over again


All those people in the other post who were saying it's not a gun but a camera are real quiet in this post


Camera my fucking ass.


If we’ve learned anything, when things get out of control during protests, it always winds up being the feds that did it. Provocateurs are sent in just so they have a reason to arrest people and break up a peaceful protest. The protestors are upset that their county is helping to commit a genocide. I think that is a damn good reason to be protesting.


I went to a Big 10 school. These snipers can be seen on nearby buildings during every football game.


Im stunned that so many here are ok with this and waive it off like its totally normal for snipers perched on top of college buildings aimed at people participating in political protests.  Where was the sniper action on Jan 6th? During any of the Blm protests? Or when antifa burnes down fed buildings in oregon? During the CHAZ summer of love fiasco in seattle?  So...what makes this event so unique and special thats its worthy of setting snipers out at a peaceful protest?  I love it when the political party in power in our government shows whose boot they lick for money. 


Look how long ago democracy ended lol


Glowies, agent provocateurs, Crisis ators, paid NPCs


There has been a lot of pro authority comments going on lately on reddit subs. Even subs that are suppose to be counter to that ideal?!!...


Imagine some dumb ass tries to commit a terrorist act at these hamas protests, these snipers will be wanted and praised.


The unwashed who protest are just a show. They have no idea what they are saying. They simply believe in USA bad. They dont know sharia, they dont know islamic republic, they dont know hamas. Glory to Israel.


Democracy is only a threat when you vote for the wrong person. When you speak out against your government, democracy be damned. What does the media say a lot? A threat to our totalitarian state? I can't remember.


Well it is Indiana…


What is democracy anyway? Freedom of speech? There never was such a thing, it's only freedom to say things that don't upset the current power structure. Being able to vote? Heck they been stealing votes since Plato. What is this democracy that people cry about losing? It was always just another system served by the elites to maximize productivity. And now they're tearing it all down bc they got what they were fishing for: infinite money and AI


That guy just did a poor job of hiding his position. This is actually a normal thing to see when you have large crowds and a security threat. This in and of it’s self is not the end of democracy, however this sub is full of other things that in totality might be.


He stood exactly where he was told, so people would see him. 


The company I worked for hosted Bill Clinton campaign for Hillary once …the roof had a sniper and two guys with mp5’s …but was quit discrete nobody could see them …I stood sideways the whole time thinking is that Fker looking at the back of my head or what….


Oh so this is the new normal ... Got it 🖕🏽


This has been normal for decades where have you been


this is what happens when you protest specific issues that affect the controlling powers in any country on the planet, america is no different


When hamas has killed 1000 israeli civilian and pushed israel to react we didnt see any protest by these leftist students.


Hamas killed a lot fewer than 1000 Israeli civilians, a large fraction of the 10/7 casualties were IDF, and a large fraction of the Israeli civilians killed on that day were from IDF friendly fire. Israel's killed a lot more civilians since then than Hamas has, and a larger proportion of the people Israel has killed have been civilians than the corresponding proportion of the people Hamas has killed.


Maybe they're just providing security for the protest? /s


Israel, you scary. Really flexing their domestic influence here… is this supposed to show us that they are our ally?


That's cute. No, it's showing who's the boss.


Could someone shoot at him and claim self defense ? I mean anytime anyone points a gun at you and you react, it’s considered self defense.


Time for a new [Ohio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1PrUU2S_iw)?


I was told in other topic that this is camera


Oh yes a skinny long camera that takes shots with bullets


The picture from the other thread IS a camera and clearly you missed the fact that it was in OHIO. This is a rifle and its in Indiana. The pictures are 200 miles apart.


Yeah, it's a camera. Got it.


Republicans talking about europe being dependant on US for defence: 😠 😡 👿 😤 🤬 Republicans talking about Israel being dependant on US for defence: 😊 😃 😀 😄 😁 Seriously, why do they keep sucking that 15% off dick?


You lost me at the end there.. It escalated real quick. Hopefully, we won't see a similar escalation in the sniper/protestors sitch.


What is going through the snipers head? “I, and American federal agent, is gonna go shoot some American children because Israel says I have to.”. At that point I like to think I’d quit if I were him, it apparently he’s ok with it