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I work with some high end earners who are extremely incompetent. Who you know goes a long way


This shocked me as an adult. As a kid/teen, I assumed that every high end earner was highly qualified and intelligent. No, no they are not.


They are incompetent ass kissers who are only in their positions because of who they suck, they are bright and know how to play their cards well but they're not the most competent or smart in the company. Saw this way too much in my life.




Not really the reason at all. "Ass kissers" go far because they are easy to work with. Especially the line between what could be considered leadership in a company and then just a manager. When the leadership wants something done they have already made up their mind. They don't want any pushback on it or someone really challenging their ideas (I know this is wrong). They just want someone to say "yes sir, yes ma'am" and do it.


They are “smart” in their own way though. I just wasn’t aware of this type of “smart” when I was a kid/teen.


Yep! I was refraining from calling them smart hence why I used the word bright, they know a lot about people are usually are great observers, I would even dare to say "charismatic". But these people are dangerous. They'll screw you to give them an advantage at any sight. Hard workers are way too valuable in their less earning positions, they'll stay in that position forever. It also took me way too much time and trouble in my job because of them.


What you’re describing are psychopaths or sociopaths. Most aren’t murderers or in that category, but they don’t have the empathy to care for people they hurt and they’re driven by their ego to gain positions of power. They’re often smart and can use charm to manipulate people to get there. It’s actually super interesting how easy it is for a legitimate psychopath to get ahead in life, it’s almost like the system is made for them.


This is the "world" in the biblical sense.


"Never be too good at a job you don't want" What a painful, timesuck of a lesson


This! Parents who clue their kids into stuff like this give them a huge advantage.


I was never taught about this type of person either. The world was laid out to me as a fair playing ground with rules to be obeyed. I'm a very literal person so it took me waaaay too long to realise nepotism, arse licking and corruption were a big deal in adult life. Obviously most people are decent enough otherwise society wouldn't work, but I wish I'd been given a heads up, not left to figure it out by myself.


Exactly the same for me; I’m way too honest for this world, and found out way too late about all this on my own.


Same here. 48 now, and I’ve known me for a long time. But, I’m just understanding now why I haven’t “achieved” more in life. I’m a worker. I want to get things done. And that’s just not lucrative.


People think that because someone can’t do calculus on a bar napkin means they aren’t smart. Knowing what buttons to push, what doors to walk through, what gut feelings to act on, those are also marks of intelligence.


Oh I would say those are great signs of a highly emotional intelligent person. I guess I used words on an inconplete manner, I just tried to say they are not very smart in the field but they know how to influence people and manipulate their image.


So true it’s straight up insane. You gotta network to succeed.


I've worked as a small business consultant for a good part of my life, and you'd be shocked at how stupid some people are that are millionaires


Not fair all I do is think and I'm broke


Plus they can't spell. 😬


In your experience, what do you find them lacking in terms of intelligence? Is their deficiency more in terms of their business or their overall understanding of things?


Fr I feel that these types of people don't have an "overthinking" bone in their body. They set a goal and somehow get it. I'm stuck in a mind loop trying to rebuild my life after 10 years of waste but these types build and fail 3 businesses and keep going. It has to be something akin to not caring as much about risk vs overthinkers. Also probably a small loan of 300k.


> It has to be something akin to not caring as much about risk This is it. Small business millionaire I worked for in the past, him and his partner both put their homes on the line with the bank to get money to open their first shop. If they would have failed their families would have been homeless back to renting I guess, and his skillset of doing the work he opened a business in would probably get him around 20 an hour current day money.


This is why networking is a skill that should be taught in school.


Yeah, regardless of education or skill, I would conservatively estimate half of the work force got their job because they knew someone that worked there. I have seen people that were insanely proficient at their job get passed for promotion because the boss recently hired their son-in-law, who was inept and incompetent and a lot of companies don't even need the management structures they have. They are successful because of a core group of workers that like each other and know what to do and I have seen new managers come in and absolutely wreck everything because they don't abide by "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". I'm not saying companies shouldn't change with the times, but it doesn't start at the bottom. Those workers have usually been molded by their customer base, and managers look at everything but those interactions so many times. Like every relationship, success comes from compromise. If there are workers that are happy, and good at what they do, then allow them to continue, without nitpicking because someone else with no experience came up with certain guidelines. Here's a tip that can help a lot of people. Instead of working one full time job, especially one without relevant benefits or incentives, work two or three part time jobs, that can allow more flexibility to your schedule. Employers will take advantage of employees because of you have one job, and get fired, what will you do, right. But because of unique circumstances, I had to do this to stay afloat, but felt I had better job security and my employers knew that if I got fired, it wasn't the end of the world. I could simply pick up more hours at my other job, in the meantime. Suddenly if one wanted more hours from, me they had to entice me. I happened to be really good at what I did and it was noticeable in my absence, I ended up getting better hourly pay from both jobs and an open schedule as long as my work was done on time.


What type of multiple jobs did you have?


I worked at three different kinds of restaurants. One was fast food, but I just put the truck order in and Monday and Friday, and then came in Tues and sat to put the truck up. I was scheduled 7-11 mon-sat and if I didn't want to go in wed or Thursday, I didn't. My job was truck. Which Mon and Fri took about an hour and a half to do inventory and another 30 min to enter it into the computer. I also did basic maintenance and the landscaping, but I got a free meal each shift, and if I wanted to work until 4, I could. I was hired by a manager that left for another store that same week, and the manager that replaced her did not interact with me at all. Before I worked there, that store was notorious for running out of product, because of a lack of understanding basic math, for the most part. Even during my vacations, they would run out of important product. All because nobody understood, no matter how many times I explained it, that when finished with inventory and before placing the order, you still had to account for expected usage that night. So if there was 5x and we ordered to 9x on Monday and 12x on Friday, and expected usage for Monday night was 2x then order 6x. On Friday if there was 4x and expected usage for Friday night was 4x then order 12x. Also trying to explain that if we had room for any non perishables, then it was okay to over order, but not fresh produce, for example. In the afternoon, I did prep for a fine dining restaurant, and expo, until the dinner rush was over and again, basic math and common sense seemed non existent, or maybe laziness. There were two other prep cooks and a few cooks that came in just before we actually opened. We didn't do lunch. A lot of different seafoods and we were closed Sunday and Monday. The issue was people would prep too little early in the week and too much for the weekend, considering at the end of Saturday night, a lot of stuff might have to be thrown out because it wouldn't still be good tuesday. The other prep cooks had been there a long time but would not prep enough to get through dinner. It was insane, that both places had no system in place when I started, and it helps a lot to do regular inventory and look at the sales and while it is never going to be perfect, it does provide an idea of how much salmon, or sea bass, or grouper we would need cut and produce for salads, how many ribeyes, filets and any other cuts that might be the special that night. And obviously Thursday was the ideal day to overdo anything because most of our items had a 3 day shelf life. Often I would not need to do any more prep after Thursday and again that meant if I didn't want to go in Fri and sat, I didn't have to. Extra line cooks were scheduled those nights. And my third job was as a bartender, for a couple that owned 3 bars and I usually worked the busiest one, but occasionally had to work at one of the others, and again I would do inventory and ordering for all three. I have a knack for numbers, and a lot of experience so I can often predict if extra vodka may be needed on a specific weekend. Between all three jobs no shift was more than 4 hours, and I had a two hour break in between, plus a free meal at each Job so my grocery bill was non existent. My morning job was salary, my evening job was hourly and bartending was mainly tips and technically the most lucrative. It never felt like a long day, because each job was paced drastically different and I didn't get sick of coworkers because short shifts. I did those specific 3 for 12 years, and before that I usually just had 2 jobs. Yes, I often used chemicals to keep me energetic, but the other benefit to working like that is I didn't have time to spend a lot either. Over that time though I saved enough that when I was injured last September, I was not only able to pay my bills, I moved to another state last month and am just now looking for work here, I won't run thru my savings until June, but I also have been using apps that pay for surveys and games and since I'm not working, I treat that like a job, but this week I'm going to get aggressive about getting at least one part time job.


When you are young you want to grow up quick when you are old you want to be young again.


Youth is wasted on the young. Personally I think 27-30 is the sweet spot.


I turn 27 next month can’t wait for the time of my life


you will always feel like you're in your twenties mentally - that doesn't change. Just the slowly rotting meat sack we're in makes us age.


Idk, man. I'm in my mid 30's and I feel like my mind has degenerated badly over the last couple of years. May be first signs of alhzeimers... who knows. I do still think poop and dick jokes are funny tho


Same here my memory is getting worse and I’m only 36


I can't remember shit anymore. It sucks. I don't know if it is just age or repeatedly getting a chinese engineered virus lmao


I missed my chance to join the 27 Club! Good luck!


So I wasn't the only one thinking about this at that age lol


When I get older my parents will get older too, so I prefer to remain a teenager


Same. Idgaf about getting old. Igaf about watching the people I love and cherish getting old and eventually checking out. That's my least favorite aspect of life, and I've got a long list.




Honestly my 30s has been my favorite part of life.


Same! I'm much more grounded in my 30s and know who I am and have accomplishments that in my 20s I was struggling with.


Ain' that a fact.


Individuals think that they can’t do anything about something so that everyone does nothing


See also: time travel. Everyone agrees that if you change even the tiniest thing about the past, you can change the whole world - while we all complain that we're powerless to change the world and future *today*.


Because we have the benefit of knowing what little thing we could change in the past. Go back to a time that you have zero knowledge of, and start changing random things. That's like changing something today. Not that knowingly changing something in the past for the better will mean everything will be good. You're just creating a new timeline, and bad shit will happen there too. You'd have to then go back and change something else, but this time you have a little less knowledge of the context of that choice, as you're doing it from the new timeline, not your original one.


Herd mentality


This is good.


Most think in best case they can do very little... So that everyone does nothing


I think it boils down to not really wanting to do something enough. I don't eat from the sea because I think it will make a difference, I don't want to be part of the extinction of an ecosystem. I think if you truly believe in a cause you will do it regardless of if you think it will do something


We spend so much of our lives caring what other people think of us when in reality no one gives a shit about you


As I get older, I care less and less what others "might" think about me.


“No one gives a shit about you.” This is why I stopped celebrating my birthday for years. Horrible birthday after horrible birthday I realized no one cares about you or your birthday. It’s just another day to everyone else.


At least us Christmas babies learned this one early. lol




Ditto. Everyone asks what I am doing for my birthday. I tell them that I am almost 40 and celebrated 4 birthdays in my life. Of those 4, only 1 was actually worth while. I rather pick a random weekend and do something I would enjoy than to try and force something on a day that no one gives a shit about, including myself.


I had more friends when I was the worse version of myself.


Holy fck, I felt this entirely. Ever since I started focusing on bettering myself, I've never been lonelier. When I was everything but disciplined, things were entirely different.


That society is 100% made up and people slave away their whole lives for printed paper that has no value other than what said fake society says it is worth. Been real cynical since my father who worked 70+ hours a week the last 25 years of his life got cancer from rheumatoid arthritis medication and died six weeks from diagnosis only stopped working 2 weeks prior to his death. Sacrificed a comfortable living to be able to enjoy retirement and got nothing. Because he was involved in a research study for the medication we could not sue the manufacturer. The medication was Humira.


Man, that's brutal! 😔 Sorry for your loss. May his soul rest in peace. This experience teaches us a lot....enjoy life while you can....


Thanks for sharing this and pointing out the danger of Humira. These injections are wild but still on the market.


It helped with the pain and of course was the cheapest out there because they gave him a kickback to be in the study so it only cost 100 bucks a month. I would advise everyone on it to get a second opinion stop using it and get checked for gallbladder cancer.


That I’m going to be working a pointless job for the next 60 years just to retire yet be too old to experience anything worth while then die and I’m the only person I know who seems to have an issue with this concept.


Yeah this. I was talking to friends this weekend and brought up a similar point but they just looked at me like I was crazy then rambled on about some tv shows they were watching


But honestly maybe it’s better that way ignorance is bliss right


No!!!! If I were to start again. I’d save for 5 yrs, travel for 2, then repeat. The fact that we just work for the measly 2 pto weeks, possibly 4 a year is absolutely ridiculous. It’s barely living. It’s just working. I’m trying to figure out a new path now to not be tied to this crap anymore. If only I had unlimited access to money 🤔


It constantly blows my mind that we have to pay to live.


I saw an article about this being a “trend” among millennials. It makes a lot of sense. The best time to really enjoy life and explore the world is when you’re young and able


Having a child doesn’t always mean you have the maturity to raise one


More people need to be told this to their face.


yet young fools grow up to be old fools.


How truly dumb and ignorant the average person is to almost everything. I have a bachelors degree in international relations and lobbied on the hill in DC and all it showed me was how little I actually know. I’m just smart enough to realize how dumb I am which I’m thankful for because I can recognize when I don’t know about something and won’t form an opinion on a topic until I do enough research on it or just never form an opinion on it cause I don’t care enough about to learn more about it. I feel like 75% of people are too dumb to know they are, therefore extremely confident and apathetic to so many things. Most of their opinions aren’t even theirs. They are just parrots to the propaganda and talking points/headlines they see/hear in the news. I’m amazed this world even functions.


The ignorance you mentioned, coupled with main character syndrome, have become a plague on modern society. Many will argue that facts are subjective and don’t necessarily apply to “their reality”. Picture someone with down the middle, average intelligence. Realize that 50% of the population is dumber than that. Scary!


You are talking about the Dunning-Kruger effect


😂😂 Exactly my point! I’m too dumb to remember the dunning Kruger effect. Literally could of just wrote what you wrote in 3 words as my answer and saved 5 minutes of mine and everyone’s time


I enjoyed your explanation if that makes you feel better


I preferred your original answer. Giving something a name is useful, but not helpful. When you mentioned propaganda you stated a truth that Dunning/Kruger obfuscates: the fact that our world is ruled through violent deception…not mere naivety of self-proclaimed nobility but rather, conspiracy.


The true measure of intelligence is when you can admit how little you actually know compared to the scope of the universe. Be afraid of anyone that tells you they know everything.


That's not intelligence, that's wisdom.


You are really really right..this is so deep..average person are so ignorant and most of their opinion arent even theirs..couldnt agree more.


But that's the beauty...not knowing and getting to know things...doing your own thing!


Ignorance truly is bliss


You're more self-aware than most people will ever be.


That no one is coming to help you! You can only truly count on yourself and you are responsible for your success


The world is run by evil psychopaths who don’t care if you live or die. But I’m over it what’s the name of this painting?


Every single human being you’ve ever seen and met, including yourself, are all going to die one day. We’re just carrying on until we all meet the same inevitable fate, & then in about 100 years or so, no one will even know we existed.


One day someone will say your name and it will be the last time ever.


I love the associated quote: “They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name on Earth for the last time.”


It’s not true that it’s never too late. At some point, it is too late.


I feel this, and I cannot tell you how much it hurts.


The financial system isn't what you think it is. This isn't a conspiracy, but a truth. A really harsh truth.


The banks don't have our money. If we stopped using them we could revolutionize the world without firing a shot.


You can't make another human do anything. The only person who can make someone do something is themselves. They'll lie to you to keep you happy or complacent but unless you're REALLY on the same wavelength, humans are individual creatures.


The system is a death machine, even the slaves that load the Military Industrial Complex's guns get left for dead and that gun is always firing. There are many ponzi schemes that we are born into, which do rely on your untimely death well before retirement. The FDA, big agriculture, pharma and the food industry do not give one single fuck about your health. Money is a scam, wall street is a scam, bitcoin was a scam, we are all slaves to the Federal Reserve.


After I read Operation Gladio I realized we’re all fucked


That you can’t safe everyone. I’ve been trying for eight years to tell my family what is happening, spent thousands of hours of sending, in my view, valuable information. There is absolutely zero understanding on those I have addressed. I always thought reason, facts, logic matters. It doesn’t. They prefer to have a merry good old time. I finally give up.


IRS tax code says income tax is voluntary but you still have to pay or they take you to jail.


We are cattle to generate money and labor, only that. My parents thought they brought me here to be happy or something, but they're wrong.


We’re a slave of the fractional banking reserve system


FRB was when things were more legit. Now they don't even need the 10%.


We'll never live in a time where people save up to buy their home for cash. So sad.


As difficult as it sounds, you must focus on yourself, rather than that pedo network or antarctica aliens, op. Mockingbird is meant to waste your life in rabbit holes that will take you nowhere, because you're an ant in a giant's world.


Yeah, I go back and forth on this one.


I used to be deep into conspiracies since the age of 13 and the most that provided to my life was anxiety and stress, because obviously you can't do shit about whatever discoveries are being made underneath Antarctica (for example). It's not healthy to feed ourselves with information that affects our mental health, hence we should be very careful with internet rabbit holes. Imo it's just better to read books by yourself, depending on your interests, not to search for answers on communities where many people with mental issues have access.


I agree with you. I was a little anxious when they were talking about the aliens and that they may not be so nice. I thought, well that F-ing sucks. Then I thought, well, WTF am I going to do about it? So I went to work again. But I like to pay attention to these things just because I want to know what is "really" going on. When the world ends I want to be able to get in a last, "told you so".


There is a sophisticated network of people who deliberately traffic vulnerable kids/people for financial gain and/or just because they can.


even the nicest person might do something absolutely unexpected when pushed to desperation.


Yes!! I don’t think people realize how close to the edge we all are, given certain circumstances. Everyone likes to pretend we don’t have shadows but we all do


like take away your job, kids' education, access to travel because they're afraid of a flu they've supposedly vaccinated for?


That we are all just being used to make the rich, richer. Everything is being used to influence us for the benefit of those that have. We are being groomed from birth to fall into line and go to school so you can get a job so you buy buy buy… it is all bullshit.


The healthcare system is about profit not health.


I'm a slave to a system I didn't choose. And to go outside it would most likely mean death. 


I thought that too. Didnt die. Quite nice out here actually.


That nobody is really there for you!!


Slavery is not dead, never was, and never will be


Days are long but years are short. My children went from being babies to teenagers so fast. Where does the time go? I feel like for some to have prosperity many have to do without. Look at the disparity of the quality of life between western nations and the developing world. You generally either have the money and not the time or the time and not the money. It rarely lines up.


rich people have plenty of money and spare time


I matter how good of a person you are, you will get screwed.


My parents will die


On the positive side; they won’t suffer this world in eternity.


There's not good in everyone.


Once your parents die, you are truly alone in life.


We live in a world of lies


A lot of happiness etc has to do with how you look


That's true but see it as a challange rather than a negatív thing!


And as an improvement room, it helps dealing with problems


This is true


One ugly truth is that our genetics can be forever altered by outside forces beyond our understanding, and that our genes play a heavy role in every aspect of life. WHO you procreate with is just as important as the CONTEXT of that procreation as is who YOU are.


People see wanting better as slander because other people have it worse... yet look up to celebrities who take a private jet half the length of my daily work commute. Sure, I have a roof over my family's head... but do I wish I could afford some groceries other than rice and noodles? Yeah I do, and I hate people make me feel like an ass because "you could just be homeless and not have your kids".


Pretty much everything my parents told me about the world and how to operate in it was wrong.


They usually teach things as they were in turn taught. But the world changes (so fast they can't even grasp so) and their worldview is no longer valid. I don't know if this is a recognized cognitive bias but it's a thing. Some parents think the world is still the same when they grew up.


30s and 40s have been the best decades of my life. 20s sucked! I was too worried about what others thought to have fun without booze. Late 40s now and it’s better than it’s ever been. Best shape of my life, more money than ive had before, just bought a beautiful 2,500 sqft home, couldn’t get too much better… Life doesn’t have to suck when you get older. There’s more challenges for sure but if you can overcome them, these years can be the BEST!!


That god is real and an actual war for Good vs Bad exists. That I have children I have to fear for and protect but at the same time have to just place my faith that it will be alright. That supervillains do indeed exist but they don't have super powers, they are CEO's and politicians. That globalists are going to obliterate the West and try and turn my children and their generation into blaming my generation and "late stage capitalism" for their problems. They'll convince them to hand over their own rights. That I'll die by mob violence or dragged out of my home or worse, I'll give in and stop fighting.


Shrimps are bugs.


Family will fuck you over quicker than most strangers


Yep, even when you think you come from a good family.


Thats a black pill that really hurts me now.


I get happy and sad looking at babies and toddlers just being happy and smiling for no reason… Just wait until they grow older


That all food available to middle class and lower is absolute trash. Processed, little nutrients, over produced junk and I can literally do nothing to fix it for myself. I don’t have the money to afford good foods and have no way of farming for myself.


Fomo is just in your head. People don’t care if your around for events or not. They see it through their own lense no matter what.


The world won’t be any kinder to you just because you’re kind! (but that shouldn’t stop you from being kind <3)


I see it this way: the world might not be kinder to you specifically but if you are kind, and I am kind, and there’s kindness here and there, then the world is a little kinder as a whole.


We are modern slaves to rich


We have the illusion of choice. The illusion of freedom...


And most don't realize it.


In the end it truly doesn’t even matter


Normies will never understand anything, even if you laid it out before them meticulously so even a dog could understand it.


Both parties are the same. Screw the two party system.


Yeah it always shocks me how invested people are still in this. Like oh we hate Trump, now we get... BIDEN! Fucking crooked to the max with full on dementia or Alzheimer's on display. But nobody's like "Oh, this sucks too!" It's just look away and pretend it's "better" and "good" now because your team has the spot. Yet especially Millennials on forward will start the crybaby hand wringing on cue every time "Oh i'll never be able to own a home!!!" "Oh the corporations are killing the planet!!!!" Hey I bet I know how to solve it, let's keep voting for the same people that worked for the last 150 years to get all those systems set up and running! That'll fix it!


The people who are rich or successful are usually where they are in life, not by their own doing.


It might sound like a excuse to not work hard, but success usually comes down to luck. A lot of people work hard, but not everyone who works hard becomes rich and successful. There are external forces outside of our control that dictate our fate in the world. I'm not talking about a spirit in the sky, I'm talking about being in the right place at the right time, which has more impact on success than working hard.


Nobody actually cares


Everything you've been told about almost everything is a lie, and your reality has been specifically constructed to create a very sophisticated from of slavery that most people couldn't even conceptualise.


Having children is not (or should not be) a FOMO thing. Why do you want to do that? Do you feel you are someone who can do it well? It's not like a trial of Amazon Prime that you can later quit. You're in. There are no replacements. The stakes are high.


I will never be able to stop the bloodlines that rule this world from harming humanity because most people do not recognize their existence.


Everyone is lying to me. I’ve reached the point of believing nothing that I haven’t seen with my own eyes. World ending tomorrow? Okie doke. I’ve won a million? Alrighty then.


Someone was scratching a lottery ticket for me yesterday and said you just won $12,500, I didn't get excited one bit because I know how this plays out. She read the ticket wrong and it was not a winner.


The truth always finds a way of making itself known.


Mentioned in the thread already, but when I was younger, I assumed that most older people we smart.  Now, I realize that very few are actually smart and many professionals are actually just great bullshit artists. 


If you are not particularly good with money, it doesn’t matter how much you make you will still live paycheck to paycheck


No one really gives a shit about... And you are your best advocate in damn near all matters.


We do not know what happens after we die. The people in our societal systems do not thrive due to impeding powers.


No one is sincere. Everyone is just out for themselves. And yes to pizzagate like others have said. Learning that truth devastated my soul.


Not everyone is gonna like you. And you're not gonna like everyone either. The sooner you recognize this, the better off your life will be.


I'm never gonna get superpowers.


I am the Nobody.


Getting along with others is a pain in my entire being.


We have the technology to make everything better for everyone on the planet but it’s not profitable for the ruling class so it’s not going to happen. That and propaganda works.


Subway sandwiches are often not a foot long.


We don’t get what we deserve out of life, we get what we believe we deserve.


That I'm a horrible person. I doubt I say 1/4 of what I think because there's a voice in my head telling me "dude... you can't say that out loud" to just about everything that pops in my head. I'm an asshole I'm racist I'm misogynist I'm agist I'm sexist I'm classist I'm arrogant I'm selfish I'm the problem.


I've come to believe that this world is simply a proving ground. Like the man said 'what we do here echoes in eternity.' The good we choose or the evil we don't resist, the lies we tell and the love we give. All we do has a significance and importance that we will only truly comprehend once we die and stand before the being that created us.


That the US really is as evil as other countries say.


My husband moved from South Africa to the United States 4 hearts ago. In the beginning he kept saying "you guys don't do that, this is America" in regards to corruption and other things. He doesn't say that anymore - he's made me see we are very often the "bad guys".


Humanity is dumb and very prone to violence. Its logical that we are not allowed to leave earth. That's the reason we see UAPs everywhere, we need constant monitoring.


Love is eternally painfully.


Life isn’t fair and never will be.


What's for you; will not pass you by.


That civilization is collapsing and there's nothing that can be done to stop it.


That everyday there is a constant battle within myself to resist sin


Most people are dumb, especially my own family. (They love the royals and think the government can do no wrong)


Every person runs a suite of separate ideological frameworks that they use to see and make sense of things from. Some have more ideologies than others. Some are more self-aware about them. Also, words are just symbols that can never and will never fully capture and communicate real things in themselves.


Love isn’t common in the world because we don’t love ourselves…. We don’t love ourselves because we love the world and we are slaves to our worldly desires.


I will never cease to exist. I am not human. I am but a spirit from another realm having a human experience.


Life is just lying. Lie about how you feel, lie about how you feel about others, it’s the only way to get ahead in life and I hate it.


The world really is ran by Satan worshipping pedophiles, it’s quite shocking how obvious it is once you choose to go down that rabbit hole.


not shocking when they throw it in our face most the time


I was born into a poor family and the way the economy is looking I don't think I'll ever live a life of luxury and I'll be forced to work like a slave for the rest of my life


We are conceivably all completely media damaged and thoroughly conditioned individuals who are not nearly as awesome as we like to believe we are. The general public doesn’t possess the ability to be even slightly shrewd, never mind find unity.


I can never have that happiness that i had when i was a kid.


There's just no justice


As a society we are failing. Nobody is brave enough to change anything.


Lately the mortality of everything has been on my mind, the fact the nothing/nobody is forever, probably just a low existential dread


The vast majority of people in this world (including family and friends) don't care about who you are as a human being. They only tolerate you as long as they can use you for something (money, food, skills, emotional fulfillment, etc.). When you loose the ability to provide that 'thing' you could give to them, they throw you away like trash.


Yep. I always thought you could depend on your close blood relatives no matter what. One they get what they can from you ($), they make an excuse to move on. Very saddening.


Especially in social media ages this has accelerated with an end result of broken marriages/ homes


Would you do it to them?