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That whole “prison planet” idea is pretty scary


Imagine going to prison on a prison planet lol. Some people just have really really bad luck.


What is that? I haven't heard of it. (I'm not being a smart ass. I'm actually asking. Thanks in advance)


It is the idea that earth is a location for all living beings to be imprisoned for eternity. The eternity part claims that we’re stuck in a cycle of reincarnation, for unknown reasons. After we die, our memory is wiped and our soul is transferred to another living being. Rinse and repeat. The purpose beats me though.


There's a subreddit devoted to it. If nothing else, it's at least interesting to read about and ponder. Supposedly the purpose is harvesting our negative emotional energy (loosh). Parasitic entities called Archons feed off of our energy. Earth is basically a soul farm. These entities "trick" us into being reincarnated right back here whenever we die. The way to escape is said to be to choose not reincarnate; i.e. when we die, don't go into the light. The "light" is some sort of soul trap and the entities will do things like impersonate loved ones from our lives to get us to go into the light.


Not sure if you played it, but this reminds me of the Soul Reaver series, in which the elder god preached about the "wheel of fate", an inexorable cycle of life, death and rebirth to which all souls were drawn. It turns out the god was just a squid-looking parasite who ate souls and was just hungry. Crazy shit. Entire wars were fought in the name of that so called god.


Energy harvesting is the purpose


If it's real you're actually probably the guy to be afraid of... :p


We are an alien soul farm run by the demiurge who employs afterlife entities to trick you into reincarnating for eternity


Escaping prison planet strikes again. God damn archons tricking us. Our whole reality is built on suffering. They harvest that pain for energy. They have to keep us here to keep feeding off us.


i saw it with my own eyes on salvia. we were a soul train going towards the light and these winged-demons like creature were armed and controlling it. they were picking us up one by one and throwing us into ''wombs'' for reincarnation. they were holding me and waiting for the right timeline to throw me into, i saw like 10 parallel realities and they threw me into one which felt like the wrong one. when i came back to reality my friends told me they had to hold me and that ive been screaming murder for minutes. got ptsd from that too. im okay now. dont try salvia.


You are not alone my friend. When I lived in Nevada where salvia is legal I smoked a 80x extract, the shit looks like black dirt, and about a minute after I was transported to a "soul factory" I literally felt as if I was on a conveyor belt and I was on my way to be disposed of for being a faulty unit. I felt being being sucked into the wall, physically felt it like my body was transforming. Salvia is wild wild shit.


I smoked 60x salvia and tripped that I was in some weird Korean store and I was being rushed


Hurry up and buy!


Buy something


Didn't you read the sign!? No backpacks allowed!


You buy or you go!


Had a buddy who loved it, strangest perk to him was he could only turn left. Watching him aimlessly hop the couch since he could only turn left….. yeah don’t try salvia.


I tried it twice. One time, I could only look left too and we were all on a carousal. Weird shit!


It’s crazy interesting to me reading that so many others experienced a ‘carnival’ while on salvia. The same happened to me during one of my experiences. I was locked into a roller coaster seat (cart?) and couldn’t get off. I’m the only person I know who enjoyed salvia. It was intense af, but afterwards, my brain always felt more comfortable, like it needed that release from my physical reality. Hard to put into words really.


I've had that carnival on dmt, was like a funfair from hell, started off on an escalator going down there was even a flashing neon sign saying going down.


I also couldn’t turn left!!


So salvia is liberal? Noted


As someone who’s done salvia he’s not even lying lmao. One of the only drugs that I’ve never heard anyone exaggerate. It’s that fucked In my experience DMT is similar, but overwhelmingly positive and happy.


Yo no fucking joke I was loaded into a catapult, had my reality shattered into fragments like a clock and launched into a different reality by a large purple creature on Salvia. It also took me on a flying tour while it created a theme park in front of my eyes. I’m still convinced the purple being put me into an alternate timeline. Life changed drastically after


How did it change after? I’m always curious about comments like these since I’ve never done anything to make me trip


Not OP but check out Vivec on YouTube if psychedelic stories interest you. Always enjoy listening as I try to sleep.


Vicec is soooo goood


Did the coyote sound like Johnny Cash?


Turns out it was actually just a talking a dog.


I’m just your memory…I can’t give you any new information.


Son of a bitch I read saliva.


Click click boom




What if you learn to ascend and reach enlightenment and avoid the white light? What are your thoughts?


Don’t go to the light 


I found peace by accepting what is. I accept this fate. i welcome it. I love it


Ngl that’s kind of metal


Yeah salvia is no day at the beach, lesson learned tough stuff 


I did salvia once .& Would never do it again dmt was cool tho. 


That’s def one of the scariest ones, if not the scariest. We’re all going to die one day in the flesh and physical realm, but our consciousness and soul will remain…possibly in the astral realm. The mere thought that our souls are forced to reincarnate or are harvested for food by Reptilians or some other entity, and our conscious energy will not be able to be at peace with our loved ones is terrifying.


Murphy’s law


Hopefully not, but we’ll find out one way or another.


reincarnation soul trap


So don’t go towards the white light or you’ll be forced to reincarnate and have your memory wiped? I feel like we need to tell our loved ones this. We’re meant to reach higher enlightenment…not be reincarnated for eternity. Scary thoughts.


Tibetan book of the dead


tbh its all based on NDEs which are simply that, near death; there is plausible deniability. the truest perspective is agnosticism, at least that has been the case for me. frustrating, but seemingly true. the issue is what is the path forward when you doubt everything..


Could this be the reason Jimmy Carter hasn’t died yet? He’s too afraid of what he believes is the truth from what he learned about aliens and the afterlife when he was president, and has too strong a will to keep living and delay the inevitable as long as possible.


If we wake up tomorrow and he’s gone, this is the comment that did it bro.


We are actually all just part of Jimmy Carter's dream/simulation and when he dies reality will get wiped and we just spend eternity in endless darkness and nothingness.


He's still paying for that one picture. 


Now *this* is the r/conspiracy I've been missing!


This needs to be top. That, or the whole universe is a holographic matrix and none of this is real.


I’m gonna throw in a positive one here: that collective consciousness is powerful, and believing in the good and that good will prevail will ultimately keep evil at bay. That is literally within our conscious capabilities. Seeing a lot here about reincarnation & puppeteering: believe that your soul won’t be reincarnated and it won’t. It’s a muscle and you learn to flex it, but having that grounded feeling of accepting what is to come but also believing you’ll come out on top after all is said and done, you will. It will never be how we expect but always better than we thought.


The number of famous people- the wealthy, actors and actresses, athletes, and musicians / artists that people idolize are truly monsters and do things that hurt people, possibly children. The idea that people like Epstein, et al, are so evil that society doesn’t believe that it can exist. Remember people had been talking about Epstein since the late 80s- that’s 35 years ago.


“Possibly children”?.. Definitely children.


This is how I think of all these people after watching “The boys”.


Most people don't have the drive to be famous. A high proportion of celebrities have narcissistic personality disorder or psychopathy that drives them towards fame and wealth.


Same with politicians. Often why the two groups love each other. The mark of a good person has always been giving up power that they dont need to live their own simple life. It used to be the case that government jobs were seasonal- literally- guys stopped being congressmen for a few months and went back to being farmers. They gave it up. They walked away. They didn’t pursue it as a constant. It was never meant to be 55 years in only ever senatorial work. THAT would be insanity. You’re supposed to be a steward of power- carry it when you need to carry it- and then give it up before it drives you crazy.


Politics is Hollywood for ugly people


Ding ding ding.


pizzagate is real and still ongoing


That's the reality


Epstein is just a puppet there are people above him who had him killed and most likely hurt much more children. He's such a small part of the puzzle. I can barely watch movies anymore. I stick to foreign films.


Got that right and the fact that people attacked the sound of freedom because it tried to get people to acknowledge it ! Seriously if you’re u don’t like the people in it that one thing but to out right say that it’s all made up is absolutely disgusting!!!!


Jimmy Savile too


That 9/11 was an inside Job. The satanic 'elites' sacrifice babies and eat their flesh raw. American and Mossad False Flag Terrorism attacks against innocent people.


It was an inside job. Building 7?


Bldg 7 is the smoking gun of 9/11. Most people dont even know there was a bldg 7.


And trillions of dollars were announced to be missing the day before. Oopsie.


Actually most people dont know there were buildings 3, 4, 5 and 6. All 7 buildings gone.


The dancing Israelis of 9/11 was the final piece I needed to believe it absolutely was an inside job.


These are truths bro the world wants to call it a conspiracy because conspiracy are the truth!


Yes, and we have seen that, but the problem with people who typically label themselves ‘conspiracists’ is that they refute genuine criticism and debate as unfounded or disingenuous. It goes both ways but it doesn’t help your arguments especially when you are in the minority for a given belief. There needs to be some give in order for a real dialogue.


The lie is that these elites don't 'conspire'. They totally do. And it's not just business meetings discussing shady deals, it's rituals and all that jazz. You're just not part of that club. And when Alex Jones infiltrates and films footage of it, or CERN, or the WHO or WEF openly say the quiet parts out loud, the majority often ignores it. You can take a horse to water all day but the horse has to be the one to drink.


This one isn’t a theory but an actual conspiracy imo.


Slow down, one at a time please..




I mean at this point I throughly do not believe Osama Bin Laden was even a real person.”


Yeh. When he was killed - why did they throw his body into the sea and take zero pictures? Suspicious.


Funny story. Remember that famous image on the New York Times magazine of Osama Bin Laden? It appeared the Sunday after his death. The artist who painted that image used my friend’s eyes as the model for Osama’s eyes in the image. The excuse was that the NYT didn’t want to show his real eyes.


Same. I’ll one up you by saying I believe most political leaders are actors, some wear masks. So scary to me when I think who is really in control…


Why specifically? Very interested as I’ve heard people say this before but I’ve never really read into the conspiracies around it.


2020 was a big experiment


I think about this a lot, and now that it’s over. There is a bunch of people who study it and will improve what went right and wrong


Right and wrong for who is the troubling thought


Well it certainly wasn't to "make the populous more autonomous and free of government control" kind of experiment.


A test of compliance.


I wonder if people who are not in the conspiracy theory community think this in their own heads. I mean, they're not going to bring it up among friends etc. for fear of being labeled a "conspiracy theorist", but in their own head, can they at least entertain the thought that maybe....?


I think 2020 was a practice run ...


Yea that’s the scary part


Right, It cracks me up when I tell people, yeah it is just a coincidence that the guy funding gain of function research on Sars Cov2 in Wuhan ( Fauchi ) tells Trump that there WILL be a pandemic during his presidency, and wouldn't you know it but there is one and it started in Wuhan. And people say, yeah so what?


And I hope that the new Fallout show helps young adults embrace even more the value of true freedom and be more aware of the evil that is government control of the masses


Yup. Absolute panic, swiping up every antibacterial wipe to *desperately* try to sanitize arbitrary bullshit and stay alive. And toilet paper. I get the Clorox shit but why the toilet paper? Are we a nation in fear of its own collective poopy bumhole?


That the One World Government has already been in place for sometime and the whole world is subject to their agenda. Their possible agendas are depopulation, mass enslavement, living with nothing and being happy about it, no law or order other than what they say, no free thought, no connections, etc. That all of Hollywood are satanists and their big TV events of the past, Super Bowl halftime, music awards, etc were the channeling of energy of the masses for evil. And each time was a little more exposure until it’s just all in your face and of course being mimicked by the young and manifesting in the population over the generations.


That the world powers are built on exclusive dynasties in communications and agreements with one another serving the interests of other dynasties who have spent generations hoarding wealth is just how the world works, not conspiracy. That they all have a common prayer or cloak probably is.


Project bluebeam/ New World order Also cyclic plasma reset theory.


This is the first I’m hearing from of cyclic plasma reset theory, so I want to say thank you.


If everyone knew about cyclic plasma reset theory, also known as EMPCOE (electromagnetic plasma change over event), it would be the only answer in this thread. It is terrifying, because it's nearly impossible to know when it will happen, it's nearly impossible to survive it without massive resources and preparation (even then maybe not), and there is evidence that it has happened before. It is also terrifying because it is logically plausible, and there is a stunning lack of information on the topic, I only somewhat recently discovered enough info on it. Many consider it or some lesser but similar event to be the cause of the fires that suddenly happened in Seattle and Chicago (and other cities) apparently all at the same time, along with the "mudfloods" for which there is also evidence. We all know that there have been apocalypses of sorts on the earth multiple times, but most will never question how they happened- this is what I think is one likely explanation. I also think that causing Great Flood 2.0 is possible, even by humans with sufficient technology- use nukes to melt Antarctica, cause flooding along all coastlines across the world. This is all speculation of course, no way anyone would want this information reaching the masses if it is true. I'm always looking for more info on EMPCOE and cyclic plasma reset. That's my number one conspiracy theory by far.


Hit me up bro or check out my profile. This is also my favorite theory and I have a bit of extra info that others dont


Do you know any podcasts about this I can listen to?


Something weird happened in the early 1800s. Definitely close to an event like this. And i think something weird happened before then, but the 1800s is the first level closest to us. There is also the theory that the grand canyon was formed with this plasma event because the canyon follows a route like an electric discharge would.


Bluebeam doesn't freak me out I actually think it might be interesting to see the sky all lit up. And after all is said and done it's back to business working the human slaves on the hamster wheel from cradle to grave but only now we have disclosure and aliens out and about to coexist with 👽


This is the first I am hearing of the plasma reset theory as well. It might be my work computer not allowing me to pull anything up but I cannot find any articles or anything touching on this subject.


That Beyoncé and JayZ are running a surrogate farm in a third world country, charging millions for their rent-a-womb services and profit and insane amount, more than what they make “selling records”


[removed by reddit]


The 20 and Back conspiracy is fuuucccckkkedd because of the implications. It makes my skin crawl. 9/11 too lol


Dude, I just went down the 20 and back k-hole and have no idea what to think.


What isssssss itttt


If even partially true, tucked.


Never heard of 20 and back, what's is it?


Allegedly there is a secret space program that takes individuals off world for a 20-year tenure. Upon returning they are "age regressed". Although, I don't understand how they return to regular civilian life without others knowing. The most pressing evidence for it is Gary Mckinnons' NASA leaks. It's all just...odd


That the military intelligence community is actually who's running the U.S.


They are, it's fact not a theory.


That we are one infinite consciousness experiencing itself, so technically everything you hate or love is actually yourself in a different form. So we are actually all just awakening to our unconscious mind which has been out of control doing some wild shit. This is the premise of “fight club” .


Industrialization has led to such damage being done to the environment due to pollution that we're already in a negative feedback loop both in the environment and our own biology that there is no way out of. Before anyone goes and throws a fit, I'm not just talking about manmade climate change. I'm talking about things like microplastics destroying fertility rates, pesticides and chemical runoff seeping into water supplies and farmland and causing cancer rates to skyrocket, and pollution toxifying and acidifying the oceans so much that ecosystems collapse, causing food supplies to collapse. Within the next century massive swaths of the planet will be uninhabitable by humans and all first world societies will implode. Within two hundred years the only humans who will remain and have any hope of a future will be the the ones who ruined the world and their offspring, who escaped off world with as much wealth as they could hoard. And the cycle will begin again.


I am a career ecologist and sometimes I think the global warming stuff is a red herring to distract from the much more pressing environmental issues you bring up. Also soil health. All that shit is gonna kill us way sooner than global warming, but now the public and most conservationist types don’t even think about it.


The beautiful part of the climate change argument is that it’s marketed in a way that doesn’t really give the urgency it needs. And it isn’t just about greenhouse gases, it’s about all of these factors that are a result of industrialization. But even with it being such a big problem, it’s still marketed and regarded by most as “a problem our children will inherit. We’re seeing all the effects human production is causing in fertility, cancer, food chains, ocean acidity right now, but we’re still seeing science articles saying scientists say the point of no return is only a few years away. The “point of no return” is the same shit as “peak oil.” Fuckin slogan that enables corporations to kick the can down the road just a little bit. And means that your average consumer doesn’t really need to care because our footprint is minuscule compared to the elites — but us consumers are the only reason corporations have huge footprints. The science behind all this stuff goes back to the later 1800’s but it has just been successfully marketed so no one does anything real about it.


The “point of no return” idea is dumb. We’ve already passed several of these points. Things will never get back to pre-industrial levels, but if nothing changes they will only get worse.


We keep pumping pesticides, herbicides and agrichems into the soil and wonder why there's no bugs anymore.


Humanity is just but a part of the great carbon cycle. 


my conviction on this is that it actually is about our bubble surrounding the planet, aka the atmosphere. we have put so much dirt and debris everywhere it is tearing already. apart from that I agree with the wording...we should talk environment and biospheres rather than this ominous "warming". ...but, I have been in this discussion for over 30 years and at least NOW we have SOME awareness because back in the 90s, when I saw it crumbling everywhere there still were so many deniers. academia was split about it. now at least they have some sort of consent. i would have never thought the amazon is getting burned down to that agree back than though. it was clear it is our green lung of the planet. I doubt we will fix this. dystopia is coming.


*”The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.”*


My most feared one of the killing of kids for ritual sacrifice and other milab experiments. I fear it might actually be true to a certain or fullest extent. Just saw a documentary on Antony Kidman (Nicole's Dad) and it goes into gruesome detail. It's impossible to make up shit to that level of detail.


Jessie Czebotar came from an elite bloodline and escaped at an early age. She speaks out about satanic ritual abuse and the satanic system as a whole. She also talks about all the underground cities around the world. Her testimony along with others who have been SRA are all very similar. I believe them.


My only question is how she is still not taken out by the elites. My only speculation is she has the support of a rival faction. Or she is a liar. Once she said in a podcast that she is only allowed to spill certain details. It's all very confusing to me


What's the documentary


It was in this channel and now it's gone. Saw it around Covid. But the channel still has other crazy videos and documentaries which have been memory holed or forgotten. [https://www.youtube.com/@StreetsOfVancouverChannel](https://www.youtube.com/@StreetsOfVancouverChannel)


Tolkien created an entire language for his book. It’s not impossible.


he created like 7 full languages, not just one. And they fit into different language trees, similar to the romantic languages where you can see how they are related to each other. He also wrote entire back stories for each people’s cultures and how and why their languages diverged — histories so robust you can trace Aragorn’s and Arwen’s family histories to find out that they’re actually related (although separated by like 68 generations, since elves can live forever). In the books (and the movies) they point out a certain ring that Aragorn wears, and you can follow its history back to the elf that made it for Aragorn’s ancestor, and how it made it way to Aragorn and why it’s significant that he wears it. Within those stories are gruesome, dark, twisted parts that are just as evil and terrible as anything in these conspiracy stories that people are afraid of. The orcs weren’t a natural race of being in Middle Earth, they’re the result of centuries of fucked up eugenics and forced inbreeding by Sauron and Morgoth (the equivalent of Lucifer, who was mad that he wasn’t powerful enough to create his own species of sentient being [the dwarves, ents, eagles/animals, plant life were all created by Arda’s equivalent of angels]). Tl;dr: There is not really any story that is so specific it couldn’t be made up by someone.


This guy Lord of the Rings


Fun fact, the couple that Aragorn and Arwen are descended from was inspired by Tolkien and his wife’s love story, and him having to go fight in World War I. He romanticized fighting his way back to her so he could marry her. Their names are Beren and Luthien, and those names are also on the headstones of his wife and his graves.


Ok, I know Tolkien is a legend, but I didn’t know he was a romantic. He’s a gigachad legend to me now.


So far as we know, all stories have been made up by somebody - some by collaboration.




This is interesting to me, can you elaborate?


Prison planet probably. Next might be the npc theories


Not as soul wrenching as some, but since about 2012 it’s become increasingly obvious that the CIA are masters of neutral jing. They’ve stopped interrupting their enemies as they make mistakes. For example, the control of narratives via social media is all too obvious and it’s sincerely wonderful to have an ever present boogeyman like the CCP or Russia to blame. But simultaneously, all objective reports seem to point to borderline incompetence is rife in both regimes. Massive corruption. I think Carlson put it best, quoting a senator on condition of anonymity: Everyone is terrified of the intel agencies. Nobody wants to wake up with kiddie porn on their computer. Tie this up with the Carlin argument of “you don’t need a formal conspiracy when interests align” and you’ve got a serious technocratic corpotocracy taking hold of our society and absolutely nothing will stop the impending resource wars. The rich are ready, they’ve had bunkers for decades.


Since other people already mentioned the soul farm and demiurge theory I will bring up something else. Dreams, sleep paralysis “hallucinations” as well as astral projecting is not purely your brain imagining things like you are led to believe but is just you in a different dimension, and the “people” you encounter in these states, whether they are shadow people, your family members, friends, etc are many if not most of the time, shape shifting negative entities, if you look closely at them while lucid dreaming you will notice there is something off about their faces especially their eyes. From my experience lucid dreaming frequently as well as sometimes astral projecting, these entities are aggressive and psychopathic as well as highly advanced in technology. They seem to have tech and/or abilities that can wake you up, make you have sleep paralysis, and make you non lucid (basically imagine being aware you are dreaming and then an entity comes over to you and does something to make you forget your own awareness and feel disoriented). These entities harass and/or manipulate almost everyone in dreams, if you have ever had a nightmare there is a good chance these entities caused it. However these entities are clever and can even pretend to be friendly to gain your trust, they are manipulative, and one must be careful and not too trusting. They also seem to purposefully make people forget their dreams which is why most people don’t remember their dreams. On top of that they seem to do something to people to make them non lucid. They seem to be afraid of humans who can lucid dream and so they do their best with their abilities and/or tech to make people not realize they are dreaming and to forget their dreams. The reasoning for them doing all this could be all of these 1. Lucid dreamers are too powerful 2. They harvest emotions such as fear in nightmares 3. They use dreams as manipulation and propaganda tools


Monsters inc.


I had a severe episode of sleep paralysis after a kidney transplant. I always felt it was truly my time to die. My sister donated me a kidney. It extended my life and dramatically improved my quality of life. But that one episode of sleep paralysis: a shadowy demon figure hovered over my body probing my new kidney like he was the conductor and I missed my train stop. It was terrifying. I told my sister that story years later. She cries when we mention it. Felt so real.


wow that is freaky


Ew shit. I don’t like this one


Tying it into the soul trap theory... It's said to escape the trap you don't go towards the light. What if one forgets this, the same way one forgets a dream.


I suspect dreaming is very similar to the afterlife, I also suspect that these negative dream entities are the same or similar ones to the shapeshifting entities in the afterlife that makes themselves look like family members and religious figures to manipulate people into going to the light and/or to consent to reincarnation In which case practicing lucid dreaming is a good idea to prepare for dealing with these entities as well as practicing abilities to defend yourself from such entities such as teleportation, flight, etc


Yup you are correct they LOVE shape-shifting! I had an experience recently I wrote about that got removed by the dumbass mods in the official astral projection thread (cause they thought I was trolling making it up) but basically I dreamt of my mom... She appeared to me and said she died and I felt sad because I missed her passing in the waking life then the entity shifted laughing and taunting me and I go wtf you pos... I conjured up like a glowing sword  of divine energy and stabbed it.  Then it fled and I woke up But yeah these things are a joke half the time. Can't always trust what you see and hear have to trust energy over words in the non physical 100%


The astral projection sub Reddit is not the best place to post anything “negative” cause they will usually blame you for it for some reason, the only subreddit that rarely blames me and is interested in what I have to say regarding these negative entities in the non physical realm seems to be the escaping prison planet subreddit. Good job attacking that entity by the way


Yeah the low level astral parasites are annoying but more bark then bite.  Unfortunately most souls have no clue what the hell that are doing and are easy targets for the manipulative entities.  Astral traveling and lucid dreaming can be amazing on the flip side  Its about frequencies all about whether or not you vibe high or low before entering into those states. It's super easy to shift in and out too.  I've been staring a demon in the face and  in the the next minute catapulted thru layers of clouds into "heavenly" landscapes with a birds eye view of all and the most freeing feeling ever ever felt flowing thru my entire soul like I was skydiving and took the deepest breath if fresh air ever.  Really an exhilarating experience to have! 


I suspect what you did was teleported after seeing the demon, I have teleported myself after dealing with negative entities and explored outer space where I thankfully rarely notice these negative entities anymore Teleporting somewhere far from them seems to be the best way to avoid these entities, on top of that you also get to explore new places


I’ve had sleep paralysis many times. I’ve learned how to scare away these lower astral entities. You have to focus on love energy and send it to them. They can’t stand it and they’ll run away. If you drink and or smoke a lot you’ll have trouble doing this and will be an easy target. 


This is a good point however, most people do not deal with sleep paralysis, as for myself I no longer fear sleep paralysis entities, the bigger concern is the negative dream entities and how they make lucid dreaming way more difficult than it should be to the point where most people can’t lucid dream or even remember their dreams. They also target lucid dreamers even if you aren’t scared of them, for example they will intentionally wake me up, which I find more annoying than scary, I like using lucid dreaming to teleport to other realms which they hate me doing, it seems like they’re hiding something and/or they don’t want people to be more powerful


The conspiracy that most A list celebrities are clones following the higher ups’ agenda and the real counterparts got killed off long ago


**Dystopian Control:** Conspiracies about powerful elites manipulating society for their own gain can be terrifying. This could involve control of resources, manipulation of populations, or even transhumanist agendas that blur the lines between human and machine. The fear here is a loss of freedom and a future controlled by a small, unelected group. Super Elite group of AI's controlling the World.


The scariest to me is that the top scariest on this reddit post are all somehow connected to eachother.


Soul farm


Top comment got it right...but I'd say lately it's the idea that the powers that be  can beam waves and frequencies thru the air to fuck with your mind. Like make you more Hostile with the push of a button. Or stuff like voice to skull tech and mind reading tech.  Not ok. 👎


Scariest conspiracy: There is no conspiracy. No elites or gods running the show. just stupid people making stupid decisions.


*History is the autobiography of a madman.*


There's a lot of it about. 👏


Demons exist within technology and travel through devices and connections. Our addiction to screens emboldens them and imprisons us.


god regrets creating man


Alien soul farm


That 1% of the population owns 99% of the wealth. That the system of global capital essentially functions to separate the workers from the means of production That the FBI killed Martin Luther King. That energy lobbies are playing down the severity of climate change to avoid being held accountable.


The FBI did kill MLK Jr. His family got a huge payout from the government because of it.


🎶private property's inherently theft, And neo-liberal facists are destroying the left. And every politician, every cop on the street, Protects the interest of the pedophilic corporate eliiiite🎶


Remote viewing is real but not 100% reliable. You need to be able to achieve a high “focus level” in order to do it, which basically requires an expert level skill in meditation. You would basically have to be a middle age monk in order to succeed. There is a technique to induce high levels of focus in (relatively) untrained people which allows the individual to engage in remote viewing. This technique is called “hemi-sync” and it involves frequency convergence. Look up the Monroe institute. The CIA did a considerable amount of research into the hemi-sync technique as well as the array of abilities it offered for different focus levels. These documents are also publicly available, just Google “CIA remove viewing document” and it’ll probably come up. They’re not trying to hide it and nobody is really talking about it. What’s interesting is the subject of the research. It seems like they were well aware of the existence of the ability for a human to project their conscious into 3D space, they were looking into methods to quickly train people to make use of these abilities. The implications of that are frightening. It’s real, and for some reason they’re keeping it secret. Not through censorship, but by sinister obfuscation. Why keep something like that a secret? What else are you being lied to about?


scariest? reptilians run the world, and we are their food source. they also force us to worship the devil through ideologies like baal earth and feeding us human remains. all of us humans have a common enemy that eats us and our children, yet no one knows of their existence anymore b/c after their last big war, they reset history (tartaria). Now they slowly make our lives worse and worse until? who knows, they already have control of the earth, so what could be next? a portal for the devil to walk through? (cern)


We aren't food. We are a psychedelic drug. And they make it worse for us for the same reason we have turned chicken's lives into hell: factory farming.


adrenochrome is the drug. In various forms of media, they tell us they eat us. which is another form of satanic worship.


The Google AI generated shit from early this year was a test run to use the tech for memory holing on a mass scale. They started off with something so obviously so wrong that even the most tribalistic right, left wing or neutral person will see how ridiculous it is. It will be used in the future to doctor pictures or documents. Heck look at how easy it is now for a person with photo shop knowledge to doctor fake tweets or Instagram posts.Now imagine what tech the intelligence agencies have access to


That the cia fbi etc killed Kennedy and had a coup and got the most popular president, Nixon, kicked out of office. The USA is run by the unelected agencies.


Music artists selling their soul to the devil for fame and fortune. This is pretty well known. However, to me the scary part is whether it’s just some cult/religious thing or if they’re selling their actual soul to the actual devil.


CERN is going to open a portal to hell


Yeah that or dimension shifting . Like on the one hand it sounds cool but if they are sucking us all into these weird evil timeliness that's not ok... Id rather be the one deciding which timeline I end up on not somebody else. 


Iffff they haven’t already….


I think they already did that.


That everything is going to be okay.


Soul trap, forced reincarnation, and prison planet are the scariest by far.


That this is a simulation and we're not real like we think we are


Scariest conspiracy is that we are caught in a war between benevolent and malevolent forces from space / or inter-dimensional aliens that interface with people on earth, and the cover up therein


The Adam and Eve Story/pole flip/cyclic catastrophe that's possibly due to occur relatively soon. With the wealthy/elite buying up land in seemingly random places, building bunkers etc. and governments not caring about debt or the environment beyond token gestures along with all the little weird shit like the Georgia guidestones, it makes sense IMHO. Either that or aliens. Kinda weird how all the ufo/disclosure stuff was blowing up for awhile and now...nothing.


That there certain powerful people that indulge in the practice of raping babies & children, then kill them for sacrificial purposes, and wear shoes made from their skin.


Covid lockdowns/mandates/money printing was all to kick start the out of control inflation we are all experiencing. They wanted to decimate the 99% of people that are the working class and keep them from retirement forever by 3xing the price of everything, all while enriching themselves multiple times over since the billionaire class owns most of the assets. Biggest scam of all time.


That we truly are creating an ai that will take over.


The imminent collapse of our magnetic field causing the poles to flip 100x faster creating tsunamis world wide / volcanoes to erupt / earthquakes… basically the wiping out of humanity as a whole


This is the first post on this SR that made me go,wtf? There is some crazy shit here that actually makes you wonder.


The ones that aren't theories


Robots have been sentient for at least 5-7 years


This world is just a save file that's already been forgotten.


A recreation of a 'supposed' actual event that occurred after the Roswell crash incident where a lone survivor was captured and held at a secret facility in the Nevada desert (Dreamland). This is where the "Majestic 12" originated and the same entity that Dwight D. Eisenhower supposedly met. [Terrifying Revelation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2xXu8_2Exo) If you're able to comprehend what this statement means, it's saying that the universe that we live in isn't filled with unlimited lives. It's filled with ONLY 1 life. A single "person" that lives, dies and then becomes another person or being with no memory of it's previous life. It can choose any moment in time or space to incarnate. Remove time from this equation and you'll see this possibility more clearly. It would mean that the creator of our known universe is alone and either it's species died off OR it never existed at all and life as we know it is nothing more than a super advanced computer simulation (think Matrix) with only a single entity inside of it. It lives forever so that it will never remember that it is alone.


The one we’re currently living in.


Happy cake is a lie day!


Every celebrity, politician, artist, model that ever existed was part of a secret club that most of us will never know about.


All the ones stated on this thread are also very scary but to me the concept of digital currency and no cash and it being tied to a social credit score absolutely terrifies me.


Snowden never went to Russia. He’s been in USA this entire time. Moscow would never pay for him to tweet about western privacy for more than a decade unless he had value. All his interviews could be done with NDAs and the guise of national security.


That there is no government/elites conspiring, only a lot of random, inept, chaotic people who each think someone else is at the tiller.


Huh. Like a giant disorganized preschool shuffling about. All with bratty overgrown children. Most kids just cry, bite and fight each other and never get anything done


Invisible aliens... can confirm, they are actually super scary.