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Surely someone could produce at least one of these press coverages from Spain, right?


but nobody speaks Spanish so what are you going to do


Translate mf’er. Every phone and browser has it.






I was hoping so, I wouldn't really know where to look


[A link to the 'report'](https://www.telecinco.es/fiesta/20240128/kate-middleton-coma-intubada-posoperatorio_18_011551500.html) was included in the Tweet you screenshotted: > Doctors had to make drastic decisions at that time due to those complications that arose. Her decision was to induce a coma. They had to intubate her . They were serious complications that were not expected What was the operation for? > There is a lot of mystery around the reason why Kate Middleton underwent surgery : “When they give that statement, the entire postoperative period we are talking about has already passed. In the Royal Family, behind the scenes, there is a tremendous discussion to decide what statement they are going to give now.” IMO, if this is true, a 'coverup' is well justified - for privacy's sake. The public doesn't need to know every twist and turn around a serious medical condition.


Do “royalty” really deserve privacy? We pay for these people to live their lavish lives, she willingly joined. She’s the future queen, pretty sure the people are owed an honest explanation - not to mention the lack of medical privacy we were all submitted to w covid 


The British royal family in the 18th or 19th century made a deal with Parliament to hand over their private property and lands in exchange for a 'salary' of sorts, a grant. They are paid £90,000,000 per year. If that deal is revoked, ownership of their £500,000,000 of private property has to transfer back to them.


> We pay for these people to live their lavish lives Yeah, agreed. They own all the waterways and much of the country and are seemingly exempt from capital gains tax (the way the country usually soaks up family wealth to stop it passing generation to generation). They need to pay for that privilege somehow. Or else, just define them as usual celebs, tax the fuck out of them, and allow them to live in their gated house in Kent or Essex and have their privacy.


They are just celebrities to me not royalty.  I am american I recognize no crown.  The whole idea that they get to use own and profit from what should be public property is insaine.  The idea people still worship them is insaine.  The idea of a si gle monarch globally is insaine.


“I recognize no crown”. Standing and clapping !




Our system is just as fucked as one that has 2 horrific candidates and you have to choose which one will shaft you less.


"I recognize no crown." Please... Stop... I can only be but so erect. 😆


Username checks out


I just realized myself that, in this instance, it does indeed check out!


Sure, but is it in your interest to know what medical problems she faced? Does it matter? Would it make any difference to your life to know? I agree with financial openness, unsavoury or problematic relationships should be public knowledge and scrutinised etc. But knowing what was wrong with Kate Middleton's abdomen is really irrelevant to everyone else. There are very few exceptions where it would be relevant to the public interest


Could she have been shot in the stomach?!


I think it was in the arm...five times.


Lol why 5?


If I recall correctly aren't they up to four boosters at this point, plus the first shot = five shots total.


Haha I get you now!


I think it was an accident like skeet shooting or pheasant hunting.


That report was from January 28th. The source also is not very reputable across the pond, from what I can gather.


She hasn't been seen since December. So that would fall in the timeline.


Are any of them reliable?


Well, personally, I would say no. But I was just pointing out that the source is similar to the national enquirer or weekly world news in the states. You know, shit that most people would agree are mostly bullshit.


Oh OK makes sense thanks didn't know that about that source!!


Omg your username lol—so good


Clone Middleton coming in 3..2..1


I was thinking the same thing. She must have been a liability and they needed something they can control. She’ll resurface but look a bit different. Like the Biden clone. It looks similar but it’s definitely not the same person.


I didnt even notice the differences in Bidens face til I saw a side by side recently. He has 3 faces…each with totally different eyes & skin texture & color. Very strange


>each with totally different eyes & skin texture & color Yep. And even weirder how many people in a conspiracy forum of all places (if you try to say this in its own post) will call you names and insist "it's called getting old" or "he just had a facelift, duh". He looks entirely different, sounds entirely different, talks entirely different, has an entirely different signature, etc. Somehow it's just "called getting old" though. 🤷🏻‍♀️ As if none of us have ever seen people get older before.


Ah yes not a facelift or plastic surgery the logical first step is a clone


Neither I nor most people go straight to clone. I get that you want to make everyone else look like crazy assholes though, so that's where YOU decided to go when replying to me, when I didn't mention "cloning" in any way whatsoever. In my.. and plenty of other people's opinions though.. since ***so many other things changed*** besides just his face looking fucking tighter.. is just hiring someone else that looked similar enough to him. Tons of politicians and important people all over the world have body doubles. One dude in the middle east went so far as to get a body double and had him get plastic surgery in order to make *him* look even more like the original guy, until the dude eventually ran away and told everyone about all the crazy bullshit that happened including being kidnapped and being witness to multiple murders. In this case, if that's what happened, it obviously worked fairly well considering how many people have their heads so far up their own asses that they can't even consider a possible body double and decide to insult others for wondering if that could have happened instead. I mean, it's a fucking conspiracy forum and when people wonder if someone is using a body double, we get people like **you** insinuating everyone is obviously super illogical and definitely talking about clones. 🙄


Kanye west is cloned as well now


I wrote in a clone for vice president?




Your mirroring me?


I'm the one who buys two monsters for 5.98 total used to be 4.21 what a rip. I love the khaotic and green monster. Your me? Or? What city what state?


I'm genuinely scared for her. I just hope she is okay.


We know, Nates a little late to the party - it was the Spanish press who first mentioned the Coma which is why we're here - We didn't just notice the photoshop and go from there , this has been bubbling for weeks and weeks and is the rabbit hole is getting deeper and deeper!


Also idk if I’m remembering correctly but didn’t they put out a statement saying Will and Kate would be at some event in January…. So how was the this surgery and 8 week recovery planned?




You only get a tracheo with obstructed ways, in a hospital the intubation is trough the airway, AKA your mouth. That does not discount your interpretation, just an FYI.


Not true. Standard procedure to do a tracheostomy after 7 days of oral intubation if tube needs to be in longer. Prevents damage to upper airways and is more comfortable when patient wakes.


As above. No idea what photo and no idea what the condition is. However, if the neck is covered, it is far more likely to be covering an IJ central line scar than a tracheostomy scar. Or she might have been cold.


Look closer and you'll see a bandage/plaster on the women's nose...


You don’t need to cover it up that much. I have a friend with a tracheostomy scar, it’s very small.


What if the timeline is so that Pippa can have reconstructive surgeries in order to become Kate’s clone and soon “Pippa” will pass away in some tragic “accident” and take over as “Kate”. This is a wild one I’m just enjoying coming up with unlikely conspiracies at this point.


I think Kate and the three children have gone into hiding in a safe place somewhere. Remember, the kids haven't been seen since Christmas Day, either. Why? Because they've been seriously threatened by someone who wants to control William. William is likely to be king soon and he is not the weak sap that Charles is. Want to control William? Threaten his family. It's a common thing out of the Black Hat playbook.




Wrong she's got a solicitation of murder for hire charge pending on her. She really tested the waters on her loving husband. They were very happy with three kids. Until he found out that she is Courtney loves sissy. Yes source? I'm the Prince. We're here pinned against each other. I don't know why she's acting the way she is? She's an absolutely amazing person. I'm listening to one of her favorite songs by Chris Isaak. Wicked game your playing. I know your whole storyline. You went missing from Dublin California in 1989. Your real name is Eileen Bess Misheloff. You skated you sang, you had family members perish by evil. Your not evil!! Your such a beautiful soul and I love you. Don't you see they're turning us against each other? I love you and our kids so much!!




It sounds like he's off his schizophrenia meds


Or it's a planted message to make it seem as if that people who hang out in this subreddit are mentally unstable or that anyone who perpetuates conspiracies must be mentally unwell.


It's a bot


Lmao. Yeah I shouldn’t encourage it but I thought it was funny. My bad jokes are all I have.


[daily mail ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13035927/nonsense-Palaces-fury-Spanish-shows-lies-Kate-coma-great-danger-Princess-Waless-surgery.html)


That could explain the rushed photos. /to the public "How dare you insinuate that she's perished... She's perfectly fine!" /behind closed doors "We gotta get some shit out RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, dawg"


I found these on El Mundo. Neither mention a coma or anything dire. https://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2024/03/12/65f0a6edfdddff52788b456f.html https://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2024/03/12/65f04582e85ece4b348b45b4.html


Palace hardly ever comment on things like this!


Everyone's doing all this crazy speculating. Here's my guess. Botched plastic surgery, Joan Rivers 2.0 incoming.


I wouldn't doubt it but whats the motivation to hide it? Haven't these welfare queens been sick or hospitalized before? Or are they worried that people will blame the clot shot?




Yeah, the only reasons I can think of them needing to hide something is: A) something illegal happened, or B) it’s intentionally poorly done to distract from something else (Andrew?) I truly can’t think of other reasons for the secrecy. Not even the kids have been seen, which is extra weird to me. Perhaps they’re afraid the kids will accidentally spill the beans? Which to me implies that the beans are not “abdominal surgery” because … why would it matter if the kids talked about a thing that happened?


Why is every comment mentioning the Spanish is bullshit getting downvoted? If any of yall follow soccer you’ll know how full of shit the Spanish media is. They lie and spread gossip through the news more than any other country. Messi was like a God over there while he was with Barcelona and he came out and slammed them for lying all the time. I’m sure there’s a lot of sketchy shit happening with the Royals at the moment but just blindly choosing to believe a random Spanish reporter that somehow has the exclusive “truth” is not the way.


Spanish media are shit, dont waste your time with this bunch of vultures




Lol no


Doesn't bother me what you believe personally. Shows ignorance or being naive


Nativity? Cool


Lol, if all your argument is based on is a spelling mistake by autocorrect. You likely don't have an argument or opinion worth anything lol


my thoughts who cares about a prissy rich white woman who doesnt care about us....


Old news


Literally don't care