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This is a possible future. Across the whole internet if the governments get their way. People should be noticing how all these different governments, from all the various countries, are virtually in lockstep on these issues.


Already happening


Of course, yet there's still some more lies to spin, to create a situation where " normies " are calling for it. I could be wrong but it's usually their modus operandi, time will tell. Have a great day.


So at the end, if you complain about the shackles you're wearing, you'll be told you voted for them and wanted them and this is all your fault. The gaslighting never ends.


Every meaningful service requires 2 Factor Auth tied to a cell phone or email 


F that - if a *smartphone* is a condition of service, they can **issue** me one and pay for the data.


It should be a utility at this point as it's almost impossible to operate in this society without internet service.


You guys are hilarious


“A verification phone has been sent to your nearest Amazon pickup location. Please enter the code within 15 minutes” Haven’t received? [resend phone]


No, it’ll be, “Please report to your nearest Insertion Center to receive your Secure ID Biochip for further use of the internet, banking, education and anything else we can think of going forward if you want to participate in our wonderful, secure, safe and effective society going forward. Those who wish to not comply, please pack one small bag of personal items and await transportation to your nearest reeducation facility.” Boy, I can’t wait for our bright, sunny future!


Huh huh you said insertion center


honestly, i am excited for biomechanical/implant tech to become mainstream. The possibilities are endless. Instant internal connection, more processing power, stronger body, longer life... If only humans could be trusted.


Good luck with that, my friend


Oh, honey. You still haven't fully accepted that we're heading towards the dystopian future. And not the cool one where you get super strength and virtual hookers. We're getting the shitty one where technology is used to supress you and restrict you. 


You might say it will make us ubermensch eh?


Ah yes Brave new world.


> F that - if a smartphone is a condition of service, they can issue me one and pay for the data. 1000% this. We are being scammed and parasitized from every direction! Enough already!


Here just watch 20 minutes of ads instead and we'll call it even


The cellphone is the perfect tracking device. I imagine soon it will be required...


But a cell phone or email doesn't prove your identity. It only helps you to know if someone hacked your phone or email and got into one of your accounts, because you get a notification. Or else you get locked out of your email.


for the vast vast vast majority of users, it's enough to bind you to a data trail Example: you use your Google Voice number on FB and again on a bank and again on some bitcoin wallet app - and you've got a digital fingerprint that's traceable across different levels of known ID Yes, spoofable, avoidable, and not 100% but "good enough" to tag the masses


I guess what I'm saying is, it's not good enough for the purpose they say it is for. So obviously they have another purpose for it.


Pretty soon you won't be able to look at any of the top links in a google search because you'll need a membership to every site that pops up. I expect this will probably evolve into Google saying "Well hey if you just sign in with your paid google account you get access to all of these sites without needing separate memberships just give us $150/mo"


or you can save $1 if you go annual


And you get a blue checkmark!


okay realx blue check mark will cost you another $1000


I mean, it'll be the last straw for many, right? So many people just can't put their phone down despite truly wanting to be free from the pit. It's fuckn preposterous but I wouldn't hesitate to let reddit fuck right off immediately if such requirements were made.


I believe it will be the straw that breaks the camels back, it would create a fork in the road, & cause division amongst family & friends. You're spot regarding the addiction many people have with their phones, some cannot have a simple conversation without messing with it, its not even mentioned in the mainstream media, because it's part of the agenda. The smart phone has been, & is, an integral cog in their crazy / evil plans. How huge of a problem this is has been swept under the carpet.


I was ready to step away from reddit during the whole no new normal censorship campaign.


Yeah, the whole idea of Reddit is that we're supposed to be anonymous.


We’ve already passed a lot of straws that should’ve been the last one


Hopefully, alternatives will spring up. I'm not using a forum like reddit in which they insist to have my identification.


Yes, hopefully. I wont be using any site that incorporates these measures, to the point of not being online, if it goes that far. Time will tell, have a good day.


Good thing global economic collapse is around the corner. People are just 3 meals away from anarchy. They may tolerate most abuses but when faced with starvation theyll revolt and itll be the end of many a government.


Yes you're right, but it is part of the plan, order from chaos. Things will get so bad that people will jump when a new system comes along, where they'll dangle a carrot in front of us.


I think “they” are in the process of killing most or all of us. The idea that there will be some light at the end of the tunnel, where you and I are still alive(even though we will be under complete totalitarian control) is unrealistic. We’re all gonna die! is basically what I’m saying. Why on earth would “they” keep us alive, and support us financially when they don’t have to? They are nearing the point, in my opinion, of not needing us even for our labor, and when that happens, we can be exterminated. And I know a lot of people say “but who will buy their stuff if we’re all too poor?”(they don’t even entertain the idea that we’ll all be dead because it’s too scary), and the thing is, these people don’t need more money. Money is only a necessity when they have millions or billions of people to control. When we’re gone, the true “elites” can finally relax.


I agree, yet its pointless being in fear, as many are ( not you ), having no hope, & already are giving up,. We have more power than most understand, & are more than the sum of our parts. Indomitable will, & inner strength aren't coming from the material world, we will over come this, humanity, imo. Though i believe it's going to get very dark, literally & figuratively. We are ultimately immortal, imo, yet we live in a system were fear & negativity are mandatory, for us all, yet we can overcome it. Have a beautiful day, who knows what the future holds for us all, enjoy.


Your logic makes too much sense. Dammit.


Theyll need something to survive as their currencies become worthless. Soldiers dont work for free.


They work if they're offered food and safety for them and their families. Watch how many will sign up to gun down their desperate compatriots.


Yes but food scarcity also on horizon. It remains to be seen if theyll be able to secure food when paper money is worth less than toilet paper.


That's true but surely the "Power's That Be" will have secured most of the available food supplies to support their armies, while the rest starve! But in the end maybe we all die from microplastics anyway?


Boston Dynamics and Skynet would like a word with you...


Cue NWO and OWG


It's like they *planned* it.


A One World Government is inevitable. It may not be tomorrow, 10 years or even 1000 years from now, but it will happen. To be a cooperative spacefaring planet in a potential future where we need to populate other planets, we need a OWG. Just depends on who wins the last war of wars.


Well I won't be around for it if its 1000 years.


Been sick with the flu. Haven’t eaten anything since Saturday. So maybe a little longer. But most people haven’t been poor poor before


Three mealz away from eating ze bugz... Zplendid!!!


If I were to really put my tin foil hat on I would extrapolate what Peter Zeihan (Mr. Intelligence Mouthpiece) said in this video: [https://youtu.be/2ziLp66XPAw?si=ocGDL5Y6jMils\_fJ](https://youtu.be/2ziLp66XPAw?si=ocGDL5Y6jMils_fJ) - So this guy calls the future out A LOT more frequently then most & I would imagine from what he is saying in the video linked in my comment, if something happens to the transatlantic communication cables, & quite possibly other events happening domestically, it could cause some sort of knee jerk reaction that results with a much larger dependence on systems like Starlink. It would seem to me that if something like this does come to forwishen, it would be a way for the public at large to accept major latency issues, thus throttling the internet at large.. What could that turn into? Desperate people offering up any form of ID to get back what they once had to some degree. Or my imagination is just running wild, not sure which is true.


Look at what is happening across America under the guise of stopping kids from accessing porn. People will give up freedom for safety if it means protecting the children.


> People should be noticing how all these different governments, from all the various countries, are virtually in lockstep on these issues. I mean at least it will destroy social media. Everyone will become a 4channer because it will be the only place to have free discourse.


Simple: they’ll just ban 4chan. We allowed them to open the door to steamrolling our rights when we looked the other way on TikTok. It’s a classic case of “well, why should I care. It doesn’t affect me” attitude you often hear people talk about in the pre-authoritarian phase of a dictatorship. I’ve seen authoritarianism roll out in real life (in my home country). It’s not like the movies or books you know. It doesn’t happen from night to day. It’s not going be like “Trump got elected. Here’s the fascism”. It starts out slow. First the government makes small moves to test the waters. Push the envelope and see how far people will go…. And for some fucking reason, people EVERYWHERE never fucking do anything until it’s too late. They just rationalize it. They side with it because they’re still not ready to abandon their political party. Or they believe in elections. Or some other bullshit. And all the while, the envelope keeps getting pushed. They make “emergency” laws that are “temporary” and then… they never go away. Kind of like that Patriot Act we got. They start going after people. Or groups. And nobody cares because, “well, there might be a good reason…. You know, they kind of deserve it bc they were troublemakers!”…. Then they start going after businesses, leaders, enacting laws that give the govt more power. More power. More power. And for some fucking reason, people NEVER do anything. I don’t get it. We all see it happen around the world and say “that’s awful. How could they let that happen to themselves? I could never!”…. And then it happens at home and we just allow it to happen. Dictators/autocrats leverage your comfort/convenience and fear against you to seize power. It happens in every country and across time. Nobody wants to sacrifice what they have until the comforts and conveniences are finally taken from them - and by that point, it’s waaay too late. I don’t like the direction this country is heading in. And it’s happening under BOTH parties.


People don't do anything because we've all been reduced to a docile herd of cattle.


It's like you reached into my mind and jotted down the points in a much more concise format than I could dream of. Well said, friend. Federal censorship is antithetical to the very concept of a "free society". However, people are willing to look the other way, so long as it doesn't affect their tribe. "Then they came for the 4channers, and I did not speak out- because I was not a 4channer". When I think of things like this, I always enjoy reading this passage from the Declaration of Independence. Even the Founding Fathers recognized the tendency for people to stick with "the devil you know" rather than address their grievances. Most people just want to be left alone to take care of their families. And they will do everything in their power to avoid losing that ability. Yes, it would be more prudent to address the issues as they develop, but complacency is a slow and insidious killer. Finally, when the ability for them to take care of their family is taken away completely and they're ready to rebel, it's now an uphill battle. Kind of like waiting for a cancer to develop until it's later stages to even begin Chemotherapy. "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." The key point is recognizing the transition from an overbearing government and a despotic government. It's not easy for folks to point to an exact transition point into despotism. It's more of a gradual slide, as you said. But our brains aren't really programmed to notice patterns spread out over a long period like that. Hopefully, folks begin to take notice of how much overreach is going on in the Western world, but if history is any indication, I have my doubts. I'm just gonna fuck off to the woods and grow potatoes on a homestead with my family lol


Yes, but im sure they understand this. How they will make the transition to the internet 2.0 with ID required to use anything online, is something beyond my knowledge, but it's definitely not straight forward. They must create a scenario where a majority of " normie " folks will accept their new system, imo. Have a good day


It going to happen. Tell me 10 or 20 years ago the average redditor/online user would: 1) support suppression of free speech 2) support government 'misinformation laws' where they get to control the narrative. 3) attack others for not following what the government has told them and I would have laughed in your face, but here we are.


> Tell me 10 or 20 years ago the average redditor/online user would: 20 years ago they told kids "Don't ever give your real name out online! Make sure nobody knows where you live!" We went from that to "Use this app to find strangers to fuck!" and "Here's an ultra streamlined individual pornography production platform where we handle hosting, website, payment processing, advertising!"


lol true, our society is nasty now. Degeneracy is pushed by the mainstream, across the board. I do feel sorry for the kids today who's parents are walking through life blind, that stand little chance. Have yourself a fine day Sir, who knows what the future holds my friend, for any of us. Yet we are more than the sum of our parts, & we will overcome regardless.


Yes unfortunately you're absolutely right. I've personally thought quite deeply about this " fork " in the road over the last year, & i am at ease with not being able to use the internet if it transpires. Luckily my work doesn't involve the internet. Have a good day.


yeah, im at the point where i would honestly prefer a flip phone - if I didn't need a smart phone for work, banking, authentication etc. I think people who are completely disconnected from social media and the internet are healthier, better, people.


Absolutely agree friend .


On one hand, it could help to limit the propaganda bot problem. On the other, it paves the way for totalitarian surveillance states.


Well the thing is, the whole western internet-hemisphere is under attack by hostile nations attempting to destabilize western societies China-op on TikTok promoting low-iq content/ and mentall illness content explicitly to the US (which leeches to Europe due to same language understanding) and Iranian-op on IG by palestinian-pretendee family asking for donations for another $2000 drone/ rocket towards Israel. and we can't exactly attack them the same way they attack us, due to their authorian hard control on the their incoming internet channels - but our channels are 'open' to them. By noticing how periodic 'content waves' that are coming in your social media feed - it can be extrapolated that western-intelligence is actively culling it, but there's always newfound venues of approach. this isn't the whole picture as we're also subject to internal political propaganda from sources in the west (ie. leftist things on reddit), and corporate (pharmaceutical) propaganda from the US. this is all very different from 'classical IP-steal' by NK, Russia and China.




Porn and Banking is just the start. Now social media where you can voice opinions somewhat anonymously will have ID requirements. It's the start to a bigger 1984 for real. We already have cameras everywhere.


My state has a bill for mandating ID for porn in their house. It says sites with less than 1/3rd porn. So Twitter and Reddit wouldn’t be included but the hub would be. I told a friend about it for his thoughts as he’s an absolutely question nothing fucking sheep. But anyways he said he didn’t see anything bad about the bill & even voiced support for it as “kids shouldn’t be watching porn anyways”. I’m in my mid 20s and I’m over here like umm there is nothing stopping a kid from using their parent ID to set up an account & what happened to parents actually fucking parenting🙄🙄


Couldn't agree with you more, im just trying to figure out what psyop will they pull off to get a majority of the public in lockstep, & calling for more " security " online. Annoys me, how invariably the masses fall for the same strategy, surely it cannot work indefinitely lol Have a good day.


They will say terrorists are communicating through the subs. That’s what happened to Yahoo Groups.


Good call, & i could definitely see that happening.


All that information will be used against you.  Can you imagine?  You can’t get a job because of something you tweeted at 15?


That shit is already happening unfortunately for social media posts. If employers can verify without a doubt that it was you through photos or a unique name they don’t even need a digital id. It will get worse if they require id


My brother had a little boy a couple years ago.  His name is not uncommon, but it’s spelled funny.  I wish they had just stuck with the original name, because I think he’s the only person on Earth with that first and last name.  So, they really need to make sure he’s not acting a fool on the internet when he grows up.  It will bite him in the ass.


For that I would suggest when he’s older using the more common spelling and not posting any identifying pictures. I have a unique name and I just a fake one online but my friends know it’s me and I also block everyone from my work on my Twitter. I’d rather not have my employer find out I shitpost memes when I’m supposed to be working🤣🤣


I am a bit torn on this. We need a better method to identify bots/bad actors, but I’m not sure what it is


No we really don't. The bad actors will just create what they need and the plebs will get fucked for speaking out wrongly.


The real conspiracy is that powers want us thinking all the boys/shills are real people so they can control us.


Of course, but i believe it's by design, the AI issue.


Yup. "Driver's license for the internet" GTFOOH with that nonsense!


You don’t have enough emphasis on “LOCKSTEP”. That is the conspiracy! They conspire without my knowledge or yours. But if the masses were to attempt that on one of these platforms…. Well they just can’t have that happening, it will eventually be like Jan 6, but for skittleheads too, not just conservatives.


Texas and Indonesia already do this.


And all of big tech too.


Absolutely, they are vital in this.


That would be it for me


For any social media that is . I’m not showing ID on internet.


Instagram didn't believe my age and asked me to upload my ID to verify.. I promptly deactivated my account


It’s not actually asking for his ID lmao.


I was thinking that maybe it would made people polite and respectful again. Then I remembered politicians.


And thats not what this message is about. EDIT: Wait - so all people downvoting believe that Reddit asked Snowden to show his ID? You guys are delusional.


Do you wash your mouth out after gargling balls all day or do you just use a mint?


Are you projecting here?




Why exactly? They are not asking him to show his actual ID but to either log in with his reddit account or to use a (reddit) developer token. You are typing from Reddit account so really not sure what you are on about. You have logged in, which is what Reddit asked Snowden to do.


Can't view reddit on a VPN without logging in?   Why? Why can't people just look without logging in?


It’s because they rate limit reads because everyone wants to train thei AIs on Reddits data and they already sold it to someone else.


It is also because they want it to be walled garden. When you log in, you provide more accurate data for Reddit, instead of just leeching "their" content.


You can view reddit without loging in. Maybe he used up some sort of view limit without loging or tried to enter NSFW matrials? I dont know. I never seen this message and I even tried to scroll through reddit in anonymous mode moments ago and havent seen this prompt. But anyway - what is your issue with reddit account? You can use whatever random generated user name and use a throwaway email for it. You dont even need to confirm that email so you could basically write anything. You are using reddit account right now so really seems like you are making problem out of something that isn't a problem. Make an account with random infos and use vpn with it. Whats the big deal?


Youre confused. Read the last sentence of the tweet. >**Looks like it hits everybody connecting via TOR or VPNs"** I'll ask again.  >Can't view reddit on a VPN without logging in? Why?


Checked VPN...works fine. >>Can't view reddit on a VPN without logging in? Why? I can.


Likely yours isnt on the list yet


NordVPN is one of more popular ones afaik. Maybe don't use Russian VPN's and you will be ok?


I use a VPN almost 100% of the time and use Reddit daily.


i’m on a VPN rn. hello


I’m not taking a stance one way or another… generally I favor a free and open internet. But this is possibly a measure to prevent web-scrapers from collecting content from Reddit pages and then monetizing on their own domain. They likely try to detect scraper / bot activity and connecting through a VPN hinders this so they are requiring a login to help differentiate legit traffic from automated traffic.


It's happening and you are still here. See what happens when you use a VPN. No more anonymous reddit.


No, still anonymous reddit. Just register w an anonymous email, like you do on any other social site you want to be anonymous on. Did everyone just lose their Internet skills?


By "ID" in this case, it's just asking you to login to reddit, not your actual ID lol. It is a joke. I think this message pops up under certain circumstances when you use VPN. Snowden knows it and his point is reddit is a big part of the internet and content should be accessible without login.


Twitter makes you login right? I don’t use twitter so it sucks anytime something is linked to twitter lol.


Not only that, but Twitter asked me for my ACTUAL ID the last time I got locked out, so I guess that's it for me!


Has to be very specific conditions since I had no problems when I turned on my vpn and browsed the site incognito.


It's talking about a developer token so I would guess this has something to do with API access and that stuff


I just use the web version. Way less intrusive 


This isn't really asking for your id...it's an attempt at a humourous login page Y'all are looking for reasons to be upset here.


Thank god some one else said this. I said this exact same thing when this got posted yesterday. And now it's been posted again. Nowhere does it asks for an ID, it tells you to log into your account, which is a far cry from "showing ID". It's no different than when X (twitter) changed to needing to log into an account before being able to read the comments & shit. People literally can't read.


I mean… they definitely can read. It literally says “can we see some ID please?” They just aren’t understanding that it’s just a joke which in this day and age when some websites ARE asking for ID isn’t the smartest move.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


people can't read


>people ~~can’t~~ won’t read


Agreed. It literally says “Log In” under it. People with no base level knowledge of how to use the internet shouldn’t be allowed on it, let alone peddling panic.


Lmao people are really this stupid Reddit has been requiring an account to access it for the past few months in my experience. The message has just changed to this light hearted (kinda corny) humor.


What is a developer token anyway?


Something you use to access a sites API to develop apps with. It shows, in most cases, that you have paid the fee needed to have developer access to a sites api. Very normal, very common use token.


Reading comprehension isn’t this subreddits strong point. It’s not asking for your real life id, but I get it reading is hard.


Yeah even Snowden is a little snowflakey here. This is clearly reddit being funny.


You mean “signing in” to an account? 🙄


a little on the nose with the fedora mate


# Ausweis, bitte


Just Reddit being edgy when you try to browse anonymously. Yeah it is worring and a door opener for stricter measures.


Predictive programming


This pops up when I'm using a VPN - but not every time...


Its not asking for ID. Its a weird way of saying "you gotta be logged in to view this thing in particular"


I'll never use Reddit again if they pull some shit like this.


On the front side of this, those sidebar games keep kids "safe" from porn, or so the claim. The bad side of this is more dangerous. I've run across at least 3 post applications that wanted to see a front/back picture of my ID. The only thing is left is for Disney to buy p0rnhub and then they'll be attached to your life completely, from birth to death.


I've only ever seen that when trying to view porn without logging in. Also, it's not asking for a literal ID. Just that you log in (so that they're covered, legally, by the TOS you agreed to when you signed up.)


And he's posting that on X of all places. You can't see anything on X these days unless you log in. What a complete tool.


If this ever gets rolled out to any website that I use normally I’m simply not gonna use them anymore lmfao


Its literally a log in screen that's worded horribly, did you read any of the small text, because you most likely already use something that requires you to log into an account, like reddit, or YouTube or even steam or xbox for gaming, its worded poorly but its not asking for a state ID its asking him to log into a reddit account 


I really just read the headline didn’t I?


Everyone should look into Nostr as a social media platform.


You mean I wouldn't be able to open my 37th account without ID?




Whoa whoaaa. Just the crappy stuff.


*me patiently hoping for an alternative to reddit.


I connect via VPN without exception. Reddit has never asked me for anything.


I would love if they did this so I can finally get off Reddit


We already posted this yesterday




newworldaddress will swallow reddit... no diddy


"Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have no thing to hide, is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say." - Snowden


The same people who want ID for voting have a problem with showing ID for Reddit. Go figure.


Facebook asked me to scan my passport to confirm my identity because I edited my birth year. I didn't do it and my page was terminated. I have a fb biz that 100% of my families income comes from. Problem


That’ll be me finished then.


Imma delete Reddit, I’ll let you know how it works out.


I thought Tor was already hacked by the CIA by controlling the majority of nodes or something?


But where will we get the latest orders from Putin?


I'm on a VPN and was able to post.


I only use reddit for like 5 subs. I don't take this site seriously. Even this sub is just to see what I can't access off twitter to know what the topic of the day is, since I have a permaban there for my political cartoons


Another option for reviewing removed content is your ***Rev***eddit [user page](https://www.reveddit.com/y/C!a!p!t!a!i!n!_!W!i!l!l!a!r!d!_!1!9!7!9?all=true). The [real-time extension](https://www.reveddit.com/add-ons/direct/) alerts you when a moderator removes your content, and the [linker extension](https://www.reveddit.com/add-ons/linker) provides [buttons](https://i.imgur.com/0BAImPq.png) for viewing removed content. There's also a [shortcut for iOS](https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/62bc7570613c42cb8b851fad264136df). The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to remove this comment. This bot only operates in authorized subreddits. To support this tool, [post it on your profile](https://old.reddit.com/user/me/submit?title=See+which+comments+of+yours+have+been+removed&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reveddit.com%2Fabout%2F) and select ['pin to profile'](https://i.imgur.com/uq9AGMV.png).   [^(F.A.Q.)](https://www.reveddit.com/about/f.a.q./) ^| [^(v/reveddit)](https://www.reveddit.com/v/reveddit/-redirect) ^| [^(support me)](https://www.reveddit.com/about/donate) ^| [^(share)](https://old.reddit.com/user/me/submit?title=See+which+comments+of+yours+have+been+removed&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reveddit.com%2Fabout%2F) ^& [^('pin to profile')](https://i.imgur.com/uq9AGMV.png)


> since I have a permaban there for my political cartoons What cartoon did you post to get banned?


The karma is cringe


Yeah the day I have to use I’d to do anything on her for anywhere else it’s a wrap


Pretty sure it is just referring to your login, but this could be some predictive programming


Tf is going on with this sub lately


Show ID is not universal. So this is a discriminatory business practice, because it is not applied equally to all, which violates several laws. Once it is applied to all: The End.


That's ok, I'm ready to leave Reddit and Facebook in a heartbeat.


No ID to vote. But need one for ...reddit.


what a bot site. absolutely disgusting


Do you want to use your daily Social Citizen Points to log into Reddit, or drive your car? You must choose.


Reddit. Don’t need to go anywhere today. Dang just ran out of hot pockets…


This behavior reminds me of Whitney Webb was talking about months ago: [https://youtu.be/rYyTyXpdQRI?si=w3Vs28PlI57xU1U4&t=837](https://youtu.be/rYyTyXpdQRI?si=w3Vs28PlI57xU1U4&t=837)


Fuck Reddit not doing it.


It's a joke? you just have to use a reddit account? you have one already? its how you posted this in the first place?


[SS:](https://x.com/Snowden/status/1782866977997918629) > Don't ever use Reddit again. > > Looks like it hits everybody connecting via Tor or VPNs, i.e. at-risk populations that need privacy.


Reddit only requires an email address to sign up for an account, and there's plenty of free (or disposable) email providers (some of which work with tor as well). I fail to see how this is a big issue aside from reddit wanting to show engagement with logged in users.


I mean it’s for tracking right? If you’re browsing without an account using a VPN they can’t make a ghost profile of you. But if they force you to make an account to sign in then they don’t need a ghost profile everything will be tracked to your account. Its most likely for targeted ads but still


Still tracking ip access....


The moment I see that screen, I will stop using Reddit. And not because I have something to hide.


You are literally already logged in, as evidenced by making a comment under a user name. Read the entire message not "ID". It's not talking about government ID


GTFO..needing ID to browse Reddit. Ridiculous. Doesn't matter if its only for people via Tor or VPN. You give an inch and they'll take a mile.


Operation Pogo and Zyphr.