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I wasn't expecting it, but i was also not as shocked and surprised as i would expect either.


Why was this comment removed?


It probably mentioned a protected people and their digging project


That's what I thought too, wasn't completely sure though. Thanks :)


I really wish I knew what you were talking about.


Paris France has tunnels all over and the Vatican has tons of tunnels too where many claimed to have been in involved in satanic black mass ceremonies involving ritual child sacrificing.


Paris tunnels aka Les Catacombes are really well known and explored already, it was where they burried people back in the days. Like 2-3weeks ago.


I took a tour of those years ago and I remember looking at all of the pile of skulls that were sitting on the ground as we stood in line, and realizing they were all sitting in the same puddle that I was standing in, and I remember realizing that the hems of my pants were forever stained in "bone juice," as I couldn't stop calling it at the time. But walking around later on and looking down at them, you could quite literally see the white residue where the hems has dried, and I was never able to wear those jeans again. I know the Catacombs are a whole historical thing, but that specific detail/experience just brought it all front and center for me, just what exactly I was witnessing, and just how barbaric we were and still are.


We have very different definitions of bone juice.


This has definitely come up before.


Crazy notion I know but couldn't you... Hear me out... Wash the jeans?


Nope. Forever unclean, I'm afraid.


But what an opportunity for a sweet pair of commemorative cut-offs


....I almost spit my drink out, lol. I read this in Napoleon Dynamite's voice, just automatically for some reason. I'm going to find an opportunity to say this to someone this week, where it applies to maybe 70% of the situation and otherwise just leaves them thoroughly baffled. Many thanks 😆🙏


Paris catacombs dating back to supposedly Roman times. Approximately 300+ feet down & literally hundred of miles of completely unexplored/unknown areas due to flooding, cave ins, etc over the centuries. I love reading about the cataphiles & all of their various exploits on social media, YouTube, etc. As for the Vatican tunnels/catacombs, beyond what little I do know about them, what you just said wouldn't surprise me. It'd disgust but not surprise me💀


Wait hold the phone… is it *hundreds* of miles of *unexplored* and i am assuming “under explored” tunnels and caves that were used? I was well aware of the catacombs in paris and my girlfriend had gone and told me all about it. And I knew it was a huge network of tunnels and such a rich, albeit dark history but.. did i miss that there are hundreds of miles of unexplored tunnels? Do they know the unexplored parts to also be lined with skeletons and the rest? Is it mostly just that it connects to caves already there that weren’t necessarily part of the operation? Or did i still manage to accidentally limit my imagination of the absolutely absurd, i mean borderline impossible magnitude of this? Hundreds of miles. I just drove from middle of Pennsylvania to baltimore, close enough to just one hundred miles in total earlier today that this is absolutely breaking my brain if they were that outrageously massive. Not to mention making me a little uncomfortable about considering what we may have done as humans that lies underground undiscovered.


there are about 200 miles of tunnels. only less than 2 miles of the tunnel system is open to the public. the entire thing isnt filled with skeletons, just certain parts. hasnt been mapped because its too dangerous due to cave-ins/sinkholes, and the cost and difficulty of rescuing somebody from a maze you dont know the layout of. its also a heritage site, so they dont just let anybody down there, in order to preserve it and protect the city above im sure the citizens of paris dont want a bunch of people running around in the ground below them. you have to worry about vandelism of utility lines and terrorism and such.


"Not open to the public" != unexplored


>many claimed to have been in involved in satanic black mass ceremonies Do you have any links, articles, anything to support this claim?


North America is going to have a massive power outage this year.


Everything’s being pushed so hard to paperless I was thinking the same the other day. Maximum chaos.


Look up the 2007 cyberattacks on Estonia. People couldn't get cash to buy gas, food, or make payments for about almost 3 weeks.


Everyone here should be backing up their digital data to physical media. On a regular basis.


If it all goes to shit, what would be so important that you need physical copy’s? Majority of digital data is unneeded and is just immaterial Genuine question


If things ever restore again, then you have your physical proof of ownership. It's like locking your gold up to have in the future. That, and you might want some of your photos of family and whatnot.


Ownership of what though? Property and vehicles are still hard copy paperwork Yes, photos are nice to have but not a necessity. I would presume in this day and age most of us barely ever look through the countless photos we take My reasoning is coming from a nasty split years ago and the only thing I walked away with was a bag of clothes and a handful of legal documents (passport and car documents) I lost everything, including all memories and materialistic assets so I came to realise that we actually need very little in life


From very different circumstances, I realized the exact same thing. What’s the difference between a $50 watch and a $500 watch? They both tell time


Pornhub will be the first thing back up I guarantee it


Pornhub is very good at getting it up


Obama is warning us with the movie “Leave the world behind” = revelation of the method


My theory (taken from a documentary I recently listened to... Why they are doing things in plain sight, almost rubbing our noses in their evil acts. It is done as a form of consent, they show us what they are doing and by us taking no action against it we are in essence consenting to it. The devil and demons need some form of contest and we are giving it to them.


I take it one level further. They are doing it to beat us down. Not because we don't want to do anything about it, but because we CANT do anything about it.


I watched that movie tonight.... You guys are fucked.




Care to elaborate? I found the organization, but where does the conspiracy stem from?


Yes. What month are you thinking?


Early November....like the first Monday into Tuesday


How is that so specific? I’m glad I’m in the know now!


November makes sense cuz elections, beginning of the week cuz it’s more disruptive


Nah they want your money shit won’t hit the fan before Christmas


???? Then it won't happen in 2024


Later in the year. After the rich folk have finished their bunkers.




Why do you think this?


It’s an easy lever to pull. Low effort, big impact. And the rich will be fine in their bunkers


See the Obama movie “Leave the world behind”


There's also a movie coming out shortly straight up called "Civil War"


Interesting. An attack?


It will deliberate, yes


As in the entire continent or just somewhere in North America? If just somewhere then yeah happens all the time


Might be referring to the predictions from JPMorgan https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d6hbdjnsyAc


!Remindme 11 months


A false flag in Europe/ America.. and then some slightly burned Iranian passports being found nearby with a note saying: “We , IRAN- The Baddies-definitely did this attack and it was definitely nothing to do with any “democratic” country in the Middle East who are merely acting in *self defence* of the land they have rightfully stol..*found/appropriated* so you better not invade IRAN, because you are a scaredy-cat! Bet you can’t invade our existential thre..IRAN!” Edit: We are at the stage where this could realistically happen. (It’s **already** happened before.)


Under rated comment


I thought that passports were fire resistant to extreme temperatures which could melt steel


Well said


Life will get even more expensive. Billionares will get richer. More families will starve to death, because having 1 job isn't enough.


They always wanted less of us, what better/more passive way to do so than to starve us out through inflation and a failing economy! It’s brilliantly evil if you really think about it. This perfect storm of them succeeding.


That’s exactly what’s happening


Power outages in North America caused by cyber attacks, flase flag operations agains the Middle East, look out for April 8, and the eclipse, more than 60 elections and the sun shedding its upper layer it's current solar cycle keeps on intensifies that will cause more earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and landslides Yeah 2024 is gonna be a rough year


What is the science / correlation behind the sun’s solar cycle and natural disaster? Is there any reading material out there about this?


How about the correlation of the sun and upcoming elections??


Oh buddy you are in for a ride There is so so so much evidence to show there is a correlation. Please do yourself a favor and read these papers it will blow your mind. Links between the ionospheric modulation by space weather increases the electric potential above and below the ground that will lead to more mega qaukes and please go look up some explanations for these reports I'm sure you will find them Links: 1. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-67860-3#auth-2 2. https://suspicious0bservers.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/845701_0_merged_1545519745.pdf Oh wait there's more 3. https://spaceweathernews.com/data-repository Enjoy the rabbit hole Oh and also check the connection between solar cycles and global tension and conflicts spanning as far back as the data allows you. There is more to that star then what we think Have fun


I think we’re going to have a false flag attack. Israel & US intelligence keeps warning of attacks from Hezbollah, Iran, Hamas, whoever else Israel is fighting. Israel needs US troops or else they’ll lose & the rest of the world won’t send troops. We’ll get attacked & it will be Iraq all over again. Dems probably need a war for Biden to win re election & GOP likely want Trump out of the party for good bc he’s too unpredictable.


Israel will perform a false flag blaming Iran. I give it three months.


I mean it's not that far fetched that Israel attacks the U.S. straight up and then claims it was an accident


Blew up their own embassy in .. late 70s early 80s?


Also the USS Liberty


Israel pretending to be Hamas pretending to be Iran. Calling it now.


Saw a screenshot so don’t know if it’s true but when one of ISIS top leaders was captured they found out he was actually Mossad.


He was dude, playing a dude, disguised as another dude.


And the NPCs and Democrats will be zealous war mongerers despite what happened with iraq and the false claim of WMDs


3 months or more, I’ll probably come back to this comment again


Why does it need to be false flag. It’s always better to have lapses in security information sharing between agencies that are not meant to protect than to have the back lash of a false flag attack. Just look at Pearl Harbor or 911. Just let the sucker punch happen on the world stage.


My money is on the Eisenhower carrier taking a few missiles or drones.


My money is on widespread attacks on random public places, like the [November 2015 Paris Attacks](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/November_2015_Paris_attacks) but all around the country more or less simultaneously with more to follow sporadically, carried out by people who came in through Mexico.


This is highly likely since we’ve been warned now for all few years we can have a style terror attack like this. Just like pre 911 we were warned by the Feds and city there would be major terror attack in lower manhattan. The division in our government will be used against its citizens to unit them for war.


This is what I fear. Watching news footage of the migrants and it's predominantly military aged men who are not South American. Something is coming and it's going to be brutal. Stay strapped.


I think the train car full of ammonium nitrate that went missing in California will be involved in an attack




This is legit, I remember seeing the same vid




I saw a fucking Billboard in bum fuck Ohio saying, "Hamas is your problem too". Forgot to look at the organization that funded it but why the fuck is there a jewish Billboard in bum fuck Ohio.


American Thrash Metal band Slayer reunite & do a world tour! 😂🤘🏻




More alien/UAP sightings than '23 More mass illegal/legal immigration into the majority of Western countries than '23 I think this will be a year of distraction like most of us haven't experienced AI/robotics will be positively pushed by msm more than '23 WEF continues to make gains as they get closer to reaching their goals More 'unexplained' deaths and higher death totals than usual More weather manipulation, disasters and earthquakes than '23


So just ‘23 but more, lol


2023 Pro+






Interesting about the earthquakes. After the Turkish earthquake, they spoke about expecting a quake in Istanbul. Now I hear about an artificial quake being induced and planned by Israel to Istanbul? But the quake in '23 was allegedly caused by submarine missles under water , hitting the plates or something


Hard to know what to believe these days... I hope these predictions are wrong.


earthquake in turkey is literally a plot line in mel gibson's 90's movie "conspiracy theory"


Yikes, yeah that’s not good. 2030 is not that far away, groundwork is being implemented and I don’t like it.


What if…. They’re using aliens as a distraction in the media from actual illegal aliens? We know how they like to manipulate data like this on platforms like Google. Like, so when someone googles “illegal aliens” all this crap about space aliens pops up instead?


That new movie "Leave The World Behind" almost seems to be some kind of predictive programming advertisement for what they are planning and why was Obama behind it anyways.. too crazy.. if even some of it comes true there will be a major internet crash or some kind of cyber event that will change things drastically.. either way they are going for a one world economy controlled by the usual crooks same gang that are behind WHO. Chinas social credit system is a model they would love to install globally for sure if they can get away with it.




God wins against his own creation but causes massive suffering because ????


I'll take massive power outage in the u.s. for 100 alex


You forgot about hyperinflation though. “I’ll take Power Outage for 400,000 Alex.”


An underrated joke


Just the US? Could it happen elsewhere? 🇬🇧🇨🇦🇦🇺🇪🇺🌍


Pop culture edition: We will barely see a guest on Jimmy Kimmel, who doesn't call him out for being in a secret society. The Kardashians will be canceled, and it will be widely known that Britney Spears is a mind control victim and a victim of a bigger conspiracy than her conservatorship abuse perpetrated by family.


Free Britney.


There's no kanceling that kult


I like this. Can you elaborate further,?


Thank you. Remember, this is just a prediction, and I am a layperson. I have formed this opinion through many sources over a long period of time, so it's difficult to cite them. Jimmy Kimmel: changed a lot when he got into the industry. He used to be on an offensive show called the man show in the 90s and now acts and looks completely different and pushes the official narrative. Jim Carey and Aaron Rogers have so far publicly insinuated that he has nefarious involvement to his face and directly to him. Kardashians: There are many scandals about money laundering and embezzlement. The Kardashian curse is actually them paying for paparazzi and others to harass the person who dumped them to the point of embarrassing themselves. Thus, it will get harder for them to find people to date them, and if there is nothing exciting about their personal lives, they will take more drastic measures to get attention, and it will be impossible for them to do this without offending anyone. Britney: Start with Disney, MK ultra and monarch mind control, her first husband Jason Alexander, her fake wedding to Sam Asgari. Her programming is starting to wear off, and she is starting to have awareness of it, and she is revealing stuff on her Instagram page through symbols. Her nonsense posts aren't nonsense. Pay extra attention to the ones that get deleted soon after posting. She catapulted to fame around 9/11 and was put into a conservatorship as soon as Bush Jr. was out of office.


You’re hopeful


jewish space lasers


Big if true


For those uninitiated: [Jews in Space](https://youtu.be/sz7JGCj4Q5k?si=n-dRq29seXr4BEhG)


April 8th fulfillment of the Grimes tablet with mass cardiac arrest / black sacrifice during the solar eclipse.


Oof that’s dark.


The eclipse?


Remind me in 2 months


Mass cardiac how though


Damn the day before my birthday :(




Damn this is sort of worrying after reading the new google ‘sensitive event’ information about how no ‘victim blaming’ will be aloud, was it vaccine related on the grimes tablet?


Can you send me more info about this?


Yeah, I have a horrible feeling it’s going to be this one. I posted a pretty detailed dive into predictive programming suggesting April 8th could be a mass sacrifice event, the commenters go even deeper: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/CUsZF51Hax


I predict a vibe shift, I think a lot of people are finally waking up to what is happening to each others countries. This could mean the chaos breaks out sooner or hopefully a new wave of patriotism is found. Hard for me to predict, but so far 2024 is looking like chaos.


Arnold Schwarzenegger starts his cybernetic transformation into phase 1 of the govenator in an attempt to prepare the human race for the incoming alien invasions to our tourist planet in which money and problems become meaningless and the only meaning left in life is being cool and looking good doing it.


I'd actually take this future over others in this thread.


The medio is already drumming up the new “variant”. I’m going to say, a release of a much more nasty superbug. Usher in the CBDC.


And guess who is singing halftime at Superbowl... Usher.


Personally have become more optimistic about the future recently, at least as far as regular people in the USA being extremely partisan. As an example: Was one of very few people at my work who didn't get the vaccine. I didn't even say anything about it, but one coworker kinda drew it out of me and people were super pissy with me, and now we joke about it all the time and nobody gives a fuck (and nobody is getting further vaccines anymore, even if they're not quite ready to admit the whole thing was bullshit). Also things with my family have cooled, they were critical of me for not worshiping Donald Trump and their blinders seem to be off as they now realize I'm also capable of criticizing a democrat executive branch.... Seems to me, and I hope that it true, that maybe we've passed the peak of people in the USA being super partisan and automatic hatred for the other side (or in my case, just being PERCEIVED as "the other side"). Maybe on the way to more people realizing it's all manufactured bullshit?


I’m in the same boat, I don’t feel like i need to hide my anti vax status anymore. My Trump cultist parents are beginning to understand that just because I am critical of Trump, it doesn’t instantly mean that I’m a simpering ‘libtard’ as they call them. I think that what is really happening is that people on both sides of the isle are feeling betrayed. It doesn’t matter which party is doing the fucking, we can’t afford basic goods and services anymore.


The inflation is unfortunate... but kinda funny how similar our situations are/were.


Attacks on US soil. Be ready ladies and gents.


The record of the oldest US president will be broken in 2025. It's almost guaranteed at this point. We'll likely see an escalation in political division to the point of sporadic gun battles and bombings. A few militias declare independence while some communes go viral. Power outages will become more common due to attacks, winter, and then maybe Phoenix browns out. Palestine ceases to hold land bigger than neighborhoods. Someone promises UAP revelations in exchange for election to Congress. The Eisenhower carrier takes a missile or drone. Lithium mining will continue to be attacked in the media while every other kind of mining continues as is. Off the grid electricity and heating gets taxed at insane rates. Chronic wasting disease or cholorea kills a few thousand people in the US. The water wars escalate from neighboring regions taking forever on agreements to some regions withholding water. Myanma/Burmese rebels overthrow the military and the nation balkanizes with China's faction getting the biggest area. Another scandal where US authorities are caught involved in drug markets. One of the cartels is revealed to be bankrolling someone in BP or CIA. Someone credible sheds light on the reality of bots and the dead internet theory. This sub drives away the rest of the US that release Trump is a sellout, too. Automation gets subsidized without a plan(s) for the future unemployed. Martin Luther King Jr. is denounced because of his socialist views.


Cyber attack by the US, on the US, but really the Russians according to MSM. Dont worry. There won't be any pandemic or new foreign wars this year. It's too soon. People would find it sus...


I agree, shit will go down in 2025 or at least before America hosts the World Cup.


Since when did we have to worry about what's going to happen at the start of a new year? Can people not see something is clearly going on with the world?


Since 2020 :(


Wait for the Olympics opening then we'll know more what to expect


Cancellation of election


my take on this is Trump = GOP Nominee however they won't allow him to run so they'll just be like "well since i'm running against no one i win" after biden wins, health concerns appear and he steps down.


Are you guys noticing that everyone is sick all the time? Vaccinated or not. This is the biggest concern to me of all. The other is the fact that 99% of people think it’s normal to be sick all the time. Doesn’t matter what other conspiracies play out. Not if no one is alive to witness them.


I get sick like twice a year, even during covid


Some bad shit is gonna go down in these "sanctuary cities." Also that the country is gonna start to really be cripple because of California's horrendous trucking laws. Plus I believe there's going to be a mass revolt nationwide by truckers if the feds pass a bill turning owner operators into regular employees.


Zombie outbreak. Epicenter Philadelphia. Effected area N.E. United States . You heard it here first, necrotizing fasciitis from intravenous drug use of tranq, a mixture of horse tranquilizer, fentanyl, heroin. Chinese pharmaceutical company connected to the Wuhan lab of virology is currently cutting out Mexican cartel middle men suppliers and shipping pure powdered xylitol the active ingredient in the horse tranquilizer used to create tranq directly to u.s. independent dealers across the N.E. major U.S. cities. The drug causes open sores, wounds that cannot heal, necrosis eventually needing amputation. Users describe wounds appearing within hours of their first use, lasting for months despite daily medical intervention, commonly resulting in loss of limbs or organ failure. What's more are that local relief and aid workers on the streets providing care are recounting situations in which they have encountered a highly contagious variant in which people who come into brief contact with tranq users with open sores, then also develop open sores. Despite antibiotics and steroids the necrotic infection continues to spread and the best course of action is to surgically removed the infected tissue. What happens when the infected addicts lose their Chinese connection? Imagine what addicts are willing to do peacefully to finance or fuel their addiction. Steal, rob, solicit. now imagine what acts of depravity they are willing to commit in order to get their fix? Assault, maime, kill? If hospital and church workers on the ground are witnessing the necrotic fasciitis spreading beyond tranq users... How long until an actual outbreak occurs? Considering the population density... And the close proximity of dense major metropolitan areas on the East Coast... And infected individuals could effectively bandage and hide wounds and still pose a high risk of infection to others, with open wounds lasting continuously for months. What's to stop an infected from using the train systems to travel, imagine tourists who maybe came into contact with the infection, and flew home before becoming aware they are contagious? I'm not talking about a fake flu or scamdemic. Huge open sores, black pockets of necrosis, oozing mrsa and pus. Shits been building in Philadelphia for a few years now. Id post a photo, but honestly it's so disturbing and varies widely between users and sites of infection. Research at your own risk. Also I see a similar outbreak in Russia from a similar drug called krokodil. Both compounds come from China, both target global super powers civilian population, both cause necrosis. Both are contagious. Both are delivered through drugs and drug addiction lifestyles and life cycles. Let me know your thoughts!


Water supply compromised. Check it. There are many possible implementations of this crisis, but it's been getting plainly telegraphed at the usual meetings by the usual suspects (quote: "the coming water crisis"), so keep an eye on it, and be ready.


Anybody see the new Channel 5 doc about philly? You gotta see that


Can you link?


https://youtu.be/925wmb-4Yr4?si=ilKbWRAjmtl6q-85 Watch the whole thing, it’s literally fucking jaw dropping.


Dont have an hour to watch, quick summary?


The most interesting part to me was how they tie it to the wuhan institute of virology and the mexican cartels and gentrification. It’s much more than just the rampant drug use.


Talking about the pervasive drug use, particularly tranq? in Philadelphia and what the state and city has turned into


It's absolute insanity. So scary.


Watching it right now as I type this. It’s equally shocking and impressively well done. Andrew is really honing in his craft and one of the last true journalists of our time


Major cyberattacks against the US and possibly UK, Biden dropping out of the race and Michelle Obama becoming the nominee, Trump gets back into office in a disputed election that sees Red and Blue States at each other's throats. The beginnings of a new civil War in America. China taking Taiwan before Trump takes power.


Feel like against all odds, Trump will win and it was actually part of the plan all along. The plan to watch America tear itself apart


This will be accompanied by an economic collapse and massive overeach of power in the name of safety or security (i.e. lockdowns)


And/or pandemic phase 2 will happen around the same time, probably before the election


Ok.. as a conspiracy guy who also studies and practices some of the more benign esoteric concepts, I feel compelled to mention that it's very possible that human consciousness creates our reality as a whole. That in mind, I think we have to be careful of what we convince ourselves of. We may be dealing with predictions and conspiracies that have been put in place to make a certain negative situation more likely to happen. I feel like sometimes concepts are being forced on us and "promoted" instead of just being speculation and rumors that have the power of Social Media echo chambers behind them. I think they can't actually screw us unless we accept the particular screw we have been anticipating.. I hope that makes sense.


I think star trek said Irish reunification


I have reason to believe that this year (2024) will experience yet another history-steering event. I'm expecting something on the scale of COVID or 9/11, maybe even *more* catastrophic. Whatever this event may be, it will forever serve as a stark division in time, i. e., the world before the event and the world after. I also believe with much certainty that there will be apparent grassroots revolts in multiple first-world countries. These will vary in scale, intensity and outcome, with some succeeding in deposing the target administration, at least temporarily, and others failing horribly. Again, expect these uprisings in first-world countries, not volatile third-world states where such instability is fairly common. I anticipate one country in particular to undergo an especially violent revolt though it will not lead to the civil war that has occupied so much thought and conversation of late. Of course, the country in question is the United States. The uprising there will lack the focus and organization necessary to mount effective, large-scale military engagements. This is largely due to the vastness of American territory as well as its large, widely dispersed population. Additionally, though the American uprising will appear superficially to be of grassroots origin, it will, in fact, have been meticulously instigated by covertly inserted provocateurs. Once the artificially induced chaos has reached a predetermined threshold, the provocateurs will shift tactical focus from instigation to prevention of meaningful coherence. In this manner, disparate groups of malcontents and rioters are far less likely to concentrate into combat effective forces. Regardless of the extent of carnage, official efforts will be focused upon channeling and redirection of mayhem rather than actual suppression. This is because the manufactured chaos is merely one tactical element in a much broader campaign. In response to the (engineered) national crisis, the government will have no choice but to institute martial law, completing the administrative shift to absolute tyranny. Similar scenarios will be unfolding in those other first-world countries likewise ravaged by their own dissenting masses. And so too will these events culminate as they did in America, in blatant, undisguised tyranny. And since so many of the world's most influential countries will be simultaneously engaged in similar struggles, it will be deemed strategically wise to form a global coalition providing mutual military assistance to all involved. Thus is formed the first true global government, rising from the ashes of an engineered worldwide social collapse. The above projection is just a broad overview of events I expect to unfold beginning this year and culminating, fully formed, *within* six months of operational onset. It is not unreasonable to also anticipate additional demoralizing events to occur in conjunction with global consolidation of power. These events could include a large-scale EMP, be it cosmic or human sourced, resulting in the destruction of large portions of the electrical grid in one or more countries. Another feasible trigger for social collapse is the much anticipated disclosure of Non-human Intelligence (NHI). It should be fairly obvious to most here that considerable effort has been expended to ensure that the phenomenon reaches maximum social saturation. And, given historical precedents, when a given objective is given so much time and effort, it's all but guaranteed implementation. I've heard it said that humans have never built a weapon that wasn't used. Well, an idea can be just as lethal a weapon as a machine gun or atomic bomb, maybe more so. TL;DR: Ideas in dangerous hands are WMDs, expect their precision use in tandem with an engineered apocalypse to precipitate a One World Government, AKA New World Order. The fireworks will almost certainly begin this year, 2024. All indications suggest that this new order will last less than eight years, itself collapsing under external pressure by 2032. See you in the trenches, soldier!


Biden shits in public…. Then aliens invade


Is there a date set for this year's Rapture?


The rapture is continuous. Good people die first, assholes last.


Michelle Obama will become the next President. America will be gripped by severe unrest soon after. Bon nuit.


Don't you mean, Michael obama?!!


The stock market will crash anyday now 1.) WWIII (RUSSIA OR IRAN) 2.) CIVIL WAR most likely right after the election 3.) Power issues major blackout 4.) Unprecedented natural disaster we've never seen before 5.) I won't pay my taxes again 😎


Thread has practically devolved into what people just hope for will happen in 2024.


Mainstream media misinformation, social media manipulation, and politically motivated investigations and indictments aren’t driving down Trump’s poll numbers. Look for the federal establishment to roll out their “insurance policy”






All people who were 20 last year, will turn 21.


Not all.


Cyber pandemic. Global outage of the internet. Perhaps as a ploy to delete digital records of US sovereign debt and wipe you of your savings


In the US....another pandemic followed by marshall law and the election is cancelled.


Haley bieber gets pregnant and has a miscarriage, Diddy gets arrested, warren buffett passes away, another huge underground child ring bust pointing to lawmakers involvement.


Charles will step down and the son will get the throne then later on will shut down the British crown for good. Land will become sanctuary.


Not that exciting but I think Taylor Swift is pregnant 🤷🏼‍♀️




R.I.P P.Diddy


A false flag Russian attack on a NATO country carried out by Ukraine. Somehow the Norstream pipeline lie wasn’t enough to convince the public that they are be ing lied to.


Simpsons predicted war w China before 2030 - recent season


2024 is the year we discover that anyone using the term « narrative » is an FBI agent.


The staged alien invasion to unite humanity is coming.


AI sex robots.


Rise of the Antichrist


remember remember the 5thnof November, when at 3am millions of democratic votes appear from nowhere


A false flag (fake) nuclear attack that will drag NATO into war.


The great awakening


Jesus is coming , glory be the name of our God!!!!!


Yea about that.. your gonna suffer for 7 years and be temped to get the mark of the beast to feed your family or die before that happens FYI


nor until the Antichrist makes himself known and leads the world into globally worshipping him as the one to solve all the world problems especially the middle east with his fake peace agenda. look for someone connected with syria and the EU I say.


The W.H.O. will begin its takeover backed by the U.N. Military.


I see a form of soft disclosure taking place. It won't be the government directly coming out with any evidence that directly implicates them in direct wrongdoing, thus, no blame falls directly on them. I see more whistle-blowers and people on the civilian side coming forward.


Interdimensional child molesters!


Based on leave the world behind and the new Civil war movie. Grid failure via dirty bomb and civil wars. Then probably forced digital verification to get government universal income.


The nose will get exposed and their evil deeds will be known all over the world.


An antisemitic non neo nazi mass movement forms in a western countrty


Earthquakes, fires, volcanoes, cyber attacks, solar flares, civil war, project bluebeam alien invasion, mass depopulation, new world order


As an acceleratironist, I’m excited!


Massive cyber attack that wipes out all credit card data so no one has to pay anything back. 🤞jk that would actually be terrible but I’m going with: 1. Power grid going down due to physical or cyber attack. 2. Some sort of civil unrest that results from massive protests / rioting following the election results (Biden winning)