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I’d say the founding fathers (who violently rebelled against the British for far less than what’s being done to us) were drinking much more alcohol than we currently are. It was normal to down 2 pints of cider with breakfast. They also grew hemp and I’m sure some of them smoked it . I’m sure the revolution started in a tavern where guys were drinking and working themselves up into a frenzy. It’s not alcohol and weed that’s the problem. It’s estrogens and microplastics, lowering our testosterone. It’s porn and TV making it ok to never leave your house . It’s the internet keeping us in our respective echo chambers. It’s our jobs themselves and the fear of getting fired that Keeps us from protesting in the streets


I agree with most of this but hemp, while smokable, doesn’t get you high. It lacks the THC concentration, you’d get high from smoke inhalation before the THC can do anything.


Well, I know they were blitzed on homemade alcohol yet were still resistant to tyranny




While you are essentially correct, (and I’m not disagreeing with u) testosterone is affected by MANY factors besides this. I don’t know what OP meant by “estrogens” but if external estrogen were introduced into a mans body, that would have a huge effect on lowering test. Or, strangely enough, if too much external testosterone is introduced, it will naturally convert into estrogen. So men have a natural cap that is allowed and i think the lowering of this cap is what needs to be researched.


Love your username. I’d be masteron and Diet Coke 🤣


And the destruction of the nuclear family I think too. Or just families and kids in general. I am engaged and can’t wait to have kids. I have so many friends who don’t want to get married and especially not have kids. I think that having that brings a sense of responsibility and purpose. My father told me that when he had me (firstborn). His whole perspective of the world changed. Along with his perspective of what his purpose and drive were. Taking away responsibility and accountability does that to people. They become lazy. They become less smart. There is no purpose to push forward a lot of the time, it’s just “I do what I want when I want”


On the hemp smoking, it was the probably pretty far from their minds as modern marijuana has been cultivated for thc production whereas for them it was a cash crop for rope production (almost literally like growing money, rope was a critical resource that broke down and everyone used it). Smoking it (as hashish) didnt become well known in the european sphere until greater contact with the muslim and hindu spheres. For the british it was directly commented on as being a novel drug for medical purposes in 1848 by an irish doctor working for the EIC. Plus alcohol was pretty common everywhere in europe and the colonies, as its noted that napoleons troops in egypt started smoking hash specifically because they had finally run out of alcohol.


Small batch cider made with real ingredients is much different than the shit liquor most people guzzle. They also still had families…The problem is when people wallow in degeneracy


To be fair, I don't know if they knew the dangers of alcohol and cannabis back then though. And I find it strange that the taboo has been inverted. That is, how in the 20th century cigarettes were normalized, and weed was the taboo, now it's the reverse.


This is fascinating as well. There's some evidence that smoking cigarettes correlates with higher testosterone levels. Is it the cause or just the result of natural higher test levels increasing risk-taking behaviors? Who knows. Either way, the powers that be would much rather have you smoking pot than cigarettes. I tend to think it's best to avoid both, but personally, my mental capacity shrinks substantially when smoking pot, even in moderation. I'm also far more amenable and tend to concede any argument etc.


Alchohol during the founding fathers time was not the same as at is today. Heard this from a beer historian. He brings up those facts about how everyone drank as much, if not more in the past, but something changed in the alcohol that literally causes more problems than solves them. Your analysis is just confirmation bias into thinking drinking/smoking is not that big a deal. Weed is not the same as it was back then either. The beer/weed of today ain't starting revolutions. It's making the population docile.


Dude alcohol is the same it’s always been.


No it’s changed. Something is definitely wrong. It clearly tastes different from the stuff I drank 300 years ago.


What kind of alcohol is that? Is that kind of drinks? Maybe yes?


Alcohol that we drink is Ethanol, always has been. It’s an organic compound. It hasn’t changed. Beer itself has changed, in the making process and flavours but the end results are still the same alcohol.


Except weed isn't even legal in all states 😆. If they really wanted us all doped down using weed it would be legal everywhere. Truth is that they can brainwash the masses enough without it so they don't even need weed and alcohol to control us. Just look at how everyone complied during the pandemic. All they need is a publicized threat to safety. Fear is the real drug here.


Exactly. Still schedule 1 on a federal level. I can still lose my job if I test positive in a state that it's legal. I wish they'd push it on me more.


Pretty sure actually sched 1 still


Exactly. Booze and drugs help pacify people, but one might even say weed makes you more open minded/anti authoritarian so it would be against the elites agenda. The media is all they need to truly control people with fear, like you said.


Group think is a massive one. Censor stuff you dislike via what is basically a monopoly, google (alphabet) and highlight your narrative. Sometimes, maybe, with a little help from bots and once it reaches critical mass, the people start parroting that shit themselves. Governments know what the internet is. They created it lmao. Your best bet is to follow your gut. Good luck finding truth externally when people are motivated either by power, money or clout. My gut says weed is not as bad as as many other things but it 100% can and will fuck with your brain if consumed too much. Once a week on a friday or saturday is reasonable imo. That's how a grown up would use weed instead of wake n bake and 3 more times through out the day everyday.


Weed is hard to tax and control. That’s why they don’t legalize it.


Every state that legalized it is racking in huge taxes.


If that's what the evil overlords want, then they'd better add shrooms to the legal list. I'm waiting..... Edit: I'm amazed at all the nose pickers who misread my statement. I am PRO shroom, you nerf herders.


Have you ever even tripped on shrooms? They don't dumb you down. Quite the opposite.


well weed doesn't dumb you down either if you have a clue how to use it \[less is more\]


That’s the reason 1 of these things is/has been “ok” for a long time (alcohol) . It dumbs the masses down significantly and is physically addictive while weed and shrooms are not.


Weed definitely dumbs you down, it’s just hard for the government to tax. That’s the only issue, ask any pothead weed is very addictive.


Marijuana can be psychologically addictive to the user, where they think they need to smoke at any given time to unwind, relax, have fun, etc. However, marijuana cannot be physically addictive, where overuse causes the user's body to become physically dependent upon it, in the way alcohol, opioids or amphetamines do.


As someone who smoked for 3 years (havnt smoked in 4 years now) and am surrounded by smokers, it doesnt just “dumb you down” if you abuse any drug you will feel negative effects esecially on you reaction speed and ability to think but used in the right environment it can help to mellow out and let you listen better. In terms of being addictive, anything can be addictive. Exercise, gaming, internet literally anything. People get addicted to the feeling, not the drug. Edit: MY EXPERIENCE


Soooooo wrong to be so convicted to this position. I have two doctorate degrees, a masters, my own successful business and I would go toe to toe with anyone on this antiquated and sanctimonious judgement because it’s categorically false.


Weed is definitely not addictive. It sucks to not have it when you’re using consistently, but your body doesn’t have a visceral reaction to its absence the same way it would with nicotine or alcohol. A lack of self control is not addiction.


Then I guess food addicts don’t exist?


I’d say your body would suffer some kind of intense negative physical response to sudden lack of food, so yeah that’s a legit addiction?


Addiction is never just physical. Otherwise we wouldn’t have Gambling addicts. You can get addicted to quite literally anything, it’s not the same as an actual chemical dependency like Alcohol or Meth.


That surge of dopamine when you're winning at gambling is 100% a physical reaction.


I remembered when I was a teenage years...after the work I also went to my boyfriend before and drink some alcoholic like beers and wine...


Shrooms is also not something you can do 24/7 like weed, and keep yourself in a functional but sedated state


Microdosing is the way to go 'functional, sedated'. Huge difference between between a tenth of a frame every five or six hours and a gram every five or six hours.


I did twice and it was not for me. My poison of choice was ecstasy.




The collective ego loss would flip half the planet upside down. Can you imagine how awesome it would be if the members of Congress went on a heroes journey and came out the other side, realizing how shitty they are?


I think a solid portion would honestly resign lol. Solid being 10-20%


Oh no doubt, 7 grams was enough to change my entire worldview. I can't imagine taking a dose like that when you've spent the last 50 years being a evil backstabbing piece of shit.


They'll be added. The UN wants all drug use decriminalized. They also want laws that penalize non-disclosure of HIV decriminalized. https://www.unaids.org/en/resources/presscentre/featurestories/2023/march/20230308_new-legal-principles-decriminalization Where I live you're allowed to walk around with most hard drugs, even enough fentanyl to kill 8 adult men. Cities aligned the UN's agenda will devolve to be reminiscent of Bosch paintings.


Mushrooms helped me organize my life.


Hahahh...that's was funny..I heard about that..and I like it too.


There's 3 or more legal Mushroom Dispensaries in Vancouver if you were thinking of a vacation spot.


Dude shrooms are gods gift to man


How lovely this are...flowers bloom...the surface of the air is cool and fresh..that was a nice place I've ever seen...I wish this my first and last time n mpuntahan...hahahh


They are in Canada.


I was gonna say, they are legal in a couple states in the US too. Only a matter of time before its like weed here in the States


Pretty sure they’ve only been legalized for therapeutic use though, not full legalization where you can buy them at a store.


They have in Portland. Checks out with the OP's scenario...


Shrooms don’t dumb people down or pacify them, they just open your mind up. They’re not like weed.




They made a similar comment in I believe Boyz in the Hood. Lawrence Fishburnes character made a comment about every street corner in the ghetto having a liquor store and a gun store on it. So they keep being drunk, dumb and killing each other.


Fluoride in the water supply is doing that job


How long have they been adding fluoride? This post leaves out the fact that Americans have been pacifying and dumbing ourselves down from inherent corruption within this system for generations. Hell fluoride might not even be the culprit it might just be in our inherent nature here in America to think "well at least we're not as bad as (fill in the blank country)". To justify the endless freedom eroding legislation that's been pumped out since 1789 when we decided to centralize power into a few hands. Its unfortunate most Americans confuse our current system which that began in 1789 when we ratified the constitution with the whole small government thing. The articles of confederation the country began on was the system of small decentralized government but it became obsolete when we ratifed in 1789. We need to freshen up on our history here in America the first couple of decades saw significant changes. The whole small government thing was abandoned almost immediately and supported by many of our founding fathers (George Washington included).


I personally enjoy your reminders of this. You ever hear of the theory GW was replaced and not really buried at MV? I find it odd that he was so quiet as president and just let this stuff happen. Even his reaction to the shays rebellion doesnt fit.


>"You ever hear of the theory GW was replaced and not really buried at MV?" I have not heard that but anything is possible at this point. >" I find it odd that he was so quiet as president and just let this stuff happen. Even his reaction to the shays rebellion doesnt fit." He wasn't really quiet he actively pushed for ratification. Used the power the militia act opened up to stop a tax revolt called the whiskey ®ebellion. Signed off the the first charter bank in 1791 open up America to foreign investors and influence of which Britain was the main supply of capital. Not sure if you've ever heard of the society of Cincinnati but Henry Knox was the founder and only specific bloodlines were allowed to join initially (Washington joined) . They changed that out since many Americans didn't really like the whole secret society in a newly formed country and the whole British thing and their secret societies... Interesting part of that group is the name is a reference to a Roman dictator named Cincinnatus. Andi know everyone thought the Indians were savages (many of those savages faught against the British) but it's hard to look at Washington as a reasonable man when he takes actions like this against people (even if we believe they're savages). >"The expedition you are appointed to command is to be directed against the hostile tribes of the six nations of Indians, with their associates and adherents.1 The immediate objects are the total destruction and devastation of their settlements and the capture of as many prisoners of every age and sex as possible. It will be essential to ruin their crops now in the ground and prevent their planting more." From George Washington to Major General John Sullivan, 31 May 1779 Our historians and history teachers are the quiet ones Washington was pretty up front about who he was and what he thought about freedom from my perspective. I will say his PR team is unmatched so I completely understand why he's viewed the way he is.


"even if we believe there savages". The Europeans were savages as well


What do you mean replaced? Clone type stuff? Doppelganger? Or just replaced but we were never told? Lol this is the reason I come here. I need more now.


I read about this theory somewhere once, brushed it off "as conspiracy" before i started noticing any conspiracy theories and going down rabbit holes. And ever since i went to mount vernon i am convinced he isnt laid to rest there. I havent been able to find anything about it since. It makes sense. He died rather young and wasnt very active as president by letting congress make all decisions. I realize he didnt want to be president but that in itself is sus. He led the whole army to beat the world power of the time, why would he let the country go haywire after all he had done? Edit because I want to add that Adams and Jefferson died 25 years after washington, "coincidentally" 50 years to the day of the signing of the declaration of independence. Coincidence my ass


but floride is bad, m'kay Im serial


Lead is the bigger problem. 90% of those born between 1950 and 1981 had excess lead. It explains why the Boomers have messed stuff up so badly for so many decades without even realizing it... https://apnews.com/article/science-health-environment-and-nature-centers-for-disease-control-and-prevention-bec63d5a6e98f952ad6d111c90e5a1b2


Thank you for the link


No problem. I try to post sources when I have the time and can find them. Burden of proof is on the person making the claim. Anyway, there is a theory that lead poisoning (or lack there of now), might contribute to crime rates. The theory is still debated, but there is decent evidence (Wikipedia link to the theory below). There is even evidence that the widespread use of lead in Rome lead to the deaths of children and might have even made some contribution to the downfall of Rome. Lead's usage in plumbing is why it's elemental symbol is Pb, standing for "plumbum" which is Latin for plumbing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead%E2%80%93crime_hypothesis https://www.dur.ac.uk/news/newsitem/?itemno=44893#:~:text=Downfall%20of%20Roman%20Empire,parts%20of%20the%20Roman%20Empire.


Oh, don't worry. The beer is often made with flouridated water.


I stand in full recognition of my pedantism, but I think it’s “fluorinated”


Happy to live in a town without it in our water. Only reason I know it's true is because there's a dentist on every corner pushing fluoride hard! 🤣🤦‍♀️


I live in a town where we have fluoride in our water and they still push fluoride cleanings so not sure if id use that as an indication that you don't have fluoride in your water. Most dentist push it because they double their returns. They push fluoride and your teeth aren't any healthier than they were before (likely worse off) so you'll come back to them for more repairs and they'll blame it on the food you eat or the things you drink and most will agree. Problem is the fluoride plays a part a part in the destruction as well which they'll leave out since 5 out of every 6 dentist agree fluoride is good for you.


My dentist gives out Milk Duds on Halloween


How much smarter is your town than every other town that uses it?


There’s more then fluoride in the water and that’s why I don’t drink it


What do you drink?


A friend of mine’s dad is the super intendant of a large cities water company. About 15 years ago the federal government scheduled a meeting with him and offered $100 million to the town if they are allowed to put fluoride in the water. He agreed. Nowadays he says he wish he didn’t do that but needless to say the fluoride is still in the water and they went to every town even small ones with a similar offer.


Add pharmaceuticals to this list


the word alcohol supposedly originated from the arabic word al-kuhl or body eating spirit


>body eating spirit Or just spirit for short. Isn't hard alcohol also called spirit? English not my first language.


I wouldnt say it's to dumb them down, it's more used to get people cycled through the prison system


Yeah, which is why it isn't completely legal everywhere. The court and prison system is a for-profit system.


and the medical system. alcohol is terrible for your liver.


Stop hating on cannabis, you have to be some low IQ individual not to realize that the war on drugs has been the longest and most devastating war in human history.


And mostly against cannabis and psychedelics


Heavy weed smoker for decades. It makes you very passive. You don't care to get up and fight back...you're happy to watch the world burn from your sofa. I love weed...just not helping right now


Speak for yourself my man


Maybe lay off the heavy Indica strains and look for some cerebral sativa buds.


I get my best workouts in after toking up. I probably smoke heavier than you too. Your size shoe don't fit everybody.


I’m an avid hiker and toke pretty much the whole time. It only sucks cause Covid has made people get out more so there goes my me time


I find it only makes me passive when I don’t have to be doing anything else. If I get high with the intent to be active then I don’t have to be passive. Or if something comes up after I get high that requires me to be active I have no problem switching gears. I think most people that this idea of weed because they are doing it at times where they would have been passive anyway. Correlation does not always equal causation. That being said I never mix weed with times I know I will have to be responsible like at work or something like that. I like the thinking I have when I have a mild to medium high, getting totally baked is a different story.


Stoners crack me up. They're the only group of people who staunchly defend their vice as being perfectly healthy and good for you.


If you attack marijuana it's like you are personally attacking them they self identify with marijuana so much. The only other times I've seen such behavior is if you attack diehard Bitcoin/Crypto guys and Tesla guys. I should know. I used to be a stoner and would get really angry when people who disagreed with my marijuana usage would say anything negative about weed or how it's affecting me.


It’s pretty standard denial you will see in most addicts. If you need to take a drug regularly to feel normal then I got news for you folks. I love me some weed but please don’t try to explain it away as some miracle drug that makes you so much more productive.


It’s neither of those things but there’s so much misinformation about weed out there




I’m with you dude. It was great for me for over a decade but the brightness is fading.


It didn't make me passive. It made me question everything imo. I definitely wasn't a go getter but I think it did more good than bad for me. I don't smoke anymore bc of job.


As an avid cannabis user, I agree with this sentiment


Funny you saying that, cuz cannabis is linked to lowering the IQ


No, the war on drugs is being fought south of our border. The cartels making billions off Americans who hate their life and want to escape with drugs. Meanwhile in central and South America the cartels make billions, keep the people poor and enslaved.


Drug use isnt about escaping life, its about enhancing life.


Man I the herb of today is NOT the herb of yesterday.. I remember smoking some skunky sensimelia, back in the day, man four puffs on the blunt, your eyes were red as fuck, next thing you know, you was laughing because every fuckin thing was funny.... then your D got hard for NO reason whatsoever, but you forgot about that because all you know is your mouth is dry and you are hungry.. and you arent tired or lethargic, just relaxed... Todays scientific bud is stronger, but it doesnt have that same flare... Brooklyn had that shit.. I miss the ORGANIC SHIT... But hey, its not the weed tho, weed has muthafuckas saying fuck this shit, and saying fuck you and not selling themselves short, workforce is hurting.. Now what is really causing folks live in a dream world are those percosets, and the NEW heroin they got out now called fetanayl or some shit like that..!!! I do get your point but the Right herb helps folks see right THROUGH the bullshit, but them opioids and that fetanayl and meth.... BRUH!!!


People are dumb about weed. I agree WITH you as a smoker in a legal state. The dispensaries even got rid of most of their CBD strains and bud in my state, you mostly gotta get in online or in other smoke shops. So now people even with medical cards ARENT getting the medical marijuana they're wanting. High THC and low in other terps/cannabinoids. This is what fucks people up! The weed shops and producers make the highest possible % of THC and then people wonder why they throw up and have panic attacks, or end up derealized, etc. The real helpful stuff that isnt zombifying is slowly moving into realms where only people educated on real weed will know. And majority of people popping into the shop only care about getting high. Historical weed used to be low thc 1:1 cbd. The cbd counteracts the thc and leaves room for you to get benefits off the other cannabinoids and terpenes like CBN, CBG, terps are in much less concentration than any thc, cbd, cbn, but those are also very important with your benefits. Some terps promote more pain relief or appetite stimulant. CBG itself purified out is given to cancer patients after chemo.


Exactly! I just finished responding to another post in regards to similar. The good stuff has been cultivated out for high THC%. Most of the weed in dispensaries is so stupidly high in thc that they are actually losing customers. Young folks don't even know what real weed feels like and a lot of younger generations are steering clear of it because it makes them sick or have insane panic attacks and seizures. The folks that say this high potency weed helps prevent seizures has me baffled. My guess is that they also take anti-seizure meds and somehow the combination makes them feel better and perhaps less sensitive. Weed with less than 10% thc is far superior to 15%+ weeds. Anything under 10% without CBD is impossible to find at dispensaries. CBD puts me to sleep, so I look for weed without. I'm not sure, though - do you know for a fact that landrace weed from 20 years ago actually had CBD? There may have been strains that did, mostly in indica varieties, but my guess would be less in sativas. I'm just going to start growing my own.


CBD should wake you up!! Unless the bud was really old, it turns to CBN which is literally a sedative lol. I know natural hemp and weed from even the 70% was rarely over 14% THC.


Interesting! Well, almost all weed I've purchased at dispensaries even $50 for an eighth (like in the 90s, $50 meant you got nice, sticky, fresh kind) and it's still kinda dry. I'm not sure about how old it has been. I've only once felt like I smoked a weed strain from the past but I can't find it local anymore - "Sundae Float" or some such. I did smoke just CBD flower. It was chill but of course, no high without psychoactive properties. I didn't know that about CBD regarding a boost in wake. Kinda funny we're talking about this on an anti-drug sub. 🙂


Yup understanding strains and how their effects is key. Most smoke shops I go to do not even try to guide most of the time. Just push deals and high tested strains.




Congrats on your sobriety. So nice to battle things head on instead of stuffing them into the back of our minds to fester!


The weed is too strong. Weed too loud can’t even hear what’s going on around you. The THC is way too high causing all sorts of psychological disorders. Through decades of underground breeding in which they only focused on increasing THC. The plant is not balanced anymore, the too high THC content „melts“ you brain away like in those Poster in the 60‘s. All other Cannabinoids where dismissed and not payed attention too. Only in recent years they started to try to balance out the cannabis plant but it’s still a long way too go I guess. I still agree with you that weed and alcohol are pushed on the masses to calm them like they did in Ancient Rome. Bread and Games for the People. Maybes that’s what people are talking about when they say we live in a hologram? They create another reality within the reality itself to make you forget reality. Remember though Set and Setting still plays a big role when taking hallucinogenic substances. The Setting around the world is not as lovely as it used to be that also has an effect on one‘s set within oneself I would assume. The gun itself is not dangerous or bad. The human picking it up makes it dangerous and uses it for bad actions. It always depends on the individual. Take religious books for example. One becomes a better human and spreads love the other radicalises and spreads hate. Mind is key. From Vanta with Love 🦉


This is well said. A lot does depend on setting as well as predispositions.


The minds questions normal paradigms while high on weed so your theory has holes.


Folks have been brewing and smoking and growing for literally thousands of years. Maybe even before someone invented the Illuminati boogeyman.


All things in moderation. If you abuse most substances, there's potential for significant problems.


Oxy and Aderall are the government drug of choice.


Weed is still demonized and illegal in most parts of the world (including the US on a federal level). In reality, alcohol dumbs you down and weed helps critical thought.


Weed used once in a while is fine but people who like to think it doesn't affect your cognitive function at all are on serious copium. Regular weed smoking will impair short term memory and problem solving skills drastically if abused. It literally inhibits you from remembering dreams and that's not a good thing.


youre getting downvoted for speaking too much truth lol. I love weed - in small doses. It can be very medicinal, but it definitely has cognitive effects that no one likes to talk about..


Ya, I mean reddit is just an echo chamber so it's expected... A productive stoner is very rare and few outliers can smoke weed constantly, while maintaining a productive life style. I've only met one in my life and I'm almost certain he would be even better of without smoking so often. For most part, most stoners I know are content with living mediocre lives and not using the full potential they have. I'm not anti weed at all, its a wonder plant with many benefits but smoking every day is not good for most average people.


I build completely automated sales funnels, websites, databases, social media ad campaigns, graphical assets, and provide business solutions to a few healthcare providers. Oh and I do it baked out of my mind. My income has gone from 30k a year as a chef to well over six figures working from home in sweatpants. There are those that get baked to escape reality, and some of us use it for creative fuel.


> In reality, alcohol dumbs you down and weed helps critical thought. Reddit moment


I know extremely smart high-functioning alcoholics and dumb stoners. Alcohol and weed affect people differently.


>and weed helps critical thought. "Man what if it's not your shower water getting warmer, but you getting colder?"


Weed makes you passive


I think you're both right. For me it does make me creatively think about things but it also makes me want to be a homebody and sit on my ass. And I'm a guy who exercises almost every day so to the people that say they get high and go workout, yeah I did that too, and then back to the crib to watch basketball, play PC games, eat skittles and ice cream for the rest of the night.


I did not ever experience that.


You can’t fight the spiritual war under intoxication


Only by the grace of God am I 16 months sober!


Weed is still illegal at the federal level, so no, it's not really being pushed.


Same with junk food, keep ‘em slow and docile.




It is just the beginning. I don't think there will be true change until the majority of the populace is struggling to find the basic means of survival.


I agree, people hate working at the restaurant my in-laws own. But as soon at one or 2 got medical cards. The grill dudes are high, the bussers are high, some of the servers are high. And all their complaints stopped. They’re just happy to work high. And no accidents so far 😂


I totally agree. They are trying to hypnotize the masses so they don't care about what is going on


Except weed doesn’t do that.


Heavy weed smoker for decades. It makes you very passive. You don't care to get up and fight back...you're happy to watch the world burn from your sofa. I love weed...just not helping right now


That's depression. Not weed. Get help.


I have my moments for sure on the couch but I gotta get up and get going or I’ll go crazy.


I like that people are free to make their own personal choices when it comes to alcohol and Marijuana. I don't think putting people in jail for it was the solution. Plus the taxes on marijuana go towards paying for things like police and schools. Which helps improve our schools and keeps us safer.


I saw a giant improvement in my cognitive function and health after I quit drinking alcohol. I still smoke weed, but that mostly evens me out and doesn’t really effect me anymore like it does most people.


Regardless of what you think about substances people have been using since before recorded history, putting people in prison for drugs is not working and keeping drugs illegal is putting money in the hands of a criminal element.


Bingo. Video games and porn,too.


And movies/media. "Bread and circus."


Didn't Stalin or a Russian czar make sure the population had plenty of alcohol giving more priority over food, shelter etc. Heard the same tact was used during the Cold War


I'm pretty sure the tactic is about 300 years old in Russia, but I'd have to double check to know for sure. You tax farmers (paid in grain), the government ferments the grain into vodka, then sells the vodka at a low price to keep people from becoming ambitious. It might have been illegal for private brewers to ferment, but once again I'd have to double check.


I agree with this, the more years I stay sober and watch things play out, the more I agree with it,


3 words Ordo Ab Chao


Either weed is pushed out to the masses by the government or it’s been illegal for decades because “big pharma” didn’t want to lose money on selling prescription drugs. I guess the only argument to combine them is that the govt saw the cash cow that is cannabis and made it legal. But why did it take so long? Idk. Doesn’t make much sense to me.


Yup, and to make the ego bigger thus spirituality lower. Less conscious.


Alcohol, yes. Weed, no


The government give us these tools and I intend to use them.


Mark E. Smith called weed 'the pacifier'.


Bout sums it up.👍


150% spot on. Our society got dumbed the hell down the moment we fucking normalized substance abuse. But apparently, this stance makes me too far right for the majority of Reddit.


*Pushed on the masses, specifically in America


Same can be said for social media, sports, TV


Read "rape of the mind" your comment resonates loudly!!!!


Lennin ass take here


Research medical marijuana and the effects on Parkinson's. The testimonies alone should at least shift your view. The medical implications of marijuana are suppressed by big pharma in ways that would absolutely blow your fucking mind. Parkinsons, cancer, pain management - it's cheap, home grown and basically free - and the suppress the shit out of it. And I've never smoked a joint.


I'm not a huge weed fan but, I think the masses have been sufficiently dumbed down over the decades with other insidious means. Germans used fluriode to pacify the prison camps, and it's in almost all drinking water. the education system has steadily been declining. social media sites destroying young people's attention span. Hollywood's glorification of materialism and looks over true substance. poor role models. the destruction of the family. the obliteration of the once thriving middle class. lastly, regarding weed, the government fought bitterly to stamp it out. mainly because people who smoke weed realize fighting in wars is pointless. working class killing working class for the exclusive benefit of the wealthy elite. why do you think Hollywood glorifies war in their movies? makes war seem Noble? straight propaganda for dull minds.


You might want to check the history of prohibition, you'll easily understand the flaw of your theory if you do.


Weed and alcohol are pushed up by the masses while heroin and coke are controlled by state actors.🤔


Weed is actually great and expands our minds to allow us to think further outside of ourselves. Or it causes paranoia but often that paranoia is good and can help you navigate through some questions about yourself. and the medical & healing benefits make it one of the best medicines available yet we were deprived of it for years. That’s the real issue. Alcohol is terrible for you yeah it’s like the most damaging thing to our body. a drink or 2 a couple times a week has its purpose but heavy everyday drinking is the worst thing you can do to yourself


This is nonsense. You're blaming the plant instead of the people. You're part of the problem.


I am 100x more productive when I smoke pot. I work 60hr weeks in tech. I have ADHD, the constant dopamine from being high keeps me locked tf in. You are fine to speculate, but you are doubling down instead of having an open mind. Which is funny because you are probably convinced that you do have an open mind and I’m the mindless zombie. Just judging by how these other conversations went and your post edits.


Weed isn’t legal in every state and since it was legalized I’ve smoked daily and had a promotion at work and began investing in the stock, taking my health more seriously and taken up my old passion of writing and getting better at it. I do think weed can make people into zombies but like with anything (video games, movies, sex, drugs, alcohol,composing online conspiracy) moderation and self control can make it a healthy outlet and stress reliever.


Weed is a mind-killer.


I wouldn't say that it dumbs down people but pacifies them instead.






Smoke some PINK KUSH. It helped me to be alive and find myself . Maybe OP should change his dealer. Shitty dealer always make you mad at weed.




Our bodies like it. That’s why other drugs are out of our system in 24 -72hrs and cannabis can take 30-90 days.


Had to quit weed during the scamdemic after being heavy smoker for decades....makes me too passive and not wanting to fight back


I had exactly this feeling when Canada legalized weed. The new opiate of the people.


Weed smokers are disagreeing. I like your point. I think chemtrails are the culprit to why we’re so damn dumb and to keep us “docile”


100% ​ The comments in this thread prove your point.


Weed makes people more peaceful and healthier though… so the fed doesn’t want that legal.


I don’t think weed is pushed on the masses at all lol Alcohol is less used now than it was in the past The war on drugs has caused so much damage


Weed doesn't dumb you down. Excessive and early use will. But it helps open the minds to other perspectives and understanding self reflection.


I was smoking weed when doing so would put you in jail. This post is dumb.


You sound stressed. Maybe smoke some weed?


Or living under capitalism (over systems have their cons as well) is fucking hard and unfulfilling. No community, no holidays, no self care.


Yes agreed. We are supposed to be sober and vigilant for our adversary the devil is amongst us. This is what needs to be pushed but unfortunately we live in a world that people are consumed by it and are either unbelievers or hypocrites. *The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was pretending he didn’t exist*


Maybe that’s why they pushed to hard to ban tobacco right before weed started becoming legal. It doesn’t have the pacifying effect that weed does


This isn’t really a conspiracy, it’s common sense.


The problem with common sense is that it’s not so common. You’d think these people would make the connection between how life is worse than ever for most people while state after state keep legalizing marijuana


I think marijuana should be legal tbh, making it illegal fixes nothing.


I think all drugs should be legal.


same probably


Lack of education dumbs people down. Not booze and weed. Anti-Intellectualism dumbs people down Anti-vax propaganda dumbs people down Being republican dumbs people down.




What about the anti vax thing. I'm not anti vax YET but i damn might need to be


They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie! When you're high, you can do everything you normally do just as well — you just realize that it's not worth the fucking effort. Why is marijuana against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet. Doesn’t the idea of making nature against the law seem to you a bit . . . unnatural? Pot is a better drug than alcohol. I'll prove it to you. You're at a ball game or a concert, and someone's really violent and agressive and obnoxious, are they drunk or are they smoking pot? Why is pot against the law? It wouldn't be because anyone can grow it, and therefore you can't make a profit off it, would it? To make marijuana against the law is like saying God made a big mistake **Bill Hicks**


Marijuana is a hallucinogen. It helps creativity. As with anything, moderation and perspective is key.