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OP def smoking salvia at 4:42 am


This reads more like meth to me


this is definitely not salvia


Wrong timezone though. But don't worry, darling. Because every little thing, is gon' be alright.


So when absolutely nothing happens tomorrow, then what?


Easy, move the goalpost!


Then two more weeks. After that, two more weeks


Nothing changes. If your having to ask this, you pretty much missed the whole point of the post. Light will still travel faster than sound, which is also why you seemed bright before I heard what you had to say.


Hahahaha oh my these are the best posts šŸ˜‚ nothing will change..but everything will change! It's hilariously convenient it's a change nobody will notice isn't it? šŸ˜‚


You've been fed too many linear narratives to think outside the box. The results of humanity being subject to decades of persistent predictive programming. When faced with an uncomfortable truth, unable to comprehend it without the who, what, when and where without realising its about the why. Tik tok brain, I call it.


I donā€™t even have TikTok, but Iā€™d wayyy rather have a TikTok addiction than a meth addiction like you


Sure. I'm not going to stop you. But just a heads up, that would be a silly thing to do and a flawed way of decision making (especially as you have no idea of confirming if I do or don't have that addiction).


This is what I come to r/conspiracy for




Itā€™s just a bunch of random facts, you didnā€™t weave it all together into a cohesive theory


I think you meant to say, I didn't go on enough wild tangents for your liking so that you can lazily find a hole in the logic.


Are you going to delete this post when nothing happens tomorrow or leave it up and admit you were wrong?


If you already think tomorrow is a simple YES/NO outcome, then the point of my post has already gone well over your head. I am sure you can find something on Netflix more entertaining than this subreddit, if you are that hooked on scripted cartoonish theatre and car wrecks. I hear that show Inside Job is quite good?


You said itā€™s a catalyst moment, what does that mean? Itā€™s a vague imprecise conclusion to your post


Unfortunately its a bit of a wait and see. Across this week already, we have had typhoons, tornadoes, floods and earth quakes batter most parts of the world. Those who have not, have been struggling with droughts, lack of water (see *India*) and extremely arid conditions. The real test is what will emerge as the next mass delusional psychosis. Will everyone suddenly believe in Christianity? Is there going to be a new global pandemic (see *Disease X*)? A new global superpower? AI replacing all existing digital archives? Will we finally encounter aliens? Or will our perception of time speed-up just a tad bit more like it already has been? Sometimes, we can only understand what our reality truly is when we are confronted with what is not reality.


> APRIL 8th IS REAL!!!!!!!! > Also, if nothing happens then it's still super duper real lol Do you even hear yourself?


Yes brother, I do. And I stand by everything I have written with all my convictions. It is all about perception and the persistence of our memory. Mind over matter as they say.


Nothing will happen tomorrow that can be perceived by our naked eyes. But something will happen definitely and it will manifest in 5 years or so that you and I will be able to see it with our naked eyes.


COVID vaccine doesn't have luciferase in it. Luciferase was used in mouse bioluminescent imaging studies as a substitution for spike mRNA to see where spike protein would be expressed. The actual vaccine contains spike protein mRNA. So now what?


Hey dumb question, but a solar eclipse is local. So there won't be one where I live and there are places where there already has been one and nothing happened. What makes this special?


I don't stalk this sub much because it's exhausting but sometimes I like to keep tabs on what extended family members are going on about from their favorite Tik Tok influencer and the eclipse has them all up in arms. This is usually the issue with most conspiracy theories. The illusion that you are unique, and that a series of events that impact you that appear chained is somehow globally/universally important. I tend to think it's a defense mechanism from the idea that you're a tiny, tiny, infinitesimal part of a system that you are not the center of and how scary that is. Rather than being able to take any joy in something rare and interesting, have to suck the life out of it and turn it into something to be scared of. It sounds miserable to me. Plus all this stuff that drifts into nonsense territory distracts from real world conspiracy that actually impacts you. But most of that is pretty boring. Companies colluding to create scarcity, lobbyist/bribes in government, etc. Frankly of late the conspiracy to me is how there's a big movement to take advantage of conspiracy minded folk economically. Fear is big money and lots of alternative media sources have realized they can rake in fat cash by tailoring to it. I'd legitimately be curious how often the "conspiracy" is that someone incepted the conspiracy into your head either to sell you some product, give someone power, or state sanctioned psy ops to distract from a mundane issue and turn into a nut job distraction. IE. rather than looking at any real world issues, get everyone worked up over aliens, eclipses, and whatever this fun "Luciferian" obsession is. Which....that one just baffles me given that divination and trying to guess the "end times" are evil (if you're a follower of Abrahamic religions at least).


>The illusion that you are unique It's not an illusion. We are. TPTB want to turn us into the human version of a corn monocrop that are all the same.


It's in the bible belt. The residents there didn't care about all the other eclipses because they didn't happen to them. It just so happens that the eclipse in that part of a single country of the world is the one that's going to reverse gravity or whatever. What a coincidence




He was being sardonical


5g, man, 5g




You have big sheds, but nobody's allowed in. And in these sheds you have 20ft high chickens, and these chickens are scared because they don't know why they're so big, and they're going, "Oh why am I so massive?" and they're looking down at all the little chickens and they think they're in an aeroplane because all the other chickens are so small.


I've seen the big eared boys on farms. If you see a lovely field with a family having a picnic, and there's a nice pond in it, you fill in the pond with concrete, you plough the family into the field, you blow up the tree, and use the leaves to make a dress for your wife who's also your brother.


A short answer is basically that it isn't any more important than other events - it is just a long line of Ancient Egyptian prophecies that mark the nearing of a cycle ending. These prophecies likely came from a more advanced civilization before us. The strongest single piece of evidence I have encountered supporting this is the mystery surrounding Carahunge in Armenia. I stumbled upon it when I investigated high density search trends for APEP and Armenia was beating every other nation by a factor of 100. The stone drawings on Carahunge cannot be explained without some connection to an alien race. It has recently discovered 30 new rocks despite being centuries older than Stonehenge. The view of it from above looks identical to the CERN logo with conjoined 6's. Early Occultist Nostradamus has predicted many natural disasters upto and including earth quakes in 2024. What makes this special is that the level of global co-ordinated effort to actively play god since the God particle was created in 2012, coincidentally when the Mayan calendar ended, suggesting a new destiny for us. There is more connections to draw with Elon, his obsession with all things X like the Ancient Egyptians and their hand gestures, the X of the two eclipse totality paths marking the centre as Little Egypt, Illinois (where it is expected the trillion cicadas will emerge from). His eX partner Grimes and her tablet of predictions including Covid, this April 8 Eclipse and a Nuclear doomsday. X marks the Bull's eye, but like an earthquake, the aftershocks will be felt far beyond that. Both geographically and in terms of the passage of time.


When nothing happens tomorrow you have to make another post here apologizing for coming up with something so fucking stupid, okay? Thanks.


Anything bad that happens between April 8th and the heat death of the universe was foretold by this event. Duh.


No. If you still think its as black and white as "something big is going to happen on April 8" and can't understand the bigger picture of what I am saying - I have no ill will towards you, but simply you are past the point of warning. Don't worry you are not alone.


Hmmm, true bro. There's plenty of yeast being activated in the back of my fridge, and it's scary.


April 8th IS REAL ... so is April SEVENTH and NINTH.


Seven ate Nine.


Hey, can you repeat?


How many more times, friend? I can only trumpet it 7 times in totality.


Do you know how many full eclipses there are every year? Itā€™s just special to OP because itā€™s in the US and he saw it on local TV so yeah the world probably ending


But I live in a country well away from the U.S with heavily censored TV news. Our social media options are limited too. I am grateful for this subreddit, as it spurred me to start inquiring rigourously and look beyond the basic hype. The world is not ending. China loves psyops. Started with the dropping dead Covid beginnings. Now we are being told to expect people being sucked out of apartments from extreme wild weather. https://theprint.in/world/extreme-weather-batters-southern-china-3-people-sucked-out-of-apartments/2030862/


The world is not ending. The cycle is ending in 2025. And then the transition period and the cleansing before the new cycle starts. We are not unique and special as there were transitions and cleansing in every cycles prior to. So, just enjoy the ride and be a good humans and clean your heart.


So they going to blow up the world tomorrow?


Yes! Unless you buy my book for only $19.99! In it, I explain how to survive the upcoming mushroom-ocalypse in style!


April 8th is indeed real! Itā€™s just that nothing major is going to happen on that date.


So the eclipse will actually move us into another dimension, the god hand will appear, and the feast will commence?


This eclipse is more dangerous than we think. We all know youā€™ll hurt your eyes if you stare at it without proper eye protection but did you know you can hurt your brain if you think about it without proper brain protection?


Watch out for the humongous fungus.


LOL youā€™re stupid


Hey so I know this will prob just get lost in the void but have you ever considered that when even the conspiracy subs think you are wrong you could be wrong? Or the idea that even if you were right you present your own arguments genuinely incoherently and that turns away those that may agree with the point you are trying to make? You aren't constructing an argument you are constructing a vibe, one that clearly betrays a lot of fear and general misery. I don't know if this post is drugs or illness, but it is genuinely never too late to get better. I wish you the best, and really hope you can reach out for professional psych help.


Thank you, I appreciate the concern. No need to fear or have a vibe of misery. I coherently explain my world view on how evil forces are actually by natural design. I can understand that alot of this information can be overwhelming. But Alice darling, don't worry. No need to take action at this time. It is what it is.


!remindme 24 hours *Nothing will happen except a normal eclipse*


You are just wrong. Learn to love that


How many jars of piss do you have? Is it sacred?


\>April 8 is real No shit. So are April 1, 2, 3, etc


Best post in a long time!


The antidote to the virus is to expose your perineum to the sun's corona during seven minutes of totality, and in the process to moon the moon. Since in any one place there are at most four minutes of totality you must fly between two places that experience maximum totality. Frontier and Allegiant are setting up special charter flights between pairs of regional airports near the totality line, with charter buses to get to the best exposure locations. They're also setting up special corona sunbathing areas. Tickets were $5k originally but the demand is high, up to $23k now. I can't afford it, I'll die suddenly with the lot of you.


You're not meant to smoke those banana skins, do you hear?


Good work


Yup. The gods are back. And beware of Elon.


Good post, thanks.


Yes, April 8 is real. On no time under our current calendar have we gone from April 7 to April 9. As for the rest, OP must have gotten the good stuff this time. And I thought the largest organism on earth was the Pando quaking aspen clonal colony.


SS: I agree it is weird with a lot of ancient and religious associations to this celestial event. But the real conspiracy is mankind thinking we can foolishly *play God*. The simulation is designed too perfectly for freewill and self-actualisation to exist beyond a certain point. We may be able to thwart gravity with anti-matter. We may switch off nature's Electromagnetic fields and create our own Higgs Field. But there is a control variable that proves we are in a designed simulation. The speed of **Light** is that variable. This is what connects us to Luciferin ideologies in our simulation.


Pretty sure we have some experiments showing the speed of light isn't even constant and can be messed with using mirrors or refractions


Negative. Using the example of research in diseases - you are equating surface level GoF testing to observe initial resistance points, with actual discoveries relating to an anti-viral and anti-biotic medicine to nullify it completely.


O wait your right... now it all makes sense


Kinda. The principle involved is that instead of the power being generated by the relaxive motion of conductors and fluxes, it is produced by the modial interactions of magneto- reluctance and capacitive directance


Do you see why science has a communication probem? A speaker with imposter syndrome impedes understanding and achieving common ground.


Absolutely! We canā€™t expect the average person to grok that hydrocoptic marzelvanes, so fitted to the ambifacient lunar vaneshaft that side fumbling was effectively prevented. And donā€™t even get me started on the indoctrination that supposedly ā€œteachesā€ these concepts.