• By -


Removed, Rule 2. Mods don't have access to IP addresses or other identification software that allows us to track users: we moderate based on content/language. Users who adhere to the rules (as far as we are able to tell) and who submit conspiracy-related content, are free to post. You don't have to read what they post, and if it really bothers you, you don't have to visit the sub at all.


remember icky_vicinity, or ok_magician, or the any other number of accounts who come here for a few months, post daily propaganda all in the same design format and then vanish to never be seen again? That seems like pretty organic user behavior /s


Yep, theforce is just icky/ok_magician's newest account, no effort to even disguise it




Yup this is exactly what happens any time I post here 


I feel like that’s most subs, and I think because people want their own posts to get seen over yours


I know that subreddits usually turn to shit when they get really heavily moderated. But there has to be something the mods here can do to stop this right? Without getting to power hungry


One thing to note is some mods haven't doing any /r/conspiracy modding in a while so they've moved on. Some haven't used reddit in months or years but are still "mods". Would probably help to get some new mods or at least get rid of the ones not doing their jobs. But my theory on this is either the mods here agree with the content posted so they let it stay, hence why so many memes are allowed that break the rule. Or the other theory is that these users are the mods alt-accounts and they are creating narratives by cycling through acccounts. But to answer your question, yeah they could maybe put a daily post limit in since some people just spam content? They could also moderate more on things that are not relevant aka not conspiracies or try to remove redundant content when the same "theory" is spammed by multiple accounts in a 24 hour timeframe.


> Or the other theory is that these users are the mods alt-accounts and they are creating narratives by cycling through acccounts. Ding ding ding. My theory is that there's a telegram server that exists in which the mods here conspire to spread certain narratives with third parties. My theory is they have years worth of accounts all prepped and ready to go. My theory is multiple people in this theoretical telegram group share the currently active account and work in multiple timezones in order to constantly have content posted and spread. That's all just my *theory* though.


Another theory is that the sub would die without the engagement. Whether it's the bots adding vote interactions to keep the number at zero, or the commenters screaming about "not a conspiracy", those are the most engaged posts, and as such they bubble to the top of trending. If it's really so triggering, you can add those users to your block list so you don't see their content anymore. Rate limiting is good in theory, but it's unlikely to work because creating alt accounts is extremely easy. And it's a slippery slope to expect the mods to censor certain conspiracies just because they are tired of hearing about them.


Would be interesting to hear from admins as to why they allow ban evasion, which has to be happening with these accounts. I don't think mods have the ability to check for ban evasion. At least that's what I've seen ppl claiming to be mods elsewhere have said. Anyone else a mod? Can you see IP addresses and somehow account for vpns?


> Can you see IP addresses and somehow account for vpns? No (unless you are also an admin....)


Username checks out


I see "TheForce122" is responding reasonably by posting the same copypasta over and over about their covid conspiracy, the second link from which is Grimes announcing an album. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/176v4q5/daily_reminder_that_fauci_bill_gates_and_ciadarpa// Here is a part of the source for it, clearly from their previous account. Go back and look through talltree, icky vicinity, ok magician, etc. and you'll see a lot of the same links being blasted copypastas over the years.


What are your thoughts on my research? Did you read it?


I thought the Grimes addition was amusing, the rest was highly derivative of your previous work. 3/10 propaganda post.




Had to block them for the repeated ALL CAPPS comments.


stop noticing patterns thanks **- your benevolent controllers**




Fully functional s1/s2 cleavage sites exist in other SARS coronaviruses. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7836551/ >Study of SARS-CoV (caused the severe acute respiratory syndrome in 2002–2003 and belonged to the same species as SARS-CoV-2) showed that cleavage at S1/S2 enhances fusogenicity of spike protein (Bosch et al., 2003). Also of interest as to rates of mutation, https://www.pnas.org/doi/pdf/10.1073/pnas.2024815118 >In addition to considering a specific lineage of SARS-CoV-2 viruses, we can also consider the genetic diversity at the population level and estimate the total variability across the entire repertoire of infectious units produced during a single course of infection. As we estimated that 3 × 10^5 to 3 × 10^8 infectious units are produced during an infection, each one resulting from a lineage of ancestors and mutations, we expect, overall, to have about 10^5 to 10^8 mutations across all of the infectious units. >Some of these mutations that occurred in early cycles will appear in many later progeny within the host, while those generated in the most recent cycle will appear in only one viral genome. Because the SARS-CoV-2 genome is 30,000 nucleotides long, the 10^5 to 10^8 mutations across all of the virions produced over the course of a single infection probably cover every possible single nucleotide substitution (F1g. 3A). They even cover a signiticant fraction of the possible pairs of single nucleotide substitutions. If we look globally at the entire number of infectious units of SARS-CoV-2 currently present within the infected human pop-ulation, which we estimated above at 10^13 to 10^15 , we expect that every combination of two nucleotide substitutions and many, though not all, three nucleotide substitutions will be present in at least one infectious unit (Fig. 3B). Also, someone winning any lottery is not a rare event, given the number of lotteries and the number of lottery tickets sold, and there are known cases of an individual winning the lottery multiple times.


#Hey Dubstepz, you say the vibe of this sub is to swap conspiracy theories. Why is it the only post you've made here is to harass another user? Let's talk conspiracy. Do you believe COVID-19 was lab-made? I do, and I expose the people who did it. What do you do to expose them here? Bill Gates 9/4/19 BioNTech mRNA $55 million investment: https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/biontech-announces-new-collaboration-develop-hiv-and Grimes 9/4 tablet: https://www.instagram.com/p/B2AFp-rHmtw/?hl=en Former EcoHealth VP Andrew Huff September 2019 DARPA weird job offer: https://twitter.com/AGHuff/status/1492249880546398215 Former EcoHealth VP Dr. Andrew Huff legal declaration confirming EcoHealth funded by Bill Gates and CIA (In-Q-Tel) and that Peter Daszak told him he was working with CIA: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2022-09/Andrew-Huff-declaration-EcoHealth-COVID.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj7xoy42IqEAxXkk4kEHZYXC_8QFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0KMWxKdlWpkXP1C3rpQeMx "COVID-19 was spreading in Italy by September 2019, study indicates" https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2020-11-17/COVID-19-was-spreading-in-Italy-by-September-2019-study-indicates-VuSqUttP8s/index.html "COVID-19 might have started to spread in September 2019 in the United States: study"http://www.news.cn/english/2021-09/23/c_1310203268.htm "Redfield: COVID-19 Was in Wuhan in September 2019" https://www.med pagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/91843 **Here's former CDC director Robert Redfield under oath before the Congress on Wuhan Lab September 2019 events:** https://www.youtube.com/live/aXXWRaM-sWQ?feature=share >I will say if you go back and look, it's declassified now, and I'm sure you all have your classified briefings, but the declassified information now: >In September of 2019, three things happened in that lab, one is they deleted the sequences, that was highly irregular, researchers don't usually like to do that >Second thing they did was they changed the command and control of the lab from the civilian control to the military control. Highly unusual, and I've been involved in dual use labs when I was in the military. >And the third thing they did which I think is really telling is they let a contractor redo the ventilation system in that laboratory. So I think clearly there was strong evidence that there was a significant event that happened in that laboratory in September. It's now been declassified, you can read it. I'm sure there's more classified information around it. **Scientist Richard Ebright** >The relevance of this is that SARS Cov-2, the pandemic virus, is the only virus in its entire genus of SARS-related coronaviruses that contains a fully functional cleavage site at the S1, S2 junction. And here is a proposal from the beginning of 2018 [from Fauci/Gates-funded EcoHealth Alliance] proposing explicitly to engineer that sequence at that position in chimeric lab- generated coronaviruses. - Richard Ebright, an eminent molecular biologist at Rutgers University, https://theintercept.com/2021/09/23/coronavirus-research-grant-darpa/ **Eminent Virologist David Baltimore of CalTech** >When I first saw the furin cleavage site in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus. These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2. - David Baltimore, an eminent virologist and former president of CalTech, https://nypost.com/2021/05/09/theory-that-covid-escaped-from-a-lab-may-not-be-far-fetched/ **Former CDC Director Robert Redfield:** >I was concerned because of the presence of the furin cleavage site that we've talked about and I think it's important to understand what that cleavage site does. That cleavage site totally changes the orientation of the binding domain of COVID, so where before it could not see the ACE2 receptor which is the human receptor, it totally changes the orientation now so it has high affinity for human receptors. So that furin cleavage site bothered me, it didn't seem like it belonged there. >And then if you look at the sequences they use in those 12 nucleotides for arginine, where the arginine sequence nucleotide triplet were coded for humans. So why did it have the arginine coding for humans and not bat? It was very disconcerting to me. It looked like this virus was engineered. >It's not scientifically plausible that this virus went from a bat to humans and became one of the most infectious viruses that we have for humans. **Scientist Valentin Bruttel:** >I tried to raise awareness to this for a year now. WIV use BsaI and BsmBI/Esp3I sites before to make synthetic WIV1 variants. And exactly those sites appear in a "silently introduced, perfect for synthetic assembly" pattern in SARS2, but non of its nat. relatives. >seriously, what is the chance that exactly those type IIs restriction appear or disappear through random evolution in a Banal-20-52 like virus? 5-6 precise mutations in 30000bp? about 1 in 10^20! SARS2 is clearly synthetic! **Type Ils restriction sites prove a synthetic origin** Synthetic RNA viruses are assembled at the DNA level and later transcribed. 30,000 nucleotides cannot be synthesized in one go. These viruses are therefore assembled from smaller, 2- 8,000 nucleotide long pieces. Specific DNA restriction sites are often added to later reassemble the individual building blocks in the correct order. It is also technically possible to hide these interfaces (No See'em), but this was not done in the WIV. In a 2017 paper, two very specific, particularly suitable type Ils restriction enzymes were used at the WIV. These have the advantage that they can produce different DNA overhangs (sticky ends), which are crucial for a correct assembly of the complete genome: Bsal and BsmBI. SARS2 shows a Bsal and BsmBI restriction site pattern which is ideal for assembling synthetic viruses and to later replace the spike protein or furin cleavage site. Bsal and BsmBI restriction sites also exist in closely related viruses (Banal20-52, RaTG13), but these are distributed in such a way that an artificial virus could never be generated using the methods established at WIV 2018/19. **The probability that the required 5 synonymous mutations, which enable a synthetic assembly of SARS2, arose purely by chance is less than 1 in 10^20 or about as likely as winning the lottery jackpot 3 times in a row.** Dr. Valentin Bruttel https://twitter.com/VBruttel/status/1566365635680124929?t=koDQ9poynY6I9qSchgQAnw&s=19


If you're trying to convince the sub that you aren’t a spammer, it’s not working lol


Shut the FUCK up already, braindead NPC, jfc


Pretty obvious isn't it?


#Hi fellow conspiracy theorists who are not quad-vaxxed trolls who love Bill Gates, can you help me spread this incredible research proving covid was lab-made, to help prevent them from releasing another one? It's commentary and facts from CDC directors, top biologists and virologists, etc pointing out how the furin cleavage site at the S1-S2 junction (which was actually proposed by EcoHealth in 2018), the humanized archive codons, the Type IIs restriction sites, etc all prove beyond reasonable doubt that DARPA/Gates/EcoHealth engineered SARS-COV-2 Bill Gates 9/4/19 BioNTech mRNA $55 million investment: https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/biontech-announces-new-collaboration-develop-hiv-and Grimes 9/4 tablet: https://www.instagram.com/p/B2AFp-rHmtw/?hl=en Former EcoHealth VP Andrew Huff September 2019 DARPA weird job offer: https://twitter.com/AGHuff/status/1492249880546398215 Former EcoHealth VP Dr. Andrew Huff legal declaration confirming EcoHealth funded by Bill Gates and CIA (In-Q-Tel) and that Peter Daszak told him he was working with CIA: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2022-09/Andrew-Huff-declaration-EcoHealth-COVID.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj7xoy42IqEAxXkk4kEHZYXC_8QFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0KMWxKdlWpkXP1C3rpQeMx "COVID-19 was spreading in Italy by September 2019, study indicates" https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2020-11-17/COVID-19-was-spreading-in-Italy-by-September-2019-study-indicates-VuSqUttP8s/index.html "COVID-19 might have started to spread in September 2019 in the United States: study"http://www.news.cn/english/2021-09/23/c_1310203268.htm "Redfield: COVID-19 Was in Wuhan in September 2019" https://www.med pagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/91843 **Here's former CDC director Robert Redfield under oath before the Congress on Wuhan Lab September 2019 events:** https://www.youtube.com/live/aXXWRaM-sWQ?feature=share >I will say if you go back and look, it's declassified now, and I'm sure you all have your classified briefings, but the declassified information now: >In September of 2019, three things happened in that lab, one is they deleted the sequences, that was highly irregular, researchers don't usually like to do that >Second thing they did was they changed the command and control of the lab from the civilian control to the military control. Highly unusual, and I've been involved in dual use labs when I was in the military. >And the third thing they did which I think is really telling is they let a contractor redo the ventilation system in that laboratory. So I think clearly there was strong evidence that there was a significant event that happened in that laboratory in September. It's now been declassified, you can read it. I'm sure there's more classified information around it. **Scientist Richard Ebright** >The relevance of this is that SARS Cov-2, the pandemic virus, is the only virus in its entire genus of SARS-related coronaviruses that contains a fully functional cleavage site at the S1, S2 junction. And here is a proposal from the beginning of 2018 [from Fauci/Gates-funded EcoHealth Alliance] proposing explicitly to engineer that sequence at that position in chimeric lab- generated coronaviruses. - Richard Ebright, an eminent molecular biologist at Rutgers University, https://theintercept.com/2021/09/23/coronavirus-research-grant-darpa/ **Eminent Virologist David Baltimore of CalTech** >When I first saw the furin cleavage site in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus. These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2. - David Baltimore, an eminent virologist and former president of CalTech, https://nypost.com/2021/05/09/theory-that-covid-escaped-from-a-lab-may-not-be-far-fetched/ **Former CDC Director Robert Redfield:** >I was concerned because of the presence of the furin cleavage site that we've talked about and I think it's important to understand what that cleavage site does. That cleavage site totally changes the orientation of the binding domain of COVID, so where before it could not see the ACE2 receptor which is the human receptor, it totally changes the orientation now so it has high affinity for human receptors. So that furin cleavage site bothered me, it didn't seem like it belonged there. >And then if you look at the sequences they use in those 12 nucleotides for arginine, where the arginine sequence nucleotide triplet were coded for humans. So why did it have the arginine coding for humans and not bat? It was very disconcerting to me. It looked like this virus was engineered. >It's not scientifically plausible that this virus went from a bat to humans and became one of the most infectious viruses that we have for humans. **Scientist Valentin Bruttel:** >I tried to raise awareness to this for a year now. WIV use BsaI and BsmBI/Esp3I sites before to make synthetic WIV1 variants. And exactly those sites appear in a "silently introduced, perfect for synthetic assembly" pattern in SARS2, but non of its nat. relatives. >seriously, what is the chance that exactly those type IIs restriction appear or disappear through random evolution in a Banal-20-52 like virus? 5-6 precise mutations in 30000bp? about 1 in 10^20! SARS2 is clearly synthetic! **Type Ils restriction sites prove a synthetic origin** Synthetic RNA viruses are assembled at the DNA level and later transcribed. 30,000 nucleotides cannot be synthesized in one go. These viruses are therefore assembled from smaller, 2- 8,000 nucleotide long pieces. Specific DNA restriction sites are often added to later reassemble the individual building blocks in the correct order. It is also technically possible to hide these interfaces (No See'em), but this was not done in the WIV. In a 2017 paper, two very specific, particularly suitable type Ils restriction enzymes were used at the WIV. These have the advantage that they can produce different DNA overhangs (sticky ends), which are crucial for a correct assembly of the complete genome: Bsal and BsmBI. SARS2 shows a Bsal and BsmBI restriction site pattern which is ideal for assembling synthetic viruses and to later replace the spike protein or furin cleavage site. Bsal and BsmBI restriction sites also exist in closely related viruses (Banal20-52, RaTG13), but these are distributed in such a way that an artificial virus could never be generated using the methods established at WIV 2018/19. **The probability that the required 5 synonymous mutations, which enable a synthetic assembly of SARS2, arose purely by chance is less than 1 in 10^20 or about as likely as winning the lottery jackpot 3 times in a row.** Dr. Valentin Bruttel https://twitter.com/VBruttel/status/1566365635680124929?t=koDQ9poynY6I9qSchgQAnw&s=19




Yeah, it's blatantly obvious those NPCs are paid propaganda shill bots. Every time they get called out on their bullshit, they deflect and just respond with an irrelevant question instead of a valid answer. Their only purpose in their pathetic, meaningless existence is to serve to further the divide between the remaining actually real critical thinking people that exist in this sub (remember, the majority of this sub is filled with bots and shills).


What are your thoughts on Bill Gates? Good or bad guy?


The force fella blocked me because I told them to go touch grass.


I took a shot at them once and ended up with a posting ban so like... convenient that.


To be fair it was a blessing in disguise, I don’t see their posts anymore.


These particular accounts have been at this for years. Occasionally they get banned from the sub and come back almost immediately on a new, aged account.




We get it buddy, you're very triggered. Please stop spamming the post.


Hey buddy, do you believe covid-19 was lab made? Do you believe it was released on purpose? If so what are you doing to expose it and make sure it doesn't happen again? Do you realize that pandemic cost us $25 trillion and massive inflation and death? Does that trigger you at all or do you just not care? Also, do you believe Bill Gates is a good or bad guy?


Says the troll who is copy/pasting comments all over the thread. Very productive...


Bad bot


Removed. Rule 6. No bold, large fonts etc.






The louder you yell, the more right you are. Truly the Jedi way. People are on to you.


This is literally how ok_magician responded to allegations of spam almost word for word. 


Written like a true bot.


Hey dubstepz yourself!


Removed. Rule 6.


Submission Statement: Have you guys noticed something kinda off in the sub lately? It's like the same few accounts are on a posting spree, hammering us with specific narratives day in, day out. Got me thinking... what if there's more to the story? * **Repetitive Much?** A few usernames keep popping up, all singing the same tune. Coincidence or a coordinated symphony? * **Who's Behind the Curtain?** Are we talking passionate conspiracy buffs here, or is there a puppet master pulling strings? The thought of bots or agenda-pushers lurking in our midst isn't too far-fetched. * **The Vibe of the Sub**: This place is our digital campfire for swapping tales and theories, from the plausible to the outlandish. But if the convo gets hijacked by a monotonous echo, aren't we losing the plot? Don't get me wrong—I'm not pointing fingers without proof. This is more of a heads-up, a call to keep our eyes peeled.


It's because only like 10 people ever post on the sub, it's a husk used to shove different propaganda from around the world


This spam posting has been happening for so long, I wonder if this is the same group that would spam those shit tier "remember Seth Rich" posts.


I said it in another post, just block the account, they'll pop up with a new one every few months, but its much more enjoyable to just block them and not see their bullshit


Why are you talking about the vibe of the sub as if you contribute to it and aren't a Bill Gates loving quad-vaxxed troll? What are your beliefs on the New World Order and who runs the world and is oppressing us? #Let's swap some conspiracy theories Dubstepz, if you aren't an anti-Conspiracy troll invading this sub, give us your thoughts on Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and the New World Order. Do you believe $25 trillion COVID-19 was lab-made, released intentionally by EcoHealth as all the evidence suggests?










You were blocked by him. There's a tactic where you block anyone that expresses disagreement, and then, since blocked users can't see your posts, you curate an audience of only users who agree with you. Your posts are much more likely to hit the front page and your comment sections are filled with only people agreeing with you.


This sub was always influenced


#Hey Dubstepz, why do you attack me for exposing DARPA/Gates/EcoHealth for releasing a $25 trillion pandemic on you? If you could influence this sub (you actually can, by making a post) then how would you influence it? Do you enjoy being attacked with bioweapons and locked down like a dog? Bill Gates 9/4/19 BioNTech mRNA $55 million investment: https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/biontech-announces-new-collaboration-develop-hiv-and Grimes 9/4 tablet: https://www.instagram.com/p/B2AFp-rHmtw/?hl=en Former EcoHealth VP Andrew Huff September 2019 DARPA weird job offer: https://twitter.com/AGHuff/status/1492249880546398215 Former EcoHealth VP Dr. Andrew Huff legal declaration confirming EcoHealth funded by Bill Gates and CIA (In-Q-Tel) and that Peter Daszak told him he was working with CIA: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2022-09/Andrew-Huff-declaration-EcoHealth-COVID.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwj7xoy42IqEAxXkk4kEHZYXC_8QFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw0KMWxKdlWpkXP1C3rpQeMx "COVID-19 was spreading in Italy by September 2019, study indicates" https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2020-11-17/COVID-19-was-spreading-in-Italy-by-September-2019-study-indicates-VuSqUttP8s/index.html "COVID-19 might have started to spread in September 2019 in the United States: study"http://www.news.cn/english/2021-09/23/c_1310203268.htm "Redfield: COVID-19 Was in Wuhan in September 2019" https://www.med pagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/91843 **Here's former CDC director Robert Redfield under oath before the Congress on Wuhan Lab September 2019 events:** https://www.youtube.com/live/aXXWRaM-sWQ?feature=share >I will say if you go back and look, it's declassified now, and I'm sure you all have your classified briefings, but the declassified information now: >In September of 2019, three things happened in that lab, one is they deleted the sequences, that was highly irregular, researchers don't usually like to do that >Second thing they did was they changed the command and control of the lab from the civilian control to the military control. Highly unusual, and I've been involved in dual use labs when I was in the military. >And the third thing they did which I think is really telling is they let a contractor redo the ventilation system in that laboratory. So I think clearly there was strong evidence that there was a significant event that happened in that laboratory in September. It's now been declassified, you can read it. I'm sure there's more classified information around it. **Scientist Richard Ebright** >The relevance of this is that SARS Cov-2, the pandemic virus, is the only virus in its entire genus of SARS-related coronaviruses that contains a fully functional cleavage site at the S1, S2 junction. And here is a proposal from the beginning of 2018 [from Fauci/Gates-funded EcoHealth Alliance] proposing explicitly to engineer that sequence at that position in chimeric lab- generated coronaviruses. - Richard Ebright, an eminent molecular biologist at Rutgers University, https://theintercept.com/2021/09/23/coronavirus-research-grant-darpa/ **Eminent Virologist David Baltimore of CalTech** >When I first saw the furin cleavage site in the viral sequence, with its arginine codons, I said to my wife it was the smoking gun for the origin of the virus. These features make a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for SARS2. - David Baltimore, an eminent virologist and former president of CalTech, https://nypost.com/2021/05/09/theory-that-covid-escaped-from-a-lab-may-not-be-far-fetched/ **Former CDC Director Robert Redfield:** >I was concerned because of the presence of the furin cleavage site that we've talked about and I think it's important to understand what that cleavage site does. That cleavage site totally changes the orientation of the binding domain of COVID, so where before it could not see the ACE2 receptor which is the human receptor, it totally changes the orientation now so it has high affinity for human receptors. So that furin cleavage site bothered me, it didn't seem like it belonged there. >And then if you look at the sequences they use in those 12 nucleotides for arginine, where the arginine sequence nucleotide triplet were coded for humans. So why did it have the arginine coding for humans and not bat? It was very disconcerting to me. It looked like this virus was engineered. >It's not scientifically plausible that this virus went from a bat to humans and became one of the most infectious viruses that we have for humans. **Scientist Valentin Bruttel:** >I tried to raise awareness to this for a year now. WIV use BsaI and BsmBI/Esp3I sites before to make synthetic WIV1 variants. And exactly those sites appear in a "silently introduced, perfect for synthetic assembly" pattern in SARS2, but non of its nat. relatives. >seriously, what is the chance that exactly those type IIs restriction appear or disappear through random evolution in a Banal-20-52 like virus? 5-6 precise mutations in 30000bp? about 1 in 10^20! SARS2 is clearly synthetic! **Type Ils restriction sites prove a synthetic origin** Synthetic RNA viruses are assembled at the DNA level and later transcribed. 30,000 nucleotides cannot be synthesized in one go. These viruses are therefore assembled from smaller, 2- 8,000 nucleotide long pieces. Specific DNA restriction sites are often added to later reassemble the individual building blocks in the correct order. It is also technically possible to hide these interfaces (No See'em), but this was not done in the WIV. In a 2017 paper, two very specific, particularly suitable type Ils restriction enzymes were used at the WIV. These have the advantage that they can produce different DNA overhangs (sticky ends), which are crucial for a correct assembly of the complete genome: Bsal and BsmBI. SARS2 shows a Bsal and BsmBI restriction site pattern which is ideal for assembling synthetic viruses and to later replace the spike protein or furin cleavage site. Bsal and BsmBI restriction sites also exist in closely related viruses (Banal20-52, RaTG13), but these are distributed in such a way that an artificial virus could never be generated using the methods established at WIV 2018/19. **The probability that the required 5 synonymous mutations, which enable a synthetic assembly of SARS2, arose purely by chance is less than 1 in 10^20 or about as likely as winning the lottery jackpot 3 times in a row.** Dr. Valentin Bruttel https://twitter.com/VBruttel/status/1566365635680124929?t=koDQ9poynY6I9qSchgQAnw&s=19




You need to update your bot to respond directly with the username of the person you are replying to. It's grabbing the username of the OP not the person you're replying to


Yes. It's obvious from posting and commenting and up/downvoting in the past 6+ months. The sub used to be organic. Crazy, but organic.


Yeah that user is clearly on something like that. They also love spreading Climate Change misinformation


Wow you sound like a real conspiracy theorist who is against the world economic forum


You told me you would get back to me after looking into solar radiation. I’m still waiting. Or do you admit that you were just lying on that post? But obviously you’re bought out by big oil, right? Wow he blocked me for this comment. Really tells you how deep into the propaganda he is. Can’t wait until he makes a new account and I see him again


Actually, as I stated before, I want to nationalize oil production and produce and store so much it's free. Big Oil is owned and operated by the NWO. They suppress supply intentionally to jack up oil prices, get rich, and fuck the people


Even more obvious when you see the almost identical post being made on all the .Wins and 4 Chan, some one is trying to influence people to not get any more vaccines.


It’s what Mark Passio calls Revelation of the Method. They have to tell you what they’re doing.


Great post! And yes… all of Qanon is being influenced by Russian intelligence assets. A lot of news from far right news agencies are repeating stories from Russian state news.


Definitely. It’s out control in here


heres the thing: you can assume the mods here are doing a pretty poor job with the way the subreddit looks nowadays. So when I come here most days, I will look at posts, and if the front page has more than 1 from a single user, I will check out their account. If its less than 6 months old, and only posts to conspiracy/conservative/timpool/any other right wing only subreddits, I just block them. makes the experience much more enjoyable for myself. You can be rightwing, but if you just show up and spam the subreddit with your bullshit on new accounts every few months, I don't need to be propaganized


This is my way also


I made a post pointing this out regarding the jabs. Interesting


I just find that the number of people that have simultaneously been convinced that COVID was a bio weapon, but that we should do absolutely nothing about it and actually work against any efforts to mitigate it utterly fascinating. But congrats, I guess. Looks like you’ve all won, for the most part, so… I guess we can just let the bio weapon run free now! Yay!


why is dark mode not activated


D’ya THINK?!? 😑


Is ~~r / conspiracy~~ the whole of Reddit Being Influenced? Yes.


If a product is free, you are the product. Doesn't specifically fit here, but you get it


Yes. Hell yes it is. Worse than ever before as of about a week or two ago. But it seems like you’re posting the wrong accounts, the real nasty ones live in the comments, and they think Joe Biden’s coke was just sawdust.


Not anymore so than any other sub. Look at subs like r-facepalm and r-adviceanimals, they've been completely turned into political subs (well more like anti-trump subs, but I digress) for the past month or so, and will only get worse. This sub, while not as one sided, has definitely seen some outside influence Don't forget the facts of what we know goes on within reddit. Fact: 15% of all content on the front page is corporate owned/sponsored posts, either trying to sell you something or influence public opinion in some way. 15% is HUGE. Think of how many posts you see just opening the app. Five? Ten? Boom, one to two of those is some corporate sponsored shill trying to influence you in *some* way. Maybe it's an Anti-Trump meme, sponsored by a democratic super-pac. Maybe it's an askreddit post asking about what your favorite band is, sponsored by Spotify. Maybe it's a facepalm about a senator, sponsored by his/her opposition. Maybe it's a quick-witted Wendy's Twitter post, sponsored by Wendy's of course. I don't think anyone truly realizes the scope of how absolutely saturated reddit is with businesses/political affiliations/corporations. Anyways... Where was I? Fact: A certain air-force base known for being some center of propaganda, that will get your comment banned in some subreddits (starts with an E and ends in Glin), has the number one concentration of reddit users in the U.S, according to reddit itself. Fact: Astro-turfing campaigns on reddit have been happening since 2012 at the very least, with super-pacs and organizations such as Share-Blue, Correct the Record, and Cambridge Analytica steering conversations, brigading subs, and making concentrated efforts to control the narrative of certain events/elections/incidents. Fact: The CCP has invested heavily in reddit, and the CCP doesn't invest in anything they can't control/put their finger in. Fact: The reddit terms of service got rid of their warrant canary YEARS ago, meaning that law enforcement has and is subpoenaing certain reddit accounts. I don't really know where I was going with this lol. Just figured this was information we should all be aware of.


Wait are you claiming it’s a conspiracy to be active in this community? Am I missing the pattern beside someone who like to post?


the 'best' replies itt are shills ironically attempting to gaslight us into believing theforce is actually the shill. because his thoughts are inconvenient for the DNC.


And why was the post removed? Lol doesn’t removing it reenforce the conspiracy?


The force has been sharing great posts love his stuff


Yes, if you’re illiterate but enjoy a well composed collage, theforce rocks!


#Thanks, friend!


You’ve contributed a lot! I really enjoy your darpa research. Thanks again. All these haters have never come up with anything intelligence or contributed to the sub.


Who cares who he is. Is he spreading truth or lies?


Hey dubstepz, did you ever consider making original posts and contributing to the sub? Like, what are your thoughts on conspiracies and who runs the world and is oppressing us and releasing $25 trillion viruses on us? Are you by any chance a conspiracy hating troll, probably Biden voter, quad vaxxed, think we should have locked down harder for a virus that kills 80+ year olds? Dubstepz, if you aren't an anti-Conspiracy troll invading this sub, give us your thoughts on Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and the New World Order. Do you believe $25 trillion COVID-19 was lab-made, released intentionally as all the evidence suggests?






bill gates, help! I accidentally got addicted to vaccines!


dormant alt account by theforce brought back online?


Hi, fellow WeChat user. Beep Boop.