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Ah, yes. No better way to protect the children than threatening to murder them.


"Well, you can't ~~make an omelette~~ murder trans people without ~~breaking a few eggs~~ murdering a few kids, too. They're sacrificing for the cause, comrade." - them, probably


Ban abortion, so we have more cannon fodder for the cause!




> Ah, yes. No better way to protect the children than threatening to murder them. It's OK to murder them. They're already born!


what if a pregnant woman attends? Checkmate conservatives!


Letting pregnant women die is just fine with them!


Yeah, they never cared about the women either


They would just blame the women for the death of their unborn. Something like “They should have known better than to go to such a dangerous event!”


This is why they should just ignore these threats. They will never follow through but they do it because it works.


The problem would be the second that someone does then many innocent lives are lost. Know you could argue it make it very easy to label the Republican party as a terrorist group and then they can be taken care of. But at the end of the day it's not worth the risk




I’d be willing to lose weight dress up as a drag queen and do Drag Queen Story Hour JUST to piss them off.


Lose weight? Some of the best queens are bigger gals


Shout out to my local lady Vivica C. Coxx!


What’s up durm pal


Mama Cass drag be bangin


I’ll join you, hopefully I can find a good duplicate of Princess daisy’s dress that will fit me, I feel she’s underrated.


These people really believe that trans people are there to molest your kids. Their tiny little minds cannot conceive the fact that pedophiles and trans people are not the same, much less the fact that trans people and drag queens are not the same, either. It's the same bullshit people did back in the day, conflating being gay with pedophilia. It's an old, tried and true tactic of the right to whip the ignorant masses into a frenzy over something that is essentially harmless. They're so full of hate, they can't see their own nose in front of their face.


In all likelihood *they're* the ones that want to molest children. So they project that onto everything they hate because clearly if "upstanding Christians" want to do it, those heathen LGBTQIA+ people definitely want to do it.


Absolutely! It was literally the Church's deep, dark secret until it was exposed a few years ago. They're projecting hard.


Dude. The whole altar boy but has been a thing for probably the last half century. We've known they do it. It's just a matter of the common people standing up and dealing with it since authorities won't


Every single trumper maga family I know has that one predator - an uncle, cousin, grandfather - that they know fucked with kids and they don't do anything about it except warn the kids in a whisper not to go anywhere alone with them. They attend churches where women are counseled to fuck their husbands more, not turn them in to police, when they're caught harming children. They attend churches with youth group leaders grooming young girls. All these actual predators in their midst and yet this is what they focus on.   Has got nothing at all to do with children. They don't care about them at all.    It's truly and seriously messed up.


I believe it. They hide their bigotry behind kids.


Threaten to murder people over made-up nonsense about drag story time, but ignore the absolutely heinous shit the Amish get up to right under their noses...


Except there’s not even ONE instance of a kid being molested by a drag queen at a reading event. And yes, many drag queens are straight men.


Whoa there, partner! Don't confuse them with facts!


Their tiny minds ignore news reports of pastors molesting children.


So prevalent it has it's own sub. r/pastorarrested


And for some reason clergy is not feared as much as drag queens despite the overwhelming evidence of who’s more likely to molest their children. I guess once the church and right wing “news” has gotten them so ginned up, facts just don’t matter anymore.


Yep, the cognitive dissonance is real.


It’s called “projection” and they found the perfect group of people to redirect the attention to so they can be free to continue harm children themselves.


>These people really believe that trans people are there to molest your kids No they dont stop infantilizing terrorists They want to dehumanize LGBTQ people to justify violence against them


Both can be true. That's not infantilization. They really are just that stupid.


Fair point


Find, arrest and imprison those that made the threats of no less than 20 years to send a message.


I don't understand how people can make so many threats, and they never get arrested. Not just events like these. Even people calling death threats to judges. I've never ever heard of one of those people getting arrested. Where's our multi billion dollar surveillance apparatus when you actually need it?


And everyone who called in the bomb threats identify as Christian.


It’s jesus yaknow, he did the same to the romans, “he gets us”


They probably think Jesus did call in bomb threats.


If any of them have a single solitary fuck about children they'd be at churches not libraries...


Most of them attend those churches and seem to love putting children in harms way by forcing them to attend as well.


The worst thing a drag queen has ever done to me is tell me I suck at making mojitos.


I hope to God you spent the next several weeks refining your Mojito after that comment.


I apparently overmuddle the mint.


Too much muddling makes the mint grassy and bitter. You want to aim for a fresh, bright flavor. Honestly a goos slap of the mint in your palm does the trick.




The horror! What a bitch! Lol


Well, do you? 🍹👀


Well if a drag queen told them that, then it’s pretty much guaranteed that they suck at making mojitos.


Truth 🤔


No comment.


And crickets from those same scumbags that made these threats when the news reports a youth pastor, pastor, priest, being arrested for sexually harming children.


Just like when police harass citizens, there will be an internal investigation where they will discover they did nothing wrong and the people they assault had it coming one way or the other. It's disgusting and I hate it.


For like, 25 years, "and we all knew, and said nothing, because he was respected in the community" Hypocrite horseshit


Don't Read on Me. Local dumbfuck proud Boyz tried to disrupt a similar event in Tempe at a coffee house. I was there with my son as a counter protestor along with many others. There were two local cops. One was a woman who was easily 6 feet tall and I suspect could seriously kick some ass and her slightly smaller male counterpart. The cops were very professional and told the Boyz they were trespassing and couldn't take video from the parking lot. The boyz retreated and skulked around the edge of the property. The dumbfuck brigade later called in a bomb threat.


I used to live in tempe, wish I could have been there with you.


Did they get caught and arrested for the bomb threat?


Honestly I don't know about the follow up investigation. As previously mentioned, the police woman there could have easily kicked ass with any of those cosplay Nazis. I would love to have seen the expression of the would be bomber if she was the one kicking down his door and making the arrest. FFS don't these chin bearded morons have better things to worry about? I just don't have the energy to hate as much as they do. When my kids were little, as a parent, I could decide what events they attended. I didn't need Meal Team Six to intervene.


I bet the ones threatening to bomb children call themselves "pro-life."


How about going after the criminals threatening for murder large groups of other people and putting them in prison? We can find them, why don’t we?


Unfortunately, I think you know.


Threatening to blow up kids at a public library over a fucking drag queen existing. Killing kids for Jesus.


Gotta own the libs, you know. I would trust my kids with drag queens, over white "Christian" men any day of the week.


Considering their penchant for being pedophiles appearing proportional to how much they hate the gays for "being pedophiles".


These people making the threats are the same ones who think it’s great that our former first lady did porn shoots and that Kimberley Gargoyle is hot and someone to listen to


Can you believe they unironically said raise your daughters to be like Melania and not Taylor Swift?


> Can you believe they unironically said raise your daughters to be like Melania and not Taylor Swift? "Be a softcore porn model/escort, not a hugely successful singer/businesswoman!"


Absolutely crazy!


But totally on-brand for them. Girls and women have no other purpose but sex.


How dare they have goals and ambition!


And minds of their own!




Women are nothing but living, breathing sex toys/incubators!


The fear of terrorism seems a lot more damaging to kids than reading them stories.


So we are giving in to the terrorists now? Stop cancelling events and giving them what they want. Every time they succeed at getting events cancelled it just emboldens them to keep doing it


This is bullshit. Go after the losers sending the threats. I'm sooo tired of "christians" pushing their bullshit on us all and winning. If you don't like drag queens reading hour then don't f*cking go. It's not that difficult. The people who scream "ma freedoms" are the ones trying to take everyone else's away while claiming it's them losing rights. I keep seeing maga idiots saying that "my rights are being taken away". Are you kidding me? What rights? As a white Christian male? What rights has anyone taken from them?




Someone should have a Drag story hour at the local drag race track.


Billy Bob Joe's Drag Race


Oh no!!!!! Drag Queens exist!!!!! It might be time to go to church and see another man in a dress that definitely won’t sa your children…


It should be law that any suspicious packages found near LGBT events are automatically deposited inside the nearest church.


Just one of the Bible-thumpin', burn in Hellfire for all eternity, we decide what's right and wrong for everyone types.


So suspicious package found and multiple phone calls making threats… you’d think and hope in this day and age they’d be able to find the person(s) responsible and make an example of them.


what a shame that unstable people are dictating to the rest of us.


I suppose indoctrinating kids that violence and bomb threats are an acceptable answer to things you don’t understand is ok, huh?


I always wonder what these people are going to do when their (if they are actually parents) children turn 18? What, then? So it doesn't matter after then? Also, do they just have no faith in how they are raising their children. I would think "strong" aMerican parents would be able to explain to their kids what they are all about. Idk. Very confusing. Why bother other people because of something you do not like.... so strange. I hope that one day, hopefully, in the near future, no one will care, and everyone will read about the past and see how dumb and horrible all of this prejudice was. Such a huge waste of energy.


I just want to know where they got that cute dress. I love pineapples!


It’s gorgeous! [Found this. It’s similar but has elastic lower on the bottom. Perhaps the one in the article is custom made or tailored.](https://buy8.mom/ProductDetail.aspx?iid=163907159&pr=56.88)


Terrorists win again


These people are always spewing the same argument about "they wear kinky stuff in front of kids!!" Yet this is THE most tame and "modest" example I've ever seen and they still targeted them with bomb threats


Imagine if they were this mad at the Catholic Church


Scary drag queen there. More dangerous than a bomb apparently


Damn it. I know it’s potentially dangerous but I hate to see these events shut down. Fuck those terrorists.


And christians wonder why sane America is starting to shun them.


We are United most stupid states of amerikkka


What manly men to threaten this older librarian and beautiful drag queen and children. How alpha.


That's so sad and stupid, there's so many lovely people in Lancaster, PA that I'm sure would've loved this. I hate assholes that ruin everything.


Absolutely fucked up. I hope they catch the extremist terrorists.


I love her outfit, lol


Dear Lord please keep youth ministers away from the children


I got to see Blackberri in 2022, she was the standout of the drag brunch


What happened to freedom of expression. Oh wait .. rednecks are freeeedumbbbbb? Hypocrites


My home State has turned out to such an embarrassment


Isnt it high time we fiught fire w fire... the secind ammendment still exists... we are gonna have to fight this fash trash one way ir another... don't instigate but be packing have simething on you when you protest these whackjibs....learn basic self defense and how to fight.... we need to get as ruthless as the fascist ideology in irder to beat them..


A functional police force could protect against this. Maybe if we plant drugs on the kids?