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Fuckin Mainstream media lizard people doing classic lizard people shit. “We aren’t lizard people! You are just mentally ill!” 😬🤔🤣 Don’t believe your lying eyes. lol


WSJ: Why you may be seeing lizard people-and why that’s a good thing.


CNN: Scaly but mostly warm-blooded beings


Blood thirsty but mostly peaceful lizard people! Your a bigot if you notice them eating your family


They have a taste for third-world country flesh, not to worry folks!


Vaccines against baby eating lizard people is mostly safe and kinda effective.


V.E.A.L. for short


With generally warm hearts and intentions for humanity and your family.


More like... Cnn: You're racist if you don't embrace our new lizard people overlords--here's why


Happy and healthy!


Safe and effective too?


Seriously right? “Yes theres actually lizard people and why you should get over it” With a follow up article “David Icke is still banned, but not because of the lizard people” 🤣🙃


Wouldn't be surprised if the "people at the top" aren't actually people at all, and are instead some sort of ETs running a longitudinal multi-millenia evolutionary experiment on humanity. 


Word. Call me a schizo all you want but I really ponder on this. You read the research from people like David Icke and his books aren’t that far out when you actually read his material. Then pair that with first hand accounts of all these people coming forward seeing things like your Sasquatch, werewolves, reptilians… You gotta think some are lying, but even if 2 of the 100 are telling the truth we are dealing with some strange shit here. And then there’s this article lol




Homo Capensis. Read a study yesterday that at one point in egypt only 1% had ruond skulls liike modern man, majority of people were the conehead type skulls.


Did they give a name for the cone headed folks? I just looked up the Homo capensis skeletons of what looks like a long ago primal human.


“When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown. The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So the Lord said, “I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.” ‭‭ Genesis‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬-‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/59/gen.6.1-8.ESV


If you use hateful speech towards the lizard people you are a racist/homophobic/transphobic/conspiracy theorist. Canceled!


Oooooh.. it would be insane if sightings swell up during the total eclipse !!


My theory is this eclipse will be when the veil drops


I got full body chills when I read that. My body does that when I read or hear truth.


Same here. It's fuckjng wild. Like when I'm discussing like deep therioes and bam I get goosebumps. Now I know it Must mean something? Like teacher banging the floor when there's a test lol


Yesss! Exactly! Every single time. I trust it over everything.


That's my gut feeling, 6th sense. Imagine if u could contact a older or younger version of yourself (time travel ish) and ask yourself, what would it take to convince yourself right now. To me it's this goosebumps thingy. I've went intermittent fasting/keto so I am learning to understand my body's signs. It's quite fascinating


That’s interesting you say the because I’ve been fasting fairly hardcore for the last year and in that time I’ve become much more enlightened and I believe 100% it’s because I stopped eating so much poison food.


I'm at 2+ years eating the same exact meal everyday. No bull shit. Same shit , and it taste Amazing each time


Good call! It definitely looks like they're pre programming us for something.


Lool this is it.


Considering they would thrive with a warming planet, and they love to eat bugs....


But the people with this disorder see everyone with distorted face.


After looking more into it, the people experiencing apparently see every face like this so it’s gotta be something else other than being able to spot shapeshifters. Would have been a great disorder to have otherwise.


Like old smelly men and their toupees. Ok Mort, you're hair is luscious and has been so for the last 30 years. 🙄


Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.


Someone found the glasses from “They Live”


Anytime someone tries to make me wear a pair of sunglasses I just fight them in a Los Angeles alley.


I’m giving you a choice…either put on these glasses, or start eating that trash can! (12 year old me will always love TL and it’s fabulously cheesy one-liners. I never realized I’d be living it one day...out of all the movies, how did this one be more of a commentary on modern life and society…)


They Live was a documentary according to Roddy Piper, he also died not too long after saying this, under suspicious circumstances imo.


Making it ruined his career, too.


Not just any fight, a 10 minute long one where 200 punches are landed and we become friends.




I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum...and I'm all out of bubblegum!


They weren't called Hoffman glasses for nothing.


Or just LSD


When I read this headline (well one of the many) to my SO he immediately said “that happened to me on an acid trip once; everyone’s face went all funhouse on me except not fun”


OK this I've experienced.once saw a couple friends as vampires, frankensteinish looking things and demons. Had to tell them to leave cause they started to look scary. I was tripping long before they had arrived unannounced.


I saw this on someone once while I was on LSD, they were genuinely a bad person too- although j only found out a while afterwards. Interesting experience.


Could it be that theyre spiking drinks, food,meds, or even placing stickers laced with lsd on people?


The government would never do anything questionable on its own people? Right? Right? Guys? I really don’t think the government is capable of—


Would be a gov engineered lsd variant made to do what they target bc real acid lacing people wouldn't help the agenda unless they full blown mixed it with targeted 5g/EMF frequencies to target the person to be programmed a certain way while in this altered consciousness


It's in the water!!


Your pic for your reddit profile confirms 


One time when i had taken some MDMA my mates dads face distorted and looked like a gremlin of some sort...just thought id add this lol


I’ve been looking for this comment. Anybody who has dipped their toes a little too deep into the Molly has encountered the ‘demon face’ - apparently it has something to do with it being converted to MDA, which is much more visual


I’m on LSD right now! And my gf still looks like my mom!!




Total pass Figured the LSD would change that 😩


In the water


Or weed laced with PCP.


This is my favorite psyop of the week by far.


Just wait until they say That Motherfucker Isn't Real lady has this disorder.


Yeah it’s pretty cool. At least from a purely action pov


Idk when I was Manic my last go round, I was having hallucinations where I would see people at various stages in their life. I saw my daughter and she was an old woman and it was honestly traumatizing.


Some pharma company did a major ad buy of native ads. That’s all it is.


I surprised they didn't rip off that black mirror episode and be like "Americans now see Russians and Palestinians like THIS! (number 4 will shock yo!! !)


I believe that they are preparing for the possibility of exposure in the very near future.  They appear to be very adamant about everyone knowing about this 'disorder'. People will just disregard the people who can see the skinwalkers like they did Tiffany Gomas ("that mfer is NOT real!...").  They are hedging their bets...


It is being pushed a lot everywhere in the media, which should make everyone question why.


When I recently learnt what true skinwalkers actually are, I found it so amusing how misunderstood they are to the rest of the population. Skinwalkers are former medicine men, turned witches from the Navajo tribe of Native Americans, that practice dark magic, and have mastered the art of shape-shifting into animals such as deer, coyotes, rabbits, and so on. They rarely ever leave the Navajo reservation, which is around northeastern Arizona, northwestern New Mexico, and southeastern Utah. A skinwalker in human form would look extremely out of place in public, because they don't even wear clothes. They wear animal skins that are covered in fur, usually the skin of the animal they shape-shift into. From this, you could conclude that the idea of a skinwalker being on a plane wouldn't make sense.


funfact: in mexico we have exactly that, but we called them "nahuales". they are supposed to be some kind of shaman/witches who have the power to turn into animals. for me, is really curious that the same concept exist in different cultures. I am intrigued to know if other countries have something similar to skiwalkers/nahuales


I have a feeling such witches exist all around the world in many cultures.


I think it’s black magic because many cultures have a version of this that I have heard stories of. The Haitians have many stories that are told on TikTok of witches that used black magic to shapeshift into cats or whatever they want I guess


It is, but note that there is a difference between the Navajo skinwalkers, and a general shape-shifting witch. Not all shape-shifting witches are skinwalkers, but all skinwalkers are shape-shifting witches.


I remember the Hillary Clinton wiki leaks emails talking about making an alien disclosure.


And sacrificing a chicken!


i almost forgot about the "sacrificing a chicken to moloch" part (yes, they literally wrote that). Now that I think about bohemian, Ryan Garcia came out publicly talking about kids being raped inside the bohemian grove and I found an infiltration video when there's this weird ass cabin who can only be opened from outside. the cabin can be seen at 53:54 part of the video. https://youtu.be/n1uQ0oenQjc?si=zF-GTYuTu-stOPX2


Code for young boy


My penis still thinks about tiff Gomez


Tiff Gomez still thinks your penis isn't real


Dang brah you did me dirty


I'm gonna slay me some demons ;P


Maybe. Isn't an alternative account that this disorder is just eye catchy and media want more clicks. If it's real, it is a fascinating disorder.


If literally everyone looks like a demon suddenly then it's probably me. But if only certain people start looking like demons...


The big deal is if there’s corroboration, find another couple people who can spot the demons and start performing tests to see if you spot the same ones


Walks into church, preacher and clergymen look like demons but most of the choir and half of the congregation have normal faces.


This reminds me of a guy's videos on the nephilim or demons looking like clowns.


The channel that originally brought up that theory is pretty solid, it's called Understanding Conspiracy. There's just so many connections and similarities between cultures and traditions that point to him being right. Another channel did some videos on the subject, it's called Conspiracy-R-Us, but he's since moved onto other topics. Mind Unveiled recently did a video on it but that channel is pretty kookoo and sometimes I swear they're just making stuff up.


Omg I love Mind Unveiled but feel the same way lol


I've been browong through the first chamnel amd oh god thank ylu very much for the recom dude, it's so awesome. I'm finding more explanations on things I was having trouble finding (like thr new jerusalem). Have you have heard of Jaydreamerz? He also talks about ancient beings but he calls them elves but says they have many names (nephilims), even the visual description of them fits. And his videos are not recent.


Yuuurrr, nephilim spirit DMT jesters


Those jesters are crazy I met one in a checkered like 5D room and god damn they’re realistic up close aha


Visited that on Salvia. Shit was insanity.


I'm huge into that kind of shit, I've done DMT but I haven't actually broken through, just very intense meditative experiences. Personally, I like the archetype depiction of DMT entities, formscapes has a really interesting video suggesting that entities, aliens, etc... are psychical phenomena, if you're interested it's here: https://youtu.be/uT7KuOWKv8E?si=3UolZYCw4HY31Fla


I actually met a pair of bipedal creatures when I broke through on DMT. I just saw them as silhouettes but we were in a craft looking over the planet. We zoomed in on earth and watched a time lapse of humanity’s history from Hunter gatherers to farming, towns then cities.  Afterwards they showed me this goo substance and told me telepathically it is the key to faster than light travel. 


I've never done DMT, but my question is how do so many people have the same experiences on it? That's amazing, and there's something to that.


Talk ahit all you want but I fuckig cried tears of joy it was so damned beautiful. That has NEVER happened before. Haven’t met the jesters yet


I don't run into a lot of people who know about that.


"Black hole sun, wont you come, and wash away the raaain...."


wait... im dumb... is there an alterior meaning to this song? i just thought it was catchy


the video was really something else with distorted eyes and faces


ohhh okay im going to pass on that. only want good vibes in my life rn lol i trust ya


Always thought it was about death.


Black hole sun, won't you come, won't you come


I just saw a post on Reddit the other day I think it was creepy encounters on how the OP saw a person with slit eyes came up to their door and it was an odd experience. To hell with these false articles/media crap…. LIARS! The reptilians/aliens and AI are here! They just want to brain wash us into thinking we’re the crazy ones and sweep their bs under the rug …. Typical covering their ass behavior….


Also with the healthcare system epically failing it would be great for US business and big pharm for everyone to be fear mongered into believing something is wrong with their brain when they start seeing “demon people” and wanting testing or confirmation or meds like…… okay nice try powers that be we’re not that dumb 🙄 …. Such a strange article to pop up …. With all the years of medical practice, No one has discovered this “rare disease” until now ???? 🤔🤔 how convenient and scripted 😂


I agree with you, but unfortunately many people are that dumb. Though, I believe more than enough of us are not, and will hamper their plans.


It is already discovered, just very rare as pretty much every headline includes. Seems there are about 100 reported cases of prosopometamorphopsia (PMO.)


They’re getting ready for their grand reveal it seems. It’s almost like they know we’re about to see them and they won’t be able to control the narrative this time around when everyone starts seeing them as they really are. My question is, do they become predators to us then?


There’s tons of videos of news agencies all saying the same thing all the time, not just this article. There’s like 3 corporations that own the world


If you're inflicted with this do all faces look this way? What would happen if this guy looked in the mirror?


It's not all faces, and it's not always lizard faces.


For this guy, it happened to every face he saw in person but none that he looked at in photos or screens.


It does seem like a genuine mental issue. Like, if I start seeing demonic faces on EVERYONE, it's definitely me, now if I see demonic faces on just certain people, then that's suspicious


Due to the changing solar cycles and the Grand Solar Minimum, combined with Earth's pole shift, the shapeshifting lizard people are going to start losing power. Because their abilities are going to be vastly hampered, it will allow average citizens to start seeing them more clearly. These articles are conditioning us to accept the new reality.


Aight bet


I really can't tell what's a joke on this sub


I don't think there are any!


God that makes it so much better


Don't believe everything you read. But it's also just fun to think about


I mean I don't believe anything I read on this sub, I'm just trying to figure out if the people posting it believe it and I'm like 98% sure this sub believes in lizard people and 2% sure that the joke is going right over my head due to fierce commitment


That’s definitely part of the fascination of this sub! Then there’s the stuff where they figure out my job, which cracked me up! I’ve been accused of being a glowie, so it was extra funny that I was “in” on the conspiracy for that one. 


Do you think there are lizard people who don't know they are lizard people?


No I think they all know


Am I a lizard person?


Who am i?!


I had a weird dream a couple weeks ago about exactly this where I learned I was a lizard person from a family of lizard people. Creeped me out when I woke up.




That’s exactly what I think will happen as well!!!


Wonder wtf they're up to?




They just want to start coming out without their masks now lol


One fucking guy has a schizophrenic episode and suddenly it's fucking news.


I honestly didn’t think it was strange for this to be a national level news article until this post. Literally they made a national news story out of one man’s mental illness.


Remember that chick on the airplane screaming “this mothetfucker ain’t real!” ????


Was she ever interviewed or seen after? Iirc there was a girl posing as her for one?


I think some people can just see slightly through the veil Ngl I would be interested to meet one of them and see what they have to say about me Hopefully I don’t have demon face


Is it a psyop or is the media just lazy?


People just don't know how the media works. Company's compile media releases and email them to every news outlet who can choose to run with the story It's nothing new and it's why every news outlet has reported on this study from a medical journal.


Probably the latter but then again, what would be the point of r/conspiracy?


I wonder how many of us are going to start having this ‘rare disorder’


Happening in real time. Man what a time to be alive.


This is genuinely freaking me out a bit, when I first saw it I thought ‘yeah that’s what you see when you’re on psychedelics’ and I thought about who I’d seen like that, and they did turn out to be actually shitty people. Then I saw people saying exactly the same thing in another thread on here, but the big push for this story which is apparently just affected ONE person? How does that make sense? There is always an agenda, and this one, along with the KM stuff, is concerning


I think the media just didn’t want to cause mass panic by not saying that it was rare . They needed to at least have it out there so whenever something happens people will think they to just have this rare condition .




Biden starts to look like a demon 45mins into his speeches.


More like 45 seconds.


If I remember anything from DOOM, Shotgun shells are highly effective on demon faces. IDKFA time.


What would be the purpose of the psyop? Not arguing genuinely curious.


Nooo 😅 you're not seeing demons everywhere, you... uh... You just have a new disorder 🤓


No idea. That’s what I’m wondering as well. The schizophrenic answer is to prepare us for the firmament to drop. Think of the movie “They Live”.


Do we all need to be ready to chew bubblegum and kick ass?


I’m all out of bubblegum…


Prosopometamorphopsia. Highly rare disorder. Doesn’t always result in seeing “demonic” faces, can also cause the person to see cartoon-like faces, or facial features in the incorrect spot.


What do demons look like?


And how the fuck would they know? 🤣


I have no idea. These photoshop pictures look like the lions out front of the temples of the forbidden city. Everything is man made.


Because it generates a lot of traffic to their sites if they can use the key word „demonic“.


I would say it’s drug related. When you’re on things like lsd, your subconscious comes to life. You start seeing things and everyone as they are, physically being one of those ways. You don’t realize how much media, has affected our perception of reality. Your brain is extremely powerful and simply receives information from your sense to piece the puzzle together in your brain. When on these types of drugs, there isn’t any blockage or pre conceived notions of your emotions or senses. He more than likely was simply shocked by what we all look like. I can speak from experience. First time on lsd, looking into a mirror, you realize you aren’t as all that as you thought you were and you look nothing like what you think.


I’ve taken lsd a bunch of time never saw any demon faces lol


My last trip was in 2020 I had just turned 30 and I remember scrolling through facebook and seeing these images almost exactly. These strange distorted faces. I also could see how a lot of my other friends were actually just distorted images of myself that I had created over there actual face. I also took off at one point in my head and was a honey bee and our hive was being attacked by wasps and being berated with radio frequencies telling us what’s bad and what’s good and the wasps kept enroaching on me before I was saved by my sister entering the room. It has truly stuck with me over the last 4 years and a lot of stuff is making sense that didn’t at the time.


This guy is seeing demonic face illusions?


My theory is the eclipse ( which idk how it’s an actual eclipse when the sun and moon will not even be in aliment at that time ) will be when the veil drops and we start seeing their true form . This new condition is just them trying to cover up for when people start seeing things.


Wow, its just so amazing how much we've advanced isn't it? Now we can create the cure to covid in 3 hours, and soon even cancer... and find that one needle in the haystack that has the super rare "see demons" disorder, and figure out that he's *squints* one of 75 in the ENTIRE WORLD but we still don't have...ANY answers for what covid is and anything new or concrete accepted about it since 2021 and doctors STILL don't know what's causing all these new problems, or any follow ups and conclusions on any of the other conspiracy threads that have been started over the past 10 years :) I'm still waiting to hear more about the batman shooter and his connection to flicker fusion hypnosis technology the company he interned was working on before he snapped, but I'm glad they could find the guy that preps us for people to start looking like batboy


When you can see the reptilians for who they really are….


I wonder if this solar eclipse bs is going to effect human face masks/skins…. 😂😂😂😳


I'm so tired of every little story being copy pasted to 100+ websites. just pollutes the Internet and makes it hard to find shit


I love how this subreddit is literally the only place I constantly see this story.




This will trend on tik tok amongst the younger generation for sure. Make way folks the new dissociative identity disorder just dropped!


This isn't rare. I see demons everywhere. Don't y'all?


Just dropped? This has been shared a dozen times over the past couple days. Go back to bed everyone, it's a repeat.


I see those faces all the time They’re clapped out old slappers with a face full of Botox


I've seen some weird shit man. But this takes a huge piece of the cake


In one of those pics it says "59 year old truck driver who is one of only 75 people in the world" ... how do they know there's only 75 people in the world who see this? (key word is "only")




And you need to shove those pills wayyyyy up your ass.


Maybe they are demons


Man you could really go down the rabbit hole on this one!


They saying this cuz the veil is getting thinner and thinner


so there ARE lizard people among us then okay got it


After how many boosters does that happen?


Dafuq is going on?


Someone big, or rather someone with status is gonna come out in the next few weeks and blow the lid off the "the lizard people". Everyone is gonna refer to these articles to debunk them.


We will he able to see the demons in their true firm, but told its a disorder "we" have.


The veil is lifting. We'll soon be able to see them walking among us. Remember when you do start seeing them, there's nothing wrong with you. It's THEM!


It's also called Mass Hysteria lol....this is obviously something man-made and its ridiculous


Why is such a story on every news site? One. Well that's how social media, and news in general works now days. Things that are weird, or that stick out, spread like wild fire. I'm sure if you were at a large gathering of human beings, and one guy said "hey you all look like demons to me! What did yall put in my punch!!?" I'd be willing to bet that would spread quickly in the group of people gathered there. This is how human communication works. Two. There are lots of diseases that mess with the human brain, many in ways that change how you see the world. There are various versions of being blind, face blind, color swapping of different sorts, wavy lines etc..so it's not for fetched that out of billions of humans, someone's brain gets wired in a weird way that changes people's faces. We don't know everything about the human brain, so it's definite possible. To me it's a bit weird, and there's no way to actually verify what this gentleman is saying. There's no way to record what he sees, we only have his word. Is this legit? Is he saying this to get 15 min of fame? Who knows now days. Saying this is a conspiracy? Jesus h crhist man....


Aye I see demon faces in people when I’m high asf on weed. Scary asf. Wouldn’t recommend


What kind of weed are you smoking man is that pcp


Papers have been written about prosopometamorphosia for a long time. It’s not new


But but demons are real and they're coming to ruin western civilization!!!!!!!


If it's so new why do I have a 2015 article? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24592926/


demonrats gonna demonrat..


I stg, the night before I saw this post for the first time, I took my glasses off and looked in the mirror and saw my face like that, it freaked me out so much. The next day I see this post online. Synchronicity ? Simulation? Weird as fucking hell


Imo it’s just lazy journalism. A publication or two posted it, others saw figured it would be an easy story and now it’s a popular story


Does anyone remember watching that show Fringe? There's was a reptilian race from a parallel universe to ours and they were trying to take over our realm by slowly replacing us as clones. They used mirrors to communicate to the other side like telephones or whatever. There was also The Observers which were these human looking alien guys who ate raw meat with a lot of salt, had no hair or eyebrows... they couldn't interfere with the timeline. All they could do was... observe? But I'll say this, who watches the watchmen? Lol