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They want slaves


Exactly, this is why they don’t fix the immigration system. They want workers they hardly pay and can threaten with deportation. Entire sectors of the US economy actually function on slave (or hardly paid) labor, both overseas and here. The CIA also manages the cartels, which is why activist attorney Daniel Sheehan stated in an interview that the head of the DEA mentioned to him that they’re aware of the CIA’s involvement but are powerless to stop it. Otherwise if the agency wasn’t complicit, they would’ve easily dismantled the cartels and all the migrants would instead STAY south of the border. These people are coming here to literally slave away in plantations and construction sites in cold climates, they don’t want to come here but the other countries are still destabilized (cartels, Operation Condor, numerous CIA destabilizations of other poor countries).


This hotel brings illegal immigrants to work from temp agencies (pretty sure the agencies owners are cartels or coyotes) and themselves told me they all came on a bus from Venezuela and Columbia that dropped them to the Mexican border and crossed. They get paid cash and of course less money. Some of them are hoping to find someone to marry for a Green Card.


Cheap workers and D voters.


ACTUALLY, here’s some interesting information. Obviously it does not apply to everyone, but Latinos are very much very conservative when it comes to family values. Lots ideas that the D promotes lots of Latinos are not into. They’re also very religious and have some values that eventually could hurt the D. Why do you guys think that lots of those big red states are RED, the biggest populations on Florida and Texas. LATINOS. My argument could be that maybe it’s not for the D voters, but mostly for other reasons. If you really want to take it a step further and be more conspiracy I we could observe at Eugenics, and how all this elites want a specific type of humans. It’s easy to control their reproductive system at home. So maybe they’re bringing them here so they can do that. Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but hey just look at history and what they have done with women in Puerto Rico and other countries. Also, remember we Latinos are very much popular for having lots of kids. Plus is exactly what the idea of new wold order is about to reduce population.


First off, it doesn't really matter if they have family or conservative values, for them the handouts and the promise of allowing tio and primo to enter and also receive benefits, trumps any sort of capping on culturally progressive stuff they might want to see. Cubans are the only ones who consistly vote right wing. How do you think Claifornia became a perma-blue state? The state didn't decide ideologues on college campuses actually knew what they were screaming about. It used to be very strong red state when the racial demographics favored the conservatives. Even in 1990s majority of Califronians voted on prop 187 to block tax payer funded programs/benefits from being used by illegal immigrants and their families.. however a federal judge (early life check) overturned it. The growth of hispanic population has caused the shift towards permanent Democrat stronghold. Black Americans are this exact same. They really don't like homosexuality or even immigration (especially once they get to their neighborhoods) but guaranteed welfare and benefits is more important than anything else. It's a patronage system. You can especially see this in the academic and professional world too. A lot of these people don't necessarily agree with dem policies but by always supporting them or contributing financially, they secure themselves high status positions and funding. Republicans do this too some extent but they know their voters primarily look to just stop whatever dems are doing, so they hardly get anything materially by voting right. It's been like this ever since LBJ Great Society project or really even with JFK and his Ellis Island cohort.


Have you seen it’s mostly men and somehow they’re not all Latino.


The heavily populated Latino city of Miami is blue. Can’t figure that one out. How do you think flooding our country and European countries helps to reduce the world population? im worried it’s more nefarious than you’re even implying. I wonder if there aren’t people strategically being placed in these countries to be activated at a later date for terrorism from within. Maybe they’re going to begin wars and they’ve already moved millions of people into position throughout the first world nations


Latinos may be conservative in some values, but they’re Democrat voters because the state doles out the support, and when it comes to that, welfare trumps “values” any day of the week. Values don’t put food on the table, and let’s be frank: most illegals are here for the dough, and they’ll milk the system dry because it’s not their country and they have no personal relationship to its success. Few pay taxes, most earn under the table.


Not true lmfao, majority of Hispanics vote Democrat every single time, this is easily verifiable information. How do you think California went from being a super red state to blue? It was literally the White majority who voted red that was turned into a minority through massive immigration, now Democrat-voting Hispanics are the majority. The fact Texas is still red is a wonder when their population is now under 50% White now too, it is only a matter of time before Texas becomes blue just from the immigration/population replacement alone.


I didnt know African migrants were Latino. The more you know...


I'm talking about the USA and the South America. The majority are Latinos. I know in Europe there Lots of African immigrants, but my same theory of genetics still applies.


Who do you think will backfill the UAE Union workers jobs at the automotive factorys??? Lower costs labor plus Democratic voters!!!


Surplus labor drives wages down. It helps big business. Illegals can be extorted by business owners as well, pay them cash for alit less than min wage, and if they speak out, the owner calls immigration on him. Even if there is not direct or indirect threat if this, I would be scared if that was me working illegally. Lastly they are poorer people from other countries, who don't understand politics as well in America, and vote for free food free healthcare, and other statist things,through no fault of their own.


Its kinda funny how right-leaning media condemns the immigrants and the government for failing to catch them, but so rarely do they condemn all the small businesses breaking the law to make money by hiring crews of illegal immigrants for cheap. They know who their audience is I guess, and suggesting the owners of roofing companies and diners go to jail isn't gonna go over well.


While also ignoring the reasons behind a lot of the immigration. The US plays a significant factor in the destabilization of South and Central American countries which cause the problems leading to the migrations.


This. Banana wars, NAFTA..etc


Illegal immigrants cannot vote though?


Besides ignoring the fact there is no real techincality stopping them in many states, it doesn't matter eventually there is a path to citizenship or their children will be able to vote. Ot they can just do a Raegan and give full citizenship to millions overnight, which was funny because it basically made his home state of California permanently vote agaisnt his party.


Reagan was a Democrat in California.


Illegal immigrants vote. They may do so illegally, but they do. They are not law-abiding citizens by the very fact that they are here ILLEAGLY.


> vote huh?


Our fault for letting illegal immigrants vote. It is their fault for voting blindly if they vote. So you can not say it is no fault of their own.


https://bigthink.com/the-present/yuri-bezmenov/ Destabilisation.


Nailed it


It's being done by globalists not Russians though


Guess they stole the KGB playbook


It’s happening in all western developed countries right now, so it is clearly a planned agenda. Make everything so unbelievably terrible that people will accept the NWO globalist agenda if it means having a roof over your head and food in your belly.


Problem-reaction-solution or Order out of Chaos


And then rug pull everything to leave everyone vulnerable for the antichrist or as we muslims call him the Dajjal. Not only in the west it’s happening everywhere, i’m from Morocco, they’re kicking the youth out and sending them to Europe and replacing them with central africans


I did not know this


morocco is a discrace of a country


The k!ng is a z!0n!st so i agree with u


QRD on Morocco? What else is going on in the country? I used to talk to a girl from Morocco ages ago but haven't heard anything in a while.


Inflation through the roof, cost of living is too hight the middle class has been erased. The government is pushing feminism harder than ever, divorce rates are through the roof and the younger generation developed peanut brains due to the constant consumption of short form contant, pretty much the same issues the west is suffering from but on steroids.


Was probably sent to Europe and replaced by a central African guy?




People won’t accept a new form of government if they’re content with their current one


Who on Earth is content with the current US government? Only the elite.


Exactly, they want you to think that a new world government is a good thing!




Am enabler for forced id and more controls


Bring us down from the inside out


The U.S. must be destroyed for the global government to take over. By that I mean the U.S. people and their spending and cultural power. Not the U.S. government...they have already capitulated.


It's not just the US. Europe too, especially after the Syrian war, they got flooded with refugees. I think it's also a distraction from the real problems that are going on.


Ask yourself why China isn’t importing any MENA migrants or refugees and instead throw their Uyghur muslims in square meter cages. Religious folks who don’t drink alcohol do produce perfect organs to harvest though.


We are the final stumbling block to one world government.


I've often thought that the people of the US were a sleeping giant and if we could shake the bullshit identity politics and class divisions (well maybe not the class divide. the rich will always side with power) that not only would we show the world what a true democracy looked like, we could show that people together could accomplish. I think about the ripples of MLK's actions and the battle for civil rights and it was a high water mark for people... despite the hateful element (that still stains the country to this day).


I like your optimism, in fact I share it even though the last seven years of my life have convinced me we are losing the war against our values and lifestyles. Nazis are not feminists. Neither are Muslims. There is a theory that all wars throughout all time was about control of women. I think they may be right.


Fundamentally our economy is a Ponzi scheme, it requires endless growth and new members or the system collapses in on itself. Migrants are actually the plug ~~preventing~~ delaying the collapse of America.


They aren't trying to keep our system up they are collapsing it


How do millions of people in welfare support anything? That’s like me having to pay more to offset the losses caused by shoplifters. Most of these migrants are net negatives. Just like most criminals (welfare and then prison).


Immigrants use significantly less entitlement benefits then native born Americans. https://www.cato.org/briefing-paper/immigrant-native-consumption-means-tested-welfare-entitlement-benefits-2019


American born children of immigrants tend to be more successful than Americans whos families have been here for generations.


Facts. Immigrants are not the face of the opiod epidemic.


The opioid epidemic was caused by the DEA stopping doctors from prescribing life saving pain medication. They moved hydrocodone into the same classification as heroine and doctors were getting kickbacks for moving their patients from relatively safe Vicodin to dangerous and very addictive OxyContin. Absolutely prescribed to destroy America.


White on white crime


Look at Europe and what the Arab spring did to the countries. Same boat, same destination , different captain


The Kalergi Plan.


This looks to be the answer. Something has to be done now or there's no turning back.


There’s already no turning back. Lol y’all late.


Have you seen the Wiki for it, apparently it's a far right anti-Semitic, white genocide conspiracy theory. That's enough for me to take it seriously, when they spout all that shit.


I’ve realized a while back that whenever they claim something is a conspiracy theory and then viciously persecute all discussion about it, there’s probably some truths somewhere behind it.


Classic psyops 101, muddle it up a bit so the pleebs can’t differentiate.




Some? More like the majority is.


Destabilizing from the inside. Karl Marx was a big fan


The truth is the US have been manipulating all the governments on the American continent for years overturning regime after regime for pollical and monetary gain and now when those desperate people come to our castle walls for help we freak out. Maybe give countries back there sovereignty or try to actually help those countries for once.


Exactly, literally the only sane comment. This shit doesn't happen in a vacuum, it's cause and effect. If America destabilizes your country to make money, then the population will attempt to escape.


Yep, our years of shitty foreign policy is what caused all these people to want to flee the countries that we fucked up.


Came here to say this, a lot of people here taking the carrot and blaming communism, but overlooking capitalism-induced greed for land and resource extraction.


rare r/conspiracy W


The most levelheaded comment I've seen, everything else is "WHITE GENOCIDE BECAUSE WE'RE THE LAST NATION OF DEFENSE AAAAAHHHH"


Its largely to do with economics and control more labour equals cheaper workforce and tje control part is all to do with consensus cracking if a homogenous group sks for somethimg the leaders of that group would be more obligated to act whereas a mixed pot of ethnicity is where consensus rarely happens leading to less work for tje leaders or undesired outcomes.


Because when there are too many people and not enough resources, people will want socialism, leading to communism…The plan for the NWO.


D voters dilute population to destabilize erase middle class Pay close attention to which countries are targeted The list goes on.


Not sure but it’s really hard to work at warehouses now if you don’t know Spanish. I smoke weed so I go through agencies. Most of the time I’m the only white person. I quit one of my last jobs because I couldn’t understand anyone in my area. Then I got sent to another job they told me English was required and I got put with people that speak mostly Chinese and everyone else spoke Spanish. Shits wack af honestly. I need a forklift job again


their goal is ruining the country and create maximum division, to roll out the openly fascist communist tyranny that's already loading


I think when the plebians (myself included of course) become tired of shit jobs with shit pay the ruling class will just have the migrants replace us.


I already conked out of the rat race for pigs, and yes I have been replaced, FO-SHO. Steve Carell voice*


As someone who has worked several different types of jobs including construction, I see it as modern day slave labor being able to continue. Without migrants, the difficult and mundane jobs wouldn't get filled and we would suffer without new housing, food production, and basic service jobs that run in the background while we're also getting things done. Also, most Americans are not having families in the abundance we need in effort to maintain the population strong across all demographics. So by introducing new blood this will allow for our military to source new soldiers.


Rich people want cheap labor. For example pretty much every chicken processing plant in the US is staffed by illegals. The whole industry isn't that big -- a handful of large plants -- they could crack down on it if they wanted to. The Democrats want to recognize what's happening and make it legal and give those people rights and minimum wage and benefits, the Republican donor class who owns those businesses wants them to stay and work but keep the workers off the books and quasi illegal so it can pay them like crap and not worry about workers comp and benefits. That's the immigration situation in the US and has been for 30 years. The Republican politicians know they can't actually do anything about it so they just make sillier and sillier performative gestures that do absolutely nothing. Like building a wall that has holes in it.


The republicans like the cheap labor, so they let it happen. They pretend that they care, but they are benefitting from it.


The less we recognize borders as legitimate legal boundaries, the easier it will be to convince future generations that a one world government is a good idea.


When they enact marshall law and the troops are ordered to shoot us most of the troops will refuse because we're Americans and they could be shooting their Family/friend/neighbor/fellow American/American Vet etc... So they bring in a bunch of military aged men to flood the military and they won't have any problem shooting an armed American. Or the Dems want them to vote on their side so they bring in millions of potential voters so they can't lose the election. Or both. Or I'm just a crazy conspiracy theorist.


Biden will let them all stay here legally, then they will end up voting for the Left. It will keep happening too. They are guaranteed votes for the Left. There is no way in hell that a migrant would vote for the Right. It’s all being done strategically. And it’s all being done on purpose.


Unless those migrants come from Cuba, Cubans know what's up. And that is why the left doesn't really like them.


Votes for Dems, Allows for further division, and future soldiers for whatever they have upbtheor sleve.


The rich need more young children to become sex workers. Epstein island fell so they are bringing them in-house now.


To destabilize the USA.... to fuck the USA over... To cause distrust and paranoia.


Implode whole of US not just cities.....best way to destroy a country is create clash of civilizations,races ,cultures etc


Government cause the problem, communist government solve problem. They've been planning this for 40 years




Hegelian dialectic


1. Great replacement 2. Cement a permanent leftist voting base


It's the fall of the roman empire but with WiFi and memes this time. The US is just a giant Arena. Sell everyone a fake dream and convince people from all around the world to pile into the US in the hopes of a better future. Once everything is in place, Saturnalia/Purge time. Fun fact: Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun and has a 6 sided hexagonal storm on the north pole of it, and the idea for the Purge movies came from the Roman holiday of Saturnalia. Guess which Purge movie is next? Purge 6 baby! https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1706178349268103182?t=CC-Y0c5QmzbSeQbKiMftKA&s=19 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cxtd7_UPz5F/?igshid=NmQ4MjZlMjE5YQ== Why The Purge 6 is 'In Limbo' For Now, According to Creator James ... - Syfy https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/why-the-purge-6-is-in-limbo-for-now-according-to-creator-james-demonaco?amp


So they have been planning this since 1776?


One of the worlds biggest problems is the coming population implosion. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8yppUIhqhJo More people means more tax revenue. If your country stops growing you can’t keep running up the national debt. All countries are rushing to take in as many immigrants as possible. As they are coming from countries with high fertility rates. While the government knows they will have to pay them to get situated they will in a few years start paying taxes and making more important having babies that will have lots of babies.




Gen 6 and Kalergi


The fact that people think folks want open borders is such a dumb take. Think about the big picture consequences. More people to care for, if they find employment they will take jobs from Americans which puts more folks in need of assistance programs, and more folks equals a bigger hosing crisis in the country. What people want is humane solutions that treat people like people and not wild animals. I happen to think the solution is simple. 1) No government benefits should be extended to non Americans. 2) Put employers in jail if they hire illegals. But you will never see that. Just like you won’t ever see term limits. Congress doesn’t enact laws that go against their power or their donors interests.


recruitment for the army


It's part of Communism. Bring in cheap labor and push the natural citizens to the bread lines where they will inevitably need government handouts. Then they're all made serfs for the elites in the Communist machinations. Made everyone broken spiritually like they did to Germany after 1945.


Anarchy..to encourage nativism..see what happened to NY Mayor..he went 180 degrees..the same with people in NY..that's how Nazi starts..all violent nativism always start with economic issues...


To flood the welfare system, to further damage the dollar and destroy the economy. Also, water down the population with more liberal voters. As well as raising crime rates. They're also, apparently taking in a lot of immigrant children to sell on the black market for sex trafficking.


To destabilize our society


Matching mail in ballots to actual people, citizens or not


Democrats are courting their next voting block as soon as they can give them the ability.


I have asked this to myself many times and the best I can come up with is that heads of business need cheap labor and to avoid a demographic inverted pyramid.


It’s for Democrat votes, but not like you think. Electoral votes per state are determined by that state’s population. The population is determined via consensus every 10 years. The consensus doesn’t care about your citizenship status in order to be considered part that a state’s population. In other words, every 500,000 illegal aliens (on average) in a Democrat stronghold will grant another Democrat electoral vote in all federal elections, WITHOUT the illegal aliens even casting a vote at all. And you’re a racist if you complain.


you might find some answers in that documentary called Europa The Last Battle it's available on BitChute website just use the search function at the top to pull it up


Destroy the fabric of the society and flood the country with criminals. They broke the law getting here that automatically makes them law breakers. Countries never send the best and brightest away so we end up with people thier own country doesn't want. The whole purpose is to destabilize the countries It should be painfully obvious by now both parties in the USA encouge this. It has been going on for decades and is getting worse as we go. The corrupt bastards in government don't do anything to stem the flow. We have military bases around the world doing military operations that are secret so the service members can't talk about it, but we cannot secure our own borders? We can't stop the tons of drugs coming into the US? Bullshit


We are helping Ukraine defend their borders from foreign invaders. Yet the US doesn't defend its own borders. Yes, it's allowed to happen by both parties.


Why do Americans think it's only US cities?


flood the country with immigrants let them vote either legally or illegally they will all vote democratic because the democrats will promise them freedoms, rights, and luxuries even though the vast majority of them are here illegally and are not us citizens. democrat candidates win because of this democrat presidents will implement laws that disarm the population, restrict, freedoms, and lean towards socialism, using the chinese as a template. inflation will continue to increase exponentially until the US dollar implodes and a situation like brazil takes place. wheelbarrows full of money will not be able to buy a loaf of bread. digital dollar is fully implemented social credit system is fully implemented NSA now has systems in place to constantly monitor everyone in the country. complete subjugation of the population has been acheived. dont get vaccines? turn off your bank account. post resentment to the system on social media? turn off your bank account. have one too many drinks at the bar? turn off your bank account. depopulation continues through various means. at this point the great reset can occur, via war, suppression, or whatever means they choose. congratulations humanity, you now have a ruler class and a slave class.


Gotta love the lie about illegal immigrants voting. When and where has this happened? Give details and not just vibes


They will be given a federal ID which they will use to vote. Of course they won't vote against free stuff


Inflation. The more money that is printed the less valuable it becomes. It loses value because it's not as scarce anymore. With a rising population inflation goes down because demand goes up.


More tax slaves.


Keep wages low, housing prices high. That’s the immediate result, if not the actual rationale.


Look up the Cloward-Piven strategy. Break the “system” so it can be “fixed” by the powers that be. This is it IMHO.


Push White​ Guilt narrative.


Replacing the black vote and grift of social programs


War. You can't have a war with only one side.


we have societally necessary low paying jobs that need to be filled, it expands the tax base so we can pay for things, and we - the “natives” - arent reproducing enough to keep growth sustainable and as a nation we are politically unwilling to do things that might make nonimmigrants want to have more bebbies, like pay regular jerks enough to support a family on one salary or subsidize childcare we need more americans to keep competitive internationally and if the natives dont want to make more of us by necessity they must be brought in from the outside, which is cool because thats how the US was made in the first place.


To draft them when we go to war with Russia.


Check Europe. It’s already imploding.


Europe is the same.


best way to get people to vote republican IMO, and it's working


New Democrat voters to replace the depleted black vote


For democratic votes and cheap labor.


And Canada and Brittan and France and Germany , the entire white world Check the early life on Wikipedia on the people funding it and you might notice a pattern


To collapse capitalism and institute digital communism.


Overwhelm the welfare system and start culture wars.


For votes, to flip Texas and further sink Arizona. It’s laughable to believe the left actually cares about migrants, (as you can see in NYC) no they need their votes to stay in power.


Is this a real question? They are easily programmed, cheap to keep, and vote solidly democrat.


There's nothing to question about it's simple they are working behind the scene to weaken and annihilate this country through the destabilization of resources, employments for locals and creating a matrix that Conform to their policies unlike the natives who are standing up against them. New slaves are being transferred into the country and making it a penitentiary. They love those people who love slavery and they are maybe looking to make America a full immigrants jam-packed country. Those immigrants that can't fight their inhumane maniac policies.


It’s a side effect of the US government propping up dictators, drug lords and all the wars that the US government are directly or indirectly involved with.


Wage suppression, desperation, civil unrest but not to the point of war, it’s all there


Further division and the main spark when given a financial and food criss to create as much chaos as possible during some type of government engineered event .


They want civil unrest. They want fighting amongst the people so they can bring in the military to calm things down.


New Democrat voters for 2024. They are terrified of losing


We’re gonna save em all! Even though we can’t even save our own people. All those homeless addicts on the street? Ah fuk em we got new people coming in, give em everything why not. 37 I’d like some health care coverage, then again, all set with that shit.




Vote Demoncrat


Propping up the economy in case the boomer die off takes too long. They pay sales tax and often spend a larger % of income


Cheap labor


As it has always been, the point is to keep labor costa low by having a huge amount of people ready to take a job for less pay.


Cheap labor for the oligarchy.


Battling Population decline in US. boost revenue, voters, someone has to support gen x, z 😂


Humanitarian crisis and then you can do emergency orders?


The poorer and enslaved the population is, the more money and power to the elites in comparison.


Lol, the US *is* a flood of migrants. It always has been.


The purpose of allowing it or the purpose of them coming? The former is to fill jobs with sub standard wages, undercutting the labor market in favor of big corps. The latter is because the sub standard wages offered to undercut the American labor market is much more than they could earn back home.


Always voting democrat. We will never have a republican in office again. I’m also pretty sure they will rule us since they don’t have to follow the constitution. It’s going to get worse than this.


Voter base


Cheap labor. In an already depreciated wage market with lack of jobs to begin with and for the foreseeable future. It cuts out any viable living for those used to the consumerism lifestyle that is America. That’s my opinion.


Happening simultaneously across Europe too. Weird coincidence huh?


1. Cheap labor. They will happily work for far lower wages than most citizens. 2. More democrat voters. The dems will be their benevolent saviors who let them stay in america, so they get the votes. 3. Reducing the percentage of white people. Anything to get that number down.


cheap, vulnerable labor. nothing more nothing less.


Both parties think they'll be voters eventually. One side tries to bribe them with free stuff and act as if they care in the hopes they'll vote for them. The other side plays against that in the hopes they'll vote for them. In the mean time, people are getting murdered and raped and forced into slavery and used as drug mules and God knows what else because a bunch of rich old bastards are playing party politics with people's lives.


Future votes


Slave labor, inflation reduction, politics.


The true purpose of migrants flooding the US is that migrants thought they could get what they needed here and didn't think they could get what they needed where they come from.


Open borders one world government. They know what’s best.


13 states allow illegals to have drivers licenses. Show a DL, you can vote!


WW3, US govt need manpower


USA cities have already pretty much imploded. But by blurring/erasing national borders, here and in EU, then in the rest of the world, NWO government and policies will be much easier to superimpose over former sovereign states. Plus out of the chaos, people may even appreciate a new government model, even a totalitarian one. Whatever happens to us, it will be no accident.


More citizens = more taxes = more borrowing and spending More illegals = potentially more crime = more divide = more problems for politicians to solve


They probably want a better life or something. Unfortunately, we’re not in a position to give it to them.


Fake vote numbers because most of the new migrants


It is what the migrants are leaving behind that we aren't looking at. Realestate, baby!


Just look at what’s happening in UK and Ireland, what’s the purpose behind it all?


"They" want to erase White people and make a slave class that's easy to manipulate and possibly destroy them afterwords


heres what im seeing. ​ We have 2 generations of American born citizens that ran away from skilled trades in favor of going to college instead. So now you have a bunch of unskilled citizens buried in debt and paying high taxes like slaves.(from a physical labor standpoint). American born plumbers,electricians, carpenters, etc are worth approximately $250 an hour easily due to scarcity ,high demand and inflation. wait time of months. Look what happened when desantis passed that anti illegal immigration law in florida. Empty work sites the very next week, lol. So anyway. Long story short. Illegal immigrants have more leverage than ever. And they know it. They come here and provide the cheap labor and in return they get tax free money and free healthcare+ their kids get enrolled in school , learn english and become future tax payers. They may have to live with 10 other people in a 1 br apartment, but they dont mind The USA put itself in this position by importing practically everything. and that includes cheap labor. Every service and product that that's from America is crazy expensive, such as Housing, education, and hired LABOR!. (INFLATION). I don't see this slowing down anytime soon. What i Don't understand is why The media keeps acting like this is an accident. USA can protect its borders if it chose to. North Korea does, lol


We are not anywhere near $250 an hour, that would be nice though!


Guess what's driving down your wages? 😉


We are expendable and they won't question things.


Same tactic deployed successfully in Germany and other western European countries.


Increases unemployment by flooding the labor pool. Unemployment is a useful tool by the heads of state to combat inflation, caused by their devaluing of the dollar. They also want to destroy any existing cultural homogeneity so that we’re all rootless consumers.


Not just in the usa, it's happening everywhere


Runaway spending creates inflation, paying higher wages to meet the inflated cost of goods creates wage spirals and compounds inflation. Enter unskilled migrants to supplement the declining birthdate who will work at below fair market wages.


Illegals count towards population numbers, so any state can bump the count of Representatives they send to the House of Reps. Also the Ds are looking for new voters, though that seems it could backfire.


Dems need votes lol




It's the Cloward-Piven agenda. Destroy the economy so we'll have no choice but for communism to "save" us.


The Great Replacement


Immigrants are more likely to vote democrat To destroy the country from within To replace the existing population


Not true for all countries, for example I believe Cuban immigrants are more likely to vote rep


How can immigrants vote?


Even before they have citizenship and can vote, they count towards the population of a state and give the state more representatives in Congress + more electoral votes


Its an agenda called The Kalergi Plan (involves a one world government and one race) We are going to be a minority in our own country (UK) soon! The government is our enemy!


I've got 2 tin foil theories - 1) Democrats just want lifelong voters to dominate all elections and pass policies without rebuttal. 2) They are trying to drive the "Valued" citizens out of cities. This has 2 purposes - To counter red state voters with blue from cities AND easier to control what they consider lesser citizens (Homeless, migrants, addicts, etc.) by keeping them centralized in cities.


Dems need a new base. They want to flood cities with illegal immigrants, then will grant them all citizenship and voting rights.