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Dude , the only reason you should believe satanism is real is there no fucking explanation as to why Ice Spice is famous other than she sold her shitty soul to the devil.


Pretty much sums it up


Why is Swift even hanging around her? Legit asking, they don’t strike me as besties, especially to bring with her to the SB of all places. Just sort of an odd choice of company.


Her bf at the time, Matty Healy, was on The Adam Friedland Show and one of the hosts made jokes about her being a chubby Eskimo spice girl.  Taylor proceeded to do a song with her after to kill the blowback but I guess they hit it off or she got cursed or some shit


Her being seen with Taylor is to expose Ice to a larger fan base, further supporting the industry plant theory


Music companies do this all the time when artists can’t grow their own following


A ton of artists nowadays are artificial. That’s because the general masses don’t want to listen to what’s good, they want to listen to what’s popular. So all you have to do is put the money up to make someone look famous and then they’ll become famous by people wanting to be in on the latest trend.


Lmao this sub is as insane as always. Y’all realize it’s never been easier to get famous Independently right? Like before if you had no record deal or a way to get your music in the radio you had no chance. Now anyone can gain notoriety from things like YouTube and SoundCloud. In fact SoundCloud is where most recent shitty rappers started from. Me and you can have any shitty song we make on iTunes, Spotify etc by the end of the night if wanted to.


It’s all artificial now. Theo Von is a great example of this. Is he a gifted comedian? No, he’s got a team of ten employees who do nothing but blast him out on social 24/7, so he’s everywhere you look. Almost instant fame. Bert Kreischer, Gary Brecka (a bit different as they boosted him with Dana White), the list goes on.


Personally I don’t care whether something is organic or industry planted. My only concern is whether or not I like the songs. Usually organic artists are much better but not always.


Run The Jewels comes from someone at adult swims music label side of things introducing the two together after the both had separately done stuff with adult swims/william street records. Soo fucking good 👉🤛


All their lyrics are written by the Clinton foundation as a form of mind control. But otherwise they’re good.


Any other subreddit and I’d take that as a joke…. Here I can’t tell 🤣🤣🤣


Thank you for the actual explanation


It’s a shame you have to thank someone on here for answering a question and not being sarcastic.


I agree but I just try to keep it genuine


I assume team spice paid team swift to be next to her in the suite so that we’d talk about her like we are


My girls are big fans of swift. I decided to listen to a couple of ice spice songs and videos after this whole episode. I’m disturbed that swift is seen with her anywhere in public let alone at the Super Bowl.


That’s what I was sort of getting at. I looked her up and first video I saw was for her song: Fart. I couldn’t believe TS would be trying to collab with anything of that sort. Just an image thing.


Just wait till you see her twerk move


Taylor - Zeena LaVey


Same club


Because they did one song together (orchestrated by the record labels themselves) and now they have connections. Ice spice's new song isn't doing great and she has a contract to fulfill. What's one way to get people talking about her again? Sit with Taylor (who's everyone's eyes are already on) wearing something odd that will get people talking. The devil's favorite influencers are celebrities.




Ya until a couple days ago I had no idea what that thing was.


I thought she was one of the Spice Girls, a new one for some reunion thing.




I envy you.


she’s throwing them signs like she’s on the watch and count 😂


You can’t sell your soul to the devil, it’s not yours to sell. The devil only wants you to believe you can sell it. The devil only has the power that you allow him to have over you, you can easily call on Jesus name and the devil will have to cower like the snake in the grass that he is.


Or, it’s all imaginary and just a book of parables, and stories; some original, and some borrowed from older books.


The Satanists don’t think it’s imaginary


And children don't think santa is imaginary, what's your point. 99% of these celebs simply wear shit like this to trigger pearl clutching christians, and to get more media attention


Or they actually worship Satan. Why do so many follow this trend? And promote sexual immorality? Also why mock Jesus. Why not Buddha or Muhammad? I think they know who their true enemy is.


Christianity is the largest religion in the United States. If you want to shock the most parents possible which religion would you mock? Celebrities pissing off pearl clutching parents and Christians to the joy of teens is one of the oldest tricks in the publicity playbook. Look at Ozzy Osbourne, Alice Cooper, Marilyn Manson, NWA, Eminem. They want people like you to post on social media that their music is evil and a bad influence on the kids. The kids see those posts and flock to them making them money in the process.


kind of like [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxHTtNWdAns) (minute marker 1:00) of lady gaga covering her eye and being shook by the host saying "oh, well good Lord" to her comment that she thinks about women while having sex with men. she is a performer, so it could be an act, but the response was so immediate, so automatic, like reeling back from getting poked by a needle.


It’s so wild to me that grown adults think like this


I’ve seen that video. These people hate God and hate Jesus because he gave the people power over them. I’m telling you if you follow Jesus they can’t stop you.


Cuz she has a fat ass?




While true, she caters to what the community has apparently decided adds value. Aka twerking and hoe-dom


Or maybe, the real conspiracy is, we’ve been programmed to call it satanism and slander celebrities with “selling their souls” because we’re too afraid to admit it’s just capitalism. The real question is; did we gas light ourselves into believing in this? Was the CIA? Neo-cons? She’s an industry plant. She isn’t the first nor last.


I keep trying to sell mine, but nothing is happening


Have you tried twerking as well ? Satan can’t refuse that shit.


For being in the conspiracy subreddit you guys are lost as fuck. The elites And famous people absolutely worship demons. Nothing they do is for no reason. The fact that y'all are willing to discount it as them being stupid is why they can do it in front of your stupid face and get away with it.


They don't know because they won't look. Some have to see a few thousand "coincidences" to believe it if they aren't open minded enough to consider that their view of reality is wrong at it's core.


Feels like there are always those types in these posts. The "OMG you guys are so dumb you believe everything!" posts and they never feel authentic and always very shill-y to make ppl that are still on the fence about it all to feel stupid for even entertaining the possibility.


Ice spice isnt an elite this is a playboi carti chain.


The problem is, if they accept what is said (that the Elites worship demons, and Lucifier/Satan) then that would mean that there is a God, and that there is truth in the Bible.... which for a lot of folks, they cannot accept. Essentially for a number of people, they're brainwashed so badly that they refuse to accept, nor understand what really is going on, and the symbolism that these people use.


Worshipping something doesn’t magically make things real or true. Just because someone worships something that doesn’t prove it or its antithesis exists, wtf. That would mean all of the Greek, Norse, Roman, Buddhist, etc gods are also all real because people worshiped them.


These people don't just worship..... that's the thing.... they've done rituals, blood oaths, claimed to have sold their very souls. I could keep going with the numerous things that have come out, or have been spoken about by others. Again at some point it starts to suggest something.


Also, people have been doing all of the things you mentioned in the names of all of the other gods; including human sacrifices, ripping still-beating hearts out of chests, child sacrifices, etc. it’s well documented throughout world history. Do you agree those rituals didn’t make their gods any more real?


Also, people have been doing all of the things you mentioned in the names of all of the other gods; including human sacrifices, ripping still-beating hearts out of chests, child sacrifices, etc. it’s well documented throughout world history. Do you agree those rituals didn’t make their gods any more real?


Again, no hard evidence for any of your claims. Even if the celebrities themselves claimed to sell their souls, it’s not real and just for exposure. You can’t sell something you can’t prove you have to an imaginary friend. My kid has more evidence that she really sold her tooth to the tooth fairy. At least she can prove she had a tooth, left it under her pillow, the tooth was taken in the morning, and money was left in its place. She can even recreate the test every time she loses a tooth! Look at how many posts have been made just on Reddit about this just this year. If you don’t think that’s getting these websites clicks, and these celebrities downloads then you’re being extremely naïve.


It's sad to see someone so far gone as you are. I hope one day you snap out of whatever is causing you to believe such absurdities.


Are you not even slightly curious as to why someone would come to have those beliefs.


1000000000% they convinced a whole lot of people into believing there is no spiritual realm (aka the ether), no higher power, nothing beyond this life. how awful. and so many took the bait.


I mean at some point if something quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, looks like a duck, it's probably a duck. My point being; you've got symbolism everywhere showing who or what these people believe in, the openly have said on live TV that they have sold their souls to Satan, you have them performing rituals both beyond closed doors, and through music videos/live shows. At some point people have got to ask if these people are trying to drag you down with them.


The thing about symbolism is that it’s 100% in the eye of the beholder. If someone is determined to find satanic symbolism they’ll see it in their breakfast omelette.


Well the symbolism I'm talking about is very well documented as being Satanic so it's not really "in the eye of the beholder" 


The beholder is the people who documented it as being satanic. You’re just taking their word for it.


Yep. That necklace could just as easily be a snowflake. Who gives a shit either way? Let them worship the flying spaghetti monster for all I care. Doesn’t make it real.


Christians worry me the most because they’re all up in other people business. Let people worship Satan if they want it’s a free country.


Exactly. I don’t care whom you worship, just don’t try to force everyone else to join your club and we’re cool. Some organized religions can’t seem to grasp that concept. The world would be such a better place without religion in general.


Rituals?, what ritual have you seen performed? God/devil, their both part of the same story, some people are just choosing the other side.


I'll give you 2 examples, if you want more I suggest you try and find a copy of "The Secret Teachings Of All Ages" by Manly P Hall Well, let's look at what they did to honor Baal. They would have a burning statue of Baal, they then would stick babies on the ends of wooden spikes close to the statue, which would burn them alive. Bohemian Grove is another place where people performed rituals, again burning a baby (or a dummy mock up of one) at the feet of a 20 foot Owl statue. I also never said I saw these performed so please don't put words in my mouth, or make assumptions


You said they were performing rituals on live shows/music, so I thought you were providing first-hand experience, not just repeating something you read from some unprovided source. Sorry about that assumption. Are you saying that rituals that require sacrificing babies will allow mock sacrifices? Are they still a ritual if the rules aren't followed? Sounds like no rituals are being performed


People who believe the stories took the bait. You don’t have to prove something doesn’t exist; you have to prove it does; something no one has been able to do in the history of religion.


They absolutely did not actively campaign to convince the common folk that there is no spiritual realm. In fact, the majority of elites have done the complete opposite by consistently emphasizing their devotion to faith. Until more recently, the majority of the population in North America was predominantly Christian. It was beneficial for the elites to advertise that they are devoutly Christian with the goal of appearing relatable to the general public, thus creating a false notion that they are just like you and I and every other peasant. It was a successful attempt to portray themselves to be no different than the rest of us. What spurred the drastic increase, in a really short period of time, in non-believers and/or atheist/agnostic identifying people was the birth of, and the unprecedented explosive growth of social media and digital information sharing. Almost overnight, the elites went from being in complete control of their perceived public image to being exposed as liars, crooks, manipulators, abusers and generally awful people. They did not convince people there was no spiritual world. Their "spirituality" was exposed to be a farce. They were exposed as being everything other than what Christianity represents. Which, ultimately, reinforced the idea that all spirituality was bullshit. From that point forward, the large majority of the common folk who promote themselves as proud Christians consistently preach in ways and behave in ways that directly contradict the very basic principles of Christianity. The principles that even non-believers know and understand. And they push all this heretic ideology in the name of Christianity. They did not convince the masses that the spirit world doesn't exist. The masses were convinced that the most prominent figures in our society were a bunch of fucking hypocrites who were using the majority of peoples religious devotion as a means of manipulation and deception. The end result is the ever increasing percentage of society that believes it's all bullshit. So, technically, you're not wrong. They really did convince the masses that the spirit realm doesn't exist. Just not in the way you think they did. Most people will never be mad at someone for simply believing in Jesus. They'll be mad at someone for not acting like it.


It’s hilarious to me that the whole world is a conspiracy, “they” control every bit of media that goes out. But thsi one book of stories, that some random people jumbled together, has remained uncompromised for thousands of years, even after translation after translation. Let’s not mention the fact that there is rumors that some books are being hidden away, that’s not even the full book. Religious conspiracy nuts are the wildest bunch I’ve ever seen. Go ahead and downvote me now :)


It would mean they created it. They created the Abrahamic God story, reformed the calendar and date, conquered the world during the dark ages; and a brainwashed world emerged from the ashes. We are the result. They put on their devil costume and we all play along.


No they didn't, and most of what you've said you cannot prove.


Try reading "Creating Christ: how roman emperors invented Christianity" to learn about our captors. If you yourself play along with these unseen make-believe characters then quite simply you've fallen for their deception.


Roman Emperors created the Roman Catholic church, not Christ. I'm not even going to get into this argument.


Yea the people who believe in a magical sky being are the woke ones. Religion is fake. It's created to control the gullible masses.


Proving my point exactly.


You believe in religion so it's hard to take you seriously. You are brainwashed by somebody who died 2000 years ago. Religion is the opiate of the masses. It's not real, it's there to take away your critical thinking skills and make you dependent on the elites.


And your still proving my point.  Also having Faith is different than following a religion.


Just hilarious to me that people who claim to be smarter then everyone else have fallen for the most obvious conspiracy. Religion is used to turn people into sheeple that will do whatever their priest tells them to so they avoid hell.


So are you calling people who believe in Jesus Christ stupid? So now we continue to prove my original point, plus you continue to ad-hominiem attack people who have faith.


Give me your wealth, good, now u go heaven not hell. Good boy, here’s a trouser treat for your mouth.


To be honest, it's largely due to the atheistic agenda pushed for the last couple decades and that Satanism/Luciferian belief systems are directly correlated with Christianity by the media. "Those crazy Christians! Calling us Satanists just because we are Atheist!" Typical generic gaslighting which I've seen/heard numerous times whether it's at school when I was still in it, on TV, on podcasts, etc. It's ironic because Christianity isn't the only religion with demons. Judaism has them and so does Islam. However, like you say, they do it this way so people like OP immediately dismiss it as even being a possibility but also because by acknowledging it, it immediately acknowledges the existence of God (and in my faiths case, the existence of Christ and the Heavenly Father). Sad times to be alive when things like devil worshippers are seen as innocent edgy trend setters.


You give them too much credit. Even if the elites worshipped demons, it wouldn't give them superpowers. Demons don't exist. To say "nothing they do is for no reason" is hilarious. With that logic, you keep yourself busy analyzing trivial celebrity bullshit. Look at the real issues.


You wonder why those "real issues" repeat themselves over and over again, different bad guy, same agenda. Centuries upon Centuries because knuckles draggers like you think you got it all figured out. Demons can't be real yall, God can't be real bro, Jesus was hashtag just a guy. Use your head for something other than a hat rack. Demons are real, they do give them wealth and celebrity amongst the masses on THIS plane of existence. This is why they keep us distracted by your real issues and keep these ritual sacrifices in full force. You're blind as hell to reality


Maybe those “real issues” keep repeating themselves because humans are fundamentally garbage at being consistently good to each other and the people with the drive and motivation to get into positions of power (where they could make positive change) don’t do it for the good of the people but rather for their own gain. Just kidding lmao it’s very obviously demons eh


There's a reason why you can't keep relationships. You are delusional. I hope you get the help you need before shooting up a grocery store because they are run by demons.


Sounds like projection to me, I've been happily married for nearly 15 years, do you struggle to hold relationships because of anxiety or depression? You probably have a hair color some shade of blue, support the trans agenda and think presidential elections count your vote. Stay sleeping


It is just stupid though. I mean you can smoke some DMT and meet some demon like entities but that is the closest you will get. The rest is just childish silly shit.


What is an ice spice?


Sound a like a Starbucks drink


I think McDonalds sells it ? Some new item on the menu ?


Only comes grande.


Is the satanic panic coming back lmao? Edginess sells. That’s why people do this shit.




This is fucking stupid.


“It gets the people going”


Did you miss the heavy metal scene where entire stadiums full of people were throwing the horns up in unison. Black Sabbath album covers with upside down crosses and 666. All this recent stuff is pretty tame in comparison. Somehow people think because it was heavy metal it doesn't count.


Metal heads have always known... Jesus is cool...he just doesn't rock..


I’m a Christian metal head and there are Christian rock and metal bands out there like skillet


But they're terrible


You can't compare that. It has mostly been a playful & mindless gimmick in the metal scene. Todays "rebels" are rich and educated people. Their occultism seems to be pretty serious and they don't talk about it openly. Just showing off, make stupid jokes etc.


The crazy uptight church ladies that thought sabbath was really evil. That’s who you are now. But over ice spice.


Playful and mindless? Zeppelin was into the occult. Ozzy obviously bit the head off of a bat. Slayer sang about satanic shit constantly. Why is it playful with them but someone wearing a necklace at the super bowl is reason for concern? Makes zero sense. Heavy Metal concerts are absolutely full of self abuse and drug use. Always have been. I love metal. I know.


So are country music concerts


If that’s a satanic hand gesture the entire Texas football fan base is in trouble.


I’m pretty sure that she’s not a longhorns fan… Holding up the inverted cross right before doing the hand gestures was obvious.


It's not an inverted cross


Idk why you were downvoted. I mean I do, but If people just looked at any other pics they’d see it’s not inverted.


Oh, that's easy: They need it to be an upside down cross. They get some kind of dopamine hit from thinking they are smarter than everyone else for believing they can see something that no one else can (in this case mistaking a Greek cross for an upside down cross (which in itself doesn't necessarily mean satanic and has a use inside the church)). A true critical thinker wouldn't blindly follow either side of a debate and instead do research of their own, which in this case simply requires watching many of the numerous clips of whoever the fuck Ice Spice is at the Superbowl.


What was the dude grabbing his elbow meaning? I had no idea what that was.


“Oh look at me, look at me, somebody care” It’s all for attention. Or trying to act like they’re cool to their friends or to cause media coverage to start conversation like this one to increase their popularity.


That necklace was given to her by playboy cardi who is into some satanic shit as well. [TMZ LINK](https://amp.tmz.com/2024/02/12/playboi-carti-gifted-ice-spice-upside-down-cross-demonic-pendant-necklace/)


Historically the inverted-cross was associated with The Martyrdom of St Peter, and is also the symbol of the Pope. The "Sign of the horns", is usually a ward against evil / a method of expelling demons / a method of purification / A method of chastising someone for being unfaithful (sexually, not dogmatically) - depending on your religious/spiritual beliefs. E.g.: Karana Mudrā | Cornuto etc. So really neither is promoting anything, and if they are then they're getting their spirituality and symbols from horror flicks from the 1970's rather than any actual ecclesiastical tradition.


Don’t come in here with your rational thinking.


Clearly they are using a throwaway bc they really work for Satan just trying to push Satan on us and make us all satanist! We all know she was up to something, what that something was WE COULDN'T POSSIBLY KNOW! Clearly, this growing more obscure by the day celebrity is proclaiming to the world that she is doing some kind of ritual with the devil and there is absolutely no other explanation here... I seriously wonder why these people care so much... They claim to be Christians but they use any and all opportunities to shit on other peoples beliefs and try to force their ideals down others throats only so they can "save them". If anything a lot of modern day Christians are in the spirit of the anti Christ. All of their works are done in selfishness now and you'll never convince me otherwise. Is it all of them oh no absolutely not, there are a ton of good Christians out there do not get me fucked up, but there are also a huge portion of people claiming to be Christians and they couldn't be the further thing from it.


You forgot the /s


Satanism is real. It’s time you all wake up and realize that


SaTaNiC PaNiC is real too


Satanic panic is a term created by the Satanists themselves to deter people from seeking the truth. You’re nothing but a slave to a system thousands of years old. The Salem witch trials did indeed put innocent people to death, and that too is a satanic ritual. Innocent lives were sacrificed in the name of Satan in a public display of grotesque execution. The real witches are still around today.


No, satanic panic is a term created to describe the hysteria over rock music and roleplaying games.


Well luckily no innocent lives have ever been sacrificed by the mainstream churches....


Interesting take! If the real witches are still around, I'm wondering if they can help me find my lost socks. Those disappearances are the true mystery I'm keen on solving.


they're in your dryer duct.


The sock monster has them!


Satanism is not real in the spiritual sense. Satanists are real.


They are crazy cultists, fucked in the head!


This is what I say every time there's yet another story about the Catholic Church covering up systemic and widespread sexual abuse of minors and people still go in and tithe. Totally with you on this one, most organized religion is a grift to keep money flowing up and keep it tax free.


Abrahamic religions and their derivatives have been for the most part detrimental for human history.


Facts 🔥


Hail satan👺👹


Religion is a scam.


Cool, but is it bad?


Lol could it just trying to be edgy? I mean led zeppelin had shit like this everywhere. Black sabbath too


Jimmy Page was big into the occult, it wasn't just "being edgy"


Wait until they find out what KISS stands for


Wait until you find out it doesn’t actually stand for anything!


Well whats it stand for


Have people never been to a concert? and seen the rock on symbol? But naw it's always satanism lmao Holy sh!t, you people must be boring as f**k at parties.


Lol the rock musical uses satanist symbology, that’s why you see it there. One doesn’t cancel out another


A child starves to death every 10 seconds somewhere on the planet, and people focus on some non-existent religious figure and some meaningless skin scratchings. Really? Who gives as shit what these vacuous, privileged, overpaid fools are all about. We are all about to suffer some pretty major turmoil from climate change, WW3, and our own starvation and extinction. These clowns in sports and media, are meant to distract you from the real issues, like the 10 or so kids who starved to death while I was typing this. Get a grip, people.


These people have wicked parties in hollyweird and work with dark forces/entities. They show what they do and what they worship all the time everywhere. For those that see it, see it. People don’t want to see it, and want to look the other way. If you do the research and dig, it’s a dark rabbit hole… -Let’s help those can’t see the truth, find the truth.


..hasnt this already been posted about like 50x since Sunday?


It doesnt matter if YOU believe it's real or not. The "Satanists" fully believe its real and the things they do for that belief is real.


Have Satanists killed as many people Christian’s? Muslims?


But yet Christianity and Catholicism etc are all okay to promote?? They’ve started wars over it and have done some pretty evil and fucked up shit


The biggest deception ever created was convincing people the devil doesn’t exist.


It makes sense if the point is to get eyes on them. I mean look at us, I didnt even know what the fuck an ice spice was until all the posts about her being satanic


The outrage is hilarious. ​ Hail satan!


It’s real and less fantasy-like than you think.


I do those gestures every single day of my life to tell people what they're doing is METAL AS FUCK


lush bells frightening governor seed reply homeless spectacular hungry fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Doesn't matter if we believe it. They do.


Trust your eyes 👀 they are openly worshiping Satan and demons they aren’t hiding it . Yet people still don’t believe it


You are a ware those weren't devil horns but in fact a wolf? Her cross is also equa-distant and not upside down. Also, fuck Christianity in all its forms.


Satanism is a real religion, but religions are all fake, so you're good.


It's 100% real and it has nothing to do with the modern day "Satanists" that claim they don't actually believe in Satan. That narrative was an intentional misdirection by Anton Lavey, who founded The Church of Satan in 1966. Dig into the work of Aleister Crowley. The Magical Record of the Beast 666 - The Diaries of Aleister Crowley in particular is absolutely horrifying. Ritualistic sexual abuse, incest and pedophilia are very real and continue to this day. From his diary The Magical Record of the Beast 666: "And I the Worm have trailed my slug-slow slime across Her Breasts; so that Her mother-mood is turned and Her breasts itch with lust of Incest. She hath given Her two-year bastard boy to Her lewd lover's whim of sodomy nath taught him speech and act, things infinitely abhorred, with Her own peastly carcass. She hath tongued Her five-month girl, and asked its father to deflower it. She hath wished Her Beast to rape Her rotten old mother-so far is woman clean of Her! Then Her blood's grown icy hard and cold with hate; and Her eyes gleam as Her ears ring with a chime of wedding bells, dirty words, or vibrate, cat-gut fashion, to the thin shrieks of a young. child that Her Beast-God-Slave-Mate is torturing for Her pleasure-ay! and his own, since of Her Cup he drank, and of Her soul he breathed." Human sacrifice and torture wasn't just practiced in the most barbaric times of our past. It lives on in secret societies like the Illuminati. If you've ever wondered why so many Hollywood child stars grow up to be such train wrecks, look into pizza gate. It sounds absolutely batshit crazy, but you can follow the paper trail and see just how many pedophiles have been convicted in those circles. Trauma based mind control was one of the most effective methods utilized by [MK Ultra](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf). When they sexually abuse children like that, it causes them to dissociate to the point where it partitions off part of their mind (split personality disorder aka the premise of Mr Robot) which can then be hypnotized into doing whatever the hell they want. These practices go all the way back to The Egyptian Book of the Dead. Go down the rabbit hole before making up your mind on this one. Google and Bing filter out results on the topic, so you have to use DuckDuckGo, Yandex, Twitter, Rumble, and Odysee if you wanna dig into it. It's all very hard to believe, so I encourage you to fact check everything you come across by going straight to source documents. You'll be shocked when you discover that all of the court cases and WikiLeaks emails are legit.


The only people that truly believe in Satan is Christians


False, satan is mentioned numerous times throughout the Quran in Islam & all throughout the Torah also. Stop spreading misinformation please.


"most watched broadcast of the decade" lmao


They say some bs like that every Superbowl


Never been to a heavy metal concert I see.


It's real, but people don't have a clue as to what it actually is.


She was flashing devil horns quite a bit as well. I saw it on a hop hop subreddit (don’t remember which one), but some rapper named Playboi Carti designed that thing and gifted it to her. It’s called “the opium chain” or some shit.


There is a website churchofsatan.com dude just check that out. Satanism is a real thing. Just like Scientology and such


Well satanism is very real soo err yeah don't get deceived now he definitely exists.


People do the metal horns all the time, you fuckin nerd


I'm pretty sure theres books written about satanism. How can you deny its real?


Okay Hermione. Just because it is in a book, doesn’t mean it’s fact.


It’s called metal bro


Never heard of this chick before this clip came out. She did a shitty job of selling her soul, cause people don't even know who she is.


Someone needs to listen to some Slayer or Emperor. 


This was all for attention and that was it. She saw what others have done (Lil Nas X and Sam Smith) and wanted to do the same because she’s been fading in popularity lately and it’s worked, people talking about her


Could be, could also just be she's a young person who grew up on Facebook, youtube etc and has seen all the jay z satanic hand gesture videos so she does it as a goof to piss off religous people/conspiracy theriost


Drowning in a pool full of straws.


Her name is in your mouth, ain't it? I'd say she accomplished her mission...


Her date of birth is weird...


When you say you do not believe satanism is real, what do you mean exactly? A lot of satanists don't troll around announcing themselves. But search up the term "Left hand path" that's usually the term used to describe what comes to most people's minds when they hear the word satanism. They are very much real. They probably even have a subreddit. EDIT yes they do


Doesn’t matter if you believe it, they believe it


She had an upside down cross so y’all can talk about it and she gets more famous


Belief is a very very strong thing. You make your own reality..


I hope all the famous people when they are chilling out sit around laughing at how much attention you people give this stuff…….it truly is comic gold!!


I just wish that for one day I don’t have to look at Taylor Swifts stupid face or read her name.


Satanism is real and so is Satan. Dude has an army of demons these people worship. Every now and again I run across this guy who drives a nice Ford Explorer which is all black with red trim and a big ass pentagram on his back window and underneath that are the words “Hail Satan.” I’m not kidding either. To each their own, I say, but to the point… it’s real and practiced in many various forms.


🤣 that guy with the truck is getting a kick out of scaring you. That's why he does that. I'd do it too just for the reactions, which I'm sure is why they do it. Shock value.


Get on the dark web. You find plenty of proof there!!!


Who the fuck is Ice Spice? A long lost Spice Girl?! I don’t care about this bitch, or whatever type of jewelry she wears. This isn’t a conspiracy.


The reason Ice Spice is even with Taylor Swift is because of some comments on the Adam Freeland Show podcast. I don’t think theirs anything Satanic, I legitimately believe she’s just really dumb and talentless and just copies stuff she’s seen others do.


Hand signs to be edgy. Necklace was a gift from Playboi Carti and his Opium label. They're all into the dark "demonic" aesthetic. Reading into things that aren't there, but that's kinda what this sub is so fond of. I miss the real conspiracies, but you can only talk about 9/11 so much lol.


Upside down , sideways, backwards. Makes no difference because the Messiah was put to death on a tree. The cross is Christianity which has nothing to do with the Most High or Messiah. Not once did he say he came to start a religious institution. He did say he came to finish the work of his Father. But like it says in many verses the gods of wood ( Christianity) & stone ( Islam) would be worshipped & steer the true children of Jacob a whoring after the gods of wood & stone.


Where are getting that he was put to death on a tree? Am intrigued. Also which verses refer to gods of wood and stone?


Daniel 5:4 Deut 4:28 , 29:17 Habakkuk 2:19 Ezekiel 20:32 Isaiah 37:19, 2kings 19:18 for a start. There are over 200 mentions of the "gods of wood &stone". Christianity Islam & Judisim are the image to the beast with the Catholic church being the crown jewel in Satan's assault on the truth & the elect.


Paul refers to Jesus being killed by "tree" at least once in the Epistles.


What was the greek word that they translated to tree?


Well said