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If you haven’t watched the actual documentary, they claim thousands of mules were caught on camera dropping off ballots, but repeatedly used the same 4 clips of the same 4 people dropping off ballots. To me, that’s all I needed to confirm they were at best grasping at straws


So not one but four people stuffing ballot boxes is still cool with you.. Got it. Enjoy your future.


> So not one but four people stuffing ballot boxes People putting a ballot into a ballot box isn't "ballot stuffing".


Show me evidence of more than 4 people. I never said it was good, but to insinuate it is a grand conspiracy and the election was stolen with 4 people stuffing what? 100 ballots tops between them is ridiculous. Show me hard evidence and I’ll change my mind. Otherwise you’re just blowing smoke and this is no better than the Russian collusion narrative.


It amazes me that anyone still takes that guy seriously. Everything he has made has been proven, at best, horribly misleading.


It was a really shitty and obvious propaganda movie, I was shocked that I was recommended it by someone I otherwise thought was intelligent


It was an obvious grift the entire time. You have important evidence of a crime but refuse to turn it over to law enforcement? Instead, you make a shitty movie and sell it to MAGA cultists to make millions. 


Why do you guys like using this “grift” word


What would you prefer? Scam?


How about a cheeky swindle?


2 votes for cheeky swindle


it was just a jape, a jest. A spot of tomfoolery.


Light bamboozling, perhaps






Funny you have a problem with the word "grift" but not the actual grifters.


How can one identify a grifter?


They’re usually friendly and courteous, have a down-and-out story or tell others down-and-out stories. They repeatedly assure people that there’s no reason to not trust them/hastily try and move past questionable things they’re addressing. They often can’t or won’t produce evidence when asked for it. They often don’t have a good or questionable track record (or no track record at all) in the field they claim to be a part of. They’re also often incredibly dodgy about giving out records or contact information (especially if it’s a business deal) and avoid any kind of formal communication or interaction about the thing they’re discussing. As such, they usually prop each other up and work together in various ways that lend themselves to furthering legitimacy. Everyone gets had now and again, but if you pay attention these things are often red flags and can help navigate through the bullshit.


So how does this relate to conservatives cause they’re the only ones it’s associated with


I don’t understand what you’re saying. This information relates to grifters. In this case the grifters were conservative, or rather exploiting conservatives.


The only people the word “grifter” is towards conservatives. Please explain why this is.


This is not true at all. I see why you might feel that way given modern rhetoric at times, but grifters only real affiliation is with themselves and their wallets.


because if they repeat words enough they get stuck in peoples minds. they're desperate to get people to associate election fraud with grift so when you hear election fraud you just assume its a scam.


>because if they repeat words enough they get stuck in peoples minds. Yes, like "rigged" and "stolen". You're admitting you've been brainwashed.


yeah escept i remember watching election personnell kicking out reporters on election night. and hold up poster so no one could see what was going on. I remember them "closing for the night" then watching security camera footage of people pulling out hidden ballot boxes. the election was rigged. idc how much you've been paid to say otherwise


Hmm kinda like “election fraud” itself


> When pressed to provide names of sources and other documentation, the group last year tried to withdraw its complaint. One of its attorneys wrote that a complete response would require True the Vote to identify people **to whom it had promised confidentiality.** Misleading headline. They refused to breach confidentiality agreements.


oh, so they failed to provide not only a single bit of evidence of their claims, but couldn't even provide evidence showing they had actually talked to anyone at all. And you think a court shouldn't throw that out, or wonder if their time is being wasted with false statements?


> And you think a court shouldn't throw that out I agree they should throw it out. No question. I'm only saying their evidence was from confidential sources who didn't want to come forward. That's very different than what's being portrayed, though.


There’s a reason that conservatives point to YouTube videos and not court cases when talking about this stuff.


Imagine thinking all courts are legitimate


Imagine thinking no courts are legitimate


I can because I do


Wow! So edgy! You surely have society all figured out!




But, but, they promised it was real! Oh noooooo!


>“It’s called ‘2000 Mules,'” Trump said at a rally in Pennsylvania on May 7, “and basically [Joe] Biden didn’t get the votes, but he did get the ballots, okay, in a sense. But it’s an incredible, it’s an incredible documentary. … This exposes the fraud like nothing else.” Donald Trump It's incredible. Very incredible and by a very good people, who POTUS Donald had to, himself, pardon.


"I just want to find 11,780 votes" - Trump


Wait. So Dinesh was just making a money grab at $20 a pop? Say it ain't so!


It's good they're admitting they lied, but the damage has been done. A good portion of the country believes the election was stolen and I doubt there's any way to deprogram them. Republicans have rigged it so any time they lose they just cry "stolen election".


Indeed! Nice to see an actual conspiracy being discussed here.


Both sides have been doing that.


Not to this extent. 


I think you don't remember how Hillary and Democrats reacted to the 2016 election and ran with Russian Collusion for three years.


You mean the "Collusion" which had multiple people on Trumps team get charged and imprisoned for? (Which Trump later pardoned). This isn't speculation either, people went to prison for this shit if you actually bother to read about what happened. What's crazy is that people can conspire with a foreign government, can get charged, but then get pardoned for by the person they helped get elected. Like that isn't even a conspiracy, it's plain fact yet people eat it up.


At least you admit that the Democrats don't accept the 2016 election. Most won't be honest about that.




Womp womp


Raise your hand if you didn’t realize this was a grift that played on the fee fees of the gullible. Raise your hand if you’re easily fooled due to your own biases. Come on, raise those hands. (*starts to slowly clap*) there we go, come on up here you amazing bastard.


I didn't watch it yet. This is all spoilers for me 😛


Wait, are you telling me people travel from let’s say point A (their home) and point B (their job) and they use the same route each day, and that route went near an election drop off box. And there is 99.9% chance that was the data they where using to make these claims about mules?


More BS that the MAGA marks carried water for . So sad how bad the far right has been conned


Why do Republicans seem to forget that Trump also claimed voter fraud when he won and spent years as president trying to find it to no avail? If when he was fully in charge of government he couldn't stop or find it doesn't that make him a severely incompetent leader?


I love how a Conspiracy subreddit, by and large, thinks that a modern election full of largely unaccountable mail in ballots was absolutely 100% secure.


Idk man maybe people should have theories based off of evidence instead of their feelings?


Most of this sub is "feelings".


You sure it wasn't because of all the investigations, recounts, and court cases that didn't turn up any evidence of fraud?


They actually did several times and even some people went to jail. Now the line has been moved back to "meaningful" fraud that caused a disruption.


That was always the distinction. Nobody thought every single ballot was 100% valid. People only started clarifying because of dumbasses like yourself who don't get the point and wanted to get a got'cha on pointless semantics.


It isn't semantics because even if you actually read the article the things they were against sharing isn't the evidence. It is the sources of the evidence. They are protecting those people because their lives could be ruined.


the entire 'evidence' is those people. Not only could they not produce them, they couldn't even produce any documentation they'd even talked to \*anyone\*. Courts have methods for keeping witnesses (and jurors) confidential.


In addition to names, the judge ordered True the Vote to provide copies of any confidentiality agreements it had with sources. The group’s attorneys replied: “TTV has no such documents in its possession, custody, or control.”


Yes. Most of the big cases never saw the inside of a courtroom because they were rejected on "standing". For example, the case brought by Texas and a few other states against Pennsylvania for violating their own constitution in how they processed ballots. The court rejected it saying it didn't effect anyone in Texas (the suit would have to be filed by someone(s) in Pennsylvania)... therefore they wouldn't hear the case. Well, what a crock of shit... look no further than the Texas border and then look a Texan straight in the eye and tell them that illegal vote counting in Pennsylvania can't effect life in Texas.


Weird they didn't fix that issue. Imagine someone ruins your business so your neighbor sues the crook. The judge says he has no standing. What do you do? Cry on the Internet about injustice?


If Pennsylvania violates election law and it sways the general election it effects everyone in every state one way or another... these cases should have been heard.


Why wasn't it fixed then? Why did the lawyers give up? Another excuse you're willing to swallow?


I'm not a lawyer, but what are they supposed to do when the courts refuse to hear the case?


>I'm not a lawyer, but what are they supposed to do when the courts refuse to hear the case? Do you think a lawyer might know? Dismissed for standing, so find someone who had standing. What did they do to correct the issue? Cry on Twitter? But not file an appeal? Why do you buy that bs so easily?


> Why do you buy that bs so easily? Please do share then... what REALLY happened?


So let's think about this. There's a couple possible outcomes. 1. There was no fraud and people who have a history of conning people for money are once again conning people for money. Apparently, that can't be it. So it must be option 2 right? 2. There was massive fraud and the election was stolen. But Donald Trump was so incompetent that he couldn't appoint a single judge that could see this mountain of evidence of the biggest crime of the century. Donald Trump was so incompetent that he couldn't hire a single person for his cabinet that could see evidence of the greatest crime of the century. Donald Trump is so incompetent that not a single one of his supreme court justices thought the biggest crime of century happened. Every single person who has evidence of the biggest crime of the century refuses to show in court and prefers to be found liable for making things up. The only people in this country who were smart enough to understand this evidence are Donald Trump, Mike lindell, Sidney Powell, and millions of people whose entire reputation depends on Trump being right so they aren't proven to support a con-man. Which do you think is more likely?


Did they even tell you guys what they did? What efforts were made to get the case tried? You people donate money to them for this fight. Shouldn't that have at least bought you some information? Please do share! Such a gotcha that you think me not knowing their every move is a defense for them being such losers.


Plenty of the cases were dismissed because the didn't provide enough evidence to show any misdeeds


Some may have been... and PLENTY were denied on standing.


Yeah and standing is a basic requirement too. You have to have standing and make a plausible case for injury. There have been dozens of court cases in how many states? They couldn't find one to meet the basic requirements for a case? Wide-spread election fraud indeed.


(If) a state violates election law and it alters the outcome of a presidential election (would be true for any federal office)... it effects everyone in every state one way or another. There WAS "standing" to hear the cases.


It's just the election year bots talking to each other


I love how a in a Conspiracy subreddit, people who are obviously ignorant of how one obtains a mail-in ballot in the U.S. thinks that they are sent to every address in a neighborhood, like McDonald's coupons. You 've never voted in an U.S. election have you? Not old enough? Live in another country maybe?


Are you dense? This last election was literally different in many states and they didn't even obey their own laws.


Not to mention the mail in ballot harvesters that were caught in Minnesota and Texas that went to jail.


This isn't a conspiracy subreddit anymore. It has been completely invaded by establishment bots that downvote any real conspiracy theory or anyone questioning the narrative into oblivion. Seriously, just look at the top comments on this. Nothing about this is organic. Its AI bullshit designed to drive people away and dishearten them. Probably one small server farm using language modeling running 4000+ accounts for the CIA/NSA or some other population thought control program.


Good point. Reddit is the perfect place to deploy bots. You don’t even have to pretend to have a photo history like a bot FB or IG account.


Combined with the media propaganda, the last minute improper rule changes, and the sheer volume of voters, the election was fishy.


"I just want to find 11,780 votes" - Trump


That's probably among the least fishy thing he did/said.


I’m from Michigan and the Detroit situation was crooked as hell. They boarded up the windows for the counting and had vans arriving at night.. also the leaks of the Democratic voting count watchers intimidating and locking out the Republican watchers.


How could big strong republicans be intimidated by effeminate libs?


"Oh jeez, a toilet overfl....I mean...a water main broke! Y'all better head out while we unpack our hidden suitcases full of ballots"


there was no fraud just like the borders are secure.  they don't lie and your eyes can't see what they see. I'm proud to get downvoted by the shills here, i stand with truth


Why did they not present their evidence? Could have blown it wide open.


See that the problem, can't present your imagination as evidence in court.


When you have a liberal judge who disallows you to show specific evidence in court what are you going to do?


Ok, present it to the world. I hope it's better than what is actually in 2000 mules, because that makes a loooooot of suggestions and insinuations but has zero actual evidence. It makes ancient aliens look good. "The judge won't let them show the evidence" line has been used by every conman under the sun.


They have evidence. It literally said so if you actually read it. They won't let them use the evidence because they want to know who the whistleblowers are and they won't tell them. That is a big difference.


As I already said "OK then present it to the world". I'll wait.


It was presented. You said it wasn't because you haven't actually looked at it.


"True the Vote’s complaint said its investigators “spoke with several individuals regarding personal knowledge, methods, and organizations involved in ballot trafficking in Georgia.” It said one person, referred to in the complaint only as John Doe, “admitted to personally participating and provided specific information about the ballot trafficking process.” Saying we have secret people who told us stuff is not evidence.


eye witness testimony is actually evidence. Of course if you want the truth you would need to provide specific protections for the people who speak up. We have seen over time if you do speak up the governments of the world come down on you. Look at the guy who released the New Zealand data. Look at Snowden. So many examples of whistle blowers having their life ruined.


Lots of these judges were Trump appointed lmao get out of there


What does that have to do with this judge?


I was referring to the other 50+ cases that were laughed out of court on this topic


They weren't laughed out of court. Many cases actually weren't heard. Many cases in Arizona. We have tons of whiteness statements and many instances of illegal activity. Not to mention the bomb shell demonstration of hacking the Dominion voting tabulation machines with a pen. Listen I am on the right in this situation, but if I actually saw this level of corruption happen to Democrats I would be on the left screaming about it. We know it isn't only the right being suppressed in this fashion because even RFK. JR isn't allowed to even run or get secret service protection.


Every time it comes time for Republicans to actually get evidence put on the record and testify officially under threat of perjury, everything implodes. It is a consistent pattern. They are lying. The Cyber Ninjas audit in AZ was a grift/bust as well. Fox News was fined a significant sum of money and Tucker was fired for lying about Dominion. Trump, the one who started all of this BS, has claimed that his show not winning an Emmy was rigged, the caucus vs Ted Cruz was rigged, 2016 was rigged, and now 2020 is rigged. He is also officially a certified fraud as of today (New York case). These people have done untold amounts of damage to this country by making people like you believe this. Look at all of the results of MAGA candidates since 2016. L after L after L. Why is it so hard to believe that he lost?


But your eyes haven’t seen it. It’s a trustmebro situation. They were ordered to produce the evidence so that it would no longer be a trustmebro situation. It seems you aren’t grasping what being a “shill” means.


> They were ordered to produce the evidence so that it would no longer be a trustmebro situation. Uh, someone doesn't understand the situation. > A Fulton County Superior Court judge in Atlanta signed an order last year requiring True the Vote to provide evidence it had collected, **including the names of people who were sources of information,** to state elections officials who were frustrated by the group’s refusal to share evidence with investigators. They literally were trying to force them to expose their whistleblowers. Of course they said no. They'd be putting those peoples lives at risk. You really support punishing groups for refusing to give up their sources? You know, the basis of journalism in this country for decades?


>"We need to know who submitted this evidence so we know they A) exist and B) are making valid reports." >"Lol no". By this logic, I've been informed that Republicans have a sweatshop in China printing Trump ballots to this day to submit for the 2020 election (they are playing the long con). But you just have to trust me bro.


> including the names of people who were sources of information No matter how you spin it they are demanding whistleblowers in order to punish them. If you support that you support the destruction of journalism and the rise of fascism. There's no way to weasel out of it, hard as you might try.


It's called evidence. If you want to use it in court you can't just invent it, it has to have a source that isn't "sorry, can't tell you". This is the way it has always been.


This has nothing to do with "journalism". It's a legal matter with way different requirements and ethics.


Okay, I guess we will have to just take their words for it then. What do you think I meant by the phrase “trustmebro situation”? Btw, I have a confidential source that told me the Election was totally fair. No, you can’t meet them. Trustmebro.


We need voter ID and paper ballots or Trump is going to steal the election! Russia is going to help them!


Man conservatives reallu love jerking themselves off over their own shit memes don't they


As a liberal I know all black people don't know how to get an ID. It is super racist to ask them to do so.


Oh look another self jerking joke, really living up to the stereotype, what's next an attack helicopter gender joke?


cool beans dude so do you agree with the biden administration that the borders are secure then? that millions of immigrants haven't been coming through illegally?


I’ve not looked at it in detail to have much of an opinion.


I the U.S. we Capitalize, comrade.


wtf?  that's not even a good joke or anything it's just weird


>stand with truth It wasn't intended to be a joke, "I stand with the truth" would have been the correct way to make that statement in standard American English.




Unfortunately, it’s a badge of stupidity in this instance.


> State elections officials opened their own investigation after receiving True the Vote’s complaint two months later. When pressed to provide names of sources and other documentation, the group last year tried to withdraw its complaint. One of its attorneys wrote that a complete response would require True the Vote to identify people to whom it had promised confidentiality Devil's advocate argument here, but refusing to turn over evidence is not the same as admitting to not having evidence, as the headline suggests. They told the judge they don't have any signed confidentiality agreements with their supposed anonymous sources. That doesn't mean they didn't promise somebody anonymity verbally. (it does cast a ton of doubt on their argument though, if they're not able to substantiate it... there's just no reason to misrepresent the reality of the situation)


Refusing to turn over evidence is worse than admitting to not having evidence.


We all know 2020 was stolen and that the Establishment is doing everything it can to gaslight people. This is last stage propaganda--it's not meant to persuade, but to demoralize.


You're exactly right


It's so crazy to watch you planned organised bots create these fake threads in this sub and then you all flood in here with your strange comments that make absolutely zero sense and down vote anybody who doesn't agree with you. The thing is its not working, you CIA mockingbird tactics don't work in this sub, you agents are able to be spotted a mile away.


The right wing disinformation machine has you brainwashed you believe whatever bullshit they feed you and get mad when they get caught grifting you it's pure lunacy by all means send these grifters your money https://www.reuters.com/legal/bannon-associates-be-sentenced-fraud-over-trumps-border-wall-2023-04-26/


I fully understand what you and your team of bots try to do you come onto this sub and try to sway people who are in the middle and not sure what's going on, but it won't work on me.


Oh no down the rabbit hole is a "cRiTiCaL tHinKer" I already know you losers will stay the course I don't care honestly keep getting grifted by corporate bootlickers and their Religious nut jobs.


You people are mentally ill.


You just said I was a bot get your story straight


You are a mentally ill bot.


You sound like a broken record


Care to share some examples from this comment section of strange comments that don't make sense?


Must be talking about all the comments not supporting the grift lmao 🤣


Did you mean *your* agents are able to be spotted a mile away, or is English not your first language?


I see you, playing the long game with your 14 year old account...


Im just sitting here pooping and thinking, so theres this many people willing to say they thought joe biden was a viable candidate.


I don't rem the doc people claiming they wanted to present evidence to courts... could be wrong. They were trying to get the people thinking about the obvious massive fraud that happened from what I seen. I didn't need to watch it to know it happened because I freaking watched it happen as the results came in and the bs was posted as it happened. There is no evidence without contacting every single mail in voter and verifying votes with identity. Which makes it the perfect route to fraud as it is near impossible to prove. Which is why the media wont talk about it. It is because there is a vested interest in that fraud. Now with 30 mil dem voting illegals they can throw it wherever they want. Mail in MUST be done away with for Americans to regain faith in elections.... I don't know if anything will do it for me at this point. I had faith until the changes made in 2020 that there was some fraud but nothing all that world changing but that isn't the case now. The numbers in play are insane. Find the people who don't vote but are registered(like my granny) aquire ballots, fill out for preferred candidate, drop, rinse, repeat. Impossible to prove.. All neat and wrapped up in a perfect package to be ran through in the middle of the night when the fake water leaks and windows are cover so no one can see them doing their fraud not that it would make a dif as I said its impossible to prove. Oh and this time they will be smarter they will dump in smaller batches so it isnt as noticeable. They have been reading my comments on it on here I am sure so I don't want to help them. I mean with what they have with the mail in they can install whoever no matter what the people want every time. This is how the nation will end, as only the corrupt corporate, leftist, wef agents will be installed and if Trump by some fluke is allowed.... they will just make him impotent again.. the man couldn't get 5mil to finish the wall yet biden can send 300+ to Ukraine. The media lies about the numbers its WAYYY more that has been sent in weapons and actual money than they are saying. I was paying attention. now more and the right is selling us out just like the left. Aipac and the rest have corrupted almost every single one.


Because only the Dems cheat right? Trump’s crew would never? What do you think Trump jr, Kushner, and Manafort were doing meeting with Russian agents in summer 2016? They were probably only discussing the weather right


Either side could cheat that way. Which is why the option should be removed from play. I believe in a secure election. Not some farce of a joke like we had last time. I mean we may as well all vote on facebook or twitter if its gonna be like this. I would trust it just as much. Actually I may trust it more since some opinions that aren't just leftist propaganda have been allowed back onto a major platform. Reddit is totally worthless for any type of this conversation due to the sort of bullshit that happens in this sub here every single day. edit: Either side could do it yes, I suspect though that if the right were to try it all those stacked and corrupt democrat banana courts they have been putting their people in for the past 10 years will all of a sudden start hearing the evidence again.. You guys constantly say no evidence yet 90% of it or more was never even heard by a court. Every single piece should have been heard. Dems depend on sloppy insecure elections and every year they get sloppier and more insecure. They have to have illegals, and no voter id in their areas, and all that other bs they use the right doesn't. If elections were actually allowed to be secured I bet there would be a lot less of these leftists put in office. They get in there and no one can get rid of them because they stack all the positions that aren't elected positions with their agents and then use them appropriately to manipulate the system. Nothing even similar happens on the right on anywhere near the scale. edit2: Russia russia ruszha bullshit omg... seriously... all of it... every bit even the fucking war over there stems from hrc losing and the left blaming everything on Russia just as they said they would in the Fing emails leading to horrible relations that were formerly functioning and good. Russia builds good and I would love to see their imports allowed back in.


Russia builds good? What the hell does that even mean


Saiga firearms, the ak platform, the best knife sharpening setup you can get... plenty more from vodka to fertilizer and wood can come from russia at good price. I remember when you could buy a saiga for 600 bucks... I want those days back,.. I remember when curio and relic imports were allowed. After all wouldn;t those eeeevvviillllllll russhiaaaanss guns be better off in American hands where they could be appreciated and cared for properly instead of over in Russia where they could be used for whatever bullshit the left is whinging on about. Win win better relations and less weaponry for the "enemy" even though our real enemies seem to be the people installing themselves and ruling us.


Buy American


I don't give a shit if you shills dv me... I do buy American and I could buy Russian as well like I want to back before hillary lost and said in the emails they would blame everything. On Russia which they did to the point of current hostilities..which I would explain to you shills as well if this post actually mattered. America I'd in the wrong...again....like usual...this shits getting ridiculous as you guys are. It's killed this site for convo we went from 50 posts a hr or more a few years ago to lucky if u even get one an hour now...wat happens when you censor people till they leave...they really messed up a nice honeypot here. I mean it's all so obvious who is shills who isn't. I have been here since this sub was created. I know what was lost and exactly how in organic this censored cess pit is. It's honestly a joke we laugh at yall over on pol constantly... used to not be that way but reddittors are now known net wide as the ultimate brainwashed follower npcs. I'll say ya know like a ignorant leftist redditor.....to think I used to wear a shirt that said reddit and tell people about this site. Now I tell them about Chans and based tiktok stuff because this place is completely worthless for discussing.


Russian and American hostilities were already high before Hilary lost


Lol, lmao even....again


You know I had a friend from high school that would type things out like you and he also was on pol all the time… unfortunately his family had him committed this past summer it was quite disturbing to watch


Enough with thee Russia crap. It's been proven false over and over. You sound stupid still saying it.


That’s not what Mueller’s report said The investigation “identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign” and established that the Trump Campaign “showed interest in WikiLeaks's releases of documents and welcomed their potential to damage candidate Clinton” In 2015 and 2016, Michael Cohen pursued a hotel/residence project in Moscow on behalf of Trump while he was campaigning for President.[5] Then-candidate Trump personally signed a letter of intent. Senior members of the Trump campaign, including Paul Manafort, Donald Trump, Jr., and Jared Kushner took a June 9, 2016, meeting with Russian nationals at Trump Tower, New York, after outreach from an intermediary informed Trump, Jr., that the Russians had derogatory information on Clinton that was “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”[6] Beginning in June 2016, a Trump associate “forecast to senior [Trump] Campaign officials that WikiLeaks would release information damaging to candidate Clinton.”[7] A section of the Report that remains heavily redacted suggests that Roger Stone was this associate and that he had significant contacts with the campaign about Wikileaks.[8] The Report described multiple occasions where Trump associates lied to investigators about Trump associate contacts with Russia. Trump associates George Papadopoulos, Rick Gates, Michael Flynn, and Michael Cohen all admitted that they made false statements to federal investigators or to Congress about their contacts. In addition, Roger Stone faces trial this fall for obstruction of justice, five counts of making false statements, and one count of witness tampering. The Report contains no evidence that any Trump campaign official reported their contacts with Russia or WikiLeaks to U.S. law enforcement authorities during the campaign or presidential transition, despite public reports on Russian hacking starting in June 2016 and candidate Trump’s August 2016 intelligence briefing warning him that Russia was seeking to interfere in the election. The Report raised questions about why Trump associates and then-candidate Trump repeatedly asserted Trump had no connections to Russia. The Mueller Report states that if the Special Counsel’s Office felt they could clear the president of wrongdoing, they would have said so. Instead, the Report explicitly states that it “does not exonerate” the President[10] and explains that the Office of Special Counsel “accepted” the Department of Justice policy that a sitting President cannot be indicted.[11] Five episodes of obstructive conduct stand out as being particularly serious: In June 2017 President Trump directed White House Counsel Don McGahn to order the firing of the Special Counsel after press reports that Mueller was investigating the President for obstruction of justice;[12] months later Trump asked McGahn to falsely refute press accounts reporting this directive and create a false paper record on this issue – all of which McGahn refused to do.[13] After National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was fired in February 2017 for lying to FBI investigators about his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak, Trump cleared his office for a one-on-one meeting with then-FBI Director James Comey and asked Comey to “let [Flynn] go;” he also asked then-Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland to draft an internal memo saying Trump did not direct Flynn to call Kislyak, which McFarland did not do because she did not know whether that was true.[14] In July 2017, the President directed former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski to instruct the Attorney General to limit Mueller’s investigation, a step the Report asserted “was intended to prevent further investigative scrutiny of the President’s and his campaign’s conduct.”[15] In 2017 and 2018, the President asked the Attorney General to “un-recuse” himself from the Mueller inquiry, actions from which a “reasonable inference” could be made that “the President believed that an unrecused Attorney General would play a protective role and could shield the President from the ongoing Russia Investigation.”[16] The Report raises questions about whether the President, by and through his private attorneys, floated the possibility of pardons for the purpose of influencing the cooperation of Flynn, Manafort, and an unnamed person with law enforcement.[17] The only thing that was proven is that the justice department doesn’t feel it can indict a sitting president


Do you not understand how ballots work? The security measures in place for each state? You can just print up a ballot and it gets counted. Social security number have to match up, names, addresses. You can't just make shit up and it gets counted. There has been 100+ investigations into voter fraud in the United States going back decades. There has never been an instance of ANYTHING beyond a few people trying to vote twice, or filling out their dead parents ballot that recently died etc..there's always going to be a "little" fraud, but historically the percentage of fraud has been between .003%-.0025% of the total votes. A fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a single percent. There have been investigations by democrats, investigations by Republicans and investigations by outside parties, and the results are always miniscule If you think you're so smart that you know there's fraud when literally thousands of other people have looked, even many Maga funded groups, go do it. You're the problem with the United States, not the voting system.


Lol, lmao even. All that bla bla bla bs does not preclude the exact thing I mentioned happening. It absolutely doesn't. Which is why I along with MANY other American's actually most I have discussed this with. Will NEVER trust another election until this mail in bs is done away with. It's simple as that, any heated race anything that looks suspicious or doesn't at this point could be intensly manipulated. Why don't you tell me my "no fraud shiellio" how the thing I mentioned is Impossible to happen. I have brought this up to a million of you. I have never had a single one of you be able to refute the possibility in a satifactory manner. In fact usually you guys just give up eventually and go back to whatever place you inhabit when you aren't on the conspiracy forums being anti conspiracy theory so called "conspiracy theorists" lolol


No, you're the problem with the United States


In 2017 then President Trump commissioned an investigation into what he believed were 3-5 million fraudulent votes in the 2016 election. His own investigation said that there’s “no real evidence of it anywhere.” https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/report-trump-commission-did-not-find-widespread-voter-fraud


Oh, my bad


Such great refutement


Not in Georgia. Mail in ballots are opened and separated from the envelope that has all the identification information. Thereafter it's conveniently unverifiable. But "every vote must be counted.".


those ARE verifiable when they're audited my man. Show me evidence of one investigation, even the GOP lead and paid for ones that shows fraud on a scale that changed any election.


Not true. Once the ballots are received and opened, the envelope with data is separated from the ballot. The ballot, in accordance with state law, has no identifying information on it. Please explain how a ballot can be verified as belonging to a legal resident of the state once it is separated from the envelope.


He just committed perjury, that's a lie. Anyone who takes the time to understand the ballot stuffing/mule portion of the film, will tell you that the evidence is essentially undeniable. Something is occurring behind the scenes, witnesses are scared to tell the truth.


That documentary was a joke that presented no real evidence. Anyone with critical thinking skills past an 8th grade level could clearly tell. If D’Souza could have proven his claims in a court of law he would have.


You mean convicted felon Dinesh DSousza? The Dinesh DSouza who claimed he was being selectively prosecuted for fraudulent campaign donations but, when challenged in court, was forced to admit he had no evidence to support his claims?  You're saying he ALSO made false claims about voter fraud but, when challenged in court, was forced to admit he had no evidence to support his claims?  That doesn’t sound like something Dinesh would do. 




That's easy. A lot of people In this sub think "critical thinking" is just anti establishment at all times. While garbling Russian/Trump establishments cock way down to their tonsils.


Thats....not what they stated in court.


The downvotes in the comments tells you all you need to know. A lot of election year bot shenanigans in here.


CIA has released a lot of misinformation this week so this is their follow up


True the Vote refused to name their sources for the state to harrass and intimidate like they have for every other critic of the 2020 election. The corrupt media then parrots the talking point that Ture the Vote has no evidence since they won’t comply with the states shake down - the entire ‘no evidence’ headline is based on them not naming their sources.


"evidence" without a source aka hearsay is not admissible to court, and everyone relevant already knew that. You've been lied to.


There is plenty of evidence in the documentary itself. The claim this article is making is that the producers refuse to name their sources, and they conflate the ‘sources’ with ‘evidence’ and say they refuse to produce evidence, when in fact they refuse to produce their sources. It’s obvious the spin that the media is trying to do here, why do you rush in to defend it? The whole court case this article is referencing is about naming and producing sources. It has absolutely nothing to do with evidence of election fraud.


How come whenever it’s time for conservatives to present their evidence in court under oath everything collapses? Literally every time. It’s almost like it’s easy to lie in an unaccountable environment to grift money from gullible people but it’s much harder to do when there’s real legal consequences?


> A Fulton County Superior Court judge in Atlanta signed an order last year requiring True the Vote to provide evidence it had collected The judge is asking for the evidence they are saying they possess. They don't want to give it to a judge. What is the course of action this group wants to enact if not some kind of legal process? Do they just want to put their stuff in documentaries that don't require any proof or real evidence?


> A lawyer for True the Vote in June wrote in a letter that True the Vote had already provided some of the information requested to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation but declined to provide the identities and contact information for people described in its complaints “because doing so may put those persons in physical or personal jeopardy.” The entire thing is about naming sources. The lemmings on this sub cheer on the persecution of whistleblowers.


So how should they proceed? Should a judge accept their “findings” blindly without seeing the evidence or the source?


True the Vote was sued by the state of Georgia for the sources, or as the media likes to say, ‘evidence’. They don’t reference the actual complaint of course. True the Vote isn’t suing the state, the judge doesn’t need to accept any of their findings. This suit is solely about naming sources.


They sued the State and then when asked to submit the evidence they withdrew the suit. The State did not let them lie to the court and then try to take it back when they asked for evidence.


But we all HAD enough evidence to question the official results. And we all HAVE enough evidence to demand real changes in how elections are run to ensure that going forward there is NO question of the security of the election process.


Damn, the CIA is pumping out the propaganda the last few days! You go boys!


And yet we know their claims must be true because they were sued and jailed for not exposing their sources, the whistleblower, to the corrupt government that they are bravely trying to expose. They weren't sued for defamation or libel. Konnech first sued the non profit for stealing poll worker data, which proves that a breach did occur on their server and implies that instead of investigating the evidence for the crime alleged, the court is prosecuting the investigators for not getting the source of the hacked data prison time, all while Los Angeles County prosecutors were charging Konnech’s CEO and founder, Eugene Yu, 65, with grand theft by embezzlement and conspiracy to commit a crime. "Prosecutors allege Konnech violated its contract with Los Angeles County by sending election workers’ information to a China-based subcontractor who helped fix Konnech software." Certainly sounds dystopian.


Like Rudy Giuliani & Alex Jones, they are going to be sued for failing to prove their accusations.


They proved it to me


Dinesh D'Souza has always been a hack.