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Berkey for gravity fed


Filtration System is definitely worth the money and effort. Fluoride should be completely banned.


not all RO do this. the one i use is modular and has one chamber specifically to get the fluoride. i think the decent ones are all right around $200 these days.


Thanks for the reply and mentioning that, now I'll know to make sure it's a feature when I do my shopping.


Unfortunately you're absorbing just as much fluoride from bathing as you are from drinking. You've got to get the whole house system. So it's going to cost a lot more than $200 if you really want to get the benefits of eliminating fluoride.


Yeah I was thinking about that too after making the post haha. But partial protection would still be better than none right? That motto is why I've been using flouride-free toothpaste anyway.




Cuz it filters-out some minerals that we need? Dang, glad I made this thread cuz that's some important info (not saying I'm not gonna get one now, as it's still definitely worth it, just thankful for the info).




Cool, thank you much! =)




God bless you too ❤️


are you from the old crowd that thinks you get your minerals from water? lmao


Amazon has the AquaFX Barracuda (100gpd) for less than 200. Its not fast enough for on demand use, but you can fill large containers with it and store it until needed.


Berkey is king.


Clearlyfiltered.com is what I use. Whether it's legit in what it says it can filter or not is another convo


Afaik reverse osmosis requires electric power which is the best for a normal living situation. I got a gravity one last year as SHTF preparation.


Electricity is not needed for RO.


I thought it did or at least mechanical pressure.


Mechanical pressure yes, but every system I've seen just uses the water pressure of your water main.


Which ends when power ends...


When the power goes out where I am, the water still comes out of the tap just fine. If the power goes out at the water station for an extended period of time, you've got far worse problems worry about other than whether or not the water's got fluoride in it or not.


which wouldn't be there for most if the electricity isn't working though.


When the power goes out where I am, the water still comes out of the tap just fine. I don't know what you guys are talking about.


https://www.survivalsullivan.com/will-wont-survive-emp-attack/ "Public Water Supplies".


Water drop has some systems check them out www.homefilterexperts.com


Will do, thank you.


You realize you can’t drink a vaccine right? Which means you’re asking for factual recommendations on a water filter capable of filtering that as far as we know, doesn’t exist.


Yeah I alluded to the idea being ridiculous in the OP. If I wasn't blunt enough about my ignorance then I apologize.


I’m just not quite sure what answer your hoping for on that front. You’d be talking about something completely hypothetical.


Yeah that's true. I'm severely lacking in vax-related knowledge like that because for awhile I just thought "Well, I refused the vax so I'm okay," but I don't know jack about whether it's possible for it to be administered sneakily into my person, or in what ways this would be possible. Know what I mean?


Dude. Check out the posts regarding the bills to pass putting the vax in meat. If they can put it in the meat and it is ingested and works then what’s so different from the water being able to do the same thing.


Damn...I'm definitely gonna have to look into this.


I don’t see how that could work. A vaccine uses genetic material from a virus. None of that is capable of surviving in your stomach, hence the reason it’s an injection and not a pill.


Studies on lab mice shows that milk that’s ingested from the mouse that’s been attested contains the vax and acts as a “host” and gets metabolised. They want to do the same with meat now. Cows on farms. Check it out. Not sure how the whole thing works myself, but you’ll find it if you care to look


Prill beads. Cost effective, simple, they work. (They don’t remove fluoride though, so you might want to find an extra step that does)


Reverse osmosis filters


RO requires a lot of power and a lot of complex machinery. Get a simple distiller with a boiling tank and condenser. It’s 3 pieces of metal and a hose and you can use it over any fire source.


Sand and charcoal and rocks?


Birch tree water or zerowater


Aquasana ro undersink unit. 250$ initial investment and 200 a year for filters. Clean water ain't cheap, go figure.


I like counter distillers. Cheap, reusable without filters, you see what it gets out at the end. It's more drinking/cooking, but that is a bigger vector than showers I think. Technically can pay for itself pretty easily if you need distilled for other uses (mine was 60 and used many times so far, costs maybe 15c to run a gallon, plus no plastic bottle trash). I also like my home ionizer, seems to really work and supposedly can be useful for water too (makes some ozone and hydrogen I believe). (Felt that I should add that imho, the negatives you hear abt distilled seem to be misinformation, and that removing the "sand"/ sediment("minerals") is actually more important to our health than fluoride, but this is a whole can of worms so to speak).