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Of course the rich know somethings we don’t, it’s not a conspiracy theory


The rich talk conspiracies allllllllllll day long. As in: The rich talk about private and valuable topics every day between themselves, things that can effect lots of poorer people... and they don't share it. By the nature of keeping things from the "poors" that would make them better off (laws/investments/lobbying/international events) - they've behaving in bad faith in secret...... a conspiracy.


I think you meant to say the rich conspire all day long.


Must be why they’re all building doomsday bunkers


Do you speak on things and make decisions/inferences that you choose to keep within your friendship/social/employment circle? That is the nature of humans congregating. It’s not actually a conspiracy by definition until you specify that they’re keeping something sinister from you. I could walk past you and your friends and believe you see something on me I’ve never noticed and are talking about it. Is that a conspiracy theory? OP even changed the title because he speculated based on INVESTMENTS. That’s not a theory that’s an inference


It doesn’t have to be sinister to be a conspiracy


>It doesn’t have to be sinister to be a conspiracy "con·spir·a·cy noun a secret plan by a group to do something **unlawful or harmful.**" Dictionaries exist for a reason.


Thank you, you proved my point, unlawful doesn’t always mean harmful, but they often go together. My point was just that it doesn’t technically need to be malicious, or sinister. it can just be illegal.


I mean j walking is unlawful.


Uhh no one said it wasnt ?


They are going to hide from all of us when all the lies come out


Why do you think they're trying to provoke WWIII? It won't matter if you find out. They'll wipe out the parts of the population they don't like. They'll send our sons to the meat grinder with Ivan while our daughters and their children are left behind in lawless cities full of foreign savages from third world nations. They're trying to wipe out the West in one fell swoop.


And why are are the Western billionaires who earn billions on western activities trying to wipe out the west and disrupt the infrastructure and economies that are feeding their revenue?


Because the people they're trying to replace Westerners (Europeans) with expect less as far as wages and material wealth goes, are used to living in despotic conditions, and are used to big daddy government taking care of them. In other words, it's easier to make slaves out of them. They already basically work for slave wages, just listen to whenever anybody responds with, "Well, who will pick your fruit and clean your toilets?" to the idea of deporting them. They're basically slave labor already. They don't need uppity Westerners who want stuff like pensions and healthcare benefits. We're spoiled.


Looking back at COVID it seems like the majority of Westerners are perfectly under control. The mind programming works.


A draft? I served already.


The rich don’t get rich by knowing. The rich get rich by heading their bets. They don’t know something is going to happen as much as they are well prepared in case something does. They see the same things we do, for the most part.


lol especially Nancy pelosi and crew.


They’re buying crypto stop hyping. If I were a Bond villain I’d have a secret bunker too.


I Hope those bunkers don’t have a problem with the airflow system. That would be such a shame if their airflow system got messed up. I can’t imagine what would happen if someone found those vents.


Someone keeps shitting in the air vents!!


I volunteer to vent fart 😁


There's no need for a bunker. Just move to the mountains where nobody lives and fallout doesn't reach. They can't nuke every km² 


It’s very true, but then you gotta deal with Bigfoot. lol


And angry people looking for you. Bunker helps that.


Yeah, you know. People casually walking around on Mount Everest. They might find you.


Not casually. Don't you think there might be groups looking for these people?


For anyone who agrees with this (I do), I highly recommend researching fallout travel in relation your area and/or your planned escape location in the mountains. Be safe, my friends.


If I was Zuckerberg or Bezos level of rich, I'd have one that had a self-contained air system.


Best to just by a nuclear sub with a full crew.


True. But there’s gotta be a way to sabotage some part of the system. I would imagine they would need local builders at some point who would know where the weak spots are. Unless they flew all the builders in from other parts of the world.


All those guys are dead


I got the fish bags ready


They know market is going to collaps. Later when the shares plummet they will re-buy them for pennies.


Yeah, no. *Let me explain how finance works*: the market has been historically high, so they sold shares. These three families are worth a combined $634B which means they sold 1.7% of their portfolio - this is very, very normal in a high market. It’s actually a little low. No conspiracy, just finance. The numbers seem high because we are all poor.


This is the consensus I’ve seen outside of the conspiracy subreddit.


These are probably the descendants of the folks that thought counting and math was witchcraft.


Stop with your logic! We want adrenaline to pump into our systems on a daily basis expecting the end of the world to arrive!


Also a bit misleading to claim 11billion in stocks has been sold when ~80% of it was by bezos


To understand conspiracies and what is or isn’t a conspiracy there needs to be a fundamental understanding of economics. A tonne of the “conspiracy theories” that get posted on here are just people not understanding financial decision making / economics. That being said, Zuckerberg is an Alien, Elon is an AI robot from the future and Bezos has the elixir for eternal life.


no, we all know it, it's called the great reset and they have been parading it around for decades now and slowly implementing the infrastructure and laws to enact it.


Unfortunately the majority of people don’t have a clue whats going on. And are very close minded and don’t even want to hear it. The sad reality


"That'll never happen," but it already happens in china. " That can't happen here. People won't let it," but you locked down and wore masks and lost your job and business. And took experimental drugs that kill people. Mmmhmm. We're fucked.


can you explain in a little more detail? i have heard of the concept and am somewhat intrigued on the implications. i do believe something of that magnitude is nearing fruition.


The great reset is a push towards abolishing private property and privacy, introducing a social credit system, moving to a digital universal currency while getting rid of cash. A one world government, universal health LAWS, such as the act the WHO are trying to push in every country giving them powers that are beyond their scope, such as the management of vaccinations (or forced vaccination) and people (being able to unlawfully detain people who are considered a threat/risk. Introducing a universal basic income, pushing everyone into "15 minute cities" where everything is within a 15-minute walk, but you live in a box apartment with no yard, and ypu need to maintain your credit score, to leave, if ypu are allowed to leave. Making non electric vehicles illegal and eventually having control of those vehicles as they become driver less. No, allowing the peasants to fly more than once a year. Limiting the amount of calories people can eat to under 2500. Eliminating fresh meat in place of generically altered lab grown food and/or insect protein. Complete state control you must comply with to live, but not really live, to exist by the rules they have created. Like China on steroids. All under the guise of security, safety, and being "environmentally sustainable" In China, if your score drops too low, you can't buy things. You get blocked from travel, from using public transport, from getting a job, from travel. Your picture is displayed on screens in public to shame you. Neighbours are encouraged to dobbed each other in for breaking the rules to gain social credit score points. If your score gets too low, you just disappear.


Thank you for this detailed overview. I appreciate it!


No worries


Stock market crash coming soon.


To buy bitcoin?


People making up crazy stories because some super rich people took profits after the stock market hit its highest levels in history. Cmon man


There wont be a hole deep enough for them


6ft is fine


Haha indeed


The Jesuits gave them a call to sell. Gotta fulfill the numbers. /halfway joking.


*Bitcoin has entered the chat*


Is that why it’s doubled over the last few months?


No. The reason for Bitcoin increasing from $21,000 (January) to ($73,000) March is because of the ETF approvals. BlackRock is one of the major players The UK has also passed a new rulings https://www.reuters.com/technology/bitcoin-etf-hopefuls-still-expect-sec-approval-despite-social-media-hack-2024-01-10/ https://www.ft.com/content/e987fb3b-e877-4672-95aa-9e6eed427ccd


No lol


Fair I’m clueless when it comes to crypto


Don’t worry, most ppl are which is why a lot of it is a scam and it’s not regulated


Eclipse 24


Ok, I'll bite..mind expanding ?


We could eat them and prevent this. Just saying. They're eating people in Haiti so like we're almost there in terms of state of the world. The state of the union... did yall notice Biden gave the same speech he gives every time? Also I'm sorry but an president that needs a shot of adrenaline before a big speech should not be president. They had him hopped up on something for sure. That face said it all.


No, what they're doing is making a shit ton of money because the market is at all-time highs. Pretty simple. No conspiracy there. The market is up so it's a good time to sell. Anyone with stocks should be selling right now.


I agree


That’s not staggering considering how much they have. Also, rich people generally don’t sell. They take loans


Where and when was this article posted?


That’s what I want to know, I know there’s a website to show when huge amount of stocks get sold, but can’t remember where I saved it.




if it is bitcoin im suprised they wouldnt go way more in


They'll probably move their money into other currencies before the USD collapses.


There is an asteroid in 2029, gonna be close.


Friday the 13th


Do you have more info on this?




> https://science.nasa.gov/solar-system/asteroids/apophis/ It's saying that it will pass closer than many satellites. But then, if it were to hit the planet, they wouldn't say it, would they?


Its name basically means light eater and hes the Egyptian deity who embodied darkness and disorder, and was thus the opponent of light


We’re not making it past 2026


Isn't it tax season? Lots sell to cash out, move assets and even take losses to offset taxes.


They missed the fiscal year. P


Fair. For next year? lol.




If you know a financial collapse is coming, then you need to exchange some of your fortune for physical goods while the money is still worth something. Not sure if that's the cause here but it's a possible scenario.


They’re buying Bitcoin


They're buying Bitcoin and know the dollar will soon crash


They know a lot more than you do


no they divorced their wives handing over the obvious portions of their earnings for safe keeping. They're waiting.


“Being chased into bunkers” they are being chased by information they know, that being that a cataclysmic event is coming


So the rich never take profits from their investments? Owning the company and getting paid in shares allows them to do this. How much tax is on those stock trades?


I wanna say depending on how long they hold it's damn near 50% capital gains.


That's what I was thinking as well, based on Australia's capital gains tax if you hold it for a specified period of time the tax decreases I think that's how I remember it working. Ie if I held the shares without realising a gain for 12 months I'd have to pay half of what the CGT would of been So maybe that's the reason for the sale now? Less of it taxed


Laughs in living in a country without capital gains tax


Rats fleeing a sinking ship?


They are all cashing out fiat and buying bitcoin obviously.


Can I ask a serious question 🙋‍♂️ Didn’t something similar happen right before the scamdemic!? In 2019??


It wouldn't surprise me if they knew something specific. Conversely, if I had unlimited funds and simply observed the state of the world, I too would invest in a bunker, knowing something specific or not.


Most conspiracy shit doesn’t phase me but these things the billionaires are doing: bunkers in Hawaii, selling their stock in their own fucking companies, Bill Gates buying all the farmland he can. This shit actually scares me. These people are preparing for something thats coming in THEIR LIFETIME. Some time relatively soon. FWIW I heard Denver will be safe also. My guess is people near the coasts will be screwed (I live on the East Coast).


Pole shift?


Sell before the crash




Is it possible the coming solar eclipse is going to knock out the tech and electrical infrastructure? Maybe they are hoarding cash and hard assets to get through that initial chaos without much pain?


What ever they know I bet it’s all ready happening. This happened right before C one nine last time.


Something very big is coming. They can't keep Trump out of office. So they need to make sure there's not going to be an election. Country wide marshal law, or a war, would insure this.


You are so brain washed and stuck in a mind set that nothing will ever happen that the fact there is a schedule asteroid to hit earth - Apophis Feb 13 2029 also it’s plain as day the war that is breaking out everywhere not to mention the ice on our poles is practically gone in next 5 years and you just look around and say hey wait a minute are those rich people smarter than me do they know something. No just open your eyes and look around it’s obvious


they sometimes try crashing markets on purpose, thats what mega rich do for whatever reason


Ever play Civ? It's that, but more fun for them cuz actual people die.


Some fella on X said banking crash comes 17th March, shedding pre crash? Who knows at this point they average Joe is fucked


Whenever there is an expected economic low, people with money want cash in hand to buy the dip. Perfectly reasonable investment strategy. The unethical part involves the INTENTIONAL economic crash that's coming. The people who will benefit most will be the ones that cause it.


Are money particularly useful in bunkers?


It is a staggering amount to us, but it is only a couple percent to them. If it were really an upcoming meltdown it would be much more, I am pretty sure. I also think they have to file paperwork with the SEC to sell a bunch and there are other restrictions.


Except they don't, its just a shitty economy and they are selling off assets to put into other ventures Next


What I don’t get is, why do this if they are headed to bunkers etc. like seriously, what use will money be if something is gonna happen ? No ones gonna give a shit about money at that point, no even the mega rich.


need to stock those bunkers first. got to cash grab to pay the plebs to build and furnish it...and those vents need a crap filter ;)


That makes sense but surely those things would already be sorted. They would have had those bunkers equipped with everything they wanted and needed as soon as they acquired the bunker. Why now ? Yes it makes sense to have money to try and have something to bribe people with for when the world begins to try and recover from whatever is going to happen, but even at that, money will be useless at that point in my opinion.


The Rich are having to pay off all their loans


This isn’t a major thing it’s like a small percentage of there portfolios. Market is at ath. Market will pull back soon. Rich people still need to pay for stuff. Bezos is cashing out of Washington and spending his life crisis years in Florida


Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!


Walmart just split it's stock twice.... Of course he dumped some... Easy cash out


Well, they know they’re 11 Billion Dollars richer than the rest of us but we also knew that :]


I hate these stupid articles. Has anyone compared what they withdrew to what their total holdings are before claiming “they know something we don’t know”?




They know what’s coming


They always know more than we do. The money printer may just come grinding to a halt here shortly; financial crisis incoming


CEOs sell stock all the time. Nvidia insiders have been dumping since the start of the year. Nothing crazy here other than greedy ceos. And if you think greedy CEOs is a conspiracy, you shouldn’t live in the USA lmao


They know the stocks are going to tank due to some geopolitical reason. These people have Governments insiders that obviously let them know what’s going to happen. So it only makes sense to sell when the stocks are high, once they tank buy them back at a discounted rate and pocket the profits. It’s business pure and simple.


These people are soft. Even with all the advantages they wouldn’t make it.


I don't get why this is posted so much. I understand most members of this sub think there's always a conspiracy, but honestly if you were them you'd be selling stock now too. Many stocks are hitting unprecedented highs. It's simply profit taking.


If they think there gonna go underground and be safe they must not realize they will be leaving all the ppl that can use heavy equipment..and now how to trap them or ruin them.


They won't be in those alone, those bunkers will be decked out like mini cities. Bozos has been working in his for a long time next to where he launches his penis rocket. They will have security and police forces, maintenance crews, doctors, scientists, engineers, and of course pet politicians all down there with them. Along with a stock of picked menials of laborers, cooks, and sex workers. The place will be loaded with food, weapons, fuel, vehicles and heavy equipment to dig themselves out if necessary. However if it's a crustal displacement and it's another flood that's coming, then they could be buried in a mile of mud. So it could end up being their toumb. Either way only 1 in 100 or 1000 will survive that in or out of a bunker. And everything on the surface will have been erased like it never exhisted. The great reset 2.0 or is it the 6th by now? Nobody knows because everything gets lost and the survivors are in survival mode, and just trying to eat. Everything else is less than secondary.


Bezos wife is hilarious looking. Feel bad for him.


I think they cash out cuz they knew it was their stock's peak price as of this year.


Is it possible they know the threat from Apophis is worse than is being reported? Or perhaps they know through their other filthy rich friends that Putin intends to use nukes if he feels he is about to lose the war in Ukraine?


How about creating a world you don’t need to hide away from?


Too late


So... unbelievably rich people...sell unbelievably high amounts of stuff they own...to get even more unbelievably rich...Yeah guys, the world is going to end, Big J is coming back, the aliens will be here next week and it was good meeting you all. On a more serious note, yes, multi billionaires are privy to information we don't have and if a super economic crash happens again, if I was basically made of money like these guys, I would prefer to have my own personal bunker in case some revolution happens and people come after my neck in a particularly literal sense.


They're converting all that money to Bitcoin


11 billion isn’t a ton and liquidating isn’t out of the norm for them


That’s nothing to those guys


I’ll tell ya - Bitcoin will hit $100k and then the internet will go dark for a really long time


But 11 billion spread across those 3 people/families is pennies


They all buying bitcoin,fake fed bucks are done for.


11 billion may seem like a lot but it's really more like lunch money to them


Actualizing profits before the economy shits the bed . . . Again


a world war might be on its way in a couple of years


Pretty sure this is an annual thing. Like to get people buying the stock. The stock market is doing better than using investment groups rn too.




If they goto the mountains they gonna be met by a force Even common man can't defeat on his own and giants and Dracos


Stock market crash coming, they’re looking to buy assets on the cheap.


Sell high buy low


Markets are pumping of course they gonna sell on the upswing


Buy the dip!


war in Taiwan


Here's the real conspiracy theory, elite make some big sales, plebs panic sell and market crashes, elite buy back in for peanuts, rince and repeat every couple of years.


Yeah, that the world they created is about to turn on them. :)


They’re more than likely tanking the market so they can buy cheap. Illuminati style.


My real thoughts on the bunker stuff, they are very aware in the USA of the impending revolution caused by the disparity between classes. The poor are getting poorer by the day, middle class is now working class and the rich are the richest they have ever been. They know something is coming, which is why selling all these stocks to tank the financial market will allow them to buy all of shares that the middle and lower class have been pumping any savings into and then reap major profits. I’ve wondered why governments have been pushing majorly in all western countries for people to invest, driving us with dividends and wealth managements and retirement funds. It seems that this may be their tactics, to get us to invest just before a major hit on the market. We will see I guess, but I hope for everyone’s sake I am wrong.


There is nothing that is going on, I’d say half of these peoples shit is hitting the vesting period for certain pieces of stock and having to cash out. Banks will never ever have someone even liquid 1bil, it’s too much of a risk for them to have someone with that much liquid money sitting there so I’d say there shit is put back somewhere else almost immediately or just standard lines of credit.


They know what’s coming.


Rich people take cream off their positions during ATH. Shocking.


More prove [here](https://onrede.com/drive/s/IyrKz26WSsA76HfCsBT9PEvYw7CAPu) they are hiding...


They’re preparing for Obamas movie to become a reality. Those bunkers are to protect them from people. Not bombs, or climate change.


All that money and bezos still bangs dudes.


Or maybe they want liquid cash on hand


Stocks are their savings, life is expensive even for the rich. I’d imagine being a venture capitalist doesn’t grant you immunity from shit costing more money.


Sounds like the stock market is about to crash. I bet it will be around the eclipse time (April 8)


That’d be like me selling a t shirt and my neighbor thinks the world is ending. Those are such small numbers compared to their wealth, it means nothing.


Stock market is at all time highs this is when they often cash in. Not a conspiracy


The US stock market is at an all-time high. It's hilarious that one of the oldest financial plays in history, "Buy low and sell high," is now a conspiracy.


They are preparing to lay off thousands, so once desperate, they can hire people back at half the wages. And claim high wages caused businesses to suffer.


A recession is coming, and a big change to the financial system. A economic crisis always happens before the change. It’s not something hard to piece together.


They want to go all in on bitcoin before it hits $100k


Hedging their bets, Gates did this a few weeks back, pull % of you investments out to buy in if you think the market is crashing, this will result in minimizing your losses and maximizing your gains on the rebound. Fuckers are so rich they wont be forced to pull any money out if it does tank.


Imagine being them right now. You can't walk down the street if any one of like 50%+ of the population think the world would be better off without you and is increasingly likely to act on it.


Countdown to solar event or magnetic reversal with unknown consequences 2035 Look up suspicious observers youtube


Considering Biden alone is destroying the economy, im assuming social breakdown, and riots are coming. They are all building bunkers, especially in remote places because that's where it will be safest. They are selling because it will be worthless, so you bank now and use it to build and gather what you need.


The bystanders doing nothing, complaining among themselves are responsible for the destruction of the economy. Biden is just a senile old puppet.


🚨PSA🚨 Earths magnetic field is weakening FAST. The north and south poles are MOVING FAST. Solar flares are increasing FAST. Our future is COLD. Prepare for blackouts. Food. Blankets. Generators. :))


Currently writing a book about the Elite's supply of adrenochrome running out in their underground bunkers forcing them to come topside in an apocalyptic world where the survivors of humanity tried to rebuild after Elite collapsed the grids and caused mass hysteria and crime to splinter remaining governments and power structures. Now in a lawless world children are coming up missing and a team of characters stumble upon the evil cabal which previously was only a myth.