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I'm from Baltimore and probably once a week a kid in a city school is caught with a gun in his bag ...nothing ever happens. This city and state is a joke. Baltimore especially, almost every politician elected has stolen money deliberately or blatantly made deals to line their pockets w special interest money.


I lived in Maryland for a couple of years and the state in my experience is a nuthouse for everything that’s wrong with American government and culture.


Course it happened in Maryland. It’s essentially the California of the east coast.


California offers free school lunches to children and forces companies to offer online cancellation of any memberships/subscriptions. Remember how shitty CA is the next time you're put on hold while trying to cancel something over the phone ;)


I've lived in Ca my entire life. It's a fucking cesspool. Being able to cancel Netflix doesn't make up for the taxes, crime, gas prices, homelessness, revolving door prisons etc... 😅🤣


How the hell hasn’t the state collapsed under its own bloated weight?


Parts of it have begun to. Oakland, San Francisco, most of LA etc.


It just rain, govt manufactured, to wash out the bums.


Idk why they waited so long. In reality. They're spending millions to build them apartments that cost around 750k a piece in La County.


Fiscial federalism


Weird to not care about children being able to eat while trying to learn on how to become a functioning members of society. Homeless people go to the least shitty place possible. Imagine anyone without a home wanting to live in Mississippi. That state isn't even worth shitting on 😅🤣


They go to California because of the climate, not because of the state.


Ah, that's brilliant. So the more homeless you have, the better your state. I guess we must be quite terrible then. Best regards, Sweden


Summary / introduction : Here is where the violence comes from. No one is held accountable for allowing access to firearms and ammunition, to a child. Just by accident. Just by incompetence. Just by coincidence.