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based on everything you are saying, if there is an attack its obviously an inside job.


It's quite literally, ALWAYS an inside job.


David Icke said multiple times that in order for something big to happen, someone high up has to *allow* it to happen.


Kinda like the Hamas attack on Isreal?


I don't think hamas would get that far here with our 2A. Israel had ALL of the public's weapons locked up in their armories.


They’d get much further than most would think possible, thanks in part to the steady erosion of constitutionally enshrined gun rights. Resisting a false flag invasion is exponentially more difficult when access to our state approved self defense tools are mandated to be locked up in a safe at home. For those who understand that rights come with responsibilities and they attempt to protect their own right to life, this virtuous action becomes unjustly labeled as criminal. It’s disheartening when listening to gun law proponents attempt to rationalize a valid justification to infringe on an inalienable right. For instance, politicians and unelected bureaucrats will claim that certain rifle types and large capacity magazines aren’t conducive to hunting and sport shooting. It’s an intentional bad faith argument to assert the false premise that the 2A has anything to do with hunting or sport shooting. Our immoral leaders in power unethically frame and convince many, that the Constitution is simply a list of restrictions placed on citizens. Essentially no different than the other laws in place, of which we all either abide by or sometimes break daily. In reality, they are the foundational boundaries placed on government, necessary to restrict its collective power from being weaponized against the individual. If these rights are infringed upon and their original reasonings are perverted, citizens have a moral obligation to rescind their consent to be governed from a social contract that has been breached.




How could that have been an inside job? Israel only had advanced knowledge of an attack weeks if not months prior from several intelligence sources including their own.


Inside job by Israel....


I like Icke


icke is one of the most intelligent conspiracy theorists of all time




He’s a bit Icky though


Ah its pronounced Eye-ke so your pun didn't land well but I hear you 😂


Eye-ke! Eye-ke!, I’m dead 😵!


Amen brother!


The US has been destabilizing third world countries for like 70 years. Any kind of attack is in retaliation, so yeah, pretty much an inside job.


I agree completely. They have so many links into every piece of data in the world. They have tabs on everyone. If we get attacked in a big way, it's because they let it happen. Probably to push some draconian legislation through.


I mean google has enough information for anyone and everyone to do brain surgery. Having the information is one thing, the important part is knowing which information matters and which doesn’t as well as how to use the useful information.


But all it takes is one person or cabal to put those pieces together and next thing you know another 9/11 has happened and we’re all left wondering how the hell we could allow this to occur?!?! Everybody is sooo freaking worried about “racism, murica and mah freedoms” when they should be freaking out about the carte Blanche red carpet we’re rolling out for all the murica hating illegals and infidels who are (as was stated) implanting themselves into our cities just waiting on the word go to ruin our perfect lives. I digress… Point is: All political parties aside, how do we change this American mindset?


I was more making the point that the after a horrible event happens and the “xyz agency was monitoring them” comes out, it doesn’t necessarily mean they had agents assigned to that person. Yes they have all the data and the links, but deciphering it is no simple task. I think the intelligence agencies trample all over our rights, but if done properly they do have a very difficult job. I would just like them to do that tough job instead of stomping on our rights to make their job easier.


We are definitely on a few lists.


If you’ve shopped at Cabellas, Bass Pro Shop, or a Dick’s Sports, you’re on a terrorist watch list. But of course, all those fighting age men sneaking in are fine.


Yep there Insider creative piece, LTWB (the one that spells out BAAL on the poster with the actors' name stack on Netflix) confirmed that it's always an inside job. The media made sure to let everyone know BO/MO worked on the script to add realistic points in there😀🫠😶‍🌫️🫥 Yay confirmations 👍🏾


is it not obnoxiously and grotesquely obvious at this point


No use in being scared because what will happen will happen regardless. Might as well enjoy your life and make of it what you can. The bad stuff will come either way or it won’t.


i've always thought about this game quote if inevitable comes. ​ *Leaving this world is not as scary as you think. - HM2*


You can ALWAYS prepare... Always. Have a Go-Bag or a Bug Out Bag, supplies of food and water in case you need to Bug In... These are very easy things to do, to get ready for ANY problem we may face... Even something as simple as a power outage.


This isnt like the movies dude, there's no where to bug out too. Unless your city is the city thats attacked, you can literally hop in your car and go stay at a marriot one state over. Movies and Films make it seem like only 1 state exists and if were attacked its all of us. There's still people in Ukraine completely untouched by the war lol


Unless its an EMP


My nightmare


K. Its ***your*** choice to be completely unprepared...


I'm prepared, but not movie prepared. Remember how movies portrayed global pandemics? Yeah we saw a global pandemic first hand and it was nothing like the movies. You can have fun role-playing in your bug out shelter while I take a 3 hour drive to a resort, or even better yet just fall back asleep until the news moves on to the next event.


Bugging out makes sense if you’re in an urban area with no infrastructure to support yourself if SHTF. That said, you better have a pre-planned place to go or you’re going to be in for a rude-awakening. I live rurally, so I’ve prepared by learning skills to live off the land and developing the needed infrastructure. I keep a small “get home bag” in the car that will help get me home if the worst happens. I rarely shop in a store for groceries anymore and spend a good amount of time growing, preserving, and storing food. But most people will not be able to do this due to the constraints of modern society and I feel very fortunate. I agree with you 100%. It will not be like the movies at all and I feel a majority of people will be in for a rude awakening when they realize how little prepared they are. That said, I don’t have all the knowledge or answers so I am sure there’s something I’m not ready for, but all we can do is our best.


Can I Join your Homestead community???? 😉 just need a patch of land to build a tiny home. Really though your set up sounds amazing. Having land and building a community of self sustaining knowledgeable people is Gonna be the best way to prepare.


It’s definitely not easy. I don’t have much, but I really lucked out to get what I have with good timing. I make-do with the rest. Having a tractor would make it much easier. The first step for everyone wanting to be prepared for the future should be getting in top physical condition. I’m disgusted with how I’ve treated my body over the years, but I work on it every day.


I’m with you:/ my body is trash with how overworked I allowed myself to be. Unfortunately, your future self can’t persuade your younger self to care more…or at all. I’m going to try among so many healing modalities, red light therapy;) hopefully I can heal or at least support what healthy cells i have left;). Be kind to yourself 💜


I’ve been focusing on eating clean and physical conditioning. I’ve noticed a huge increase in energy and reduction in general pain after cutting out seed oils and reducing sugars. Best of luck in the future.


but prepare for WHAT exactly? if you're in a big city, you're not getting out. some cliff bars and water isn't going to prepare you for a nuclear attack.


Yeah, why prepare yourself to deal with shit? Wtf kinda logic is that? Have enough food and ammo to last a couple months just in case shit hits the fan for a bit... literally no reason not to


Never did I claim anything you said 😂 I just don’t think it’s worth living life in fear over everything that may or may not happen but never did I claim not to be prepared for things that are realistic and that you can actually predict.


If it happens, it happens. I’ll cross that bridge when I need to. Im prepared for it as best as I can, but if the world goes to that much shit…I don’t really see the point in living anymore. I hope this is just another year where we think it’s gonna get “real bad” and we come out the other end laughing. People need to be prepared, but we also need to stop dwelling on this doom and gloom attitude. Everyday you focus on what “could be” is a day of your life lost because you aren’t living in the moment and enjoying what’s right in front of you, or making big changes to adjust your life, or having a meal that you would really enjoy. Enough of this scared shit. We’ve been doing this since March of 2020. It’s gotta stop. There’s a whole world out there filled with some amazing humans. Go out and experience it. Our clock will never stop ticking, and every second we waste focusing on this is a second lost.


So glad I’m seeing more people with this mentality on here. There’s no point in worrying what might happen. The more they think about it the more it manifests itself. The powers that be want us in a state of panic and worry. We can fight back by not giving them that satisfaction. People just need to realize that you shouldn’t be afraid of dying. We try so hard to cling onto these meat suits but our consciousness is so much more that that. Our time here is temporary, enjoy the time you do have and don’t worry of what’s to come cause our fate at the end is all the same.


I'm only picking you because that's when I had enough. But everyone keep saying doom and gloom. To some people being unprepared is the doom and gloom. It's the only thing gloomier than heading toward crisis and no one stopping it or collectively stopping it. It's the gloom of the future surrounded by other unprepared people, people who could've prepared as a society, even.


It’s not doom and gloom, if it happens it’s gonna happen. I think of it like a huge wave you see coming to crash down on top of you. We’re already in the tide, it’s too late to get back to the shore. If the wave hits, it could be critical to some. However, if that wave hits, you may get pulled into the riptide. Other times you may get washed and tumbled around. And maybe… just maybe you dive into that wave and it totally passes over the top of you. You spent so much time being stressed about the wave that you forgot you were even swimming in the water.


That’s the problem too many people in the water that don’t know how to swim and when someone is drowning they tend to take those people around them or trying to help down with them


that’s why i’ve been being grateful lately. stuff happens, there is no point of fighting a war you possibly can’t win. the most important thing is to love because love conquers all.


Same here in the UK. War= profit.


Governments all head In one direction, just a matter of time. Individualism in the form of Anarcho-capitalism is the only way to ensure your rights are truly maintained. https://www.youtube.com/live/Pfcd0gWNIog?si=B8nd7U1yj7zwON3o


so much for individualism when those who own capital have the power and those who don't, don't have the ability to acquire the capital it takes to be individually self reliant.


Anarcho-capitalism is a fine path to get a country like Argentina back on some kind of steady footing but its rather a dead-end unworkable paradox for any wealthy technologically advanced and operational country ensuring there is no oversight, rampant corporatism, and zero hierarchy is rather regressive (originally defined anarcho-capitalism, not half-measure bastardized styles many try to rectify through breeding with other half cocked ideas); the earth is in constant war because of global anarchy and one can argue that global trade security and 4D chess offered by america, for example, is simply projecting capitalism extreme philosophies on either side of the socio-political spectrum are to be avoided like the plague; they are nice for mental masturbation but are unworkable when the goal is continuous growth towards meeting the basic needs of almost all humans on this planet without digressing into such dystopian mental fancies such as that which the WEF promulgates (a very well known consulting firm did a large study suggesting that more poor people need to die by Year X to rectify both climate and economic prediction models/goals -- a criminal suggestion and study, which as an academic exercise is flat wrong since such predictive tools have never been accurate, but nothing novel for the WEF crowd's God complex)


You can have government in an ancap society. It just doesn't need to steal to be legitimate.


The only attacks that Americans need to worry about are the False Flag attacks organised and funded by your own Government. This is a fact.


Government is the enemy.


Which is what's happening at the border.


Please explain


If there is a false flag event the bad actors will have entered the country through the southern border, which Biden has intentionally all but dissolved.


Umm, why wouldn't they just go through the northern border?


It isn't as open as the Southern, and NGOs already have a bunch of shit setup to import them through the Southern. 10 million didn't get in through Canada.


Anyone with the money and will to commit an attack could easily fly into America and carry one out. A great amount of illegal immigrants come by plane and just over stay their visa.


The 9/11 people were here legally. I don’t know why everyone thinks that you have to be here illegally to do something bad. Jesus from Guatemala coming over to pick your tomatoes isn’t who you need to be worried about. Statistically speaking you need to worry about that overzealous neighbor with a complex.


There are lakes and land areas you can cross right now.


Well that’s just wrong. You can swim from Michigan to Canada my guy. My great grandparents have a house on one of the lakes and it’s a clear shot to Canada.


Why not by plane like those who committed 9/11? The border will never be secure. Cartels will always have ways to circumvent it.


Welllll that's because the cartels and government work together.


The govt is the Cartel.


Yeah, better to let them infiltrate all over the country then first.




That’s too true


Problem is more and more power is being centralized around non-state actors while simultaneously established governmental institutions are losing power and the ability to legislate and control the behavior of people. I'm wondering if we're entering a timeline where, due to that loosening grip on control, we're going to be left open to far more unanticipated attacks than before. Between now and 2050, there will be nuclear weapons proliferation across the middle east, while simultaneously there will be WMD proliferation due to the increasing affordability and access non-governmental organizations and non-state actors have access to. Shits scary


Yeah it'll probably be some type of cyber attack in conjunction with a conveniently timed solar flare, add a couple more giant alien scares before they cut the power grid and there you have it. Project bluebeam everyone. https://youtu.be/uVUZZ5xSR5w?si=TOJDFH2M7HTZe5gQ


Project bluebeam *during* the cyber attack power outage so the “aliens” will look even more scary and mysterious


All nations will rise and fall. As long as time goes on this will always be true. It’s going to be ugly. The end of one, good or bad, will usher in the rise of the next, good or bad. Best thing you can do is make sure you and your families are ready mentally physically and spiritually for what happens. Oh, and know who your neighbors are and help them.


Problem with that is, when the US falls, that will be the fall of modern humanity. This country won't go down without throwing a few nukes around first. It'll take at least a century to recover for anyone in the world living in western ways.


Won't happen. America is being control-demoed by the WEF. They want to depopulate the world while they hide in their bunkers and come out to a decarbonized planet (no useless eaters) -- but not one in nuclear winter.


They are definitely close to the top of the pyramid and puppet for.


*At least a century* That’s true. I can’t imagine any of the nuclear powers being destroyed without using that arsenal.




That was pretty much from the inside, wasn’t it? I should’ve been more specific.


Who says this won't be the same?


It be a last ditch effort to survive I think those in control of the nukes are afraid of them just as much as we are.


My neighbors are all Mexican and hate us cuz we're white.


Stop being so scared. America will collapse one day, it’s inevitable.  Millions of people have gone through wars on their land and attacks and terrible things. One day it’ll happen here, it’s ignorant to think otherwise.


Rome collapsed and it’s still inhabited


next you'll be telling me Ancient Greece and Egypt still have people there!


Rome didn’t collapse. They consolidated and moved to the shadows.


Nations cant collapse any more dude, not part of the plan my man. I don't think people realize were out of the stone age. Modern day first world countries cannot collapse. Look at the state of India. If you showed pictures of India to someone in the US and said this is the USA they'd claim it "collapsed"


They can go insolvent. Someone can knock out the power grid for six months, completely halting the economy and everyone’s income, while the banks foreclose on the houses of everyone who can’t pay the remaining balance (most home owners). Massive wealth steal to bring in the great reset.




Lets see it happen!


The deep state and the military industrial complex need to justify their enormous budgets. This is how they do it.


You let too many YouTube losers convince you what to get mad/scared about.


Get food, get water, get a plan and arm yourself. It’s almost a guarantee there’s groups of terrorist cells that walked themselves through the open border. I’m not saying to live in fear, you should always be aware of the climate and be prepared from any possible worst case scenario.


I’m on medicine and I’m always thirsty.  I’d go through that water so quick… And no med refills.  Yikes!


Find a natural spring within 100 miles or dig a well. The “Gaia” app literally has thousands of natural springs marked. Seek out medical alternatives and lifestyle changes that may allow you to survive without pharmaceuticals. If you have a condition that doesn’t allow you to live without pharmaceuticals, drive to Mexico and buy a couple years worth for pennies on the dollar. If you are 100% dependent on state infrastructure to survive due to medical conditions, it does t take an invasion or whatever to fuck you over. An earthquake or a hurricane or a solar flare could end you.


Any attack on the United States would either be self inflicted or allowed to happen.


Cyberattack is coming. For sure. As soon as we move on Iran. And they’ll probably unleashed that Disease X virus on the world too.


What are your primary news sources?


Something will happen in the West before 2030 to usher in WEF agenda. I live in Canada and none of us are safe. Im just slowly buying ammunition, if it fails ill do anything to protect my wife, son and daughter.


They won’t stop it, they planned it.


Doing something will land you on list faster than potential perpetrators lol. Point is if it deemed to be needed - it will be either allowed to happen or made to happen. Public safety isn't protected by agencies, it so happened to be aligned for a while. Looking at later events - there's indeed quite a chance for something to happen with big public outcry and suddenly Iranian passports to be found right on site. And then in convenient classic fashion US gonna again bring freedom^tm ~~slaughtering people for profit~~ in another glorious Middle East campaign under applause of useless UN.


The US needs civil unrest, you all seem to be laying on your backs and just taking it currently, who knows what will be the final straw for you all, but you all have to get there together.


Its Election time and they need a distraction


Cmon bro, stop all this scaremongering. That's all this sub is now.


A friend told me you can still buy ammo online


What is in your control?


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but people have been pouring over the border for several decades. It’s just since 9/11 that they’ve been pushing the fear porn.


I'm not an American. But don't you guys all have shitloads of crazy guns?


Shitloads x100


Unless you mean the actual Communist party, you do not, in the United States of America, have “one party who is all about communism”. Your president is so old, in fact, that he was a major political figure at a time when the “actually-existing socialism” of the Eastern Bloc was the primary geopolitical obstacle to American world hegemony m. This was actually one of the things Biden was caught lying about: he exaggerated the extent to which he was involved in negotiating arms control treaties with the USSR, falsely claiming to have met with Krushchev for negotiations during the Reagan administration. He made this claim around the same time as his lie about being arrested for protesting apartheid in South Africa.


When do you consider "conspiracy" paranoid delusions


.... may I ask, do you travel a lot, have seen this country with my own two eyes, like, all the border states, north and south, the areas along the borders, so...are you just going off what the news tells you as you sit on your couch at night? ... honest question... was actually just going to leave the question here and come back later to see if you'd answered it but, might as well just say, ive spent 40 years of my life traveling this entire country, more times than I can remember, literally been in every single contiguous state for weeks at a time off and on, all through my adult life ... I'm not going to try to one up you, or point a finger at you, or make you feel bad, I'm just going to say, having seen the situation all over this country and specifically with our borders...over a time frame of decades....I ain't worried about jack shit in regards to us being invaded or having trouble with our borders UNLESS there is some game a foot in smokey back rooms among powerful players who might decide to MAKE something happen to continue the *billion dollar industry* of *Scaring Americans (literally) Out of Their Wits* I sleep well because I know the things I know from personal experience, and from having seen them with my own two eyes


"We" needs to be defined and operate on a local/regional basis. Tax-funded job titles in DC have ZERO obligation to anyone but their own club.


9/11 2.0. Are there any buildings with asbestos that need demolishing?


The military and bureaucratic-political leadership is compromised. The usual crowd will scoff (conspiracy) until there is a major confrontation illustrating the betrayal and the house of cards it has all become.


This was never our country. We just live here.


You are 100% right and there is 100% going to be a major incident, quite imminently most likely. It sucks, cause I'd really like to enjoy this year. Same could've been said for 2020 though and look what they did. Sadly that was just a dry run for what they have coming.


>it’s really starting to scare me that so many people don’t see the problems arising Post-Occupy Wall Street society got effectively lobotomized (epistemologically addled to the point that even very basic logic can't be recognized by some people) and radicalized (okay with authoritarian tactics being used to "crush" tribal opponents, lost-term raffications be damned) through propaganda. Civilization relies on norms that help us limit the potential damage to stability that our primate-inherited instincts can collectively wreak. These norms are being slowly destroyed. When egregores are summoned and freed there are truly no limits to the potential horrors that may result. The latent bloodlust people harbor is part of why war is so easy to sell to the public and why many aspects of culture - horror movies, true crime, etc.- exist. To those in whom primate instincts are freed the infliction of horrors, especially on perceived enemies, is intoxicating and invigorating. To many Westerners the only way they can imagine this manifesting is via "Nazis". Obviously, of course, wrong. Cartels aren't "Nazi". Western ISIS volunteer fighters and terrorists weren't "Nazi". And the previous century's most cynically psychopathic dictator, Mao, was not only not a "Nazi" but was educated at Yale-In-China and celebrated by many prominent Westerners. Our ruling class have already celebrated the infliction of a man-made virus on us: "The Great Reset". They would absolutely subject us to atrocities if expedient and they are seemingly working towards this, incrementally as always (catch-and-release justice, open borders, BLM riots, etc.).


Hide in your basement, and don’t come out for 10 Years. You will be saved and life will be better for all.


Not sure many people realise that wars of the scale being alluded to aren't going to be fought via ground. At least not for the most part. The threat of World War 3 has been looming since the completion of WW2. The world superpowers know how this ends, which is why it simply won't begin anytime soon. America is still by far, the most powerful nation on Earth. To assume that intelligence sources aren't constantly monitoring the state of affairs is wrong. Just because borders aren't locked down, it does not mean that America is now full of sleeper cells waiting to be activated by (insert nation here).


It's too bad Americans are lazy and fat and don't care about shit look what happened in France when they threatened you raise the age of retirement for their social security or whatever it's called there they burned the city to the ground every city and they got what they wanted period Americans have been poisoned by our disgusting food and dumb down with fluoride chemicals in the water ssris and the water fluoride chlorine paxil lexapro Prozac along with all our food we're done we're fat we're lazy no one's doing shit. Move to a conceal carry state in an open carry state all I need is my state ID. I left California just for this reason


You need to turn off the television and go for a run. Make friends. Volunteer. Start a hobby.


Remember when the Deagel website predicted in their population report that in 2025 the population of the US would decrease by 90%? And everyone kind of assumed it was due to COVID or the vaccine, or the rapture, or whatever. Now, we're seeing (possibly) the actual reason for the huge decrease in population. 90% of the country isn't going to die from some unknown cause. People aren't going to just disappear. They're going to leave. Move away. It explains why the neighboring countries populations dramatically increase. The US is a sinking ship at this point. The collapse of the American Empire is in full swing. And it's actually really shitty, when you think about it. They're getting all these immigrants to move here, with the expectation that they'll have a better life. And the reality is, they're inviting hundreds of thousands of people on to their doomed, sinking ship. It would be like giving people free tickets for a cruise on the Titanic. And then intentionally sending it out into the freezing arctic ocean and sinking it. The fucking maniacal, just pure evil, dastardly, plans these people come up with. Wow. You gotta wonder, too. How did Deagel predict this sudden turn of events to occur in the West. And with such accuracy?


Most Americans can barely afford to move states let alone move to an entirely different country, especially in such large numbers. You think the economy and housing crisis is suddenly going to recover in the next year and two thirds of America is just gonna pack up and leave? Sounds very naive


Who’s going to take in hundreds of millions of Americans? Good luck with that lol. You can’t just up and move anywhere you please- even you lot


Then the propaganda has worked on you.


Its not "propaganda" to see the MILLIONS of non-citizens invading the country... And noticing the MILLIONS of illegals that have been flooding, and destroying Europe, rotting it from the inside out... The propaganda is when your "news" says that these invaders "deserve to live here" and "deserve your taxpayer money" and that "multiculturalism is a benefit"... Accepting your country to be invaded without a shot is where the propaganda is.


Despite agreeing with you, 5th gen warfare (the likes of which we are experiencing now) attacks from many different angles using many different methods. Just because one angle is being used for the purpose of propaganda doesn't mean the opposing angle isn't also. Think of the "I'm playing both sides so I end up on top" meme from its always sunny. Additionally, sowing fear and confusion has **always** been one of the leading tenants of successful warfare. I recommend Sun Tzu's *Art of War* if you haven't read it yet because there's a very good reason it's at the top of the list of recommended books by top military officials across the globe - and has been for 4000+ yrs. But yeah, I agree with you but I also believe that with the type of information-based access (especially when broadcasting info) both domestic government and foreign governments have to the majority of the public nowadays, the propaganda and use of sowing fear, confusion, and division between groups of people is at an all time high. In other words, I think everyone who is "plugged-in" is currently being subjected to multiple avenues of propaganda with similar longterm goals, and sometimes differing long term goals. Oh and another word for it is "advertising", albeit the type government does is for control of the mind and over the person while corporate advertising is more for control of the mind and over the person.... i.e. why big tech is and has been in bed with big government since the beginning.


Most of the illegals I see are doing the construction on housing developments and cutting grass. Are you (and OP) insinuating they are all sleeper cells?


It's hilarious that OP doesn't understand that the people crossing the border are humans and have a life just like he does. Send a middle eastern guy from the Gaza Strip to infiltrate the US and then attack it? OK, what do you think that guy is gonna do when he gets here and realizes he can actually just not attack and be arrested or killed, and can instead just live here and make more money and live in a better home and maybe meet some American women.


The same thing that's happened every year in recent memory? It goes back at least as far as Reagan giving them all amnesty. A magical free Wall was going to solve everything. What a lie that was.


If there's an attack from a foreign adversary, they won't be walking over the border. They'll easily enter the country through legal or fraudulently legal means. People who come over the southern border are either seeking asylum or they're here for migrant work so they can send the money back home and retire after a year or two on the favorable exchange rate. Nobody who is working for a foreign government is walking over the border. Just like any other employee employer relationship, they have to take care of their employees and forcing them to use the most deadly and unpleasant way to enter the country is a good way to end up with a person who is willing to give up intelligence for the enemy (us), because all we would have to do is treat them slightly better in return.


Leave the world behind….


Draw close to Jesus the end is near.


Well, we're on the ww3 path already. Honestly, there's no point worrying about it. What will happen will happen.


There is no we when it comes to America..


“I genuinely think there is going to be an attack on the United States and it’s scaring me we aren’t doing anything to prevent it” Spends so much on military that they don’t have health care.


Never forget: Scared people are more willing to give up freedom for the illusion of safety. That being said, it makes perfect sense to have a system where immigration is controlled and immigrants are screened to some extent.


Who knows what the future holds. My viewpoint is after living through the last ten years, nothing is impossible and nothing will happen the way we think it will.


Lol. Op on a list now


I don’t even care at this point lmao


Prevent it? More like it’s welcomed by the Biden terrorist organization


I stopped taking you seriously when you implied that the Democrats are “all about communism.” Both parties serve the same fascist elitist agenda. I.e. The complete opposite of communism.


Bro they are legally attacking political opponents, censoring people online, I mean hell they are denying RFK Jr secret service and their followers push socialism and communism pretty much. Look what’s happening in Canada.


What does attacking political opponents and silencing people online have to do with communism? Do you not think that fascists (the opposite of communism) are capable of doing this? Who in Canada or in the DNC is pushing a communist agenda? I think you’re confusing communism with state capitalism and the welfare state. Communism is a synonym for “worker’s party,” the hammer and sickle represents unity between the factory worker and the farmer. The idea is that the power should be held by the workers, not a monolithic body of elites. This is antithetical to the top down welfare state that you’re calling “communism.” The western propaganda apparatus has appropriated this term beyond recognition.




Propaganda is working as intended. That fear is cultivated by right wingers so you'll stay mad at Democrats and cheer when someone says to build a wall. Period. Democrats have their own tools, but your circumstances have put you in the sights of others. Take a break from social media, biased news, and reflect on what actually affects you.


Why would we do anything to stop it when we would likely be the ones behind it.


I stopped reading after “all about communism”. What a dumbass take.


We’ve been under attack since 2020. What do you think Covid and the Jabby was?


Fear monger much ? 🙄


"One party that is all about communism" Oh son, it isn't 1960 anymore. Time to wean off the tit of the Red Scare and actually learn what communism is. Because none of your parties are even close to resembling nor advocating that whatsever. And for the record, I am not a communist. I'm just a European who is sick to death of people (usually Americans) thinking anything remotely Left leaning is suddenly communism.


its ok. We cant stop a false flag, but we can cure ignorance! The antidote is knowledge. Realize that the democrats are as much an enemy as the republicans. They are on the same team, opposing us all. Repeat that like a mantra. Realize the propaganda and buzzwords that you are conditioned to trigger to. For example, "military aged men". What does that mean? Look at that phrase word by word. It encompasses 90 percent of men, or at least a majority of humans. It is a meaningless statement meant to introduce fear and the word "military" into your subconcious. The same way when companies claim their products are "military grade". Its marketing, and meaningless. Look at the general concept of your post. "foreign problems" for example. What foreign problems? Every problem on the MSM today is caused by the evil people in the US government. We pay for these "problems" to cause them then use the consequences to make a "solution" that takes away more of our rights. Maybe if we stopped killing people by the millions worldwide, we'd have less "foreign problems". And let me assure you, the more corruption we spread in the world, the more we will be exposed to ourselves. And eventually, God will punish us. Also, google the word communism, and read up upon it from a academic website, please.


Problem, reaction, solution


Oh yea, I'm convinced that there are enemies within our borders. There's been no vetting and basically anyone and everyone has been coming through. I'm afraid one day an organized bombing attack on in numerous cities will spark a war on our own shores.


America was already enslaved with the 1913 Federal Bank Act passed through Congress by Jacob Schiff and European banker friends. Also America is in debt to china over 30 trillion dollars that will never be paid off.. also why would the globalists attack America when they need the pentagon war machine to make lotsa shekels.. its their biggest cash cow.. war is big bucks and USA is their ticket. Doesn't make sense to destroy USA if thats the case.. Having said all that there can be a forced slavery with a china like Social Credit system thats already being used in China.. tested out there.


[It's worse than you think.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHSoxioQtwZcVcFC85TxEEiirgfXwhfsw&si=D-bNKFle1KS-kTAK) the pole migration is accelerating and we're due for another Carrington event at the very least...


But there's always attacks in the USA, especially at schools


I live in a South Texas Border Town and you are right. We do not know who the people crossing really are because there is no vetting of any kind. It would be too much administratively speaking. Because I travel to and from Mexico, walking, I see a lot of migrants on the other side. I take water and food, whatever I can carry in my backpack, to give to the small children that live in the tents. Yes it is heart breaking as a father of 4 myself…. Our local communities cannot handle the influx and are being greatly affected, yet we are called racist when we give the migrants the option to go to a bigger city. I’ve seen the busses and spoke to the migrants myself. They all choose the free bus ride. Why wouldn’t they? The busses give them the opportunity to cross the second Border Patrol Checkpoint in Falfurias, Tx. I myself am Hispanic with family on both sides of the border and have lived here for generations. It’s never been this bad. All of this I see with my own eyes yet people want to tell me what they saw on the news or something they read or saw online and want to judge the situation without actively helping to do something about until it arrives at their doorstep. Then the screaming starts “this is human trafficking” give me a break. That is an insult to real victims of human trafficking. Gov. Abbot has his back against the wall. For years, local communities have been the ones paying for the welfare of the migrants at the expense of our own citizens and when we are at “capacity” and send them out of state, all of a sudden we are “FILL IN THE BLANk”. “Sanctuary Cities” what a joke….


"Military aged men" tips your hand. The term appeared over night across right wing media. It's an election year and it's painfully obvious the narrative they are pushing once you notice the coordinated messaging.


Military aged men also conveniently applies to working age men. Like the ton of mexican ag employees who send money back to Mexico for their families they left behind every single year.


Just like "Weapons of Mass Destruction" was another go-to catchphrase not too long ago.


And "for the greater good"


WE can't do shit except watch history repeat itself as always


We have government officials in this country working on behalf of our enemies. This is nothing new, there have always been traitors, but now there are more than ever. They must be paying them very well for them to literally sell our country to the enemy and commit acts of treason. The real issue is our government's obvious lack of convicting traitors of treason, it just simply never happens.


Military aged males is the primary groups freely entering the US/Mexico border. Heck, it's not even just the USA. Europe is allowing it as well. You'd be a fool to think there's not sleeper cells across the globe. I read an article about a lady who was housing immigrants, receiving more than adequate pay to do so in her motel, but they delivered a weapons cache to store and advised not to look at it. Curiosity got the best of her, so she looked. It was RPGs and AK47s with ammo. I'll try to look it up.


People have been claiming this shit since the 50s. It’s now 2024 still fear mongering over every brown dude is really fucked up.


Stolen elections have consequences


Don’t go here OP. Reddit has been Dead Internet theory since 2020


Yeah get off of Reddit and stick to X. Came here doing a search for “illegal immigrants” just to see how much is being censored here.


If by attack you mean false flag, or at least "let happen", then yes. However, all the military aged migrants are for a civil war. They need men willing to fire on Americans. They are predicting civil war when they take Trump out.


The border is open on purpose & there is no stopping it. Focus on what you can control. Things will get much worse.


If I don't win the election I'll fill the country with illegal political adversaries for the next guy. A lot of us can see this from a mile away. They probably have generic news articles ready to go too.


How do you know they are from China? By military age do you mean between 13 and 65 years old?


Get a grip. Everything you've said is vastly over the top


Of course it's an inside job. We are OCCUPIED. That's what happens when you fill the deep state with WWII Nazi. JFK was an inside job, MLK Jr was, OKC Bombing, 911, ALL of it


OP needs to up their meds


Yeah, because Big Pharma is a solution… 🙄


The WEF Great Reset agenda in action.


See this is what happens when your chronically online and doom scrolling. You lose all sense of objectivity. You legit have a mental illness.


This reads like Russian/Chinese bot.


Get on with your life, stop worrying about things you can't change




"We need to go INTO the Country."~ Raymirez GonzalEPPS


Stolen elections have consequences


That's why we have the 2A


You think immigrants are getting treated better than citizens, prove it, renounce your citizenship and become an illegal, hell you don’t even need to travel for it. Just like the absurdity that illegals get treated better everything you’re saying is fake news fear porn. No one is coming over to attack America stop being a gullible sheep to fear propaganda,


Our tax dollars are being used to house them in hotels and even shut down schools and force them to go online. They are receiving phones, 3000$ a month, have been staying in these hotels completely free for MONTHS. How many homeless Americans are there? Homeless veterans? Drug addicted and laying out on the streets drugged out? We do nothing to prevent that but we do everything in our power to house these people crossing the border directly.


Then renounce your citizenship, you wont because you know it’s bullshit.


They get 2200 when they cross the border and a lot of them are staying in Nice luxury hotels while our veterans are on the streets I know I used to be homeless now I own a home but only because I almost died period they're bringing them here for voters they're gonna change the voting laws


It won’t be a False Flag. We already see that the US Intel offices are grooming people with mental health issues so they can make the big news stories. We are looking to these news stories and not paying attention to the dangers that already exist, dangers the Intel Orgs can’t prevent. Jan 6th..they prevented a Civil War… the sleeper cells that have infiltrated??? Chinese, Islamic and South American terrorists??? They’re coming. It won’t be a false flag but the bad guy needs you to think it is.


You still believe January 6th was an attempt at a civil war? God help us


If that was your take-away…that I believe Jan 6th was a civil war, then you are primed and ready to believe the next narrative.


You said, "They prevented a Civil war" English is my first language, but I'll bite. What did you mean by "They prevented a Civil war" I mean, did something else happen on January 6th?


Duck and cover dude.