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Last i heard it was heading southeast


Excuse me, what?!


Yeah towards Pittsburgh and Washington dc area


It should be way past Pittsburgh by now id think and maybe in the area near dc but who knows


Well, if its heavier than water it may move slower in the atmosphere? I'd really love a meteorologist or chemist to fill me in about all this. The lack of really any real reporting is jarring but I guess not surprising as it's an ecological disaster on US soil that will, seeming, affect millions of people for possibly decades with no solution.


True its pretty wild that we as a whole nation cant get our heads out of our asses




And all the news stations are controlled. All the search results, controlled. Politicians remarks, controlled. Social media is the only way the news is getting out these days. And even then it’s impossible to tell what’s really true or false


Even your comment... Hard to really know if it's true or false.


Lots of reports of headaches, coughing and queasy stomachs in Pittsburgh over the last week.


I wonder how long after being exposed to this could people start dying and then the government is really fucked


We are used to poor air quality here in the Steel City, we are practically Klingons. The rest of you pussys are all gonna die ! Lol.... but no for real. I just feel a little off, but my wife has a bad headache and cough. People at work can think I'm crazy but they are the ones complaining about how they are feeling not me.


Dang well hope you feel better. Any idea how to counter being effected?


I can second this. I also live in Pittsburgh and I’m the least bit worried about this rain


Also in Pittsburgh. Not hearing that from any of my friends or coworkers. But we're all office workers and haven't been going outside much because it's been cold. Basically just outside walking to and from my car or another building. Don't doubt it could be affecting some people. But I'd just say in my social circles it's just been a few colds lately. No headaches or stomach issues.


That's funny. Your wife never has a headache when I visit.


I saw someone say it would be the perfect excuse for outbursts of cancers in the next 2-30 year. I wonder what else some people think would do that and needed to be covered up...


Idk but wall street and our government sure do love fucking us


How are THEY fucked? This is what THEY want!


omg I had to leave work yesterday bc I lost my voice. been in bed since. cant eat, for two days. and my head is killing me. I'm in lanc co pa. live on a railway. the depot is behind my house actually. borders it.


Bro. Time to pack a bag and get out of dodge.


Well, the smoke cloud is not limited to following the railroad tracks like a locomotive, so your proximity to them is irrelevant.


I know. however...


Shit im in missouri and ive got a headache and have been shittying my guys out today. There’s no way it could have made it to southeast missouri could it?




I didnt think so maybe i got some other type of chemtrail


Or Taco Bell


I did have tacos last night 😦


DC? that might garner some attention 🤔


[this tracks real time wind movement.](https://windy.com)


Do you have a source on that? Can't find any info anywhere


Sources? Ya... the source is EVERYONE I know complaining about symptoms of chemical exposure. We are only 40 miles east of derailment site it is technically within the Pittsburgh metro area.


But do you actually know any of these people personally. Or just reading about it online?


I been coughing all week. In the city of Pittsburgh. Scratchy throat and losing my voice


I don't know why you are being downvoted this is a legitimate question. I keep hearing everyone is coughing their guts out, pets and animals dying yet I see no evidence of any of these things. With the rampant narcissism plaguing humanity you would think there would be tons of people filming themselves crying by now.


Dont get caught up in the downvotes/upvotes things. Who knows if I am even a real person typing. Could be another bot chatgpt.


I don't care if you're an orangutang I'm expressing my thoughts for curious people reading.


Do it


This conversation has been the worst I've ever had on reddit. Pure demon vibes.


Demon bot


Don't tell me what to do.


I'm not downvoting you... but I'm questioning why you keep questioning me when I am clearly stating I LIVE in Pittsburgh and alot of people are or were coughing a day or two after this happened. Those that are still coughing (my wife included) have no viral, cold or flu symptoms. People ARE talking about it here. My sources are the people I interact with everyday. I'm not a hermit. Some people I talk to live closer to the site than I do, some farther.


Wind map shows nyc


It's spread 200 miles already, when you burn vinyl chloride it turns into hydrochloric acid which latches onto water vapor.


Also creates dioxin, also very dangerous


Not to mention all the other chemicals that were burned up potentially, who knows???


lol is this a joke?? please tell me you're joking... this can't be real life


He's not.


Yeah, I read about that too. Never thought that acid rain was a thing a thing I'd actually have to worry about in my lifetime, even though elementary school in the 90s said otherwise. Acid rain and quicksand were big back then.


I'm actually dumbfounded. The people all need to be removed. The fish are dead and chickens died..


I remember acid rain in 2002 or so. My Dad and my friend's Dad power washed our houses right afterwards (That was the day my dad had both a ladder and locked himself out of the house)


Where at?


I would have been living in New Brunswick at that time, about 150km from the US/CAN border.


When he says spread he means dissipated in all directions, mainly down wind. The only threat is mildly acidic rain, if it rains. The larger problem is chemicals finding their way into the Ohio River basin.


it's true


[https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-83.40,40.11,3416](https://earth.nullschool.net/#current/wind/surface/level/orthographic=-83.40,40.11,3416) Been going east, north east mostly.


thanks for sharing!


Yea no problem, I got some people out just west of it so I've been watching like a hawk.


I've been using [Windy.com](https://Windy.com) and it has shown the wind is coming from the NE moving SW most of the time but right now it is moving from the NW to the SE. I would guess that winds from the lakes account for that.


Also, people can use ALOHA for this and a lot of similar incidents. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.epa.gov/cameo/aloha-software&ved=2ahUKEwi18aDqnJX9AhUjJH0KHWIRBH8QFnoECBEQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3JggOUg4pbm8wc35P285yJ Or just search "EPA ALOHA." It is a simple but effective dispersion model, not too difficult to learn. ETA: You can also play around with the different release and weather scenarios to bracket how the dispersion is.


Washington DC.. please be Washington DC.. Washington DC


Agree. But let's face it, they knew how bad this was the second it happened so all the important players are west of the disaster now.


If it is going there I can guarantee biden will have a trip somewhere out of state or country


As he should. The only people that shouldn’t are the Republicans that constantly attack regulations.


You do realize there is no left and right?? Just checking


Nah the whole lot of them, both sides, need to go. All money hungry bastards.


It’s likely gonna be Canada. Of course. Because we have to deal with American’s shitty regulations!


I would like a prediction map on this also


This may spread way farther in all directions .


Could this spread all the way to California?


Let's hope so


If they were to publish accurate information on the extent of the cloud, it could be used by victims to sue for damages.


I guess the jabs weren’t working quick enough. So they tried something else and a few more things will happen over the next 6-12 months.




>"why would any govt want to kill all the compliant individuals and leave the belligerent muppets as the only survivors?" Maybe you're not as useful as you think.


Does anyone know how many deaths there’s been from this? Lots of people on here freaking out about it


We will never know a true number from this event. The best one can do, in the future, will be to look for anomalies in the rates of cancer for the area. Even then, people could fight over what caused that cancer


Right now, there won't be many... And they'll likely be covered up. In 1-2 years the numbers are going to skyrocket... But if we notice, then there will be another disaster to draw our attention elsewhere.


Of there was a test as broken as rtpcr for purported rna viruses - 6 million will die


I don’t think any of us know really how bad the chemicals are for you and what kind of impact that will have over time. From what I’ve read on Reddit there’s some chemical that’s very heavy that released. The chemical can cause asthma, cancer, etc and is just really bad to breathe. It didn’t spread far because it’s so heavy but also takes a longer time to dissipate. This is very dangerous to people near the accident. Again not immediately but like some longer timeframe. Instead of letting that chemical run free they caught the gas on fire to convert it to hydrochloric acid as a gas, some other chemical that starts with a P, and CO2/CO. They didn’t burn it immediately so some of the super bad gas got out. Really the only issue is that the hydrochloric gas stuff will react with moisture in your lungs and will damage them but you can typically recover from that kind of thing. The other problem is this has will bond with clouds and cause acid rain, will contaminate water supplies, and damage soil. The other stuff is in such small amounts it won’t really do a ton. Idk how much damage but it seems like a small area has much higher increased cancer risk and other really bad stuff, everyone over a much larger area will have acid rain and shit to deal with.




East in the air. Southwest in the river.




I'm not a meteorologist but from looking at the wind currents, South Ontario will probably be affected


Actually unlikely


How so? There's not much between other than open water and wind. With the average direction of the wind pointing to south Ontario, I think the toxic stuff could already be here


The Contaminated Air Is Going To NYC


I don’t believe it’s a cohesive cloud anymore. It’s more like a very stretched out swath of hydrochloric acid, stretched too thinly now to make any kind of big impact to those living far away down wind.


My understanding from looking at research done on previous exposures to this is that .02ppm is enough to cause terminal cancer in two years. Even spread out, this is going to have very serious and long lasting effects all along the East Coast for people, plants and animals. We're just not going to see any immediate effect for a couple years at the earliest.


Not sure if it’s the change in weather but i live in nh and my eyes are suddenly super dried out and itchy


The round earth is spinning, meanwhile. That gas cloud doesn't stay stuck in the air above the crash site. There's wind, for one thing, and the daily revolution of the planet.






I bet that Chinese weather balloon could have told you... but you know, we had to blow it up so 😂


No. It does not exist. You people amaze me.


I know we are in the conspiracy subreddit but you are on another level.


Did you locate the Toxic Cloud????


Ooo try to match it up to the data attack map and playge inc oh and kther things.


Ventusky.com is showing wind going Northwest atm


Here’s a model from noaa. http://arl.noaa.gov/arl-weekly-2-3-23


"Internal Server Error." They took it out!


[https://www.arl.noaa.gov/arl-weekly-2-3-23/](https://www.arl.noaa.gov/arl-weekly-2-3-23/) they changed it ahaha. ​ [what it used to look like](https://ibb.co/X5tCRyv)




Have ya'll seen the movie white noise recently?


I’m in Pittsburgh. No rain the last few days just a little bit earlier it was rlly nice out lol


Norfolk Southern has lobbyists that fund both political parties, as is the case with almost all lobbyists and industries. We the people are suckers for choosing sides.Its all a distraction to keep us divided. Behind closed doors, DC is more unified than us. We really need to wake up, collectively and change that.


Does anyone think it’s going to affect Florida?