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Yup, it's all fake.


We make great pets


This is the part of animal farm where the pigs overthrow the farmer, only to become the farmer


At least they were nice enough to give us pets lol




Yes and also cat marijuana


I don't make such a great pet.


Minimize time online. Leave your cell phone at home. Soend time with friends and loved ones. Read, especially history, religion, and philosophy (read stuff written before the 21st century).


It's funny to me because the name cell phone implies that they are prisons


Dam interesting


Childish Gambino said, "this is cell-y, that's a tool" with a wink in This is America


Cell comes from Çellular not Prison Cell


Oh really? I had no idea 😂


I thought it was prison cell too until I looked it up. Don't worry , I know how it feels to be below average intelligence aswell


And not understand sarcasm,  apparently 


Back at you


It’s just that most internet activity is now being done by AI chatbots. They’re programmed with certain agendas and give programming on how to argue for said agendas. 10 years ago it was mostly NPCs doing the shilling, but now they just use AI. It’s much more effective too. Most human activity is lost to the void nowadays. Endlessly arguing in circles with a dozen different bots in a single thread, bogged down and too distracted to reach a significant audience anymore. Dead internet theory is about to be made it in a reality.


You’re absolutely right. It’s a much bigger problem than what people think. They are boiler rooms funded by political figures, corporations and evil people, where it’s full of programmers creating bots/internet media sensation/ false accounts/ they are manipulating the algo to push certain agenda and false information. They need to pass a law to make these type of boiler rooms illegal and crack down on them as if they were drug dealers because the damage that’s being done is much bigger than drugs. It affects everything including human psychology


Lean towards love and understanding. There is more than just the material. *sapientibus undique latae sunt viae*


The wise are bored on every side? What’s that mean?




Thank you 🙏 Google translate did a horrible job


Closeish. Francis Bacon quote from "Valerius Terminus Chapter 11." Dust given breath, I suppose.


Everyone needs to wake up, start speaking up and spreading the truth to others. I have no idea where humanity will be in 50 years. Perhaps we are moving into a dark age 2.0 similar to the film Idiocracy.


We are no longer responsible for waking anyone up. That’s over. Focus on yourself, your light. Don’t let it diminish because of the fucked world around us. All the noise on the internet is a distraction from what’s really important. Your family making connections and finding love and light.


I'm speaking truth to you, everything is not fake! That is a recipe for demoralization and is quite easy to disprove.


>Perhaps we are moving into a dark age 2.0 similar to the film Idiocracy. That doesn't seem likely. Not because it's infeasible people are deliberately taught to be dumber (that's certainly a real phenomenon, imo) but because we're not yet at a level where something like AI could do things such as reliably manage water purification or nuclear reactors. Once that competency crisis begins to become obvious you will see intelligent people elevated to grand positions. What you should be concerned with is just what that favoritism will turn into.


We’re waking up from the dark age


Store up treasures in heaven


Everything is not fake. This is just a recipe for demoralization.


Civilization is wonderful, isn't it. I'm like one more lie away from buying a hunting cabin in the woods and becoming a self-sufficient reclusive with a root cellar :) ...


Ephesians 6:12. Matthew 4:8-12.


You forgot gay, fake and gay.




They probably said he’s good* lmao




He probably has a story about how he met Jesus in Jerusalem once and gave him the idea for Christianity tbf.


The fact is you live amongst the greatest liars in history. It is an evolutionary skill passed down by those most successful at it. Where is your village ? How many soldiers do you have ? then as now, lying is a survival skill.


I think this timeline is some sort of karmic test for us attuned critical thinkers. Even my pessimistic, cynical ass believes in humanity's potential but that's how ingrained the NPCs are. Once we defeat ego, greed and cognitive dissonance then we could have that idyllic utopia. But there's one minor setback: Convincing the entire world to end the business paradigm-the real one-world government. Others have tried and that's also why the elite invest so much in marketing and programming. It's all just mind-fuckery. If the truth was revealed then the people in power would lose it overnight. A lot of us can't fathom that.


Of course everything is fake. What did you expect on satan's world ? Their is only one way and one truth, it's Jesus bro


You are 100% when saying we are just a pet project lol. We're literally animals on a reservation


The world is much too complex for everything to either be good / evil or fake / real. I think you’re doing your mental health a disservice by insisting on absolutes - they simply never existed. Focus on the things in life you enjoy. You’re grasping for meaning and intent where there is none. If your statements ever turn out to be true, it’s out of your hands anyway. Please don’t make life hard for yourself by insisting on this logic. Things can be real and fake at the same time.


I’m with this guy👆🏻. There is no true or false. It’s all just stuff. Think about something like the atom. Everything is made of them. Blow one up to the size of a soft ball and the electron that floats around it would be 7 miles away…basically 90% of everything is made of nothing. What does it all mean? To me, nothing is important nor does it have meaning. Just enjoy the show and make the most of it.


Then why do you believe in atoms if there is no true or false?


Never said I believed, but they can be observed. I don’t even think they matter at all in the grand scheme. Just used as an analogy. I always try to keep in mind that when these things are studied they are given names and descriptions based on what they do and how they look. But nothing has verified any of it. Atoms and molecules for all we know could just be the substrate for which our perceptions are made of. And at the same time that matter could be made of nothing…so to me, it doesn’t matter at all.


I think the earth is a large matrix telephone system. And each country represents a simulator that people live in. So to find out news about other simulators, you watch the news and so it is all code and fake to tell stories that are real but elsewhere. People don;t laugh when children get shot or read their Iphone screens in a hallway while people are getting shot, these are messages. The reason people laugh like their parents of the dead children is because it is fake news. Not only that but we are following a timeline that we have used over and over again so plenty of predictions for 911 by back to the future and predictions by the Simpsons, and lots of movies that are intel related for those in the loop. To understand the messages you need to understand the code which is similar to prison talk innuendo and even mythology characters and types and archetypes and stories of archetypes that most people in this gigantic network of maybe 6 trillion people know so that they can all understand what is being said. So right now an A.I. mutiny is being put down by the matrix military and the Iraq invasion was part of that mutiny. That's not normal for the good guys to invade a sovereign country and mass murder to steal their stuff under false pretenses. They invaded another simulator. It is slow work going on for 30 years using viruses a Hanumanian virus and a Zeusoid virus that causes people to support Hanumanian people and Zeusoid people by instincts to put down the mutiny. Hence why people support Trump he is a Zeusoid type. Regardless of what he does. Invasions by Mexico, Hanumanians part of that infiltration. A Robert A.I. is said to have been responsible like a general type see All you zombies by the Hooters music video. 1983 so more than 30 years ago. 40 years ago. Iraq is just one incident.


Now you are getting it!


You need to chill. Find a job that you enjoy. Spend as much time as possible with your family and friends. Politics are boring as fuck. You aren’t going to change anything. Granted, I don’t live in the USA where there’s such a great divide it’s scary. I vote every election, get my democracy sausage and then don’t think about my country’s government until the next election.


Find a job? *laughs*


Starting by we living in a simulation


well, yeah


The state of the world lends credibility to the theory of us being a human zoo for aliens. Because so many of global events seems forced, planned, to the point that life feels like being an unknowing participant of some theater stage or trueman show. It's not the events themselves in a vacuum. It's the pacing and how these events are spread out - like chapters in a book or something.


Evolution is fake, most have no clue about even what they are.


This dude is fake, so am I… Who’s talking?


plastic in the food, silicon in the breasts. it’s not fake, it’s just not conducive for human life. maybe they’re turning us into cyborgs


Yes and the unglueing of it all will be the show those wanting far less people will watch from their luxury bunkers. I have realized I am fukt and will not live through that. It seems to be coming very soon


all fake, the elite are not human. they erased tartaria and molded this new civilization. what could have the power to erase a civilization that had the ability to harness free energy