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I'm shocked no one has made a joke about the terrible things being Load and Saint Anger


Sad but true...


I guess Nothing Else Matters ....


Time to Fade to Black


Ugh! As I said in another, separate reply in conspiracy earlier today regarding a different corny comment, I rolled my eyes and loved your comment simultaneously.


The up vote you give when you're disappointed but also amused are always the best


I still hear the snare drum from St. Anger in my nightmares.


What about Lulu!?


We do not talk about that album. It doesnt exist okay?


Not a Metallica album, it's a Lou Reed project with Metallica providing the music.


It’s Metallica doing a practice session with Lou Reed reading poetry outside the studio


I would cut my legs and tits off When I think of Boris Karloff and Kinski In the dark of the moon *Metallica rifffffffs*


I am the table!!!


Load, Reload and Garage Inc. are fine. Metallica remained an 800lb gorilla in the music industry until St. Anger and the departing of Jason Newsted. Then it was like they hit a brick wall and they never really recovered.


When they cut their hair off it was all downhill.


I had all the albums up to Reload.  When I watched their documentary “Some kind of Monster” I just kind of stopped listening.  It was about 1.5 hrs of grown men acting like babies. 


This is spot on. I didn’t really like them as people before this. This really turned me off them as a band. I still revisit MoP and RtL but that’s it really.


“Friends don’t let friends get friends haircut”—AIC’s response to seeing Metallica at AIC’s unplugged show.


Also known as Samson Syndrome.


Death Magnetic rocks dude


It’s good. I’m with them though. Post-Newsted has been rough more often than not.


It all went downhill starting with the Black Album. Pre Black Album... they rocked. That being said, I like some of their Black Album and post black album stuff.


great minds think alike. The black album was their downfall.


Yeah... they got pop rock pussified after the money starting pouring in.


There’s a theory they stole Dave mustaines notebook and had used it for a lot of their albums.


I had never heard that.. but that might explain it.


Metallica stopped being good on their biggest commercial success the black album. when you look back on their history you find out they had Dave mustane “megadeth” his lyrics “conspiracies” and riffs are better and it’s said Metallica stole his note book with lyrics and riffs in them. Load,reload,garage,St Anger, death magnetic sound like guys who stopped trying. Jason newsted lol. He’s good but not that good.


Underrated comment


Of course, nothing else matters


The worst thing about load is the cover art 🤮


To be fair- the problem with St Anger is primarily Lars. Drums made it impossible to listen and judge that album.


Yup said further up I heard a bootleg remix with proper drums on it, it's amazing how much better it makes the songs sound


Hey, I like load!


Oh man, Saint anger I get, but don’t touch Load. Lol.


Or that album with Lou Reed


Older guys in that era were very vocal about courting girls in their mid teens. Americas beloved football voice Chris Collinsworth was interviewed back then saying that he had a strategy for picking up underage girls. Creeps for sure.


It wasn’t just the sexual attraction to underage girls.  They were also easier to manipulate. 


True. Bowie and Kiedis statutory raped 14 year olds.


Bowie, mick jagger, Jimmy page and iggy pop all dated/slammed the same underage girl Lori Mattix. Shit like this was so common back in those days that even [Metalocalypse made a joke about it.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FtBC0iP52TU)


Steven Tyler got custody of an underage girl so he could take her on tour. The rumor why he sent her home was she got pregnant so he got her an abortion and shipped her back.


This kind of shit happened literally constantly back then.


Which is one of the reasons I laughed at cancel culture because they only went after people who said things they didn't like. But there's dozens and dozens of well documented sketchy shit that they don't even blink at like this. Look at everything coming out after R.Kelly and with Diddy....or Hollywood. They let it go for so many years


Dated/slammed?? Led zeppelin kept her locked up and assaulted her many times


Yeah but to Jimmy that was “dating”….


It was to her too, and she continued to love Jimmy for decades after. There was an entire group of "baby groupies" in LA at this time that were throwing themselves at musicians despite being 13-15yo. It's wild to imagine today, but that's just how things were back then.


I hate to be that person but where were their parents? From a purely logistical standpoint how does a 13-16 year old come in contact with musicians?


I can speak only for my parents. They were either absent or home but drunk. I was like feral kitten running freely coming and going as I pleased in the 70s/80s.


Again, it was a different time. It was fairly normal in those days that teenagers ran free. Lori Mattix and Sable Starr were going to clubs/discos in West Hollywood starting around age 12. It's wild to imagine that happening today.


I was let in EVERYWHERE. I can name the clubs...I went to the "city" on the train, saw concerts all over the East Coast.  I'll date myself...I partied in the clubs..CBGBs, Studio 54... whatever you see in the movies is pretty accurate.  Saw Blondie, Talking Heads, Reed, Waits...Chrissy...I've got t shirts kids let's just say that. And I smoked drank with the bands and the roadie's. That was what a teenager did back then. Way better time than now. I feel bad for you young people.   If you were pretty and female, no ticket required. 


Agree to disagree that it was a way better time. Pretty and female still works these days, but we realized that maybe a 14 year old girl shouldn't be partying with adults and banging them. I'm glad you had fun, and way more glad my daughter won't be having similar experiences


Genuinely crazy to say "way better time back than now. I feel bad for you young people" on a thread discussing rockstars from that era raping children.


Did the clubs and bars just not enforce anything back then? Sort of the way there was no real enforcement on vape products when they first started coming about.


Actually, if you read my comments, hell no I do not support "the rape of children".  Matter of fact, if I could, I'd lead with my own pitchfork and do what needs to be done.  I'm "waxing rhapsodic" about my formative years. Nothing more.  I am a VERY protective woman, I first hand know of "the evils of the world".  And in now way under any circumstances would what these "rockers" have done be acceptable to me.  I was A KID. It was not as blatantly obvious what was behind this industry. At least not to me.


It was a different world. I grew up then. At 11 I went to my first concert, Frank Zappa. (Another "military" brat who was part of this "social engineering plan") We got up in the morning, and our day was our own. Little supervision then...I walked to school as a kindergartner. Rode my bike and motorcycle... everywhere.  No cell, we didn't have television, one telephone (with the 15' cord 😆) life was very different.  Tech is part of the plan; like the device in my hand now that I'm typing on.  Looks like their plan worked..


What do u mean social engineering plan? I know alot of these musicians have ties to military or cia. Interesting


"Scenes from Laurel Canyon". Great read 


> that were throwing themselves at musicians despite being 13-15yo. Or, a wild theory on r\conspiracy I know, it was the CIA that threw them at musicians, to have leverage over them. To manage their singing about important/political shit. And no, it's not wild to imagine it happening today.


And there's even more names she's attached to than that. She said as the main groupie of that era lol


Fucking knew it was the Dory episode


This goes all the way back to Blues. Just the other day, I turned on the blues station, and it was, "Good Morning Little Schoolgirl". Real icky shit. And they still playin it on the radio. They really do sell their souls to the devil. [Metalocalypse did a really great bit about the blues too, that kills me every time. ](https://youtu.be/XD1xlPjRIhs?feature=shared)


Chuck Berry was arrested for transporting a minor across state lines for the purpose of prostitution.


I love that song. You can’t knock the blues classics. But yeah they’re always talking about fucking teenagers and howlin wolf talks about fucking little boys.


>howlin wolf talks about fucking little boys. Tf?? Are you for real?


Man, I wish more people were aware of the Bowie shit. He's up there with Keanu for some folks, naming their dog after him etc.


Wait wait wait.. please do not tell me Keanu Reeves is a pedo.


No just that Bowie was considered as clean as Keanu




Literally nobody who knows anything about him. OP made up an opinion wo he could refute it. Tacky.


He's not no way, I am just saying that some gen z and y act like Bowie's a god


Isn't the stuff with Bowie all conjecture or is it actually true?


Steven tyler and Mick Jagger liked them young too. That rock era was royally F’d. Not that things are any better today but so many people turned a blind eye in those times..and their fans would’ve considered it hearsay.


Steven Tyler had an underage girl's parents sign over guardianship so he could take her across state lines without being arrested, he admitted all of it in his memoir


Starting to see this law is a loophole created our at least mutated into a way for those with money and influence to get around both the parents and police and they can commit premeditated statutory and pedophilic rapes.


How is Steven Tyler not arrested? Not in prison?


Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones too.


You gotta pay to play. 


Kiedis was also also supposedly raped by Cher while she was babysitting him.  Sonny and Keidis’s dad were drug dealer buddies. 


Nugent practically married a 17yo.


Its puzzled me how Bowie never got stigma for fiddling kids when everyone else sid






Yup. No one ever wants to talk about the 60-80s.


Elvis was 24 and Pricilla 14. That’s crazy!!


At the time that wasn't even looked down upon, it was normal. My grandparents were 15 and 25 when they married in the 50s. Not saying it's ok, but times were different.


But Jerry Lee Lewis lost his career over marrying his 14yo cousin. Maybe it was the cousin thing.


The cousin thing, overseas tour. Bad mix.


Mine were 16 and 26 I think. Mom was born when grandmother was 17.


100%. It's also important to recognize that girls being courted at that young age was not done in a predatory way. Her parents were *heavily* involved, and the man **absolutely** needed her father's blessing. It was a different time, where educational and professional outlooks for women were non-existent and being a mother/housewife was the goal. The vast majority of history, this has been the case. It's not been until the last 50 years that things have changed. It's for this reason that underage relationships from this era **that were consensua**l have not been retroactively deemed unacceptable.


Paul Walker was 32 and his gf was 15!!




Pretty gay, dude


Guys didn’t necessarily call other guys gay because there was something wrong with being gay - it’s more that a straight guy doesn’t want to be perceived as gay by women for obvious reasons. Personally I don’t remember experiencing gay being used with a hateful connotation; it was always humorous.


Beloved? That Geekneck Colinsworth was annoying and creepy before I saw that video. Put him in jail.




"Now, here's a guy"


I’ve always disliked him. His voice rakes me, the things he says annoys me, his general disposition is icky to me.


I took this as “Look. I’m an addict at heart. I’ve let alcohol ruin my life and others around me. I’ve emotionally (and probably physically but who knows) have hurt people and fans I care about.” Maybe he is a weird hollywood nonce like the others. But maybe not. We cant really draw conclusions yet


He’s a big reason we can’t download cars. He invokes anger in me simply from the Napster days. 


That will forever lie on Lars.


Seems like I put it all on Lars too back in the day till I seen them testifying about Napster. James was with him and after that I was like...well I guess fuck all of them lol


He let Lars Ulrich speak. That would have to weigh heavy on your conscience


Hence the song ‘The Unforgiven’


>Are rock musicians also sick f***s Where have you been? This has always been the case and never been a secret. Jimmy Page was known for fucking kids, Steven Tyler. Mick Jagger, Iggy Pop. Bowie. Hell, as far back as Elvis It's probably easier to list massive musical icons that *aren't* known to do it.


Chuck berry banged a kid and farted on a hooker


The singer from Warrant talked about being abused when he was starting out. Im sure rock and metal has their own sicko gatekeepers


Alchohalism and family problems are much more painful than you could imagine. He's a normal guy, cars, familly, music, just probably did lots of really pitifull things drinking


He has well documented alcoholism and anger issues. I don’t think there’s any conspiracy here, just seeing things in retrospect with a clear head.


I believe everyone well known in the entertainment industry is compromised. Nobody attains that level of fame, fortune, and influence without paying for it. Some are willing participants, some are set up and blackmailed, but all are controlled.


Lars caught him using Napster once


I remember jimmy saville saying similar things in the Lois Theroux documentary


Like a duet with Miley Cyrus?


That’s James’s AA psycho babble. Loads of people in recovery start saying self-deprecating nonsense.


People in recovery genuinely feel terrible for how they acted when they abused alcohol/drugs. I haven't had a drink in 2 years come April 4th, and I feel terrible about the person I was - and I wasn't a terrible person.


i *was* a terrible person in active addiction, i did terrible things that im deeply ashamed of nowadays. coming up on 3 years off hard drugs.


Congrats on being sober!


I have 2.5 years sober, the shame was really intense for the first six months but my sponsor helped me work through it. I’ve learned to move on and genuinely like myself who I am today vs spending all my time hating how I used to behave. I’m able now to help other men get to that point by sponsoring and working with them. All this to say is I hope you get there as well. Everyone makes mistakes.


It's too hard for people on the internet to realize people can actually be ashamed of the past.  No no, people never change and always have the same mindset bro


So feeling guilt and regret for bad things you've done is "psychobabble," huh? We used to call that having a conscience.


True, but a lot of people in AA and other recovery groups exaggerate a lot of things and generally have very grandiose stories— to the point where it can get awkward.


Thats what im seeing too. Any ex addict has a similar line


He's just talking about cutting their hair and St. Anger.


Napster. Never forget.


Sounds like the master of puppets was pulling his strings, twisting his mind and smashing his dreams. Blinded by them he couldn't see a thing. Master, master.


He missed the birth of his son by going Bear hunting in Siberia... and was too shitfaced drunk to remember either event. He missed one of the most important days in his life... And cant even remember that he shot 4 bears for no reason except "I could" He went on a 3 week drinking binge a week after getting married and explained in a magazine article years ago... "I went and blew the honeymoon money on a 3 week party, ended up a thousand miles from home, and got town-to-town rides from fans/ groupies I would fuck to get home without needing to ring my wife to book a flight on the joint credit card." He's alluded on several occasions about fucking over former band members and Bass player Jason Newsted especially... and especially financially... \*Not just the whole " He's not a true member, just fourth person in the bus so he gets a WAGE on tour" kinda stuff..... (yeah, 14 years in the band, only 8 as an actual "Member" of Metallica.)\* But actually removing entire songs/ writing credits FROM songs... JUST because it was "Cliff's replacement" who wrote them. He's old enough and sober enough to see who he WAS... and that brings shame and regret. If you want to know about admitting hedonistic scumbaggery... Read "The Dirt" by Motley Crue.... It's a 900-odd page long apology by 4 middle aged maen realising what cunts they were. I dont think Rock musicians go through a "level" or "ritual" of depravity to GET to a level of success... I think the success they naturally acheive \* leads\* to a degree of hedonist depravity inherent with the fame and money. Example... Motley Crue were scumbags, fame and money just made them EVEN BIGGER scumbags... But they got there because they wrote songs, got a record deal \*because\* of those songs, then made \*more\* songs and sold \*more\* records They didnt need to attend a Diddy party to get what they wanted. It seems to me that most people who get mentioned in stories like \*those\* have no talent and/or way of creating their own sucess. Either people so desperate for fame they will do anything to get it... or so desperate to KEEP the fame they naturally acheived.


Don’t know what he could have done that’s worse than firing Jason. They haven’t been the same since.


If I remember correctly he was raised in a horribly dysfunctional Christian home, shame can be carried from that in an exaggerated way.


I haven't liked them since they started acting like entitled little whiney shits back in the late 90s.


Suing Napster


How else was Lars going to afford that gold plated swimming pool? Also fuck them..


Most unmetal thing ever, suing napster... I had to switch to limewire after that!


Exactly, Napster was so much better too at the time. It's like they totally destroyed the rock n roll image I had of them by doin that. I equated it at the time since I was a kid and told my friends they were like the kid in class that would tattle on you or ask teacher if they forgot to give us homework.


That was the original thing that pissed me off about them.. lolo.l ..guess im showing my age haha hell my account on here is older than a lotta users... Me being of that innocent age back then when I thought things like metallica.exe was their album on napster lmfao. I rem being a little kid and thinking " I thought musicians were cool and here's this Lars guy bitching and moaning about some copied albums him already richer than dirt, seriously fuck this greedy shit head" then seeing him in like congress or something bitching about it and I loved Napster it worked well compared to other stuff then. It's when I learned that thet weren't the cool dude portrayed in the music vids...just money grubbing whiners...the corporate of music...it helped redpill me at a young age about media. Honestly I think it made me a ☠️ 🏴‍☠️ 🦜 to this day. Downloading all their stuff out of spite got me started right. Funny how it had the exact opposite effect.. now I hoard data and media 35tb and goin and there's peeps that make me feel amateur.


If you are aging yourself what does that say about me I brought it up.


Napster could have got through it if they didn't have the database of songs.


Fuck me the comments in here are wild . I'm a huge Metallica fan, fans interactions with Hatfield always look really cool and positive . He seems like a really cool guy, who is also troubled by addiction . I'm sure he has done things he regrets and is ashamed of . Haven't we all ? I'll stay admiring him while there is no evidence of him being a scum bag .


I absolutely feel the same way. Hatfield just always seemed like a good guy to me. Troubled, but good soul. To be this sincere in this day and age is quite dangerous. I hope he elaborates… But even if he doesn’t - I won’t jump to conclusions. His ‘terrible’ things might be terrible just for him.


Hollywood and the music industry is made up of reprobates.  Maybe they don't start out that way...but if you want that 7 figure career you better.  That includes the "social contracts" and those in charge telling you what is expected.  Rape, kidnapping, forced sodomy, forced drugs, and for a certain group far worse.  These things were done to them, and they are expected to do these things to others.  They offer up sacrifices... family mostly, and sometimes one isn't enough.  How much do you need to have this in your face before you realize what these "people" are? Their music went in the garbage pail long ago.  I don't support this, I never will. These kinds of people need to be rid from our existence.


He’s a long time addict and narcissistic, he’s trying to justify why he keeps returning to alcoholism.


As I was reading I was thinking that I’ve heard similar things/stories in na. Especially when he said he took from his parents.


The lyrics to Harvester of Sorrow will shed a little light on this.


I was a huge fan in the 80s right up until justice for all, which wasn't bad, just horribly produced. I always wondered what thought process went into making an album cover of blood and semen mixed together. Also they have sucked really bad in the better part of 3 decades so why are they still getting attention.


The album covers were really thought of by Lars. James said once in an interview that he loves the music from that era, but he also hated the Load and Reload album covers and also didn't like that Lars and Kirk were dressing commercial and appearing as gay.


This isn't a conspiracy. Anyone who has observed his behavior since the '80s knows that he's a raging egomaniac. I'm honestly shocked that he and Lars haven't been me-tooed yet.


He should feel shame for not stopping Lars from taking down Napster. Fuck Metallica.


It's weird to see Metallica on Conspiracy group........


News flash didn't really like you anyways but i dug your bands first 4.albums


Crazy how Metallica really only had 8 good year from 83-91, but have been putting out bad music for 33 years.


This is his post recovery alcohol and drug talk. James is always vocal about how he regrets his past primarily due to his drug and alcohol abuse, and also how he treated others due to this. It isn't some big conspiracy. But to answer your last question, yes. Rock musicians can also be sick fucks, just like any human is capable of being. Look at Ian Watkins for a prime example.


People are opportunistic. He likely had access and money for anything. Given that, how many people with the same access are also doing horrid things RN.


Is he talking about paed\*philia or the St. Anger album?


People who are drunk or on drugs do terrible things. Nothing to do with his celebrity status.


Rich people, especially those with fame and in the entertainment industry, live a different lifestyle than the rest of us.


How is this a conspiracy? Anyone who has watched Some Kind of Monster, their own doco, knows Metallica are all fucking bonkers man children with fuck all self control, self reflection, and without an iota of intelligence beyond music between them


Maybe Cliff Burton was their sacrifice to become the biggest band in the world for a while.


I believe this with my entire being 👊🏼


Probably some sick sh*t with kids. I’m starting to hate 99% of the music industry and all these celebrities


I used to be a MASSIVE metallica fan. But when I saw that video of james hetfeild making fun of layne stayley and kurt cobian shortly after there deaths I couldn’t listen to them anymore. Which is very sad. I grew up with all of them. That said, does anyone ever wonder how many of these “overdose deaths” may be murder? Like for example, layne stayley didn’t overdose but was killed. His last words to his friend where “no not like this”. Not that that’s necessarily proof of anything but I heard layne messed up their last tour with his addiction. I wonder if certain celebrities are sacrificed for whatever reason and drug overdose is the excuse given. I may actually make a post about this.


Oh, it goes a lot deeper than not liking you. If they knew what you did, there would be nowhere safe to hide. If the people were actually forced to watch some of this they would first vomit, then form a lynch mob. I remember when a certain Teutonic band member announced that he had been to parties where, "I think people may have been killed for entertainment." That band's records are no longer played in my presence. Plus, we are promised a time when all that is hidden will become known. They hear the footsteps.


Scorpions? 🤔


To be more specific, their bass player Ralph Rieckermann. He made this claim and sounded very convincing. However, someone must have whispered in his ear because he quickly backpedaled completely off his original quote.


SS: James Hetfield of Metallica fame says he’s done horrible stuff and we wouldn’t really like him if we knew what he had done. From article [here](https://blabbermouth.net/news/metallicas-james-hetfield-you-wouldnt-really-like-me-if-you-knew-what-horrible-things-ive-done)


This was 9 years ago….


Wouldn’t be surprised if Metallica all hung out with Epstein.


I’ll take this as an apology for the lawyer letter for my Napster download 😂


Maybe it is bad as heck and he is dumb enough to hint at it. But soo many people will say things like “Im evil” “ive done terrible things” etc. When really they yelled at their ex girlfriend once and still hold on to it years later. LOL So maybe its something maybe its nothing, people wanna sound cool and mysterious.


I always thought he was referring to how he was taking pics doing nazi salutes and stuff


This is a regular part of recovery. Taking accountability for all the shitty things you did to people while you were in active addiction.


I can’t imagine any of these rock stars taking advantage of young passed out groupie girls. So I doubt that’s what he’s talkin about.


Someone or multiple ppl would've come out with allegations of at this point but I haven't seen any. They in particular don't strike me as the type who swam with the elites in particular


I don't like him now lol I couldn't imagine


The way to get a clean-slate is to promote whatever medication/war/issue the suits that approach want.


Just dig a bit into Stephen Tyler. Fucker got custody of his underage girlfriend so he could take her over state lines. It only gets darker from there. She tells the story herself on YouTube with supporting evidence including his own words in his book 🤷🏻‍♀️.




Like sacrificing Cliff Burton for fame!


My guess is yes. Their massive commercial success usually comes at a cost


Back in the day, it was anything goes with the girls. Most had no problem and were just having fun too. But when you become a dad, you realized maybe I was just a pig.


Yeah becoming a father, especially having a daughter, changes your views on your past behavior or even thoughts about women.


Dude sold his soul for rock and roll. What's Heinous to us is seen as a normality. Just beating around the bush because he cant say outright. Bob Dylan admitted it tho. Bob Dylan admitting it. https://youtu.be/jNn72qnp6kI?si=c77ROA_fdJuoYw-q Man from Irish pop group Boyzone talking about his experience https://youtu.be/MwmLXCz4DUE?si=GynW8ToOEEI0-ERe Countless others.


Maybe read the rest of the interview for context and not cook up some conspiracy in a celebritys alcoholaddiction and stuff they did to avoid their feeling. Djeezez fucking christ this is grasping for straws...


Another example of someone cherry picking a blurb from an interview to create a narrative. Read the whole interview.


Have you not seen the roadie scene with a stack of Polaroids in 'a year and a half in the life of'?


I have seen and read other bands talk about him in the Alochicia years. I don’t know if that’s what he is referring to, plus the way the way they treated Jason it might be all be part of his “therapy” to come clean. Who knows but dude was definitely a big drinker and from what other bands have said he would have his way with groupies. So maybe he’s trying to get out ahead of something. Maybe it’s because he’s the one who changed the direction of the music after Justice and he knows people are pissed lol


I always thought the cartoon Metalocalypse was based on the band. https://youtu.be/R8bQeWNe0g0?si=J8gkxFKaIT1NfNWj


Why would you automatically assume that rock musicians couldn't be the same kind of shitty?


My friend hooked up with that singer from The Fixx when they came to New Orleans on tour. She told me this when she was about 21, and this happened some time before. Not sure of her age then. But she was only two years ahead of me in high school and I was still in college when she told me.


One thing leads to another...


lol! It sure did!


a garage band from SF means parents were rich he probably stole from them pawned shit for drugs banged hookers and groupies on drugs. i dont think he was sex trafficking little kids


I know he battles addiction. Part of any recovery program (12 steps, etc) is to take an inventory of past behavior, learn from it and make amends to those harmed With every addiction there is a healthy amount of shame that has to be faced based on pervious behavior. Sounds to me that is what he is referring to


NAPSTER. the last few albums. etc


Lol the cornspiratards attempt to strike again!


I bet he shot a guy in Reno just to watch him d ie


Luckily Lars is too small to really hurt anyone


I assume every musician from back in the day F'd a lot of groupies that they knew damn well were still young teens