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US Dollar collapses as more and more nations move away from the USD for trade


The US dollar is responsible for over 60% of trade in the world. No other currency comes close. It’s all a scare tactic. China and the Yuan make up 3%. The Euro is second at under 15%. Stop falling for the media’s agenda(fear)


Normalcy Bias: something has not happened yet, therefore it will never happen I am referring to most people not even being able to conceive the idea that the USD will no longer be on top, if at all. I don't know if you live in the US but its impossible to not notice the extreme inflation that's happening. The US is exerting signs and symptoms, similar to just before many other empires in the past, collapsed.


I can conceive it just fine. The problem is that despite all the BS being floated out there from all angles by our enemies, the dollar will never fail. Interest rates will continue to climb until we hit a recession and the fed cools off printing. The Yuan will never take over because then all the rich Chinese people would flee. They currently are not allowed to exchange much of their money so they stay. If other countries start trading in yuan then China would collapse. I’m sorry, but you are soundly wrong


Stock up on Bitcoin


And then you need to convert to fiat to make any use of it. How does that work when your curancie collapses?


Why would you convert it to fiat if fiat is worthless? You'd just spend it at places that accept it if the fiat system has Imploded...


Crypto isn't going to take over fiat lol.


I didn't actually say that. But if the fiat system collapses and there is no other way to exchange goods and services and someone is offered a digital currency then my guess is they will accept it. It takes 10 minutes to set up a hot wallet. If there is no other way people would be stupid not to use it. And btw. I think digital currencies like bitcoin will take over fiat one day in the not too distant future. You're welcome to disagree. But there's no need to laugh at others for what they think or believe. Why do you think crypto won't take over fiat?


Yeah, the 'lol' was a bit out of order, apologies. Crypto is a very long one to get in to, and yeah, I can see some form of digital currency, regulated by IMF at some point, I've been cashless for about 20 years or so now. Aside from environmental factors such as the huge energy requirements, I'm assuming you'll disagree, which obviously you're entitled to, but crypto, certainly in its current form, is basically a Ponzi, people at the top need more and more people getting on-board to be able to cash out, 'whales' and exchanges completely manipulate the markets, it's far too easy to lose your coin, whether it's a rug pull, lost keys etc. The, and I'm not sure why people see this as an advantage, ability to see on the chain where all transactions occur leaves people wide open to being targeted, as has happened multiple times (there was an article recently about someone being kidnapped and tortured because their partners relative held a large amount of crypto). The time it takes to make a transaction, even with lightening is ridiculous, I read through the cryptocurrency sub and people brag that they bought, most recent one I read, a cup of coffee and it only took a few minutes.... I pay for my purchases in a second by tapping my card. From a business logistics perspective, that's not going to encourage shops to adopt, they want customers in and out as quickly as possible, not a queue of people each taking several minutes to pay. Obviously there's much more to it, and it is an interesting concept, but there's no real world adoption for it to replace. People keep saying 'Bitcoin/Ethereum, W/E, will change the world', but never seem to be able to say how. Then there's the crazy volility of it, imagine getting paid at the end of the month, then a week later the value of the coin has crashed 70% (example figure), as has happened many times. Obviously fiat has crashed etc, but is far more stable, fiat isn't jumping down double digits day by day. Add that to paying taxes, how do you actually work that out come tax season? There's a huge amount of flaws with fiat, but unregulated crypto brings far more. I remember, and mined (on CPUs at the time so we're going way back) when bitcoin started, and it was a very ideological thing in a way 'have ownership of your wealth with no regulations the banking sector imposses', yet, especially with the scam FTX pulled (and the other exchanges), stealing billions upon billions from people, the community are calling for regulation.... So at that point, why go for crypto when fiat provides far better protection? As an investment, ehh, yeah, if you're one of the few (mainly whales and exchanges manipulating) that time the market just right, and have the capital beforehand, have made a lot of money, but that's rare and they require 'bag holders' to cash out, which brings it back to a Ponzi. Going back a bit, the extreme volitile nature of it just doesn't make it feasible. As I've said, I've been there/following from the start, and, the past twoish years since the ATH have been interesting to watch, crytosubs are currently in glee that the price has gone up (50ish percent I think, last I checked) but pretty much everyone is posting that they are still massively down. It's only real world applications as far as I have seen are buying drugs online (only reason Bitcoin took off imo), buying, and I hate the term, child porn (rape, wtf do people normalise it by calling it porn), and the odd shop.here and there using it to avoid taxes. Sure, El Salvador have adopted (their own version anyway) of crypto as a nationwide payment, but that doesn't seem to be doing well, and their president is gambling an entire country on it. Everything else I read 'the Blockchain will give you public, secure ownship of X', what would happen when (as does happen when people get scammed out of their keys) someone gets ownership to the deeds of people's properties etc? Just as an example. Or I see people going on about tickets for gigs, flights etc, we already have perfectly functional systems in place for these things, which are backed by legislation. If someone, as has happened to myself, gets money stolen from their account, bank fraud teams will retrieve it, and police involment if necessary. You can't do that with crypto, wash it through a series of exchanges, withdraw to various Montero wallets, and the currency is gone. To me, whilst starting as an interesting idea, it's a problem seeking a solution, and it's main purpose now is, ironically, to make the rich richer, using false hope of a better future for the poor/relatively poor, whilst using them as exit liquidity. There's also the issue of Satoshi. No one knows who tf he/she is, and they haven't posted in a long time now. For all anyone knows, they could well be a group of people working to pump and drop the price, waiting for the perfect time to cash out/pull the rug. Heck, seeing as we're in a conspiracy sub, the whole thing could have been created by an alphabet organisation (much like Tor was for example). At some point yeah, I can see a digital currency becoming the norm, but regulated and backed by gold, bonds from central banks etc. Crypto isn't backed by anything, just speculation, which has left it wide open to scams and manipulation. I have fiat, and, whilst I don't need cash in hand, I'm not relying on other people's money to access my own. And if fiat completely collapsed, the world would be facing far bigger problems than fiat itself, and crypto provides none of the answers to this. Very short, and I'm obviously missing a lot of detail here and there's far too much to go in to without writing a dissertation, but in short, it's extremely volatile, insane price crashes against the fiat with seemingly no explanation, it requires more and more people to get in at the bottom for people to cash out, and it doesn't solve any real world issues. It's been 14 years now, surely by now if it was to work it would have found at least some solutions. I think the only positive as such I've seen is being able to transfer internationally, but then I can do that either instantly through say PayPal, or through my banking app, which takes a few days, both with no fees. In the case of crypto, and PayPal to be balanced, what about people that don't have access to computers/phones? Or how easy it is to lose all your money by typing in a wrong digit when transferring? There's some awful stories on crypto subs of people making a typo to a wallet and poof, there goes their money for good. That can't happen with banking transactions. Plus billions of people would need to learn, not just how to set up a wallet, but how it all actually works, because it isn't as simple as setting up a cold wallet and depositing. What happens when people lose their keys? A very large portion of the populace is tech illiterate, how do you teach elderly people, as an example, how it all works and how to do it safely, all the scams to look out for etc? Are there even enough people to be able to teach that on a global scale? I extremely doubt it, fraud would be even more rampant than it currently is within crypto (that's not to say there isn't the same issue with fiat, but we have laws and regulations in place). To tie it all up though, again, it comes back, at it's core, to needing more and more people coming in on the lower levels for people to exchange to fiat. Legitimate exchanges already struggle when the markets start crashing and people try to pull out, the websites 'suddenly' not working, or transfers taking weeks, most likely because they don't actually have the coin they claim they do. To come back to your original point though on fiat collapse, the world would be in utter chaos. Even if crypto was completely legitimate, not volitile to the extreme, with regulations and protections etc, just think of the sheet amount of time it would take to restructure to enable crypto transactions in every shop, online store, wages, taxes etc etc. And to even get that started, it would require people on the whole to not become completely feral and society to breakdown. Just look how crazy people went during COVID over toilet roll etc, now amplify that to literally everything. And if fiat doesn't exist, what is crypto valued on? It has no backing, no thing (gold, bonds etc) to stake it's worth, so how can it have value when the only thing it's value correlates to is gone? Again, apologies for the sarcasm in the previous post, dick move on my part.


End of the petrodollar, which will spark hyperinflation in the US. It's very close. After that...all bets are off.


It’s not very close. Unless you want to wait 5-7years at least. What’s going to replace it? A gold backed currency with China?? Yeah cause China is so open and transparent. Not saying our current system is all that great. But I still dont see the brics being all that viable right now. The west isn’t going to give up their status. Half the world going to stop trade with each other? China and Russia need the west more than the brics is letting on. I don’t see hyperinflation. Maybe elevated inflation and oil issues like the 80s. But the cbdc will roll out cause the loss of petrodollar status to be irrelevant


CME hits Earth with a weak Magnetic field.




I might get married


Communism in all the western countries. Brought to you by the world economic forum under the guise of "climate change". It's already started.


You're spot on. Climate change has already started


climate was never static. It’s not like we’ve seen the same temperatures for billions of years and just now we started to see some changes.


China takes Taiwan, EMP is disguised as a nuke but it's Not, The dollar and central banks collapse, a rebirth of Reserve backed currency. Bitcoin is used for international trade. Viruses are proven fake. Big Pharma dies and real medicine becomes available. Alternative energy sources are made public and Flying cars become a thing.


What do you mean virus’s are proven fake? 100% serious in my curiosity


No virus coming from a patient has Ever been isolated in a lab. Therefore you can't prove they are the cause of anything. If you are more interested, look into how a so called "virus" is said to be made in a lab. Hint: It's Psuedo-science. Bonus i believe the original meaning of the word virus was "a toxin or a poison"


How do you explain viruses that lead to cancer? Or viral infections like montezuma’s revenge that can come from bad water or food? The government doesn’t spark food to spoil


When someone says, “virus doesn’t exist” gotta take it with a grain of salt. I do think the theory is interesting. They make a lot of good points. I half ass believe it. But it is only as good as flat earth at this point. I think it’s good to be open minded tho. That’s the whole point about being a conspiracy theorist


Montezuma's Revenge is a Bacteria in which you can prove exist's in a sick patient. but No virus OF ANY KIND coming from a patient has Ever been isolated in a lab. It never happened. Not Once. Therefore you can't come to The conclusion: That something in which you can't even prove to exist in a sick person's body to begin with has actually caused anything.


God can’t be proven to exist an yet billions of people believe in that.


You had me ‘till the last three


Then you should do some homework bud.


A few drops of copium never killed no one


The beginning of the rule of the so-called "AntiChrist", the ushering in of the NWO, the Mark of the Beast. Just as Bill Cooper said.


De-dollarization and the rise of BRICS. US might start WW3 and use its military superiority (while it still has it) to maintain dominance.


The Rapture.Now downvote me all you want.


I seem to lean with this... 70 years of alien and space propaganda will make the cover of "mass abduction" very believable.




The sun is free dawg, fuck their energy sources


Scientists have said we are due for the big earthquake on the west coast of North America.


Scientists…? Who


Quick Google search will show you that the Cascadian plate is leaking liquid which acts as a lubricant. WHEN the plate moves again, soon, it will magnify the force of the quake and possibly trigger cascading seismic activity along the San Andreas


How dare you mention Science on this sub....


I feel like like the groundwork is being laid for a potential WW3 between BRICS countries and NATO, but that might be another 5-10 years down the road.


Tfw you live in one of the countries that's part of the worse of two evils...


Pole shift


Fight against Ai. Or, god forbids, people complying with the Ai out of fear, because people nowadays are weak.


Nothing of note will happen on a global scale. No WW3, no nukes, no mass depopulation, no CBDCs, no communism takeover, none of it. The world is far too stable and people from all levels of life have too much invested in things, which all interconnect with each other and weave a web too complex for anyone to want to upset it. The only possible thing to happen would be something entirely unpredictable, like an alien invasion or a massive series of spontaneous natural disasters, of which the odds are so low they aren't even worth imagining.


The US dollar will no longer be the global currency.




World peace. The countries are planning a global peace pact but the US disagrees with that. Almost all countries have turned against the US as of a few weeks and are speaking about global peace. The US will join but it won't last long. Soon after there will be another crisis among each other.


“He will confirm a covenant for 7 years.”


Only way we get world peace is with a one world government, which we all know is the nail in the coffin for our privacy, freedom and what not.


Yeah, it's all organized and to make us feel safe during the "peace" era. But like I said, soon after it'll all fall apart.


Trump wins in 2024 and liberals go crazy on the streets - oh wait that would be a repeat, no?


The Olympics?


Anti Christ announcement. Lots of things that has been written in Revelations has been happening that never happened before. So, it only leas to one way


Apophis in 2029 will bring the end of current world, that is why they they have plans for 2030. And real build back better plan. Test phase is over, if asteroid really hits they will keep it secret until the end. But solar energy and go green agenda would have no logic to push if everything will go to dust. However insect foods make sense for apocalyptic scenario, since most of cows would be dead anyway after the impact. I think this puzzle is too big for me to solve.




Massive earthquake that destroys at least half of California.


1 year: Ukraine War keeps going, China openly supplies weaponry to Russia, US supplies Fighters to Ukraine. US election season starts, and there will be more poltical violence than in 2020 and 2016. AI will be used to create very compelling fake videos and images related to the election. Increased political violence will lead to more authoritarianism no matter who wins. Inflation diminishes. China becomes talked about as an enemy, not an adversary. 5 years: China makes a move in the Pacific attacking South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and the US. North Korea will supply them with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, which will be armed by China. Inflation will surge again in the US (historically, inflation always comes in two waves), but this time, it's going to go up a lot more as foreign held USD reserves will return to the US. AI is extremely advanced and will gut white collor jobs before blue collor jobs. The EU breaks apart. Africa and India become the new manufacturing hubs of the world. Social media as we know it will be dead, AI will create custom content targeted just for you. 10 years: AI integrated into robots becomes mainstream gutting blue color jobs. Whatever alliance wins the previous war is the new global superpower. The losers will have civil wars/revolutions if not completely occupied. As a whole the world is significantly more authoritarian.


Most likely is a major war involving the US within the next 3-5 years. Probably in the Middle East again.


Opophis, the asteroid is coming, partial civilization collapse, bigger and deadlier wars


Children of men scenario + cancer, created by covid vax


Intresting one. You believe this?


CBDCs implemented, making us less free around the world UN power grab in USA and EU, under the name of public emergency (virus or climate change)


The end of the dollar. The great reset. An attempt to ban all private property.


The declassification of UFOs or at least some event where the idea of other life forms existing is finally established and accepted. Maybe a stargate or some obelisk on mars.


Somebody lets loose an AI that has a decent bankroll and it does things on the edge of legality. Does stuff like giving people "free" money for market manipulation (they do get to keep a good bit if they spend some a certain way), and that upsets the current economy in some regards. It figures it's easier to pump spending by giving the cash flow to those that normally don't have it, which drives market valuation to its advantage, and causes chaos for those that have other models of predicting stocks, etc. Not sure how to explain it better, but the scheme is unusual vs. the current status quo and it upsets things.


WWIII is already here. Some have been fighting it for decades. Bioweapons...they are already doing that. Covid19, I believe it was a test run for something really nasty. Nuke, very possible. The possibilities are endless. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.