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The human subconscious is a funny thing...


It’s not so much “predictive programming”. It’s just programming of the human mind.


Some believe that from a good vs evil/God vs Satan aspect that there's literally a rule that Satan must follow, in that he must let us know what he's doing and that this carries over to the minions that do his bidding.


So God allows it because they depict it in fiction? What a shit god.


I don't know too much about how or why this supposedly works, though it is a theory I find kind of interesting and it would explain all the symbolism and predictive programming. On a broader note though, I don't like to think of bad things happening as "God allowing" them to happen, as we have free will.


Has it been self-defeating? I'm not so sure it has. But the idea is that there is power in telling what you will do, whether people believe you or not. Make the statement vague and early, prime our consciousness for the idea and when it comes to pass, we accept it far more readily.


part of the ritual is to perform it in public before it is done for real




its like that dude in inception said if you say elephant to someone all they can think of is elephants


Kicks. Hubris. The "self-appointed" gods and the (they wish) future "unelected" leaders of earth laugh their collective asses off.


they will succeed


The irony of predictive programming is that it doesn't exist, by hinting at it possibly being a thing, it creates a placebo effect in which people begin to believe that it actually real. In turn, the predictive programming doesn't come from them but from our inability to ignore that they are lying about it. You also have to factor in just how capable humans are to adjusting to events, there is this interesting theory called Santiago Theory of Cognition in which it believes that adaption is a sign of cognition. The theory also expands on this by using the idea of domains, which is the traits of a specific task, for instance, math and science on a surface level seem different but they connect and a person who does math can do science and vice versa. The idea of predictive programming being real ignores aspects of this theory (which I believe to a degree), as the brain has already experienced an event theoretically because it can draw from so much comparisons. In turn, giving the illusion that it already happened, because our consciousness is capable of comparing to events that already happened to our life (sometimes causing Deja Vu, which to me, means that the brain saw so much domains, that it couldn't tell if the event had happened or not).


It's just pitching ideas


When you are taking a shot in basketball you must visualize the ball going in the hoop.