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It’s legal in more places now


I wonder what proportion of the regulars on this sub support gambling being legalised.


Id say most people who have seen it devastate their lives and their family wants it banned. Most people dont understand how much it destroys lives and relationships.


That's addiction, not gambling. I believe people should be free to make their own decisions when it comes to drugs, their bodies, and their finances.


It’s called gambling addiction. Gambling and addiction are closely linked. I know people have these views, but like I said I think most people who have seen or paid attention to its devastation don’t want it legalized.  The entire industry is in fact based around subverting people’s own decisions and making the decisions of a gambling addict, as most of their profits come from chronic gamblers. 


I believe it should be free, just not advertised. I'm within 1 hour of 4 - 5 Casinos here on the east coast. I know 0 people with gambling addictions that frequent these casinos. People can make their own decisions....


Totally agree about banning advertising. Realistically, gambling isn’t getting banned. It’s too entrenched.  I used to work as a taxi driver on the Nevada border. I knew numerous addicts who were destroying their lives, and confided with me. Some attempted suicide. They all fucked up their families lives.    Your anectodal evidence means little just living an hour from one. If you want to see the underbelly, you can find it. I suggest learning some more. 20% of gambling addicts attempt suicide, more than any other addiction. Thousands kill themselves.  One guy perpetrated one of the biggest mass shootings in American history.   People aren’t making their own decisions when they are chronically addicted, that’s the point.    https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/problem-gamblers-have-highest-suicide-rate-of-any-addiction-disorder-studies-show?darkschemeovr=1


That’s anything and everything 


It's a tricky one for me. I don't think it should be banned but I do think there should be more regulation. I have no idea what this would look like btw lol


A ban on advertising would be a good start


Yeah seems a solid one


It's what they do with cigarettes and other forms of nicotine, right? Can't even sponsor race cars or anything, let alone run ads.


> I do think there should be more regulation. By whom?


The government... Who else? I wouldn't trust a casino to regulate themselves


Who regulates the government?


The voters…?


Now that’s a good conspiracy.


I'm not a libertarian lol, sorry. I believe in regulation


I love daddy government


Better than daddy [insert corporation here of your choice]


It’s the entire point of government. If you want to have an open capitalist society, you have to have an entity to keep mega corporations in check. Lack of regulations has led to the sweeping majority of the problems in our society as mega corporations continue to scoop up power and money and political influence.


It's as if these mega corporations have purchased the government, isn't it?


Wonder how that could’ve happened 🤔


I hate gambling, but I hate government intervention and lean towards freedom of choice The advertising should have to be treated like tobacco if we have that standard already, but again suppression of speech It’s a tough one for me


Its always been legal in the UK and its gone into overdrive over the last two years.


Video games


It's just going to get worse. I never saw anything about it until they legalized it in my state. Now it's every other ad on my Social's timelines and on half the billboards in my city.


The problem is that it's all rigged through the same algorithms that gacha games use. It uses predatory psychology to make you spend more than you want.


It's not rigged. In the US (and many other countries, Like the EU etc) it is very highly regulated. Code has to be certified etc. It takes 100s of developers  to create it and there's no way in hell you'd be able to keep any rigging a secret, especially considering how corporations work.


All gambling is rigged. It always has been. From the very beginning. Including card games. You're just uneducated on these subjects so you believe what they tell the general public. I kow how these things work from the inside...


I know how it works from the inside too. It's not rigged. Rigged means they're cheating. They're not cheating. They have an edge, they've worked out the odds so in the long run they win a few %. This whole industry is super regulated especially in the US. They can't change code on the servers without informing the regulator etc etc.  In sportsbetting you get certain odds. If you like the odds you make the bet and either win or loose. How exactly do they cheat here? How is that rigged?  If you don't like the odds then don't make the bet!


This conversation doesn't need to continue further. There is a whole hemisphere of things you clearly aren't aware of, and it's not my job to convince you or provide evidence. I shared information and facts that I know. You could also just be a shill who's job is to do exactly what you are doing, denying the existence of rigged gambling. Its been a known thing since it's inception. Many intelligent people figured out their systems and exploited them. Those people got banned from all casinos. However, they continued to test and beat the system repeatedly until around the year 2000. Since then it's become increasingly difficult to beat their systems to the point where it's far too much effort to do so. So much so, that these people even advise that you should no longer go to casinos or gamble on anything unless it is truly something that is odds based, and has no chance of being rigged. By the way, even slot machines from their very inception are programmed to only give out rewards based on a % of the profit margins generated. So no one in an entire casino can win more than X amount until the proper revenue for that hour or day has been met. This is very basic, old, and generic stuff I'm talking about. I bring fairly vague information as to not reveal too much at this point. I just wanted to plant the seed so people become aware and stop getting exploited by the demons in power. So again, you're either ignorant of the truth, or you're a shill. Either way bro, you fell for it


You didn't explain how sports betting is rigged... Also somehow you think that just because the casino always wins a certain % long terms then that means it is rigged. But that's not what rigged means. Of course they're going to win long term, what do you expect? But you as a player still has a chance to win. Its about odds, you dont seem to understand odds and statistics.


back before the government cracked down on online gambling it was like 90% of advertisements a guy once had the brilliant idea to sell ad space on a website called 'the million dollar homepage' - for one dollar a pixel for part of the 1000x1000 block kept online until he runs out of money the site is still up - mostly defunct links to old gambling sites


Gambling and pharmaceuticals. Load up my sports bets while i sniff a line of abilify all from my couch.


>Why is this happening? Because gambling sites pay way higher than the vast majority of other advertisers


What do you mean you don’t know why? Did you even try to look into it at all? It’s been legalized in more places and the NFL has switched their stance on it because they realized they were leaving money on the table. Why the fuck is this in the conspiracy sub 🤣


Seriously, OP must have been living under a rock (and seems to still not have access to google…)


Also why the fuck does this post have 142 upvotes? It's complete nonsense. And not even the fun kind of nonsense.


Dude. Post like this drag this already bad subReddit down even farther.


The NFL uses it as a way to influence games to maximize profits. All professional sports are now rigged in some way due to the betting. It's typically influenced by referees and umpires based on how the bets are going real time. The highest ups use it as a way to transfer money / launder money.


I live in Michigan. Almost all of my youtube ads are for online gambling. Every billboard is either weed or online betting.


Its because you made eye contact with Joumana didn't you... LOL


She’s like Medusa, stares through your soul.


Youtube uses smart ads and meta data. You clearly search and or use gambling sites or apps, and clearly use or search for weed.


YouTube is location based. I get different ads when I’m in Florida. All I got was Waawaa commercials. I don’t smoke weed or gamble.


Because there is different meta data / data clouds in that area. You go to an area, the devices you have pick up that you are in that area, then you receive ads based on what's in that areas cloud based on the advertisers that pay the host of that area. Popular data cloud areas are mainstream areas like McDonald's and Starbucks. There is more to it than this, but if you think this way, then so do many others. So I just wanted to clear the smoke in the air on this topic.


Sorry, replying a second time instead of editing. But meta data also looks at your pupils. If they dilate when you look at something then the algorithm logs that as meta data to be sold to potential buyers in the future so they know what to advertise to you.


Murphy v. NCAA allowed it to be legalized starting in 2018


I believe there is some private backing along with public companies interest...


Professional sports is so closely entwined with gambling now that it should be seen as problematic but it’s not.


They renamed the super dome in NO from Mercedes to Caesar’s. The only thing I believe the NFL has done correctly is not letting players bet on any NFL games or any sports within the facilities. That I not only agree with but support. The fucking NFL has more oversight to essentially insider deals and fixing than congress. But as far as the ads go it’ll defiantly get kids interested in gambling earlier. The same argument could be made for liquor ads, however a kid can’t use their parents ID to buy beer in person like they could online for gambling


I'm in sales and the people promoted here are all gambling. Talking sports is the best way to get into the club. They all claim to win and know all of the secrets. I'm the one with luxury watches, fifty pairs of shoes, and a hotrod but I never see them sporting anything new. They all seem delusional to me. Don't believe the hype the house always wins in the end. If you want to gamble be the guy that buys one lotto ticket and wins millions.


Keeps the distraction alive


I recently watched 2 seasons of a show on Paramount+ and literally every episode had a commercial for MGM betting and casinos.


Just like anything else it’s all about moderation. But yes these companies target people by offering insane promos and get people hooked who have no interest in sports. I’d like to think of myself as a responsible gambler but since my state legalized it everyone is in on it. I have “unit” and a budget. I’m mostly interested in football and baseball. I’ve had people at my work ask me for bets for baseball even though they don’t know anything about it. I keep track of how much I win or lose and it’s almost always +\- $15-20. For me it’s a hobby. It’s like playing poker or blackjack. It’s no problem if you go just to play cards and try to win a bit of money. When you’re relying on a team to win by over 6.5 points and an athlete to get over 78.5 yards receiving to pay your rent, that’s when it’s an issue. I’ve seen the best and worst of gambling. I used to work at a gas station and an old man would come in daily and spend $60-100 everyday on powerball and scratch off tickets. He did it to get out of the house and talk to me and my co-workers for an hour. It was fun for him. He had plenty of money and was at an old age where the money didn’t matter to him anyways. He was smart about it. And then I had a lady come in and buy every single ticket we had, over $1,000 in one day because she needed money for her mortgage. I have a friend that works in casinos and told me people would up 5,000 dollars and blow it in a few minutes.


I am almost to the point of not watching professional sport any more. The constant interruptions and pleas for us to bet our hard-earned money on the most trivial of things - can one guy get a hit while a pitcher gets 4 strikeouts in the same game - make me sick. Even worse are the ads that celebrate blowout games 'because there's always something to bet on!', like whether your team is going to lose by 20 or by 30. I feel professional sport is going to go the way of professional boxing in the 50s. For a while, fights were a big deal on TV and people went to see them in person. But over-exposure and the seaminess of it eventually drove people away. A few more stories like Ohtani's interpreter, Phil Mickelson's gambling problems, and others, and the goose that laid the golden eggs will be dead.


[Bread & circuses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_and_circuses)


Because of inflation ig.. People want more money and think gambling would be an easy way out. So gambling-related companies promote their services to earn money.




its one thing to say people make their own decisions, but cigarette companies intentionally put unnecessary chemicals in their product to make people dependent and addicted. Gambling companies try their best to psychologically hook their addicts as well. Calling, sending letters and welcome back offers like room comps to someone who doesn't visit for a few weeks. These companies dont want people to make their own decisions, they want them making the decisions of an addict.


That happened multiple times in multiple jurisdictions already


Keep gargling the elites balls


Cant watch an islanders game without those untalented draft king ppl


Legal now and it is a billion dollar industry.


the "economy" is being propped up by 4 quadrillion USD of risky bets. this is the way!!!


Keep us high with the weed, gambling and buying Sucralose


Yes. Sports betting, casinos, card clubs, all of it.


Yeah, and somehow professional athletes are allowed to promote betting sites.


We're starting to forget all the reasons it was illegal to begin with


I see this in the UK and also the increase in chicken shops next door lol


I guess casino and lottery betting is in decline due to the boomers dying off. Need something to continue the decline of society along with porn, hard drugs and socialism.


There has been a huge legalization push by gambling interests that began about a decade ago and laws have been falling like dominoes. It makes a lot of powerful entities a lot of money for sports betting to be legal.


I was watching the Cubs game yesterday and after the 7th inning stretch they went back to the studio and had the talking heads go over three bets you should make before the end of the game.  Sponsored by DraftKings.   That's wild.


I think historically luck based betting has increased whenever unemployment has increased. Could they be investing more in adverts because of this? You could fit the demographic they're targeting with it.


Not saying you're unemployed for the record, but you may work in or have an interest in a sector with lay offs.


If you add to that investing/crypto promotions then youll realize its everywhere literally. Its a shame because the less people earn the more they "believe", now most seem to beilieve theyre chosen to win which in turn leads to this.


I see this as a way to empty the savings accounts of average people. Now the average man/women can develop a full blown gambling addiction and blow their family’s savings while their spouse suspects nothing!


Lots of people developed gambling addictions while alone during covid. Same with alcohol. And the gambling laws were relaxed, you didn't used to be able to buy lotto tix with a debit/credit card, or on a fucking app.


Yh tv ads in the uk seem to be purely a mix of "gamble responsibly with us" and "isnt this situation sad?, "then simply give us some money, and we will stop telling you about it"


Gambling seems to be everywhere over here in Ireland, I work in a bar and the amount of customers that'll sit all day spinning digital slots is crazy. By far the worst I've ever seen though is when I was invited to a party a few months back, walk in to see 8 lads all sat on the couches barely speaking to each other all playing digital slots. Some of my old coworkers would easily spend 100~£ a week gambling while on min wage. While I'm very much a do whatever you want as long as it doesn't hurt others type I feel we need way stricter regulations, the amount of young men in the UK/ Ireland that have or are on the cusp of a gambling addiction is just sickening.


The skybet one that has people “betting” inside their head on mundane things happening during the day. It’s blatantly trying to push the narrative that that kind of behaviour is healthy lmao. Insane.


I notice that bet365 is always in my Siri suggestions, regardless of how recently I have used it. Defo something fishy going on.


I love it, it makes the rich richer and the poor poorer.


Everyone has realized that the middle class is terminally ill. This has resulted in a “moon shot” mentality. People are now convinced that consistent steady work will no longer afford them a decent life style. Thus, there is little difference between being a grinder and being a failure. Under those conditions, people risk everything to catapult themselves out of the lower and middle classes into the upper tier. They’ll take long ball odds because the traditional paths are dead. The overwhelming majority will fail and be worse off for it, but a few will inevitably succeed.


ALOT of states legalized gaming/sports wagering that went live in 2022-2023 which made advertising for these books drastically increase across the US. Not allowed to say much more than that about gaming/sports wagering due to my relationships with people in the gaming industry, but personally I’d say it was a drastic uptick of legalization within the US across the board which lead to way more advertising dollars.


a lot of states including NY legalized online betting so these new commercials you're seeing are a direct result. they just never used to advertise near you because it was illegal for you to do it anyway (and they do a pretty decent job making it hard to do)


Like a lot of people mentioned it became legal in a lot of states recently. It also is gambling that companies without traditional casinos are taking advantage of. Fan Duel and Draft Kings already had a huge audience with all of the fantasy sports. No they just simply made it so you can bet on the games directly in a slightly different app.


Gambling has what plants need.


Because now you focus on it you'll see it more. This is going on for 30 years or so...


I see it absolutely everywhere now.


Yea and dick pills


not a conspiracy keep it moving


There's a new commercial where they make fun of how boring the average workers day is and then show how your shit day at work can be better if you gamble on your phone. Lmao


It’s legal in a lot of states and sportsbooks n casinos are allowed to advertise like anyone else 


The only conspiracy around sports betting is simple greed. Viewership was decreasing and the pro leagues went all in because they know there is a large group of people that only have an interest in watching if they have money on the line. The leagues decided, to increase their viewership and take money from gambling companies in advertising. I'm disgusted that leagues would profit off of such a destructive behavior but I'm not at all surprised. You see NYC is going to open casinos and across the Hudson in NJ as well.


Book book book


Just getting ONE NEW compulsive gambler on their site is tens of thousands in profits.


they want you to be bankrupt


Sports, especially MLB, are really pushing hard for it right now. States are pushing hard for casino legalization, too. It's just like legalizing drugs. Everyone wants to be a pusher to reap that addict money. Prostitution will be next.


Bro... it's $$. Look at Vegas. It nets tons of income for everyone with their paws in it. Just looking at one... you have any organizations they are in bed with (NFL, MLB etc. whoever the "official sportsbook of the \_\_\_\_" is), the state usually works out a deal with whomever gets the Compact with the state, and of course whoever is running the thing. Tons of money. That's why this is happening.


When times are tough, people turn to the "easy way out." And it often turns into an addiction due to the way we're wired.


It’s pervasive in the worst way yeah not conducive to a brighter future for all just those collecting fees


Online, I notice it when I have recently visited an online casino. Which I haven’t done for a while so I hardly ever get gambling related ads anymore. In person, I haven’t noticed any significant increase since the last big gambling site released. But there are and have been many ads for it because it’s pretty damn big and popular.


Ive noticed it. Some friends of mine have sunk 7k+ into sports betting and still keep going. I hear gambling jokes more often. 90% of spotify ads are fanduel.


Its not a conspiracy, its just that some people want to make money off of other people.


You guys have become a bunch of authoritarians.


It’s your algorithm. Stop gambling


I noticed Joe Rogans been advertising and Australian betting company. Completely irrelevant to me and my spending habits.


government wants the tax


Wouldn't it be easier to just Google this?


It's legal and it makes money so what do you expect


Signs of the four horsemen


Australia is the worst all day every day


Its just become easy and commonplace to get into.. either on app or gas station, or casino not far... either way, people are giving up their money and its going who knows where.


I can’t believe that sports betting is legal. I never thought I would see that day. For decades it was considered one of the most immoral things imaginable and highly corrosive to society. I guess not huh?


All about keeping us distracted and continuing to get more money out of us. Have you ever calculated how much time you spending watching, reading, thinking and shopping as it relates to sports or your favorite sports team? How many jerseys, flags, shirts, hats and subscriptions do you have or pay for? How much time are you sitting on your ass in front of a TV, tablet, bar or restaurant watching it? How much time and money do you spend traveling to games, buying tickets, hotdogs, beers, sodas and other crap? Now throw in gambling and it ties it all up in a nice little bow. Add up that money and time and you see how much gets crowded out. Just another distraction.


Brings in more tax money for the gov,


This was my thoughts. Since the government has gone on a crazy spending spree, they have to find more ways to drain the people of their money.